Devil's Capital

Chapter 46 School Big Ratio 10

In less than half an hour, under Kachiro's spared vigorous publicity, almost all West Point teachers and students knew that there was a big ice sculpture outside the lounge in the martial arts arena, and this is not the most strange thing. What's more strange is that Casas teaching was frozen in it, so it became West Point. The number one news, and the topic discussed by students and teachers in the next few days is still inseparable from the magical ice sculpture.

Su Fei was already very late when he heard the news. When he wanted to go to see the bustle, he found that the outside of the lounge was full of students. He finally squeezed in and looked around, but he only saw a pool of water outside the lounge. The ice had already been removed, and Casas, who was frozen inside, was naturally relieved. Now, it must be hiding in a corner and silently wiping tears!

The last time Su Fei woke up, he found himself lying in the principal's office. His drowsy mind could not remember what had happened at that time. He only remembered that he was obviously out of strength at that time, but when he woke up, he found himself full of energy, and what was more amazing was that the hidden dangers in his body were completely It's gone. Since it was a good thing, Su Fei did not ask these reasons. Later, he found a time to complete the military tactics he inherited for Ulysius, which also made a certain compensation for this military theory teaching.

"It's Quinn's boy who took action!"

When Su Fei saw that the protagonist of the incident had withdrawn and was about to leave, he suddenly heard the young man whispering beside him. Hearing his determined tone, Su Fei was successfully aroused curiosity. Looking at this person, he suddenly realized that this boy was obviously the lonely wolf of Class 4, Hu Hansan. Su Fei is quite unindifferent to this name, but he admires his parents, of course, provided that they know some stories on earth.

"Hu Hansan, do you know what's going on?" Su Fei moved quietly, leaving Hu Hansan a little, patted him on the shoulder and pretended not to care.

"It's Su Fei! I thought it was who it was. It scared me to death! Come with me," Hu Hansan was thrilled. Seeing that it was Su Fei who patted him on the shoulder, he was immediately relieved, but he thought that what the two were talking about was too secret, so he pulled Su Fei to avoid the crowd and walked out. After staying in a deserted corner, Hu Hansan was worried and looked around to make sure that no one had eavesdrop on it. After that, he let go of Su Fei's hand, listened to him, and whispered to Su Fei, "Do you see the water trail on the ground? It is obviously the handwriting of the martial artist with ice attributes. I have investigated it before I came here. None of the senior students have been to the lounge halfway in the past two days of the competition, and the only two ice instructors in the school have gone out to perform. I haven't come back yet, but Quinn is the most suspected!"

When Su Fei heard this judgment, he had already agreed with Hu Hansan's speculation, but one thing he couldn't figure out was why Quinn went to Casas to teach?

Hu Hansan seemed to see the doubts in Su Fei's heart and continued, "Do you think why Quinn found Casas? In fact, when I first learned that Casas' teaching was frozen, I suspected that Quinn did it! However, because the description is too exaggerated, it is impossible to freeze Casas with the strength of Quinn's first-level demon, so I came here to confirm, and guess what I saw?

Of course, Su Fei knew what Hu Hansan saw. The time between the two was no more than half a column of incense. When Hu Hansan came, he naturally saw the water trail on the ground. However, this has something to do with his judgment. Su Fei looked at Hu Hansan doubtfully, hoping to get a further answer from him.

"There are two reasons. First of all, Quinn and Lagas are old. They come from the same place, and there are even rumors that they are as close as brothers. Now it seems that the relationship between the two will not be too far away even if they can't reach their biological brothers! Second, as a temper, Quinn has a forbidden skill. I heard that this kind of forbidden skill can make people perform at a super level, but the cost is also proportional!" Hu Hansan recalled the information he had collected in the past month. Sure enough, it has come in handy now.

"So in order to vent his anger on his good friend, Quinn found Casas to take a breath for his brother?" This is the truth. In connection with Hu Hansan's inference, Su Fei instantly understood what happened. However, he still has a question, just like the last fight with Casas. Casas, who has the middle-level strength of the Holy Land, is not as easy as killing chickens with a knife. How can he be deadlocked for so long?

"There is a clear rule in the school that high-level people can't take action against opponents who lower their own level without authorization! Kasas was cheated, and this time he was a little miserable!" Hu Hansan's words completely relieved Su Fei's doubts, but in this way, Casas is really a mute and can't say anything! Of course, it's still Casas himself, who underestimated the enemy's carelessness and gave Quinn a chance to do what he did for a moment!

When the two said this, they were silent for a moment, and they had a strong sympathy for Casas. It was not good to provoke anyone and insisted on provoking a pervert, and the biggest mistake was that he actually measured a pervert with the eyes of ordinary students, resulting in this result that he could not blame others. No matter how aggrieved he was, he could not find a place to vent. !

