Devil's Capital

Chapter 8 Encounter

At night, after dinner, Su Fei handed the two bottles of Ning Shen potion she bought to Evelyn. There is no way for this little girl to be decadent all day long. Do more if she can do more. In these days, Su Fei has almost understood the current situation in the demon world. As the three major military schools with the same name as Stanford and Delhi Military Academy, most of the teachers stationed there are naturally strong, and there is no need to worry about their own safety at present.

The inheritance in memory began to come to mind. The inheritance belonging to this body is a method of refining the Heavenly Demon Body Refinement, and the inheritance in the stone scythe that crossed with its own soul seems to cover thousands of body refining, astronomical geography, and almost everything that can be tolerated. At the same time, troubles also come one after another, and the content is mottled and complicated. At present, in order to strengthen himself, Su Fei has to try his best to choose some useful things to browse.

Su Fei has been cultivated to the third level, and his physique has almost reached the physical strength of the first level of the heavenly realm. The last time he fought with Largas, Su Fei did not have any pressure and completely crushed Largas. The cultivation system in the demon world can be divided into two categories:

Forging is a common kind. Almost in the demon world, most demons will choose this path. They have no strong and perverted talent, and they have no unnatural constitution. If they don't have good resources, no matter how hard they try, they can only do anything for life with an ordinary physical cultivation. Today, when physical cultivation has disappeared, these little demons have to retreat and choose the fighting spirit method evolved from magic, so that even if their physique is not strengthened to the greatest extent, their physique is still extremely strong compared with those demons majoring in magic.

Another requirement is more demanding. When the world opens and the chaos is not divided, the turbidity drops and the clear air rises, forming the world. The chaotic atmosphere disappeared between heaven and earth, leaving all kinds of vitality. The human world slowly recognized and tried to use this power under the guidance of the gods. There are also many sages in the demon world. After sensing the endless power boiling in this world, they also began to use this power. There are not many demons who have no choice but to perceive this power, and there are very few demons who can absorb the cultivation into the body. In the demon world, they regard this demon who have mastered the power of magic as strong and are mostly respected.

Although Su Fei's body can clearly perceive the endless flow of energy between heaven and earth, there are indeed few people introduced into the body for cultivation. In addition, in this short year, most of them are avoiding the pursuit of the gods, so there is no time to practice. For today's plan, in order to have a strong power to protect himself in a short time, Su Fei had to focus on the magical physical skills.

The old man I met on the scarlet plane was a top man in physical cultivation. Although I don't know why the demon predecessor has the power of the demon world, his identity is little known. After asking several friends, Su Fei found that they had no impression of the senior, which is also Let Su Fei make sure that the current demon world has withered and no longer be the glory of the past!

The pace of life in West Point is relatively fast, and the days are passing day by day. When the dawn rises again, West Point has entered early summer. Su Fei and others are undergoing hard training. The primary fighting skills ended at the end of last month. Now it is the beginning of May, and the temperature has begun to rise. The evening wind brings a trace of coolness. Su Fei, who is walking on the path, breathed the air greedily.

During this period, Mivis began to focus on the exercise of physical fitness, because almost half of the students were not qualified when they received the assessment. In order to carry out the next stage of practice, Mivis had to delay the teaching process and take some time to strengthen the physique of this group of students. There is nothing we can do. Mivis and other teachers have long been accustomed to it. Although the teaching tasks are arranged in this way, the actual number of people completed in each session is far lower than the target. Although the students in this class are 5 percentage points short to meet the standard, this result has exceeded the expectations of the teachers.

"It seems that the big era is coming!" As a first-class elite teacher, Mivis naturally saw farther away. The excellent performance of these students has exceeded their expectations, and he can't help but pay more attention to this class of students. Their teaching purpose is to concentrate on training every student in the school at all costs. Even if the results are not great, as long as one can grow into a strong person, they will be satisfied.

Once upon a time, how glorious and prosperous the demon world was. Looking at the present, demons with ordinary talent in that era will also be regarded as treasures by these teachers today. I have to say that this is an alternative irony.

"Su Fei, it's not good! Jeff and the others were beaten, and Orson can't stand it now. Go and save them!" A figure came from behind the path, patted Su Fei's shoulder, stopped, and said eagerly.

