Book of the Devil

23, Contract and Shadow Demon

Half an hour passed quickly, and Ming had finished washing. But Tis, who was lying in **, looked at the sky blocked by the roof and fell into a long thought. What did you ask her what she was thinking? In fact, she fell asleep. When Ning finished washing, she looked at **'s lips and shouted directly, "Tess wake up!!!" At this time, Disi, who was lying in **, quickly got up and said, "No, no, Disi didn't sleep. Although you saw me close my eyes, I'm actually thinking. Yes, I'm thinking.

He resisted the impulse to spit blood and said, "What's wrong with the saliva on your mouth?" Dith laughed twice and quickly wiped the saliva at the corners of her mouth, and then said, "Isn't that a lad?" Ming said helplessly, "This guy is so face-threed." He said helplessly, "Say it quickly. After that, I will take you out to buy delicious food." Ming can only use food **tis at this time, otherwise there is nothing he can do.

As soon as she heard that there was delicious food, Tess almost woke up and began to think. In a while, Dith said, "Haha, the smart Dith remembered it." While Dith was not paying attention, he quickly wiped the sweat on his forehead and thought, "It's not easy for this guy to finally remember." Ming was afraid that Dith would forget to say quickly and said, "Speak quickly!" And Dith was not in a hurry to say anything, but asked, "Do you know that your most special and your biggest card is now?"

After meditating, he shook his head and said, "Can't you imagine that my biggest card now is this book of demons?" But Dith said slowly, "Your biggest card is the special ability of the source of your magic, which is the most special ability I have ever seen. When you advance to Samsung, you will know. What surprises me most is the growth of your special ability. He said doubtfully, "Growth? What do you mean?

Dis thought for a moment and said, "I can't say the details. In fact, I'm also curious about your special ability from the source of magic. The word growth is very broad. When you have the special ability of the source of magic, you will gradually understand it. Ming said again, "It's not to tell me the good news. How can it get here?" Dith coughed twice and said, "These are to tell you that you don't have the ability to protect yourself before you advance to Samsung, so you have no direction to take risks to experience. To put it better, you have courage, and to put it worse, you are dying, you know?"

Ming muttered when he heard Dith's words, "I was blinded by the flames of revenge. Indeed, I didn't have enough cards to save my life. It's true that I'm going to die if I don't have the bottom card to practice. I'm afraid that I will go to dangerous places to practice after upgrading to 2 stars. Sure enough, the bystander is clear, and Tiss is calmer than me. Ming immediately took a deep breath and said to Dith, "Yes, I'm impulsive. Thank you for letting me calm down."

Ming knew that when he got the devil's book, he thought he had the bottom card to deal with that bastard. However, it was because of this that Ming, who had always been calm, lost his due calmness, and Di Si's words made Ming wake up like a basin of cold water. Tess immediately said, "I understand, so the good news I want to tell you is that I can give you that card." He said slowly, "What do you mean?"

Dith smiled and said, "Do you really think I ate that 8-star magic crystal just to grow up? That's wrong. Seeing that you are so distressed, I tell you that you have made a lot of money. I didn't expect to eat that 8-star magic crystal to restore my special ability. This is the first card I gave you. Ming narrowed his eyes and said curiously, "How special is the special ability?" Dith said softly, "Call."

Ming said puzzledly, "Summon? What do you mean? Dith explained, "I can summon demons and sign a contract with you, but with your current strength, even if I summon the weakest demon, you can't deal with it. The contract must be voluntary and cannot be forced, but you can't sign a contract with any demon at all. Ming didn't lose, but smiled and said, "Don't say that. You must have a way."

Dis smiled and said, "It's quite smart! I do have a way for you to sign a contract with the devil. The only way is to make a forced contract. Although I swallowed the magic crystal, it was not enough to recover all of it. Now I can only know the approximate strength of the demon I summoned, but I don't know what kind of demon it will be. When I summon the demon, I will extract part of the demon's soul and drip your blood into that part of the soul. Use part of his soul as a contract and force him to sign a contract. If the devil dares to resist, he will directly destroy that part of his soul. The devil will also die because of the counterattack of the contract, so there is no danger.

