Book of the Devil

1, fake smile and mask

White snow fell one after another over the city of Hitterling in the north of the Almont Empire. It seems to herald that the cold winter is coming, and the silence of the whole city is frightening. Most people in the city have closed their houses tightly, and it seems that something great is going to happen. When people saw the snow fall, most of the people in Hiteling City stayed quietly in their houses.

As for watching the white snow falling outside, I'm sorry that the people of Hiteling City have been tired of watching it. For them, keeping their lives is the most important thing. Hiteling City is known as the "City of Ice and Snow." It is the coldest city in the north of the Anmont Empire. For example, the spring in Hiterling is equivalent to the winter in other cities. In this regard, we can see how cold the city of Hittling is, and the winter in Hittling is very different from other cities.

The winter in Hitterling City lasts for half a year, and half of the year is spent in winter. It is not only long but also extremely dangerous, because I don't know when a huge ice storm will come to Hitterling City. There are no less than 30 ice storms every winter, and the time of ice storms is fixed. It is because of this dangerous ice storm that most people bought a lot of water and food a long time ago. In case you happen to encounter an ice storm when you go out, I'm sorry that you can go to see God.

So the huge Hiteling City is extremely quiet at this time, but there is only one place that is the most lively. For ordinary people, the ice storm is a terrible death, but it is not worth mentioning for star professionals. The "Magic Institute" is the busiest place in Hitterling City. The so-called "Magic Institute" is the place where the corresponding professional star assessment tasks are issued and vocational star certificates are issued.

When you pass the corresponding professional star assessment task, the "Magic Institute" will issue clothing for the corresponding profession. Not only that, as a star professional, you can also receive a variety of tasks in the "Magic Institute", such as corresponding star tasks, bounty tasks, assassination tasks, etc. The rewards of these tasks are both money and rare items. In short, these tasks can only be promulgated by the "Demon Institute".

At this time, there was a young man walking slowly in the lonely streets of Hittering City in the quiet city, and the teenager did not care about the snowflakes floating all over the sky. Looking carefully at the teenager's face, the teenager always revealed a smile, giving people a feeling of bathing in the spring breeze. The teenager has short silver-white hair and a light blue robe. The teenager looked 15 or 16 years old, and it was incredible that the teenager's body was not stained with any snow during the movement.

If someone observes carefully, they will find that the teenager's light blue robe emits a faint red light, and a layer of light mask that is almost invisible to the naked eye wraps the teenager's whole body together. When the snowflake fell and touched the red light mask, the snowflake disappeared in an instant. Anyone with a little insight will know that this magic or a magic array is attached to the young man's light blue robe. When you look closely at the light blue robe, you will find that the words "Magic Institute" are written on the back of the light blue robe, and there is a six-pointed star-shaped badge on the upper left of the front of the light blue robe, with 10 small holes on the badge.

The ten small holes on the six-pointed star badge on the teenager's light blue robe emit a trace of light. From here, it can be inferred that the teenager is a one-star magician, because only the magician can wear the six-pointed star badge. The 10 small holes on the badge represent the corresponding star. When all 10 small holes shine, you are the strongest on the continent, the ten-star magician. Magician is the most noble profession in the world, which is a rule that everyone must know.

And this teenager turned out to be a magician, although he was only a one-star magician. But this also means that the teenager has successfully completed the assessment task of a one-star magician. If he wants to become a one-star magician, he must not only have the "source of magic" and spiritual power that a one-star magician should have, but also pass the assessment task of a one-star magician. From this, it can be inferred that the teenager either cleared the customs by himself or paid someone to pass it.

At this time, the silver-haired teenager came to his destination - the only six-storey library in Hiteling City. Judging from the familiar appearance of the teenager, the road seems to have been gone for more than a year. But this library is not an ordinary library. This is a library that only magicians can enter and exit. Each layer represents a star, and the corresponding star can enter the corresponding number of layers. And this library also represents the strength of Hetling City, and the six-story library also tells people that Hetling City is a medium-sized city.

