Book of the Devil

46, mask and side effects

Anyway, this is not something that can't be said. Ming just said lightly, "It seems that I made this mask because of my anger. When I was angry, this blood-red mask appeared in my hand." The cold voice asked, "Can you use the ability of this mask as soon as you put it on?" Ming just replied faintly, "Yes, is there anything strange about this?"

But the cold voice said in a voice that only I could hear: "I've never heard it. This is the first time I've heard that this mask can recognize the Lord. Whether it is him or the former owner of this mask. There is no doubt that this mask is forcibly driven. What's going on with this two-star magician? It is said that this mask can recognize the Lord. It is said that this mask hides a huge secret, but it is unknown whether it is true or not.

After saying that, the cold voice muttered in his heart, "Without this mask, he is no match for me at all. If it weren't for this mask, how could that guy be one against three? If he didn't have this mask, he would be just a waste. Immediately, the cold voice said to Ming, "The second question is what level is the strongest in your continent?" After meditating for a while, he said, "Anyway, in my understanding, there are very few ten-star star professionals. And no one has seen a professional with more than ten stars, saying that there are no professionals with more than ten stars at all.

And the cold voice suppressed the excitement in his heart and said faintly to Ming, "Ok, you can go." Ming asked, "Then how on earth did you leave this place?" When Ming finished saying this, a crack suddenly appeared inside the giant gate. Immediately, the cold voice said slowly, "Enter this crack, and you can go back." But Ming didn't say anything and jumped into the crack without any hesitation.

When the whole person enters the crack, the crack has healed. Another voice asked in a puzzled tone, "Your Majesty, why did you let him go? Don't you let him stay with the mask he is wearing? The cold voice said faintly, "Anyway, it's exactly the same as I expected. Soon the whole continent will be my own. This little guy is nothing, and there are many hidden secrets in our continent. But I know a lot that I will have time to trouble this little guy in the future.

The voice said uneasily, "What if this guy grows to the level of that man?" The cold voice sneered and said, "It's impossible at all. It's just an ant. We can leave here in a few years. Do you think this guy can grow so much in these years? Ants are always just ants. Do you think ants need to worry?

But Ming did not know that he had been regarded as an ant. If Ming knew it, he would definitely sneer at him. By this time, Ming had entered the crack, and he didn't see anything in the crack at all. However, when Ming opened his eyes, he found that Dith's little hand grasped his hand tightly and seemed to mutter something. At this time, the soul of theming rushed directly to the body, and in an instant, the soul of theming merged into its own body.

but Ming heard Dith mutter, "Why has it been so long? What is this bad guy doing? No, this bad guy won't die. It is said that good people don't live long, and bad people live for thousands of years. Bad guy, you are so bad, you are definitely not so easy to die. Humph, you still owe Dith a lot of sugar. At this time, Ming's left hand couldn't help touching his nose, but said in his heart, "What the hell is wrong with me? Really." Ming coughed a few times at this time, and Dith naturally heard Ming's cough.

Dis quickly let go of her little hand, and then Dith asked in a low voice, "Bad guy, is that you? Are you all right?" Ming nodded and said, "Of course I'm fine. I said I would take you to buy candy, or lemon flavor, right?" Dith muttered, "Wow, it's okay if there's nothing to do. I'm worried to death." At this time, Ming said, "Tis, did you just say anything?" Dith raised her head and said, "It's the bad guy. You've been hallucinating. Tiss didn't say she was worried about you, a bad guy, so she didn't say anything."

Ming smiled and said, "I know, I know." At this time, Dith looked at Ming and said, "Bad guy, what are you holding in your hand? It's red." At this time, Ming found that there was an extra finger-sized thing in his hand. After careful observation, he found that the blood-red mask in Ming's hand was actually the blood-red mask, but it was reduced many times. He slowly explained, "It's a mask." Diss held her chin with her hands and asked puzzledly, "Mask, by the way, I haven't asked what the bad guy has experienced? Bad guy, where on earth did your soul go? Telltis quickly?"

Ming touched Tiss's little head, but his mouth slowly told what his soul had experienced. Ming didn't hide it at all, including the cold voice and told it all. Ming didn't want to hide anything from Dith at all, because Ming knew that Dith was an extremely simple girl, and he couldn't hide anything from this simple girl and didn't want to do it.

