Book of the Devil

40, silent

At this time, Ming shook his head and said slowly, "I don't believe it. Will nothing strange happen in this damn place? Even if there is an ancient Warcraft, I won't blink, because I'm used to it. I don't believe that you can still happen something more strange than the ancient Warcraft. After all, the ancient Warcraft has long been extinct. That's what the book says, but I think it disappeared silently. I can accept such a ridiculous thing as the ancient Warcraft. I don't believe that anything more outrageous can happen than this.

Just after Ming's words, Ming looked directly in front of him. When Ming sighed and put his right hand on his forehead, he said helplessly, "I take back the sentence in front of me. This is indeed more ridiculous than the ancient Warcraft!" After saying that, Ming, who had been lying on the ground, stood up directly and pointed to the front, but said with words, "This is not true! This is not true! I must be dreaming! How can such an outrageous thing happen? After I close my eyes and count 1, 3, and open my eyes, I will definitely find that this is my own dream.

Then Ning slowly closed his eyes and said, "1, 3." After saying that, Ming immediately opened his eyes. At this time, Ming looked up at the white earth and muttered, "You are cruel. Such a ridiculous thing is actually true. I lost." What Ming saw was nothing else. What Ming saw was himself. And what Ming saw was naked, and he looked at himself in a daze. Ming looked around and found that there was no one, so he was relieved.

After all, when you suddenly see a ** looking at yourself, you will feel that you are dreaming. How can such a ridiculous thing happen in reality, but Ming sees such an outrageous thing in reality. At this time, ** walked towards him step by step, less than ten meters away from him. ** stopped and still looked at himself dullly. Ming swallowed and said directly, "Would you please put on your clothes? Although there is no one here. But it's strange to suddenly see a person who looks exactly like me and then doesn't wear clothes.

Ming looked at himself with a dull face and couldn't help saying, "But who is this guy? Why do you look exactly like me? And I can barely accept the same appearance. After all, the world is so big, but why doesn't this guy wear clothes? I think this guy feels like he's not wearing clothes. Speaking of this, I couldn't help looking at myself. I was relieved to find that I was still wearing clothes.

At this time, **'s self underwent a strange change, starting from the feet. Black gradually erodes **'s self, and after a while **'s whole body has become black. ** Everywhere is black, although the face is clearly visible. But it's extremely strange, and even the eyes are black. At this time, the ** himself seemed to speak for the first time and stammered: "You, you, die,. I, live, or, or... I'm dead... You live!"

After saying this, there was a cold light in his black eyes. There was an endless murderous spirit in his eyes, and then the black self-spokes suddenly became extremely smooth. It seems to have a soul, which is completely different from the previous dull appearance. The ** black self looked at Ming's mouth and said coldly, "You must die! As long as you die, I can control your body!"

looked at**'s self in surprise and said coldly, "Who are you?" The ** black self sneered and said, "You can call me silent. This is the name I gave myself. Don't you think it's nice? You are the first person to talk to me, and your body will also be controlled by me. So I can talk to you for a while and let you live a long time as a compensation for you. Do you think I'm kind?

Ming's whole body shivered and was afraid of unknown people. Even if it is no exception, anyone can see a person who looks exactly like himself and say to himself, "Your life is mine, and your body is also mine." It's really weird to say such a thing. Ming suppressed his fear and said coldly, "Who are you? Why do you look exactly like me?

Mo shook his head and said, "Who am I? I don't know. But I know you are the first person to come to this place, and why I look exactly like you. That's because you were born. The nature of the soul is exactly the same as yours. It's just that although the nature of the soul is the same, the idea is completely different. Because of this, after killing you, I can enter your body directly. And the nature of the soul is exactly the same, and there is no rejection when entering your body.

