Book of the Devil

8, Elf and Out of the City

What he didn't know was that although most of his magic was eaten by Dith, a few remained. When Tess left the Devil's Book, the little remaining magic accumulated a lot. But this little magic is enough to upgrade from a one-star magician to a two-star magician. It is not impossible to really advance from a three-star magician after this experience.

After thinking about it, Lina slowly said to Ming, "Let's talk about the configuration of the team, a four-star spirit archer, a four-star spirit gunner and a dark priest. In addition, you are about 50% sure to get the venom of the shadow spider. Considering that you can advance immediately, is the reward of 3,000 amethyst coins okay?

He couldn't help staring at the man in the white robe and muttered to himself, "This guy is really a dark priest wearing a white robe. Those who don't know think he is a priest of light. He is probably a sinister guy. However, this woman's tone is too big to say that she is 50% sure. Priesthoods are generally divided into two categories, light priests and dark priests. Light priests are mostly good at healing, while dark priests are good at attacking negative effects and have a lot of attack power.

Naturally, he would not say what he said in his heart at this time. At this time, Ming smiled and looked at Lina and said, "So what have I done in the team? After all, 3,000 amethyst coins are also a large amount. And I also joined your team for life and death experience. If possible, can the weak Warcraft be dealt with by me alone? The words are very polite, and there is no trace of talent and pride.

Lina had a good impression of Ming for no reason when she heard Ming's words, because most magicians are not as polite and polite as Ming. Most magicians are very arrogant because of their status in the world. Even a one-star magician is proud enough. After all, it is very difficult to form the "source of magic". Lina immediately said, "No problem. Since you want to practice, we can't intervene. When you fight with the shadow spider, you are responsible for casting one-star and two-star auxiliary magic on us to improve the possibility of obtaining venom.

Ming frowned and said, "Are we leaving soon?" Lina replied, "Almost, we have been ready for a long time. There is only one magician left." Ming said directly, "But even if I am an advanced two-star magician, I can't use two-star magic, because I don't record the books of the two-star magician at all. I have to go to the second floor of the library to get the corresponding magic books."

Lina replied, "Don't worry, I'm going straight through the thorn forest today. You can come to Vitra City from the Thorn Forest in three days, and you should be almost advanced at that time. Moreover, most of the Thorn Forest is two-star and three-star monsters, and four-star monsters are extremely rare. As for the five-star Warcraft, no one has ever seen it in the Thorn Forest. At that time, after learning two-star magic in Vitra, you went to the Howling Canyon south of Vilat City to find the whereabouts of the magic spider. Because the howling canyon is the most haunted place for shadow spiders, but most shadow spiders act alone, and it is estimated that it will take a lot of effort to find them.

nodded and said, "Then there is no problem. Let's go now." Lina looked at Il and said, "Have you had enough spiritual bullets?" Il replied, "It's all ready to be put into the spiritual ring." Ming looked curiously at the spiritual ring of Farr's right hand. Although Ming occasionally saw the description of the spiritual ring in the first library, this was the first time that Ming had seen a real spiritual ring.

A spiritual ring is very common in the world. A spiritual ring is about 70,000 amethyst coins, and this spiritual ring has a small amount of space. The spiritual bullet is unique to the spiritual gunner. The spiritual gunner's bullet is not an ordinary bullet but a bullet made with his own spiritual power. Spiritual bullets have different attack methods, and the number and types of spiritual bullets that can be produced will also increase with the advancement of stars.

Magicians also have special rings, and spiritual rings can only be used by magicians in other professions. The ring used by the magician is a magic ring, which not only has much larger space than the spiritual ring, but also can restore a small amount of magic. Ming naturally wants a magic ring, but he can't afford all his belongings, and Ming's belongings have long been eaten up by Tis.

In fact, Lina and others don't want to spend a lot of money to buy the poison of the shadow spider, but this thing is not only priceless but also extremely expensive. And Lina and the others have already bought expensive spiritual weapons and have not had much money for a long time. The venom of the shadow spider is not only detoxified, but also the assassin's favorite thing. Assassins are very good at hiding and assassination, but the venom of the shadow spider is colorless and tasteless. Placing the venom of the shadow spider into the air is definitely a good thing to kill invisibly.