Su Fei thought of others, but he didn't know that he was the biggest pervert in the eyes of others. You should know that the reason why Quinn was able to overshadow Casas was that he was surprised. While Casas was not prepared to know his own way, he broke out high output and sealed Casas in one fell swoop. In the ice cubes. But Su Fei is different. The picture of his fight with Casas was passed down by the later students. Su Fei, a junior demon, has put on a mysterious veil. At least no one in this class of freshmen has said that he wants to challenge Su Fei to prove himself since then!

Hu Hansan suddenly woke up and said that he was talking about another pervert, which looked very funny, but he couldn't laugh at all. Imagine that when you say that they are abnormal, their perception of you will decline as soon as they hear it, and if they are a little irritable, they may be thinking about how to revenge! Fortunately, he not only told Su Fei about Quinn's abnormal deeds, but also seemed that he was one of the enthusiastic people when Su Fei's rumors were prevalent before. Now it was good. It didn't take long for him to come to school, and he offend both of the two perverts.

seemed to see a dark future. Hu Hansan's **, who had found the truth before, was suddenly worn out. Fortunately, Hu Hansan, who seemed to not know his brilliant deeds and escaped the disaster, breathed a sigh of heart, but did not dare to talk about perverts anymore.

The martial arts competition of senior students will end in two days, and then it will be their turn to have a big competition for this year. The strength of this class of freshmen is quite strong. Hu Hansan knows a little about the class bully in each class because he is good at collecting intelligence. The reason why he decided at a glance that Quinn did it after seeing the water trail outside the lounge is that he collected a lot of information about Quinn, which shows:

Quinn and Lagas are little demons from remote mountain villages. They do not have a strong inheritance, but Hu Hansan did see the shadow of high-level martial arts from their martial arts. Their basic martial arts skills are also quite solid. Obviously, they have accepted the inheritance of demon power. With such a series of connection, the two immediately appeared on their bodies. There is a mysterious color. Hu Hansan pays attention to the importance of weighing the gains and losses after he is sure of everything. It is a problem whether he goes up or not. But if he doesn't think about it clearly, he will never go there. There is no turning back after opening the bow, and there is no room for maneuver after doing it. Hu Hansan's like this But his perfect personality led him not to become the strongest in the end!

Su Fei's character will not be worried about gains and losses. Once he identifies something, he can let go and do it. He is afraid of gains and losses, which is not his style! However, in the next chat between the two, Su Fei had a general understanding of the strength of this generation of freshmen.

Recognized as the strongest person, he has always been Mondora, the tearing madman of Class 8, not because of his strength of the high-level demon, but also because of his fighting style! Mondora is the descendant of the ancient sickle demon. He inherited the brutality of the ancient sickle demon. When fighting, he is also crazy and not afraid of death. He exchanged injuries for injuries and fought for his life once deterred all his opponents. He was timid before fighting, and his momentum has been suppressed by the other party. Naturally, he is naturally afraid of fighting. Feet, so few demons can fight against Mondora. However, in Hu Hansan's view, Su Fei, who fought against Casas, will be Mondola's strong enemy. Although the data of the two has not been compared, and it is hard to say whether they will win or lose, their fanatical dedication to the battle is destined to be the same kind of them!

Because the data is from last week, Hu Hansan has not had time to update, so the second place is not Su Fei, but Osterbang, the hand of death, the class of Class 5. Unlike Quinn, the dragon explorer, Ottersbon's strength comes from his white and smooth hands. The name of death is not given by him, but given to him by every opponent who has fought with him. It is a pair of magical hands. Once entangled with the enemy, few people can escape from his hands. No matter where you take refuge, once you fall to the ground, those hands will attach to you, like the shadow of death, haunting you, eroding your spirit and blood, and encroaching on your fighting spirit until your opponent collapses.

The third place was originally the powerful demon ape labor of Class 6, for nothing else, just because he and Largasbi's strength and won the battle! When it comes to labor, there will always be a twitch at the corners of his mouth, which is the eternal pain in his heart. Who knows that labor is a combination of a magic ape and demon. Although labor is not strange after it was born, there is the blood of the ancient magic ape in his body, and his strength is naturally on the same as the magic ape, if it weren't for him. The cerebellum is underdeveloped, and you will forget any technique. I believe that his achievements will be taken to the next level, but with his incomprehendable strength alone, the future strong will also have his place!

And the next ranking is very random. Because Hu Hansan doesn't know the actual combat power value of each person, the key is that he has not seen them competed in person, so it is difficult to judge their strength by randomly ranking the following people according to their own data. Su Fei was in seventh place at that time, and Largas fell to eighth place...

Su Fei is undeniable about this ranking. Although he doesn't know how strong the first Mondora is, Su Fei, who has reached the fourth level of body refining, is quite interested in the powerful demon ape. He wants to see whether he is more powerful after practicing the body refining method or has the physique of the ancient demon ape. More powerful!