There is a 10-story library in the city of Mount Di Artes, which means that there is even several ten-star magicians in the city of Artes. There is a library in every city of the Anmont Empire, whether there is a magician or not. From this aspect, we can see that the Almont Empire has made a good calculation. These library magicians can enter for free. Think about a magician who came from a cold background and gradually became a strong man with books in the library. The strong man must unconsciously have a slight favor for the Anmont Empire, even if he knew that this was deliberately done by the Montt Empire.

And the Anmont Empire spent a lot of money to achieve this, just to win the favor of the magicians. It was also this magic move under the Anmont Empire that made a large number of magicians join the royal family. It is also because of this wonderful move that an inconspicuous small country has slowly grown into a powerful empire. Today, the Anmont Empire is called the "Magic Empire". It has to be said that the vision of the first emperor of Anmont is his long-term future of the Anmont Empire.

At this time, the silver-haired teenager looked at the six-story library and couldn't help shaking his head and muttering to himself, "Ammont Empire, I won't be grateful to you." At this time, the silver-haired teenager walked to the six-story library step by step. The teenager looked at the middle-aged man in the small house next to the library and smiled and said, "Uncle Witt, you want bacon and wine." The middle-aged uncle Victor couldn't wait to take bacon and wine from the silver-haired teenager, and then Uncle Victor smelled the wine in his hand and said, "The best purple spirit flower wine, Ming, it's really cost you money."

The silver-haired teenager also smiled and said, "If it weren't for Uncle Witt, how could I become a noble one-star magician?" The tone was full of gratitude and humility. Uncle Witt smiled and said, "What's the matter with me? Your cleverness has nothing to do with me." Immediately, the two looked at each other and smiled. It seems that the two seem to have a good relationship.

Then, the two chatted for a while as usual. Uncle Witt opened the door of the library without looking at the one-star magician certificate presented by Ming. Ming said hello and quickly walked into the six-story library, and when Ming entered the library, his smiling face suddenly became as cold as a ice cellar. He came to a secret place with familiarity, and there was no one in this place. And Ming's face is always the cold winter-like indifference, and endless hatred is revealed in his eyes.

The appearance when talking with Uncle Witt before was completely different, and at this time, Ming seemed to say to himself: "The fake smile is really boring, but I must wear this hypocritical mask from time to time. I don't have a choice in this world. Uncle Witt, do you think I'm really kind enough to buy you good wine and bacon every day? You are just my pawn, a pawn worthy of my use. Everything is just to gain strength and kill that person!"

Generally speaking, only magicians with star certificates can enter this library, while Ming was just an orphan four years ago. Ming owned only a few amethyst coins for his own survival, and Ming did not hesitate to use these amethyst coins to buy good bacon and wine. If Ming doesn't buy these bacon and wine, he can survive on these amethyst coins for a few months.

But Ming didn't want to do so. It took him a long time to figure out Uncle Witt's preferences. Those amethyst coins can buy bacon and wine for about a month, and send bacon and wine to Uncle Victor continuously during the month. What the underworld wants to bet on is that Uncle Witt is not a hard-hearted guy, and it turns out that the underworld bet is right, and the underworld successfully entered the library that only magicians can enter.

After that, Ming continuously sent bacon and wine to Uncle Victor, and Ming gained a lot of knowledge through library books. With those knowledge to survive, there are not only amethyst coins that can sustain vitality, but also send bacon and wine to Uncle Victor every day. And if Ming lost the bet, Witt was really a hard-hearted guy, then Ming could only die because there was no food.

At this time, Ming lay on the ground of the secret place and looked up at the gray ceiling, and then slowly closed his eyes. In my sleep, I meditated on a thing three years ago, a thing that was enough to change the fate of my life. Four years ago, he successfully used Victor's greed to read books that only one-star magicians could read on the first floor. In half a year, he didn't know how many books he had read. As for the second floor of the library, it is a place where only two-star magicians can access.

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