The venom assassins of the shadow spider are very popular, but at this time, Lina said, "It's better to set out for the Thorn Forest as soon as possible." And at this time, Dith stood on Ming's head again and shouted, "Oh, let's go, let's travel, let's travel." He said secretly, "It's not good." Ming actually forgot the little guy, and at this time, Lina looked at the sound source and found an elf-like creature with only a thumb.

Lina looked at Ming and asked doubtfully, "What is this?" After thinking for a while, he said, "My contract creature, a one-star elf." At this time, George looked at Ming and said, "Is it a one-star elf?" It's not easy to get this thing. What is this elf good at? Ming took a deep breath and said, "It's not an attack type of elf. It has some auxiliary abilities." George took an enviously. After all, it was not easy to get the elf.

Elves are advanced creatures, but this is of great value. Seeing that everyone didn't have much doubt, the hanging heart returned to calm. Fortunately, Dith looked like an elf, otherwise it would be really difficult to fool through. Dith ran to Ming's ear root and said, "Bad guy, Dith is not an elf, Dith is a demon, hum. Bad guy, you lied." Ming replied in a low voice, "Little ancestor, you should know why I lied. If you let others know that you are a demon, you or I can't escape death.

Dice smiled and said, "I'm joking with you. Look at your scare." Ming is so nervous because of what he inadvertently saw in a book. Once a powerful demon tore open the plane and invaded this plane, which caused great damage to this plane at that time. Although affected by the plane rules, the devil's power has been weakened a lot. But human beings are still not opponents of demons, and in the end, I don't know why the powerful demons who invaded disappeared.

No one knows whether it was killed by humans or escaped back to the demon plane, or for some other reason. But if anyone knows that the elf next to Ming is a demon, I'm afraid that Ming and Dith can't survive today. At this time, Ming said to Dith, "Do you have the ability to assist?" At that time, Ming also said it casually in a hurry. Ming knew what ability Dith had. And Dith smiled and said, "It will be, but Dith needs to be paid."

He said in a low voice, "You are cruel, and the magic crystal will not miss you." Dith couldn't help laughing when she heard what Ming said. That's what she wanted. Lina didn't look at Dith much, but said to the crowd, "Get out of the city first. The Thorn Forest is northwest of Hithering City." Naturally, Ming didn't have much opinion and followed Lina to the gate quickly.

He didn't forget to release a one-star magic to everyone, "Wind Art". After all, Ming doesn't want to just make a soy sauce, and releasing more magic is very helpful for the later adventure. It's very simple for a magician to perform magic, as long as he says the name of the magic. But only magicians know that it is not that simple. Saying the name of magic is just a step. You must use your mental power to control the elements in the air, then arrange them in a specific order of elements, and then say the name of the magic to be released successfully.

Each magic corresponds to the order of an element. If you arrange the order of the elements casually and then say a magic name at will. At that time, you will be tragic and suffer the backlash of elements. Even the elements may explode, and each element arrangement and each magic is summarized by magicians who don't know how long it will take for them to explore.

Because of the "wind art" of the underworld, everyone quickly came to the gate. Everyone showed their corresponding star level certificate to the guards and successfully left the city. After leaving the city gate, Lina stopped. Lina looked at Farr and said, "Yil, take a look at the map and determine the specific direction of the Thorn Forest." At this time, Il injected his spiritual power into the spiritual ring, and at this time, a map emitting light red floated in the air.

Ming knew what this thing was at a glance, a magic map. Il injected spiritual power into the magic map, and small black dots appeared on the map. And Ming took a look and found that there was a small red dot on the map, which also emitted a light red light. This is the magic of the magic map. The little red dot is yourself, and you can know where you are at any time. After all, this little red dot is very conspicuous, but Il casually waved a white light into a small black dot...