Book of the Devil

34, Destruction and Bow and Arrow

To Xiu just responded coldly, "What's the ability to play with words? Let you see the difference between you and me." At this time, Tuo Xiu raised his right hand slightly, and a strange scene appeared. Toxiu actually had a light orange bow and arrow in his hand. The bow and arrow was not a weapon but a bow and arrow made of energy. At this time, the light orange bow and arrow in Toxiu's hand emitted a soft light, and the bow and arrow without bow strings appeared instantly on the bow and arrow condensed by some energy.

At this time, he looked at Toxiu coldly, but said to himself, "Lina's bow string is completely condensed by spiritual power, while the bow and arrow in Lina's hand are ordinary spiritual weapons. And both the bow and arrow and bowstring in this guy's hand are condensed by some kind of energy. Will it be condensed by spiritual power? No, no, I always feel something wrong. It's completely different from Lina's energy. It's really a little tricky.

At this time, Toshu held the pale orange bow and arrow in one hand, and then a surprising scene happened. Toshu only injected some energy into the light orange bow and arrow, and the bowstring Toshu did not pull. But with the injection of repair energy, the bowstring was automatically pulled away. Then a transparent arrow rushed to the place where the underworld was, but Ming had an indifferent expression. The transparent arrow accurately shot into the heart of the underworld, but Toshi said coldly, "Arrogant boy, remember not to be so arrogant in your next life and repent in hell!"

And Ming still looked indifferent when the transparent arrow passed through his heart, and the transparent arrow actually passed directly through Ming's body. At this time, Ming sneered and said, "My current state should be the "virtual" state of the soul in your mouth. Your arrows can't touch my body at all, waste!" If someone in the same era as Toshi saw Ming talking to Toxiu like this, he must have thought Ming was crazy. Because in that era, not many people dared to talk to Toxiu like this, because Tuoxiu was too strong at that time! Too strong!

But Toxiu frowned and said, "It seems that my estimation was wrong. I thought you relied on the blood-red mask to materialize your soul. And through the blood-red mask, my soul was materialized, and then launched an attack. It turned out that it only materialized my soul by relying on the power of the blood-red mask, and this blood-red mask did not materialize your soul. So it is. At that time, I didn't believe that you had the ability to force my soul to materialize, but I found that I was wrong. The blood-red face had this ability. So you are lucky to escape. Ants like you can forcibly materialize me with the energy of this blood-red mask, and naturally I can do it. Don't look relaxed, and then you will die!"

The last sentence is full of endless killing. You can feel Toshu's endless anger. At this time, Toshu injected an extremely violent energy into the pale orange bow and arrow. Ming can feel the rage of energy from afar, as if it can destroy the world. This time, Toxiu is ready to move seriously. Ming naturally understands this, and Ming is also ready to look at Toxiu. Ming didn't want to attack when Toxiu injected the violent energy, but Ming's instinct told him that he should stay where he was and do nothing.

If it is close, it is a hundred times more dangerous than staying in place. At this time, Ming carefully observes the change of the bow and arrow in Toxiu's hand. At this time, Ming looked at the scene in front of him unbelievably and said, "The color has changed. What is this energy? It seems that everything in the world will be destroyed by this energy. I actually had a feeling of powerlessness, no! I will never give in to anyone or any strength in my life. Nothing can make me give in. Even if God dares to let me give in, then I dare to slaughter God.

At this time, Tuo Xiu showed an extremely cruel smile, and then Tuo Xiu slowly said, "Your death has come. This is the difference between me and you. Only a two-star magician dares to do this to me. You should know that even a guy with more than ten stars had to listen to me. At that time, the guy with more than ten stars was just an ant like you in my eyes. After saying that, the pale orange bow and arrow turned black like night.

At this time, Toxiu slowly and automatically pulled the black bow and arrow's standard head, and then a dark bow and arrow rushed to the underworld like a run wild horse. This arrow is full of only the powerful destructive power, no matter what is blocking the front of this attack. This arrow will also destroy these things that dare to stand in front of it, which is the power of destruction. When the black arrow shot out, Toshio said, "What a beautiful scene it is to let your head burst with your brain! Tell you that this arrow will materialize your soul in an instant. At that time, you will only die if you are shot in the head by this arrow full of destructive power.