Two days later, the freshman big match began. Su Fei suddenly looked forward to this new big match. He thought that he would be invincible among the little devil, but after learning the strength of Mengdora and labor, Su Fei suddenly had a sense of pride in his heart! On the way of the strongest, if there are no companions, it will be a little lonely!

Since Su Fei was injured last time, Evelyn began to walk downstairs and began to take care of Su Fei, boil water to cook, do housework, and take care of Su Fei's diet and living. Looking at this change, Smod, who suddenly became relaxed, should have been happy, but he was not happy, because he felt a strange breath from Evelyn, as if the human girl in front of him had changed into a person, but due to her ** identity, it was difficult for Smod to open his mouth. Suspicious, I just asked Zhu Yingjun to watch some at home in private.

"I hope I'm more careful!" Spade shook his head and walked out of the house with a stack of lists. Because of these days, Evelyn took the initiative to do housework. Without these burdens, Smod naturally felt much more relaxed and had more time to go out every day. When they came back from the crimson plane, Katzick gave Smud a good idea: take the alchemy business to West Point! These days, Smod ran in and out all day to sign enough orders for Kazik, and then brought the goods directly from the crimson plane through the channels of Karsas for trading. When Su Fei is strong enough, the alchemy industry must open a branch in the Devil's World, and even the main store may have been relocated. Come on, because after all, this is the birthplace of Su Fei!

At first, God created heaven and earth.

The land is empty and chaotic. The abyss is dark. The Spirit of God runs on the surface of the water.

God said that if there is light, there will be light.

God saw that the light was good, so he separated the light and darkness.

God calls light day and darkness night. There is evening and morning, this is the first day.

God said that there should be air between the waters and water up and down.

God created air and opened the water below the air and above the air. That's how it happened.

God calls air heaven. There are evenings, mornings, and the second day.

God said that the water in the world should be gathered in one place to expose the dry land. That's how it happened.

God calls the land the land and the gathering place of water the sea. God looks good.

God said that the earth will produce grass, seed-bearing vegetables, and fruit trees, each with its kind and fruit wrapped in cores. That's how it happened.

Then grass and seeded vegetables, each from its kind, and fruit trees, each from its kind, and fruit are all wrapped in cores. God looks good.

There is evening, there is morning, it is the third day.

God said that there should be a light body in heaven, which can divide day and night, mark, set festivals, days and years.

and shine in the sky and shine on the ground. That's how it happened.

So God created two big lights, big tube day and small tube night. Then he placed these lights in the sky and shone on the earth.

Manage day and night, light and dark respectively. God looks good.

There is evening, morning, and it is the fourth day.

God said that water should breed more living things. Birds should fly above the ground and in the sky.

God created big fish and all kinds of living animals in the water. He also made all kinds of birds according to their own kind. God looks good.

God blessed all these things, saying, "Prosperous and full of water in the sea." Birds should also be born on the ground.

There is evening and morning, which is the fifth day.

God said that the earth should give birth to living things according to their own kind. Livestock, insects, beasts, each of its kind. That's how it happened.

So God created beasts, each with its own kind. Livestock, each from its own category. All insects on the earth follow their own kind. God looks good.

God said, "We will make people in our image and according to our likeness, so that they can control the fish in the sea, the birds of the air, the livestock on the earth, and all the insects that crawl on the earth."

God created man in his own image, but made man and woman in his image.

God blessed them and said to them that they should have many children and cover the earth and rule the land. Also manage the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. And all kinds of living animals on the earth.

God said, "Look, I will give you food for all the vegetables that bear seeds all over the earth and all the fruits of the trees."

As for the beasts on the earth, the birds of the air, and all the living things that climb on the earth, I will give them grass for food. That's how it happened.

God sees that everything is well made. There is evening, there is morning, and it is the sixth day.

The New Testament is the missionary book of Apollo, the sun god, which records his experiences and feelings at the moment he ascended the throne, and is later used to preach to the world. The sun god that shone for a century in ancient times finally fell, and this New Testament also disappeared in the long river of history. Caesar found this Bible and undoubtedly found the inheritance of the sun god, so that his light throne can go further until he fully understands the New Testament and can ascend to the highest throne in the name of the sun!

Similarly, Eveline completely confused her consciousness and became Caesar's puppet because of the New Testament! Her purpose is to trust Su Fei and then kill him with her own hands! Caesar doesn't like to see variables, and also doesn't like to see the existence of a demon with traces of fate. Although he has become the most powerful man in the whole crystal system, he will ruthlessly reach out and erase any possibility of threatening his status! The ridiculous idiot of Calsus thought he had no idea. Unexpectedly, he had put a * beside Su Fei. As long as he wanted, he could end Su Fei's life at any time!