After saying that, Dith taught Ming how to sign a compulsory contract. You must tell Ming carefully that even if there is a little mistake, the forced contract will fail and the summoned demon will attack you. At this moment, Dith looked at Ming and said, "Have you remembered everything? There can't be any mistake!" Ming nodded solemnly and said, "No problem, thank you." At this time, Tess had begun to summon, and Tess raised her right hand and suddenly a strange six-pointed star pattern appeared in the air.

There is a devilish and horrible face in the center of the hexagram pattern composed of rich black, and the face slowly squirmed. And Dith was indifferent at all, but said coldly, "In the name of Mytis, summon!" After saying that, the strange face disappeared and the six-pointed star pattern disappeared. At this moment, a small space crack suddenly appeared. At this time, a black head had just emerged from the air crack and had not looked up.

Dis took out a black glove from there and elegantly put the black glove on her right hand. Then the void scratched, and Mingdith's hand did not touch the black head, but the black head made a low roar, as if it had suffered great pain. At this time, there was a white energy body in her hand, which was undoubtedly part of the soul of the demon summoned by Dith. At this time, without saying a word, he bit his thumb, and the blood dripped directly on the white soul.

But I don't know what to say. It's not human language at all, and I don't understand it at all. Ming knew that what he had read in his mouth was an extremely pure demonic language, and when Ming finished reading the last demon phonetic syllable. The strange white soul suddenly turned into strange characters, emitting frightening energy. And these strange characters were arranged in a specific order, and at this time, Ming said faintly, "Ning!"

At this time, the countless characters slowly merged again, and then the characters condensed into a dark piece of paper. Ming then carefully held the strangely black paper, and there was no doubt that this was the contract. It's just that there is no voluntary or involuntary, this is the most domineering contract method - compulsory contract! At this time, the body of the black head had rushed out of the space crack, and the creature's whole body was wrapped in black fur.

This creature stands on the ground like a human, but his feet have only three toes. The most strange creature has only one pair of feet and no hands, and his eyes are hidden in the fur of the body wrapped in black fur. The black fur actually covered his one eye, and he couldn't see it clearly without careful observation. And as soon as the creature saw Ming's alone eyes were full of shocking anger, as if he knew that his life was in Ming's hands.

At this moment, before Dith could react, the one-eyed of the strange creature slowly began to squirm. Then the one-eyed strangely expanded, and finally the face of the strange creature was completely filled with the one-eyed. At this moment, Ming also felt the hostility of the strange creature. Ming was not afraid, but said faintly, "If you want to die, just attack!" The strange creature actually stopped attacking, and the huge eyes instantly returned to the same size as before.

At this time, Dith said, "It turned out to be a shadow demon!" Ming asked like a curious baby, "Shadow demon? What kind of demon is it?" Dith stretched out and said lazily, "Shadow Devil, as the name implies, he is very hidden. It can be hidden in the shadow, and his one eye has the ability to control the shadow. This shadow demon is only the lowest existence in the demon world, not even wisdom, but only beast-like instincts. If there is a shadow demon with wisdom, it will be extremely horrible. As long as the shadow demon gets your shadow, he can control your movements. More powerful shadow demons can kill you directly as long as they get your shadow, but such powerful shadow demons are extremely rare.

The underworld's head turned quickly and then asked, "If this shadow demon hides in other people's shadows, can I hear other people's words and whereabouts through this shadow demon?" Dith nodded and said, "There is no problem when he hides in the shadow of others. What he saw and heard, you, his master, could see and hear clearly. He couldn't help taking a deep breath and said, "Isn't there any limit?"

Dis said directly, "Of course, this shadow demon is hidden in the shadow of the 4-star professionals in this world. If it is hidden in the shadow of five-star or more professionals, it is easy to be found and erased. Ming asked again, "Can this shadow demon advance?" Dith covered her mouth and smiled and said, "You are really greedy. You can advance, but do you think you can control the shadow demon who advances wisdom? At that time, the shadow demon could not control him even with a forced contract!"

Ming said again, "Is there nothing you can do?" Dith said, "Yes, when he advanced and had wisdom, he wiped out his wisdom. Then brand your soul in his soul, and then this shadow demon will always be controlled by you. He said puzzledly, "Isn't it enough to brand your soul directly?" Dith snorted, "Stupid! Your current strength can't brand his soul at all, and you must erase his wisdom and brand his soul at the moment of wisdom after his first advancement. At that time, the shadow demon will never have wisdom and this shadow demon will always be controlled by you!"