Book of the Devil

12, Blood Burning Arrows and Sleep

At this time, Sloh had a "flash" behind the two archers. At this time, Sloh said coldly, "The archer is ready to burn blood arrows, and the dark priest is ready to release the deep sleepy to give the archers time to fire blood-burning arrows." Slo then calmly gave the order, and Sloh and the snakes have clashed no more than ten times. Although Sloh's team is not as strong as Double * Snake, the wisdom of Warcraft has never been compared with human beings.

Slow looked coldly at the double snake in the sky and muttered to himself, "Beast, if I had advanced, your eyes would have been gone long ago. Damn it." Only Slo himself knows that if he advances to an 8-star magician, his own special ability of the "source of magic" can play his real role. Now Slo is unable to use the special ability of the "source of magic", because Sloh consumes most of his magic and spiritual power every time he exerts his special ability.

At that time, a person who doesn't pay attention to Slo will be caught by a double * snake, and then Slo is miserable. And Sloh finally forced the double * snake to this point, and the double * snake was injured much more than Sloh expected. So Slo wanted to let the archer and St to attract the attention of the double snake, and he looked for an opportunity to use his special abilities and then capture the beast alive with the magic scroll given by the second lady.

Although Slow is a 7-star magician, his status in the Hillant family is not very high, and Slow's adventure to catch double * snakes is because of the second lady. Slow accidentally got a news that Miss Er wanted the eyes of a snake very much. Although Sloh is a 7-star magician, Slo is very smart. Slo did not attack head-on when he first met the double * snake.

But sneak attacks, countless sneak attacks. Fight a war of attrition with the double * snake, and Slow was also extremely patient and seriously injured the double * snake. Thus, Slo chased from the northern wilderness to the thorny forest, and soon after, the eyes of these * snakes were obtained by himself. How could Slo not be excited? Although many people know that Miss Er wants to get double * snake eyes, no one has the courage to provoke double * snakes.

And Slo has this courage, which is why the second lady gave herself an 8-star magic scroll. Slo is so popular with the second lady because the second lady is the most promising candidate to become the next patriarch. And the patriarch's favorite is also his second daughter, either because of something else or because of the second lady's appalling magical talent. The second lady is only 16 years old, and she is a 5-star magician. This is a real 5-star magician, without a trace of moisture, because the second lady passed the assessment task of the five-star magician alone.

The second lady passed the assessment task of the five-star magician without any external force, and even the current patriarch Farrow Hilant can't compare with this talent. So if nothing happens to the second lady, the next patriarch will definitely be her. So Slo tried his best to please the second lady. At this time, the corrosion arrow has touched the body of the double snake, and the corrosion arrow will slowly corrode the body of the double snake and reduce the defense of the double snake.

At this time, the double * snake had flapped its wings and attacked the two spiritual archers, but by this time, the dark priest had begun to prepare to release the sleepy. At this time, Il slowly said, "It seems that these * snakes are almost gone. I guess the eyes of the double * snakes will also be obtained by the magician." At this time, George shook his head and said, "It's really unpleasant to see the treasure get by these guys. If only this treasure came to us from the sky. I won't have to be bored in my life.

And at this time, Dith smiled and said, "Well, it seems that you are more rich than Dith, but Dith seems to want the magic crystal of that warcraft." While everyone was talking, the dark priest slowly said at the moment when the double * snake rushed over, "Dlumber!" At this moment, a thin layer of fog shrouded the air, and the fog quickly rushed into the body of the double snake with the spiritual control of the dark priest.

At this time, the double * snake only paused for 5 seconds, but this 5 seconds was more than enough for the archer. At this time, the two archers bit the tip of their tongue in an instant, and the blood melted into the bow and arrow. At this time, 10 blood-red spiritual arrows suddenly appeared on the bow string, but the enchanting red looked extremely strange.

At this time, Slo, who was watching the battle, said coldly in his heart, "Blood arrows, let you, as a beast, have a good taste of the power of blood arrows." At this time, the two archers roared at the same time: "Blow blood arrows!" At this time, 20 blood-red arrows rushed into the body of the double * snake in an instant, and the body of the double * snake trembled obviously. At this time, the two archers had gasped violently, as if the blood-burning arrow had consumed a lot of spiritual and spiritual power in the body.