Ming also felt the destructive power contained in the arrow, and Ming's heartbeat suddenly became much faster. No one can be indifferent in the face of death unless he predicts that he will not die when he encounters death threats. However, Ming did not have the ability to predict, and he did not know whether he would die when he was shot by this black arrow full of destructive power. But Ming quickly took action, because he knew that as long as there was a little hesitation to cover the black arrow, it would definitely hit his head accurately.

Can a person still live after being shot in the head? Anyway, I haven't seen the human being alive without a head in the book. At this time, the whole person moved slightly, and the black arrow was shot astray because of the movement of the body. The black arrow hit Ming's right shoulder, but Ming couldn't help shouting at this time. The black arrow unexpectedly integrated into his body unscrupulously, and he could feel endless pain.

The feeling of pain to the bone, no matter how strong you are, you can't stand it. Because this black arrow was too strong, it unscrupulously launched an attack in the underworld's body after integrating into the body. No, it is not so much an attack as this black arrow that relies on the endless destructive power to destroy everything in the underworld. That black arrow cannot be regarded as an arrow at all, but an arrow condensed by the power of destruction.

It's not so much an arrow as the violent destructive power. In just a while, you can feel that many things have been destroyed in your body. Ming actually felt that the blood of his body was destroyed at a very fast speed. At this time, Ming said coldly, "No! Get out of here! Get out of here!" It seemed that Ming's words touched the ability of the blood-red mask. At this time, Ming did not notice that the blood-red mask emitted a weak red light.

The weak red light gradually integrates into the body of the underworld, when the red light enters the body of the underworld. The red light, which was originally weak and almost invisible to the naked eye, emitted an extremely violent light in the body, and Toxiu naturally did not notice this scene. Tuo Xiu looked at Ming coldly and said, "Kid, it's really a pity. I wanted to see your head burst with your body, but I didn't expect you to avoid it. It's a pity that I can't see that beautiful scene. Don't think that you can escape if the arrow doesn't hit your head. Once the arrow shoots into your body, it will start to destroy your body. Only when your body is completely destroyed and does not exist in this world will the black arrow disappear. So you will definitely die, and I deliberately shot the least powerful arrow of destruction. This destruction arrow will destroy your body little by little, although your soul is in a "virtual" state. But once the arrow of destruction enters your body, your body will always be materialized. It's really interesting to watch you die slowly and painfully, hahaha!"

And when Ming felt that the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys in his body were crazily destroyed by the power of destruction, and when Ming thought that the interior of his body would be completely destroyed, the soft red light integrated into Ming's body turned into a huge mouth. Then it crazily devoured the black destructive power, which was more domineering and horrible than the destructive power. After three breaths, the horrible destructive power was swallowed up by the red light.

The most incredible scene happened, and most of the original body had been destroyed by the devastating force. Ming gasped heavily, and the red light had not disappeared when Ming was in great pain. On the contrary, wherever the red light went, the originally destroyed body was repaired little by little. After Ming's body was completely repaired, Ming slowly raised his head and looked at Toxiu coldly and said, "How dare you, do you think you can kill me in this way?"

Toshu looked at Ming's mouth in disbelief but said, "How is this possible? Even if you have the ability to drive away the destructive power inside your body, it is impossible to repair the body destroyed by the destructive power. Soon Toxiu regained his composure, but looked at Ming for a while and said, "It seems that I still underestimate the mask on your face. Originally, I thought it was a mask made of anger into a solidification. It seems that it's not only that simple, but also has the ability to repair the damaged body. When I kill you, I want to see what's going on with this mask?

Ming responded coldly, "I'm afraid you don't have this ability. I want you to pay for the pain you gave me before." While talking, the blood-red mask emitted a violent red light as the anger grew. At this moment, Ming had an extra black bow and arrow in his hand. Ming held the dark bow and arrow in one hand and said, "This mask is too unbelievable." Toxiu was even more surprised, because the black bow and arrow in Ming's hand were exactly the same as the black bow and arrow in his hand.

Toxiu looked at the black bow and arrow, but muttered in his heart, "No, it must be just the same appearance. If the bow and arrow have the same ability, it would be incredible.