He swallowed the saliva in his throat and said, "You said that you were born because of me. Are you just born?" Mo nodded and said, "Yes! I was just born! I really want to know what the outside world is like. If it's a little late, it may not be my birth. Maybe the guy above is the first? Ming seemed to have caught the key place and quickly asked, "Are you talking about the white earth?"

looked at Ming and said, "White earth? Yes!" At this time, Ming asked again, "So how do you know what it means for the guy above to take the lead?" You didn't say that you were just born. Why do you know this? You're lying, right? Who are you? Who is it?" Although Ming was afraid, he was still very calm. Ming knew that he could not panic. Only calmness could he have a glimmer of life.

At this time, he said silently, "I didn't lie. That guy will also be born because of you. It's the guy above, but this guy and I are just two extremes. As for why I know this, it's because I knew it when I was born. That's all. Haha, I'm going to kill you! Kill you and you can go out! Outside! Outside! I'm looking forward to it!" Ming frowned and muttered in his heart, "Extreme, extreme again!" White and black! Light and dark! Then this mysterious guy is really in big trouble.

But the more so, the calmer it is, and the more calm it is. He looked at me coldly and asked silently, "You said you were going to kill me, right?" He nodded and said with a smile, "Yes! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you to the outside world!" Ming raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "So are you sure to kill me? What if I kill you? Are you really sure?" Mo patted his chest and said, "It's too easy to kill you. You're not my opponent."

At this time, Ming quickly asked, "Well, since you are so sure, then I have only one way to die, that is, I can only die, and I will be killed by you, right?" Mo smiled and said, "You are so smart! That's it! You have only one way to die!" After saying it silently, Ming said, "So in this case, I will be killed by you obediently!" How about saving you trouble in this way? Anyway, I don't think I'm your opponent, so there's no need to resist, right?

nodded and said, "You are a good man! You are also smart!" At this time, Ming said with a smile, "Well, can you tell me everything you know at the moment of your birth!" It's clear that I will die in this way, right? I saved you a lot of effort. If I resist, I will waste a lot of time killing you, right? Let me die!" Mingdong has talked so much, just for this!

Naturally, Ming will not be killed by this guy and killed by himself. Ming suddenly felt that such a dead hair was a little disgusting. Ming didn't do it immediately for this, for everything he knew before this guy was born! That's the most critical thing. As long as you know these ghosts, you will leave and do it. At this time, Mo shook his head resolutely and said, "I can't tell you! Tell you that I will die! This is an instinctive feeling. Insignificant things can tell you, but some things can never be told. If you tell you, I will only have a dead end. Don't move, let me kill you, then I can go to the outside world.

At this time, Ming cursed in his heart: "What abominable! At the most critical moment, this guy refused to say anything. We can only do it first. Maybe this guy is just a foreign waste!" Ming could only comfort himself like this. While talking, Ming's right hand was inadvertently wrapped in red gas. At this time, Ming said silently, "Can you wait for a while? After all, I was prepared before I died. After all, death is still very frightening.

Mo nodded and said, "Hurry up! Hahaha, I'm so happy to go to the outside world! I'm so happy!" Mo's IQ is not high, probably because he was just born. Intelligence only stays at the stage of children, and may change silently with the passage of time. At this time, Ming was crazy to extract the red gas in the blood-red mask, and when Ming felt that he could not extract a trace of blood-red gas.

The whole body rushed forward, because it was less than one meter away from Mo. In the blink of an eye, Ming's right hand suddenly hit the silent head like a fist. But when he saw Ming's movements, he shouted, "You lied to me! How dare you lie to me!" Mo shouted like a child who had been cheated and shouted like he was angry. Naturally, he didn't know that no one could wait to die quietly, and even if there was a chance to live, he would resist desperately.

And Ming's punch contained extremely horrible energy, and his silent head was smashed in an instant. What shocked Ming was that the silent brain was also black, which looked extremely strange. At this time, the silent head was gone, only a black brain. This scene looked extremely strange, and Ming frowned and muttered, "Is it so easy to solve? No, it can't be so simple!"

And when Ming looked at Mo again, he shouted in surprise, "No, how can this be!"