Devil's Capital

Chapter 64 The Wind rises

"Gapred! Gather tens of millions of angels for me. This time I will personally conquer the demon world and completely wipe out this dirty land full of evil!" Caesar summoned the sitting battle angel Gabriel as soon as he returned to the kingdom of God. After knowing the promotion path, Caesar was full of confidence in the future, and before that, it was time to deal with some trivial matters.

First of all, the first one to do the operation is the demon world! The demon world now does not have a powerful demon guardian with the strength of the main god. Compared with the abyss of Stantin, it is naturally extremely easy to solve. Moreover, Caesar naturally did not pay attention to the demon world protected by the capital of demons. This time, he will directly throw the demon world down into the abyss and will no longer give them a chance to rise. After destroying the demon world, there is only an abyss left. In Caesar's view, a group of abyss creatures without wisdom naturally cannot pose a threat to the main material plane occupied by their main god!

"Follow the will of my Lord!" Gabriel knelt respectfully on the ground. After Caesar finished speaking, Gabriel's kneeling body moved forward to Caesar's feet, bowed his head and kissed Caesar's shoes, stood up and strode out of the temple. Gathering tens of millions of angels at one time is also unprecedented in the history of the Helios War.

At first, God created heaven and earth.

The land is empty and chaotic. The abyss is dark. The Spirit of God runs on the surface of the water.

God said that if there is light, there will be light.

God saw that the light was good, so he separated the light and darkness.

God calls light day and darkness night. There is evening and morning, this is the first day.

God said that there should be air between the waters and water up and down.

God created air and opened the water below the air and above the air. That's how it happened.

God calls air heaven. There are evenings, mornings, and the second day.

God said that the water in the world should be gathered in one place to expose the dry land. That's how it happened.

God calls the land the land and the gathering place of water the sea. God looks good.

God said that the earth will produce grass, seed-bearing vegetables, and fruit trees, each with its kind and fruit wrapped in cores. That's how it happened.

So grasses, seeded vegetables, their own species, and fruit trees, their respective species, and fruits are all wrapped in cores. God looks good.

There is evening, there is morning, it is the third day.

God said that there should be a light body in heaven, which can divide day and night, mark, set festivals, days and years.

and shine in the sky and shine on the ground. That's how it happened.

So God created two big lights, big tube day and small tube night. Then he placed these lights in the sky and shone on the earth.

Manage day and night, light and dark respectively. God looks good.

There is evening, morning, and it is the fourth day.

God said that water should breed more living things. Birds should fly above the ground and in the sky.

God created big fish and all kinds of living animals in the water. He also made all kinds of birds according to their own kind. God looks good.

God blessed all these things, saying, "Prosperous and full of water in the sea." Birds should also be born on the ground.

There is evening, morning, and it is the fifth day.

God said that the earth should give birth to living things according to their own kind. Livestock, insects, beasts, each of its kind. That's how it happened.

So God created beasts, each with its own kind. Livestock, each from its own category. All insects on the earth follow their own kind. God looks good.

God said, "We will make people in our image and according to our likeness, so that they can control the fish in the sea, the birds of the air, the livestock on the earth, and all the insects that crawl on the earth."

God created man in his own image, but made man and woman in his image.

God blessed them and said to them that they should have many children and cover the earth and rule the land. Also manage the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. And all kinds of living animals on the earth.

God said, "Look, I will give you food for all the vegetables that bear seeds all over the earth and all the fruits of the trees."

As for the beasts on the earth, the birds of the air, and all the living things that climb on the earth, I will give them grass for food. That's how it happened.

God sees that everything is well made. There is evening, there is morning, and it is the sixth day.

If you come to see me, who will ask you for these and make you trample on my courtyard?

Don't make any more false offerings. Fragrance is what I hate. The new moon, the Sabbath, and the calling assembly are also what I hate. I can't tolerate being guilty and being serious.

I hate your New Moon and Festival, and I think it's troublesome. I take responsibility and get impatient.

If you raise your hands and pray, I will cover my eyes. Even if you pray too much, I won't listen to you. Your hands are full of murderous blood.

You should wash and clean yourself. Remove your evil deeds from my eyes. Stop doing evil,

Learn to do good deeds. Seek justice, rescue the oppressed, redress the orphans, and avenge widows.

Come and we will argue with each other, says the Lord. Although your sins are like vermilion, they will become snow-white. Although it is as red as a red face, it must be as white as wool.

"New Testament?" Eveney shook her head and couldn't understand the meaning of that person. Now that she understood the reason of the matter, Alu is still in his hands, so she has to listen to the man and dares not resist at all.

