Devil's Capital

Chapter 17 Opening

For demons and demons, friends are only temporary. Once there is no use value, they can sell each other. When Carls went to find Standin with Jerusalem's letter, he had a trace of extravagant hope, hoping that the abyss could really help the demon world. But with the departure of the devil in the abyss, Carlsas was shocked by the news of war from the main material plane. Standin was simply playing with fire and playing with a big fire. Unfortunately, his ultimate goal was just to attract disaster. This is simply to say that the demon world will enter the 18th floor of hell, which will never be surpassed. Life!

However, since Khalsa has insight into the other party's conspiracy in advance, he will naturally not let the other party succeed, and he also gave Stantin a trap, a mortal situation! Let's look at the school on June 6th!

Wating for Standin's breath to completely disappear into the air, Carlsas appeared and walked towards the volcano in front of him. He has been looking for this existence for many years, and he has been uncertain before, because Carlsas is not sure whether he can find him in the real world! Since the other party has shown its own traces, the next plan can proceed smoothly!

At the bottom of a magma lake, the air is filled with the smell of fire, and the smell of sulfur left after the magma burns and solidifies is full of the whole world. This is the abyss, the devil's paradise, and the destination of all fallen souls. Even if they themselves do not want to, they still can't resist the pull of the rules from the abyss, sink into it, and fall into darkness forever.

There is no other color in the abyss world, except for black or red. The whole abyss contains 121 magma lakes, and each magma lake will form a soul crystallization, which is the power emitted by the negative emotions of all dead predecessors to control their bodies. Their souls float in the air, and after a certain amount of accumulation, the soul crystals will begin to expand, become countless fragments, and integrate into the whole abyss.

"Lord Glenner, it's been done!" Carlsas tried to calm his tone and didn't want to offend the adult.

"Well, well, Carlsas, you tried your best to find me just to make this thousand planes fall into eternal darkness! Don't worry, I owe it to Jerengluya back then, but since he gave you his token, I will compensate you this time! But remember, the road is your choice, and you can never regret it afterwards!" After saying that, Glenna closed his eyes and fell into silence.

"I will ignite the divine fire and recast the kingdom of God. As my first believer, you will sprinkle my glory on the earth. I give you the name: Ikalander, you will become my messenger on earth as a saint and spread my faith! When I ascend the throne, it will be the day you return to the kingdom of God!"

"Thank you for your kindness. My Lord's will is the will of Icaranda. I will try my best to sprinkle the glory of my Lord on every corner of the crimson!" The girl got her real name, Caparon. Icaranda. He slowly stood up from the ground, leaned slightly, and kissed the ring finger of Odys. Then he stretched out his hands, put on white clothes, and jumped gently to the pond in front of him. His toes stepped on the surface of the water and walked south step by step.

Oz was stunned and waited for the beauty in front of him to fade away until he walked out of the temple and could no longer see her figure. Oz can't speculate about the strength of his master now. His voice trembled with a trace. Oz asked excitedly, "Your Excellency, what step have you taken?" No wonder Oz is so nervous and excited. The whole scarlet plane has not given birth to a god for more than 3,000 years since the fall of the main god of Kazate. At the beginning, in order to prevent the crimson secret from falling into the hands of the devil, the Lord God of Kazate attracted the crimson will hidden in the depths of the plane, causing the will of the crimson plane itself to be severely damaged and once collapsed. Today, the crimson plane has not revealed a trace of rules. These peak legends have stopped here and cannot be further. Step.

seemed to confirm Oz's speculation. Oddis did not directly answer his confidant, but continued to look at the pond in front of him. Reaching out with a move, twelve red carp jumped out of the water and prayed, "I am the god of hope. I will give you eternal life, wisdom and angelic form. You will guard the kingdom of God for me!"

Oz stayed quietly and watched. The divine language used by Odis this time was not an object. At the same time, the use of divine language for twelve creatures was extremely consumed. Even Odis, who had been standing at the peak of the legend for many years, was still a little unbearable. In the end, the power of the divine language gradually disappeared, but the twelve red carp in front of him did not succeed in turning into angels, and Odis was also sweating profusely at this time. Taking the scarf handkerchief handed over by Oz, Odys wiped the sweat on his forehead and shook the handkerchief back and forth. The twelve red carp were full of brilliance because of the impure power of the divine language. After struggling in the air for a few times, they burst one after another, and the fallen glory flew into the air and disappeared.

