Book of the Devil

31, virtual and real

Darkness invades the consciousness of the underworld, as if hundreds of years have passed. When Ming slowly opened his eyes, there was endless darkness in front of him. Ming can clearly hear his breathing and heartbeat as if he were the only one in the world. Unprecedented fear permeated Ming's heart, but Ming pretended to be calm and tried to find a way out.

While walking like a blind man, because Ming could not see any light at all, Ming almost thought that his eyes were blind. But the place where Ming is now is extremely quiet, so he inferred that he was not blind but came to an unknown world, an endless dark world. I don't know how long it has been, and I don't know how long it has been to walk towards this endless dark time.

It seems that there is no so-called light in the world, no so-called end, and no so-called exit. I don't know when despair appeared in this endless darkness. When Ming gave up looking for a way out, he seemed to hear Dith's last words: "Bad guy, you said you would survive. If you dare to lie, Dith will not forgive you for the rest of your life!" I don't know why there is a trace of firmness in the dark eyes. The original confusion and despair are gone, but only firmness and never giving up.

I know that Tiss is also pitiful, and I have only seen two people so far. There is also a person who is not a human at all. She is Alice's sister. The other person is himself. I don't know what will happen to Dith if he dies. It is possible to fall into a deep sleep again, and maybe Dith will never wake up again. I don't know anything. I don't know what will happen. Ming originally thought that the meaning of his life, or the purpose of living was to kill his father and destroy the Hilant family, that's all.

For the first time, Ming felt the warmth, and the purpose of Ming's life was added. In order not to let Dith live sad, it's not that she doesn't want to live for herself. When Ming was wrapped in the flame of revenge, he had already forgotten to live for himself. This time, Ming is so eager to live and live for Dith. Just as meditation continued to find a way out, a violent light suddenly flashed in this endless dark space.

When the light was about to observe what the light was, the light turned into a huge palm. A huge hand of light directly grabbed Ming's body. No, it should be said that the soul of Ming was grabbed by this hand of light and left this strange dark space. When Ming opened his eyes again, he was stunned by everything in front of him, the bustling crowd and the bustling streets. The hawking sounded on the stall sounded one after another, and Mingzi looked carefully at everything in front of him.

He shouted in disbelief, "Hitling City, what the hell is going on?" Ming can't believe that the place that is completely opposite to the memory in Ming's mind is Hiteling City, but the place where Ming is located is exactly the entrance of Hiteling City. At this time, Ming looked at Hitling City and couldn't help saying, "When did Hitling City become so prosperous? It's still winter. However, this reminds me of the city of Hiterling in the past, when Hiterling was also so bustling. However, I'm still wailing in a strange black space in the canyon. Why did I return to Hetling City? It seems that I'd better find someone to ask what's going on first.

Ming entered Hitling City curiously, just when Ming stopped a passer-by and was ready to ask what was going on. An unbelievable scene happened, and the passer-by actually passed directly through Ming's body. At this time, Ming turned to the passer-by and said, "Wait!" Mingming's voice was very loud, but the passer-by didn't seem to hear Ming's shouting at all. Ming didn't know that his body was still in a black boundary. Now Ming, standing in Hitling City, was Ming's own soul.

At this time, the soul of the underworld is exactly the same as the appearance of the underworld, wearing the same clothes. It's just that I don't know why no one can see the soul, and it can still be seen when the soul leaves the body. Only the strong can separate their souls from the body, and the strong body can also act. More extremely powerful people can materialize the soul in the "virtual" state, and the soul in the virtual state can only carry out soul attacks, while the materialized soul can not only attack but also physically attack.

When the human soul leaves its body at the beginning, it is in a "virtual" state, that is, anyone can pass through the body of the underworld at this time. Ming can only watch others pass through his body, but he can't touch others. Once materialized, you can touch other people's bodies and take up weapons to carry out physical attacks. And the soul of the old madman is the soul after materialization. When the soul is in a "virtual" state, it is no different from its own appearance, but it can't touch the entity. Although the soul of the old madman at that time looked unsubstantial, it could touch other people's bodies for physical attacks.