Just because she recovered the memory of Paradise Mountain, her lover is not Su Fei, but a little angel named Alu, who is her lover. After knowing everything, Ah Hua, who became Evely, was miserable. She was reluctant to part with Alu, but she couldn't bear to harm Su Fei. Subconsciously, Evelyn wants to forget the mysterious man's words, but once she has this idea in her heart, she will not be able to sleep. The gloom in her heart is better every day, and her mind is full of pictures of Allu being tortured.

I don't know how many times I cried, but Ephne's eyes are still red. When Su Fei and the others asked, Ephne lied that she was in good physical, so that Su Fei and others did not have much doubt. However, once the seeds are planted, they will germinate and bloom. The seeds of hatred have been rooted in Ephne's heart. For the sake of Alu, Ephne knows that even if she doesn't want to, she has to obey the mysterious man's instructions to kill Su Fei and let Alu be free again!

"My believers, go to Zhongzhou and find a girl named Eveney there. If you find her, you will know everything! This is the arrangement of fate. My believers, throw away the despair and sadness in your heart and go to Zhongzhou, where you will be reborn!" Caesar's solemn and sacred voice echoed in Ruth's mind for a long time.

"Go to Zhongzhou, there will be everything I want!" Ruth planted a seed in her heart, and her thoughts became more and more firm!

Efne completely deceived her consciousness because of the New Testament and became Caesar's puppet! Her purpose is to trust Su Fei and then kill him with her own hands! Caesar doesn't like to see variables, and also doesn't like to see the existence of a demon with traces of fate. Although he has become the most powerful man in the whole crystal system, he will ruthlessly reach out and erase any possibility of threatening his status! The ridiculous idiot of Calsus thought he had no idea. Unexpectedly, he had put a * beside Su Fei. As long as he wanted, he could end Su Fei's life at any time!

Now there will be one more person to assassinate Su Fei, that is, Ruth, who escaped from the scarlet plane. In order to ensure that it is foolproof, all the emergency situation will be taken into account, but they never thought that Ruth could "smuggling' from the space channel of the crimson plane to the demon world. So Ruth became an unexpected part of the plan.

And the variables have to add that Odis and Salas may have obeyed the call of fate. On June 6, all those who should have come came, and those who should not have been present also participated in this school game in various identities, and the demon world completely broke the calm and once The awakening began to issue a strong declaration of return to the thousands of planes!

After the Holy War, Odys completely disappeared on the crimson plane. During this period, Sinjid went to Stiding and Capunoch the Great to force the Protestants to hold a grand prayer ceremony, trying to lure Odys out with the power of faith. Unexpectedly, there was no news at all after the whole ceremony was held for three days. Disappointed, Sinjid and others also turned their minds away and ignored it.

But they all forgot one particularly important thing, that is, the space passage from the scarlet plane to the demon world is in a state of emptiness without defense at this moment. Because of the great victory, Sinjid rewarded the three armies, and I was also busy signing a new peaceful coexistence agreement between the three emperors, so I neglected to arrange for Swat Xiong. Guards. No matter how stupid they are, Odys will not run to the nest of the devil world, because it is undoubtedly a sheep into the mouth of a tiger. Although the strength of Odys, who is blessed with the will in the crimson plane, is comparable to a powerful demigod, when it comes to the demon world, the legendary hand that can kill him alone can't be counted, which is subconsciously Hingid. The omitted incident also caused the bloodshed in June*!

Saras was originally a plane wanderer, no, to be precise, a plane wandering snake. When he opened his eyes, he was already on the crimson plane, and the elder of the Tuke tribe took him in. No, this also needs to be corrected. At that time, it was the elder of the Tuke tribe who found the weak water, and then found Salas lying on the stone platform when he left with the weak water.

With pity for all the weak creatures, Suggs, the great elder Tuke at that time, took Salas back to the tribe to take care of him. However, it's hard to say whether it's because he took other people's things and was embarrassed to watch Salas starve to death on the street. In a word, in a word, Salas' childhood memory has no color at all. Following Sugs, he can eat raw meat in one step, but can't soak a beautiful snake. Salas lives a dark life.

Saras ate and slept all day, and completely became Sugus' dead pet, and he himself enjoyed this pig-like life. Every morning, I get up to eat some vegetarian dishes, eat some cooked meat, bask in the sun, chat with the dog outside the yard, catch a mouse and play with it for a few days before I am willing to eat. Of course, after eating, I quickly go to the river to rinse my mouth, so that Sugs can't find the mouse hair on the corners of his mouth.

Sarahs forgot when he ate the mouse last time, but he remembered that he was found by the elder Sugus and locked in the basement for three days. Finally, the hungry Salas made his first vow after he came out that he would never eat mice again in his life. However, this vow only lasts for three months, and then experience is not a big deal.

Saras's body is getting bigger day by day. From the beginning, half of Elder Sugus's meal to more than a dozen of Elder Sugus's meal now. But because of the high status of the elders in the Tuq tribe, Salas has been eating free food until now.

