Devil's Capital

Chapter 19 Sad Story

"Hmm!" The tears in Phil's eyes were not dry, and now she couldn't take care of these in her anxiety. Although she was worried about the safety of Cassie and others, she also knew that her strength had become a drag, so she obediently agreed to Su Fei's words and went to a corner to hide, but her eyes kept staring at her. In the grove ahead, he prayed silently in his heart. The rules of West Point are that there are no rules. As long as you don't come up with conclusive evidence, no matter how much you refute it, it won't help. That is to say, if Su Fei and others are disabled after going in and come out, something will be missing. Even if they have a hundred mouths, the school will not interfere much without facts, because this is almost an unwritten rule. It does not mean that you will treat your identity differently. There is no special list in West Point, which should be a loss. Even if you drop your teeth, you can only endure and swallow them into your abdomen.

This cultivation method similar to raising mages has a strong demon world style. When Su Fei learned about it for the first time, he smiled and did not deny it. In his heart, he despised the behavior of the school side. However, there is nothing to say. The demon world will not specially formulate a set of survival rules for human beings. The reason why West Point is highly respected by the demon world is that it has reduced, advanced and rationalized the current situation of the demon world, so that the young generation of demons can come into contact with these rules earlier and learn how to survive. !

"Jingle!" Like the sound of heavy objects hitting, Cassie's closed eyes couldn't help opening. Just now, he thought he was dead. He didn't hear much about Jeff's name, that is, he didn't belong to the top strong in the third grade. However, judging from Jeff's move to Orson's four people just now, this kick could never be avoided. I'm afraid it will be hit hard.

"Big Su Fei, you're here!" It didn't feel right. Cassie opened his eyes wide and looked at the strong shoulder of the teenager in front of him. It was Su Fei! Cassie had just escaped from danger, and her eyes looking at Su Fei were full of gratitude. In West Point, there is no noble status, and the only thing that can speak here is the fist! Although Cassie has an earl's father and a vice principal's uncle, once something really happens to him, these are not the chips he can use. At least the aura attached to his West Point's status can't give you everything you want!

"Okay, you step back!" Su Fei did not look back and ordered Cassie behind him.

"Your Excellency is good!" Jeff is no stranger to the person in front of him. On the contrary, their third-grade students have a wide range of information channels. Naturally, they will not be bored to investigate the details of these freshmen, but Su Fei, as the class bully of Class 2, as those who only focus on the strong, naturally pulled Su Fei to the attention list.

After looking around, and then the hazy moonlight, the four of Orson were already lying on the ground. From their twisted expressions, it was not difficult to see that they were enduring great pain at this moment. Shaq, Roger and Burton also lay on the ground, but the situation of the three of them was slightly better than that of Sisha. At least when Su Fei looked at it, Shak still had the strength to open his mouth and greeted Su Fei with a smile.

"Are you the ghost Jeff?" After a pause, Su Fei asked the person in front of him.

"I dare not be, ghosts are all my friends who look up to me casually. I didn't expect to meet the pervert Su Fei so soon, but it seems that most of the rumors are not true. At least in my opinion, how many beautiful women do you want with the appearance of a little brother?" Jeff smiled gently at Su Fei, speaking without any anger, as if it were a chat between good friends.

This guy is not easy to talk about! Su Fei's heart was suddenly awe-inspiring. This guy is not easy to deal with. The strong man is not terrible. What is terrible is that he has strong strength and deep mind at the same time. Such a person, you don't know what he really thinks, which is the most terrible thing. Su Fei thought about it and felt that there was no need to fight with such a dangerous person, so he pointed out that Orson and others said to Jeff gently, "My four friends have just been taught by my brother, and the other three have also been repaired by you. I think no matter how wrong the four of them are, the elder brother's anger should be almost gone. I don't know if the elder brother can give me a face. That's all about this matter. Let's expose it from now on and don't care about it anymore?"

"What do you think?" Jeff did not answer directly, but looked at Su Fei and asked.

"So in my brother's opinion, how should we deal with this matter?" When Su Fei saw that Jeff's tone suddenly changed, his heart suddenly sank to the bottom. Since it was unavoidable, there was no need to be false.

