Devil's Capital

Chapter 21 Those years, those people

As a trump card of the Stanford Military Academy, Elliot has his own consciousness. It is already very difficult for the fallen angels to survive in the demon world. Coupled with the patriarch Lucifa's consistent tough style, the fallen angels have no allies at all. If it hadn't been for the general trend to push the blood-sucking demon clan to the side of the fallen angels, they must still be alone without any supporters.

The Stanford Military Academy is different from the West Point Military Academy established by the Delhi Military Academy and Mohammed. When Lucifa founded Stanford, it received strong support from the great nobles in the clan, so Stanford is a typical aristocratic military academy. Almost all of the forces cultivated in it are under these great nobles, and those poor children can only get a pass to Stanford if they devote themselves to Lucifa.

Eliod is obviously the latter. He himself does not have a deep*, and naturally does not have many supporters. On the day he signed a contract with Lucifa, he clearly knew that he lived for the lord in his life! After obtaining the pass to the Stanford Military Academy, Elliot successfully embarked on a bright road, and his future is smooth!

First of all, with his outstanding talent, Elod was targeted by principal Karendie in the second semester of his entry into Stanford. Naturally, he is also a supporter of the Lucifa series, but due to the regulations of the Stanford Military Academy itself, he is not allowed to use his private power for benefits. Therefore, after Eliod's talent was recognized by Stanford, Karendi used his power to give Elod considerable convenience.

Not only has it created a good environment for cultivation and learning, but also the supply of materials has been silently increased several times. Under such efficient cultivation, Eliod's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has successfully entered the high level of the heavenly realm in the third year. If it were not for the purpose of consolidating the realm, he has reached the peak of the heavenly realm. At the point where you can try to get a glimpse of the gate of the sanctuary!

This kind of person is said. Before entering Stanford, Eliod was just an ordinary degenerate angel with the middle-level strength of the great demon. After getting these resources, the leap of his strength has become inevitable. According to Principal Kelndi, this school big fight will be Eliod's first battle and the last battle before his graduation. They have only one purpose, that is, in this school big fight, Elod will take off the title of second in the Stanford Military Academy and successfully replace him. West Point Military Academy becomes the first military academy in the demon world!

For this reason, Eliod has been hiding for a year. Originally, he could have participated in the last school, but in order not to attract the attention of his opponents, Stanford hid Eliod in order to release it in the coming year, which was amazing!

"Drink some water!" Lemo handed over the water bag in his hand. Elode took the water bag and took a big sip at the mouth. On this day, he walked in hot weather and there was no one around. It was really a boring and monotonous journey.

As soon as they came out of the far west and set foot on the southern land, Elod and his party felt that the temperature in the air rose sharply, and the moisture in his body began to disappear quickly. Fortunately, the officers accompanying Lucifa prepared a large number of water bags in advance, and this happens every year during the school. The students have lived in the far west for a long time, where it is difficult to see high temperatures all year round. In addition, they are not used to the weather in the south, so they have long been accustomed to this phenomenon.

Lemo ranked second among the third-grade students, only under Eliod. In addition, the two of them came out of the cold window, and the object of their service was also the same person, so it was inevitable that he would feel cordial after talking. In this way, the two quickly became good friends. Along the way, they discussed a series of recent events in the fallen angel clan, so they did not receive the trouble of this boring journey.

"Do you have confidence in this school comparison?" Seeing that he was about to arrive at his destination, Lemo was silent for a moment and brought up the topic. Along the way, the two tried to avoid topics related to the school competition, not because they were timid and afraid of those opponents, but because the record of Stanford Military Academy over the years was really miserable:

The ten-year-old second was not blown out. Their Stanford Military Academy represented the fallen angel family in the whole far west. When facing the sickle demon family represented by the West Point Military Academy, for more than 300 years, they were almost completely defeated and never won even one! Although the ranking of the Delhi Military Academy founded by Werewolves is still below them, this is not the result that Stanford wants, so although it is not at the end, Stanford, which has been pressed by West Point, has an almost crazy attachment to the first place!

"I have confidence!" Eliod didn't hesitate when he said this, and even Lemo beside him could clearly see that Elod's face was full of strong confidence when he said this!

Yes, there is no reason for him to fail! Lemo thought of something and smiled self-deprecatingly. If Lucifer's almost demonic magical inheritance will fail, it can only show that fate is too favored by the sickle demon!

In fact, in the early years, the Stanford Military Academy considered whether to instill some powerful skills in some contestants so that they could win once on the spot. However, after the disappearance of the ancient baptism inheritance, the young people in the existing inheritance and indoctrination family could not bear it at all, or If the inheritance fails, or the inheritor faces a magic collapse because his body can't stand it! It was once banned in this way. Elod became the biggest trump card in Stanford's hand, not because of anything else, but because he completely endured a complete spell in Luci's hand!