Salas saw that the functions in Suggs' body were decreasing day by day. He thought that he had eaten too much, and his master didn't have enough to eat. Later, one day, he desperately restrained his appetite and ate only one meal, leaving the remaining dozens of meals for his master, but at night, he found that the master still only ate one meal.

Adhering to the principle of not wasting, Salas eliminated the remaining dozens of meals. After the meal, he felt that he must eat while it was hot. It was really not delicious to eat it when the food was cold. Looking at Sugus's aging day by day, Salas suddenly had a reluctance to leave his feelings for this owner, but the years were a pig-killing knife. Of course, Saras was much stronger than the pigs waiting to be slaughtered, but he still couldn't stop the erosion of Sugus by the years.

Thinking that the next elder will still take care of himself after the death of his master, after a long time, he gradually became insensitive to Sugels's aging Saras. Life is still so monotonous and boring, without the smell of shredded chicken with green peppers. Salas began to miss that only on his birthday (that is, the day Suggs picked him up), the elders would ask him for ten servings of shredded chicken with green peppers, or live a good life!

There is no superfluous memory. Salas, who grew up slowly, learned to think, showing that Sugers would call the boys and girls in the tribe into his hut every other day or two. In the past, Salas was still a simple and ignorant snake and never cared about the movement in that hut, although from The boys and girls who came out of it always looked depressed, and whenever Sugs came out with a haggard face, Salas knew that he could have an extra meal today.

Until one day, after Salas ate the 18th shredded chicken with green pepper, he thought he had grown up. So on a dark and windy night, Salas couldn't hold back his curiosity and secretly climbed to the roof of the hut, carefully squirming the snake and slowly moving on the roof, finding a comfortable position. Salas opened a wooden board with a snake letter and the dim light in the room. Look in.

Salas doesn't know what language to use to describe the scene inside. With his young IQ, he can only accept that he is playing a game, and it is a happy game based on the game leader:

The light reflected by the animal oil lamp can just illuminate the whole room. Sugus sat in the center, with a man and a woman standing below, and three of them bare and began the "game". Suggs seemed to be very hungry and thirsty, without superfluous*, which directly put the two people who were half squatting in front of him into a state. After a while, the three of them stuck together tightly, and the delicate animal wool carpet under them flashed crystal light under the light.

Saras looked at the two white pink bodies tightly wrapped around a dry humanoid stick. It should have been a boring thing, but Salas couldn't help but want to keep watching. Slowly, the huge snake began to roll uneasily, and then thought that it was on the top of the house. If he accidentally crushed the house hard, Suggs would definitely make himself hungry! Thinking so, Salas stopped his restless behavior and patiently looked at the triangular snake's eye at the empty hole on the board.



"Child, work harder!"

"I seem to see heaven! Ah, oh, yeah! Dear child, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

With a "pung", a ** teenager fell into the room and hit the table. Suggs was at the critical moment of the final sprint. At this time, he was stimulated by the sound, his body trembled twice, and all the essence in his body spewed out. The two children are so tired that they are weak and paralyzed on the ground. They have no energy to pay attention to what just happened. Now they just want to have a good rest.

"What a perfect body!" Sugus half opened his eyes and looked carefully at the hole above the room. When he turned his eyes to Salas, he was deeply attracted by his strong body. The remaining reason in his mind prevented him from jumping on it immediately, and he had just experienced strenuous activities and could not meet his requirements physically.

"Child, who are you? Why did you appear at my house in the middle of the night? Sugus endured again and again, and finally suppressed the desire at the bottom of his heart and asked the teenager seriously.

"Father, I'm Salas!" Salas didn't know what was going on. When he just felt hot all over, his body suddenly shrank and fell down into a human figure, and when he first opened his mouth, he could actually speak human language. Salas stroked his smooth body, felt the restless breath in his body, and said to Suggs anxiously, "Father, I'm so hot in my body now. I feel so uncomfortable! I don't know what to do, father, please help me!"

"Father, please help me!" This sentence completely moved Sugus. He doesn't care what happened to the snake he adopted, but if such a delicious meal is delivered to him and he doesn't eat it, it will be the biggest loss in his life!

"Good boy, father, I'm here to help you! Believe me, I will make you feel very happy!" Sugers said with a greedy face, and then asked a man and a woman who were paralyzed to walk over to Salas, who was restless standing in the center.

"Ah! Oh yeah!...... Thank you, Father!"

The ecstasy night was very long, and the four people interacted tirelessly in the room. When the first sunlight came in the morning, the four finally had no strength to continue. They lay on the carpet like dead dogs, found a comfortable place and rested. But for Sugers, this was the last carnival in his life, and he never woke up this time.