But Dith fell into thought, and then Dith slowly said, "Let's get out of here as soon as possible. There is such a big secret hidden here." Ming asked, "Dis, who is the cold voice and the black and white?" Dith slowly replied, "The black and white people should be created by the person with the cold voice, and the person with the cold voice is definitely a person for thousands of years or more. Perhaps, maybe the whole continent will be chaotic soon. Therefore, when the troubled times are approaching, you must improve your strength as soon as possible. Although you have gained great power because of that mask, it is never your own power. Don't lose yourself because of this mask and power.

Ming knocked on Dith's head and said, "I know. I understand what you said." Tess pouted and said, "Bad guy! Bad guy!" Ming didn't know how to provoke Dith, so Ming had to change the topic and say, "Dith, how can you leave here?" Ming only saw that he was in a huge black boundary and couldn't find an exit at all. Dith looked at Ming shaking her little head and said, "Tess doesn't know, haha."

Ming knocked on Dith's head again and said, "Then think about it, do you want us to stay in this damn place all the time?" Tess said, "It's not two people, but one person and a beautiful demon. Your current bloodline is still human bloodline, and don't always hit Dith's head. In this way, Dith will become stupid, hum!" At this time, Ming looked at the small blood-red mask in his right hand and said slowly, "Then I have to try this blood-red mask. I also want to know how much power is left in the current mask? This mask is the only card in my hand. If this mask can't let us leave, we can only stay here obediently.

Dis pulled the corner of Ming's clothes and whispered, "Bad guy, be careful." Ming looked at Dith and said, "Dith, are you worried about me?" Diss turned around and said, "The ghost is worried about you. You are a bad guy, a bad guy, a bad guy!" At this time, he shook his head helplessly, but at this time, he didn't know how to wear this blood-red mask. At this time, the blood-red mask emitted a faint red light, as if it had been manipulated by the mask.

The right hand slowly put the small mask in the center of his eyebrows, and at this time, the small blood-red mask gradually integrated into the dark eyebrows. In an instant, Ming felt that he had a strong power in an instant. However, compared with the previous power, the power given to Ming has raised his strength to a five-star level. But Dith asked, "Bad guy, how's it going?" Ming slowly replied, "I have improved the strength of about Samsung, and I'm always a little panicked. It's really a little unbelievable to directly improve Samsung.

While speaking, Ming's right hand suddenly turned into a fist and hit the black boundary. What Ming didn't expect was that the black boundary would crack little by little. In an instant, it turned into nothing, and it turned out that Ming had been in the wailing canyon for more than a day. There is not much energy left in this black boundary, so the power of the five stars has destroyed the black boundary at this time, and even the strength of four stars can be destroyed.

But Ming was silently counting in her heart for second. Disi looked at Ming's motionless appearance and thought that something had happened. She quickly asked, "Bad guy, what's wrong?" Ming said slowly, "It's nothing, but I'm testing how long this mask can last for five stars." At this moment, his whole body fell to the ground. Ming's whole body kept twitching, and severe pain invaded Ming's whole body.

At this time, Ming gritted his teeth and said, "This mask can only last me for 30 seconds, and it has strong side effects. Ah!!!" I couldn't help shouting, and the pain came from the soul. It was as if the soul was burned by the flames, but the body was as cold as ice. One fire, one ice. One hot, one cold. This is the feeling of the sun now. The flame burns the soul of the sun, and the ice freezes the body of the sun.

But Tess held Ming's hand tightly and said, "Bad guy, what's wrong? Tell me quickly." At this time, he couldn't say a word, and just spit out a few words, "Cold! It's so cold!" And Di Si's eyes seemed to overflow with tears. Dith hugged Ming's body tightly. This is the first person that Dith hugged besides Aris's sister, and Aris sister is the devil.

Tis tried to drive away the cold on Ming's body with her own body temperature, but Ming's face was extremely pale. Ming reluctantly stretched out his right hand and touched Dith's exquisite face and said, "Dice, I'm sorry to worry you. I'm really sorry!" Dith said with a trace of crying, "Bad guy! Bad guy! Bad guy! Don't be fine, don't be fine!"

PS: The length of the howling canyon is finally coming to an end, and a lot of pits have been dug. But there are many pits, but I'm already sure to fill the pits here. From the beginning, the five people who were sealed, then the people with blood-red masks, and the mysterious nihilistic world. Put it together and all the pits will be filled. It's just that the most critical link is in my hand, and I don't know that link will not know what's going on.

If you are interested, you can guess, and the pit of the howling canyon will be filled in at the back. If you see there and forget the howling pit of the canyon, you should look at it carefully. I don't know how many people read this book again, but Shuangye has been typing seriously. After all!