Once the soul is materialized, it will be different. Everyone's soul will be different. Like the physicalization of the old madman's soul, it is a black skull. The old madman's combat effectiveness is more than a ten-star strong man, and his soul is also equivalent to a ten-star strong man. The soul of Ming was pulled out of the body as Dith said, and the soul of Ming at this moment is also the so-called "virtual" state.

Because you are forcibly separated, once you don't return to your body within the specified time, you will never return to your body. Wandering around like a wandering soul, until the soul has no energy to dissipate in the air. At that time, the soul will disappear and the body will not breathe and the heart will not beat. At that time, the soul will really die. If Ming has more than ten-star strength, it's fine. Now Ming's strength is just a two-star magician.

Ming looked at everything in front of him at a loss. Ming was not stupid and soon knew that he could see others but others could not see himself. Ming squatted down and tried to pick up the pebbles on the ground with his hand, but Ming's hand penetrated directly. And the most unbelievable scene happened. Just as Ming was thinking about what had happened to him, a powerful attraction involved the soul of Ming, and the soul of Ming floated into the air.

In the blink of an eye, Ming came to an extremely luxurious hotel, and Ming's soul was blown directly to the special dining place on the first floor of the hotel. At this time, Ming looked at everything in front of him tremblingly. The familiar face would never admit it. The beautiful woman sitting on the table in front of him was his mother. And when he was shocked, he wailed in a secret place in the canyon. A short-haired man looked at everything on the light curtain and said slowly, "The good show has finally begun. I'm really looking forward to when this guy will die."

And the red short-haired man's neck was trapped by an iron ring, and behind the iron ring was a huge chain. Surprisingly, the huge chain rushed to the sky extremely straight, and the end of the chain could not be seen at all. Like a chain that doesn't know the specific length, I don't know what's at the end of the chain. This is exactly the same as the huge magma waterfall, and there is no end in sight.

And you can clearly see that the red short-haired man's feet are tightly wrapped by two iron rings, although there is no trace of the chain. But according to the chains on the man's neck, there are also two chains under the two iron rings under the feet of the fiery red short hair. However, these two chains lead not to the sky but to the earth, and a total of three endless chains limit the movement of the fiery red short-haired man. The red short-haired man could not move even a millimeter at all, but the man's face was indifferent, as if he were used to all this.

And this secret place is not only a hot red short-haired man, but a total of five people are lined up in a row. And everyone was restricted by three endless long chains like the fiery red short-haired man. At this time, a bald man said, "Craig, aren't you going to save this man's life? Anyway, it's boring." At this time, Craig responded coldly, "I'm not interested in leaving this waste life. Don't you also have one? If you don't torture him, then let him go. However, five people came here. I don't know how many years no one has dared to set foot here. Finally, five of them came, and each of them happened to have a good torture. I hope they can live a little more time, so that they can pass my boring time.

The bald man said, "It's really unlucky. You all have someone to torture. It's strange how a demon came to me. And it's incredible that the devil's bloodline is so pure. Craig said directly, "Then you are really unlucky. I don't know if the people we released have found a way to unsealed it." The bald man said, "How many years have we been trapped and sealed?" I can't remember myself. Don't count on those rubbish. It's better to rely on yourself. If those losers find a way to open the seal, it's really a surprise.

At this time, a woman with long red hair smiled and said, "At least it's a little hope, by us? Many years have passed. If the seal hadn't been loosened one day every year, I'm afraid we would have been bored to death. However, few people have dared to set foot in this place over the years. It's really nice to have four toys to torture. I'm going to torture slowly. If I die all of a sudden, I don't know how boring the days will be.

Cregge said with a smile, "This guy's heart is full of hatred, so that he lost himself in hatred and finally died. I'm really looking forward to this way of death, and I find that I'm really much kinder than before. Hahaha, little guy, don't die early. It's the most interesting place to watch you die slowly with a painful face, hahaha!"

PS: Tomorrow's 4,000-word chapter, exactly 100,000 words. If you like this book, please collect it and support it. Thank you.