At this time, Slow ordered coldly: "The dark priest continues to release the sleep and give me a continuous release. The spiritual archer took out the magic crystal to restore magic, and the bright priest restored the spiritual power of the spiritual archer for me. Ste attacked the double * snake fiercely, and the dark priest dragged him, speed!" A series of orders came from Slo. Although Slo's background is not very good, Slo is not only calm but also extremely smart.

At this time, the dark priest naturally did not dare to neglect another sleepy was released, and at the same time, the spiritual archer also took out the magic crystal from the spiritual ring to restore magic. Everyone is ready, because this is the most critical time, either successful capture or failure, these two possibilities. After chasing for so long, naturally you can't go wrong at this critical time.

At this time, Ste said coldly, "Wind, go up, bite this beast's head." Immediately, Ste rode the wolf of the wind and came to the side of the double snake in an instant. At this time, Ste roared, "The Blade of the Wind." At this time, St's mouth, which was covered with wolf hair, opened fiercely, and it was clear that St's teeth were as sharp as a blade, which was not comparable to human teeth at all. This is the strength of the 6-star hunter. At this time, countless pale cyan light blades accurately hit the double * snake.

Countless light green light blades madly cut the body of the double * snake, and blood gushed out of the body of the double * snake. At this time, countless blood fell from the sky. If you look at it from a distance, it looks like a rain of blood, which looks extremely strange. At this time, St jumped directly from the wolf of the wind, and then grasped the body of the double * snake with his wolf's claw-like hands. And the wolf of the wind turned into a blue light and then jumped on the body of the double * snake.

At this time, Ste made an extremely crazy move, and his hands fell frantically from a high place. The wolf claw-like hands tore off the double * snake scales in an instant, and St's mouth opened fiercely. Then Ste's extremely sharp teeth bit directly at the wound of the double snake, and the wind wolf also opened his huge mouth and bit the wound of the double snake like Ste.

Soon, a wolf's teeth were stained with blood, and even splashed directly on the faces of Ste and the Wind Wolf because of the crazy biting blood. St's whole body looked extremely strange. At this time, St's body was not a human but a beast. At this time, Slo looked at him and said, "If this guy is completely crazy, then even the 8-star Warcraft will have to retreat." At this time, Ste sneered a few times, but when Ste smiled, he could see a few pieces of meat from his teeth.

At this time, St. St patted the wind wolf who was biting and said coldly, "Let's go. Next, I'll give it to Brother Slo. I really want to bite the beast's head directly. But you can't do this for Brother Sloh's plan. If it hadn't been for taking this guy's eyes, the beast would have died many times. Only Sloh knew how terrible Ste's strength was, but this Sloh listened very much.

Because Slo saved his life when he was young, Ste vowed to protect Brother Slo all the time. Even if the patriarch of the Hirant family is unfavorable to Slo, Ste will not hesitate at all, even if the patriarch Strauss will find it. Even if he knows how weak his strength is, and although Sloh knows that St's strength is strong. But once this Master goes crazy, he will kill without distinguishing the enemy and me. If he sees anything except Slo, he will start killing.

So it is strictly forbidden for Ste to use that move when chasing the double * snake. Once that move is used, even his own people may be killed, leaving Slo and Ste. But on the way to catch the double snake, Steer still used that trick. At that time, the double snake launched a crazy attack, and Ste had no choice but to use that move. After Sloh used his special ability, he used that trick. Although Ste caused great damage to the double snake, he killed two six-star warriors and one six-star thief during the battle.

If it hadn't killed the warrior and the thief, I'm afraid that this pair of snake's eyes would have been won. And it can be seen how horrible St's strength should be. Once used, it will not only cause great damage to the double * snake. And he killed two six-star warriors and a six-star thief, but the most shocking thing was that he killed the warriors and thieves.

And no one knows about St's move, his innate move, except Slo. And the accompanying people are all Slo's confidants, and it can also be said that Sloh's chess pieces can be discarded at any time. Their families are in their own hands, and they don't dare to say Ste's horrible tricks at all.