"I have understood the field of God, but crimson is a plane with incomplete rules, so at present I can only equate those demigods who ignite the divine fire but have not completed the rules." Oddis seems to have made many attempts before, and there is no loss in the failure of the transformation angel, but the previous success of Icaranda's transformation gave him other ideas.

"Lord, you shine like the sun hanging in the sky. Your body is so magnificent that your glory will last forever." Oz is really excited at this time. Odis has been re-elected for three terms. After the fall of Kazat, the temple has not established a pope. The highest head of the temple is collectively known as the lord of the temple. Odis has been in the position of the palace for 300 years, but Oz is the only cronin who served him. At the same time, Oz Ben He is also a fanatical admirer of Odis. Once Odis ascended the throne, he would definitely have his own place in the kingdom of God. Oz began to feel hot when he thought of this.

"It's not so easy to be immortal in scarlet. Forget it, just point it out to you. Let me tell you about the crimson in the eyes of our group of people standing above the top of the world." When Odis heard Oz's constant compliment for hundreds of years, he couldn't help laughing and thought that he still needed to rely on this cronin to run around for his mission. Odis said the secret of the scarlet plane: "In those years, the Lord God of Kazate united with the plane will to block the devil. That battle was the most difficult battle in the history of Crimson. In the First World War, but because the power of the demon that dominated Jerusalem was too strong, not only did the Kazate's main god fall, but also the plane will was severely damaged, and from then on, he fell into a long sleep. So that's it. That's why Crimson has been declining for thousands of years. Oz had a clear understanding in his heart, and then listened to Odes continue to say:

"Not only that, the plane will almost collapsed, and the plane rules are no longer hidden in the depths of the plane until we can no longer realize even a complete rule. After losing the main god of Gaddat, our temple was abandoned by the alliance of the gods. Fortunately, the god of knowledge had several friends who held important positions in the alliance of the gods, so although the scarlet plane was separated from the alliance of gods, each temple owner can leave for the alliance of gods when he arrived to ignite the divine fire. Continue to promote."

What Odis is saying now is almost the current situation of the crimson plane temple in the past thousand years, but he did not expect that after those temple owners retired, they did not live in seclusion, but left for the Alliance of Gods, the wider world! Thinking of this, Oz suddenly had doubts in his heart. Why didn't Lord Odis go to the Alliance of the Gods? Compared with crimson, shouldn't it be easy to go to the outside world to promote the divine position?

It seemed to see Oz's doubts, and Odis said to himself softly, "I'd rather be a chicken head than a phoenix's tail. In Crimson, I can look down on the whole land and have everything I want, but after I go out, I am nothing! The outside world is more wonderful, but my Odis can't stand this servile days. In the secret of the temple, I found a way to capture the will of the plane. As long as I ascend the throne of Crimson, I can become the crimson plane master and surpass the main god of the Kazate to gain powerful divine power in one fell swoop!"

After the Holy War, Odys completely disappeared on the crimson plane. During this period, Sinjid went to Stiding and Capunoch the Great to force the Protestants to hold a grand prayer ceremony, trying to lure Odys out with the power of faith. Unexpectedly, there was no news at all after the whole ceremony was held for three days. Disappointed, Sinjid and others also turned their minds away and ignored it. But they all forgot one particularly important thing, that is, the space passage from the scarlet plane to the demon world is in an undefended state at this moment. Because of the victory, Sinjid rewarded the three armies, and I was also busy signing a new peaceful coexistence agreement between the three emperors, so I neglected to arrange a garrison against Swift. No matter how stupid they are, Odys will not run to the nest of the devil world, because it is undoubtedly a sheep into the mouth of a tiger. Although the strength of Odys, who is blessed with the will in the crimson plane, is comparable to a powerful demigod, when it comes to the demon world, the legendary hand that can kill him alone can't be counted, which is subconsciously Hingid. The omitted incident also caused the bloodshed in June*!

"Let the earth tremble for my arrival!" Otis said so.