"What's the matter?" Su Fei turned around and pulled Phil. Just now, he was thinking about something, but he didn't expect Phil to run over in a hurry. His heart thumped. It wouldn't be anything! Su Fei looked at Phil, waited for her to recover, and said quickly, "Phil, what's the matter? Aren't Cassie and the others with you? What's going on?"

Phil ran all the way. Fortunately, the shoes on his feet were not changed and he was wearing training sneakers. If it was high-sole shoes he usually wore, it was estimated that this journey would make Phil fall down. Phil saw that Su Fei was found and quickly kicked a few times. He thought that Cassie and the others were still in danger, so he pulled up Su Fei and began to run and said, "It's too late. Orson and the seniors had a conflict, and Cassie and the others went up to persuade them to fight and were also beaten. I didn't participate in the battle just now, so I sneaked out to find you because the situation was wrong. Go and save Cassie. I'm afraid they won't last long!"

Phil held back his tears and pulled Su Fei all the way to find out of the scene as soon as possible. Along the way, Su Fei listened to Phil tell the general story of the incident, and suddenly felt that the fight in the school was not explicitly prohibited, so he could see the voices of the fight almost every day at West Point. Orson's relationship with Su Fei and others is not very good. In addition, the four of them have conflicts with other students, and they have never been very concerned about this kind of student Su Fei.

Cassie and others actually got involved in the death that Su Fei didn't expect, so that even if he didn't want to care about it, he couldn't stay out of it. When a friend is in trouble, it is naturally duty-bound to help. Su Fei also put out the idea of scolding Cassie and others for their irrational behavior at this moment. He just wanted to hurry up. I hope it won't be too late at that time. Cassie, don't be anything wrong! Su Fei silently thought that the speed on his feet also increased a little.

In a small forest, there was a faint sound of fighting, and the night became a natural barrier here. Even if outsiders heard the sound of fighting inside when they passed by, no one would be so curious to inquire in this dusk.

"Fly kick!" With a loud shout, a dark shadow rushed out of the ground at a very fast speed. A dark shadow flashed between them, and people had already arrived over Cassie.

"Be careful!" Orson, lying under a small tree gasping, couldn't help shouting, hoping that Cassie could arouse vigilance and prevent the other party from succeeding.

At this time, Cassie had found the shadow in front of him. When the man opposite rose into the air and jumped rapidly this side, Cassie did not dare to compete head-on. He shrank to a tree. When the man's feet fell to the ground, his long-old fist went straight to the man's face. Soon after that, Cassie's fist flew with the figure in front of him, and Cassie's body could clearly see the man's facial features.

"Wait!" Cassie saw that there was no look of horror on the man's angular face, and there was only a trace of sarcasm, and even the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Something is wrong! Cassie suddenly reacted, but it was too late to withdraw. In order to ensure that this blow could seriously hit the enemy, Cassie saw this opportunity when the man landed. When the other party's old power was exhausted and the new power was not born, Cassie suppressed his excitement. After this punch, he believed that the enemy would be seriously injured if he did not die. There is no more power to fight!

"Be careful! That man is Ghost Jeff, who just wanted to seduce the enemy!" When Orson saw Cassie rushing straight up, he was suddenly terrified, thinking that this boy was finished, and he would be disabled if he fell into the hands of the ghost. Such a good seedling as Cassie was over this time. Orson couldn't help closing his eyes and felt a trace of regret in his heart. If their four brothers restrained their spirit and were not so arrogant and domineering, they would not have fallen to where they are today. I just hope that Su Fei will not be angry with himself and others when he knows the news. At this time, Orson can only pray silently in his heart.

Just as Orson shouted, Cassie also saw a ferocious look on Jeff's face. When he knew that the big thing was not good and was about to forcibly remove his fist and change his body trajectory, Cassie clearly understood what he meant from Jeff's mouth: "It's too late!"

Yes, it's too late! No one can escape from Jeff's feet intact, and even Cassie is no exception. Jeff and the others were ready to teach these four evils a good lesson today, so as to teach them to be good. Don't be too arrogant. There are always someone you can't afford to provoke. Yes, although Jeff and others have always acted obediently and find someone to fight when they are in a good mood. When they are in a bad mood, they have to find someone to vent.