"June 6th, the school is big, you and I will make a fight!" After saying that, Jeff looked straight at Su Fei, hoping to see Su Fei's true thoughts.

"Okay, I promise you! See you at the school on June 6th!"

Elf Forest.

Maria walked out of the tree house, and the quiet night looked so quiet. She stopped in front of the elf king tree. A pair of blue pupils kept looking around. After confirming that there were no elves going out for a walk, Maria gently patted her chest with her hand, and the plump * trembled slightly. On such a wonderful night, Mary, the Queen, came out alone so late to 'for food'. And this food is nothing else, but those male elves in the Elf Forest who remove the cute Zhengtai!

Since that day, Maria has indulged herself all day long, as if she wants to put her life into a huge lie!

"Are you here?" Maria obviously didn't like the person in front of her, and her words were not as charming as before.

"Well, the two of them will be there in a minute!" The man hiding in the shadow held his voice and said hoarsely.

"Aren't you in a hurry to hold a school show? Why are you willing to come to this little elf forest when you have time?" Maria is in a bad mood at this moment and doesn't want to say more. Although she promised some agreements with the people in front of her, it does not mean that they can come to her anytime and anywhere.

"Maria, I took the initiative to come over this time. Don't blame him!" Before the people arrived, the voice came first. Maria heard the sound and saw two people in the woods. They fell next to the person in front of them one after, and the three walked towards themselves together.

"Well, since you are the Lord of Pride Mephisto. Lord Ferrett's inheritor, I'll make an exception for a while. What's the matter with this time?" Seeing the people coming, Maria's heart was condensed and she didn't dare to hold it. She slowly came forward and looked at the three people and said.

"Is it true that you are the inheritor of Belmos, the lord of lies?" The new proud Lord spoke first, and the other two did not show any dissatisfaction with the person's dominance, as if it was a matter of course.

Maria bit her lip, and she only identified the werewolf demon lord Carl in front of her. Moffett's identity was only because when Moffett led a demon army to invade the Elves Forest that day, Maria remembered Moffett's breath. However, in addition, she has always been hesitant about the identity of the two. Although she has guessed in her heart, she has never dared to declare it for fear of causing her murder. Even though she got the inheritance of the Lord of Lies, the three people in front of her are obviously not easy to provoke. If Mofit had earlier found out that he had received the inheritance of the Lord of Lies, one of the seven primitive demons, the elf forest without shelter power would have been broken.

"Today is May 15th, and there are 22 days left on June 6 next month!" The current proud Lord paused and continued, "We need a lie to deceive the gods, which needs your help!"

The Lord of Lies is best at lying. Unlike others, his lies are real and difficult to distinguish. Even the God of Truth can't tell which sentence he said is true and which is false. Help you make a game and hide it from the gods? Then this game is more valuable. What can you give me? Maria did not ask what the truth was hidden. When it came to their existence, only the benefits came true.

"This is a junior demon. You remember what he looks like." The proud lord took out a monster skin with Hao Ran's portrait of Su Fei, and then said slowly, "At that time, you will take him to the Elf Forest to take good care of him. Remember that he is dead in the demon world!" Believe it or not, just let the gods believe it!"

"Well, the little woman's remuneration will increase. Tell me, what can I get in the end?" Maria is also unambiguous and directly put forward her own request. Naturally, for the Lord of Lies, the Lord of Pride who belongs to the primitive devil is naturally not easy to deceive, so the best way is to let the other party offer.

"The goddess of nature, Filana, we will help you find her when everything happens!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"June 6."

See you in the Central Plain! It will satisfy you!" After saying that, Maria turned away from the woods and walked towards the tree house, slightly lonely.

"Your Excellency, will this woman make any mistakes? In case things don't work out, won't all our efforts be in vain?" Moffett was a little worried. After all, this matter is too much to relate to put all their hopes on a newly found liar.

"Don't worry, she will handle it! Just when she killed her beloved man, it shows that she has fully integrated into the inheritance of the Lord of Lies. From now on, she will be Maria, the Lord of Lies!" After saying that, the Proud Lord stopped talking. There is no point in staying here. It's time to return to the demon world and start the next layout.

Maria, who promised to participate in gambling with her own fate, naturally has no such concerns. What should come will always come. June 6th, it's near!