That's enough to know that Lucifa is the strongest existence in the demon world except for Carlsas, who is the closest to the gods! In heaven, he had a chance to break directly into the real god, but unfortunately she gave up. After accepting the invitation of the devil's will, all this disappeared, and everything had to start all over again! But Lucifa saw through the mystery of the devil with his extraordinary talent and once again stood at the peak of the legend, only one step away from the gods!

With a view of such a gift, as long as it is not the peak of the Holy Land, Elod can let go and win the battle! This is the most powerful card in his hand that can completely turn over the Stanford Military Academy. Maybe this is the only chance for them in the far west, and they will be crushed back by the sickle magic after that, but this time is enough! Their fallen angel clan has been silent for too long. For a long time, all demons in the demon world only know that they are an abandoned race in heaven. They are a race that can survive and breathe after receiving the help of the devil's will. Their grievances in their hearts are deeper than any demons!

The school first carried out in West Point, and then selected the top ten, and then went to the other two military schools to study and communicate in the name of West Point. On the surface, it is to learn and communicate and have friendly competition with those students, but in fact, it is in this name to strive for the first reputation and reward. In order to see if the other two military schools have seen any unnatural talents in recent years and explore the reality in other territories. This has basically become an undisclosed secret among the lords of the demon world.

In fact, the three lords, especially Lucifa and Carlsas, took the opportunity of the school competition to explore each other's strength. In recent years, they have paid special attention to the results of the competition. Each reward is very attractive, attracting the students below to break their heads and fight for life.

For Eliod, this school is more to prove Stanford to the demon world and prove their fallen angels!

Life is like a farce. You don't know when it will start to tease you, making you laugh and crying but helpless.

"Kaidi, has the list of the school big players been sorted out this time?" Gibran sorted his hair and saw that his secretary had left the office. He secretly took out two rolls of paper cigarettes from his special drawer and handed one to Kaidi.

Kaidi took the cigarette and put it in his mouth. He gently hit the two fingers between his right hand, and a slight flame began to appear on his middle finger. He handed it over to let Gibran light the cigarette first, and then took it back and lit it for himself. West Point is really boring. If it hadn't been for the work some time ago, they would have to stay at school and look at these little devils in the school. Taking a sip of the tobacco in his mouth, Kaidi spit out a smoke ring and said to Gibran, "There is nothing unexpected about this school competition. It is going well, and there are no exchange students from other military schools coming to compete between school competitions like in previous years. However, it's not good to add this class of freshmen, right?

Gibran did not answer. He knew what his old friend was thinking. He smashed his mouth with the aroma of tobacco leaves. His life secretary was very considerate, but he was too considerate. He not only made an extremely precise plan for his life and catering, but also took care of everything. For example, the smoke was ten thousand in front of her. Don't smoke! Thinking of the roaring face, Gibran's heart thumped and couldn't help trembling. He looked at the door of the office with a guilty heart. Fortunately, the committee had just gone to send duty sheets to the teachers of all grades and could not come back for a while.

When no one cares about it, they will feel empty, as if there is something missing in life, but once the care is too strict, it is also an extremely annoying thing. Gibran lives such a happy and painful life. Now that he has entered his old age, everything has been handed over to his subordinates. He doesn't have to do everything himself, but life also lacks some fun. In his words, incontinence is not satisfactory!

"It's the meaning of Carlsas guy to let Su Fei participate in this school big game. We old people no longer have the ** and motivation of those years. Since he has the intention, we might as well give him a hand, for the sake of his former classmates!" Gibran knew what Katie was worried about, and his nephew was also in this generation. Out of the kindness of his elders, he naturally did not want his descendants to come into contact with dangerous things too early, at the expense of which was not the law of operation in the demon world.

"Do you have a classmate?" When Kaidi heard this, he couldn't help thinking of the time when several people entered West Point to study together. Although the three years were very short, the memory of those three years was so deep that time could not be extinguished. When Carlsas came in, he was high-spirited and arrogant, and looked down on anyone in the West Point, including the teacher. At that time, Cardi was young and had his own gully in his heart. Originally, he and others came to study in West Point. How could this person be so arrogant and look down on West Point at all? Then why come here?

Most of the elders in West Point have fought with Carlsas. Of course, they were crushed by Carlsas with absolute advantage and signed the alliance under the city, that is, the subsequent inequality clause. Katie clearly remembers that Carlsas at that time also used the passage of the demon world in the long river of history to seduce them, including Gibran.