Book of the Devil

67, Soul Eater and Black Blood Curse

Among the huge cells, the cells here are not alone. There is only one cell, but this cell is large enough to hold tens of thousands of people. At this time, the old man said lightly, "Open the prison door!" At this time, Trevi asked, "Do you want to kill all of them?" The old man said slowly, "It's enough to kill half."

Hearing the old man's reply, Trevi quickly took out a pale gray key from his pocket and opened the cell door without hurry. Originally, the cell was full of pregnant women's calls for help, and they saw that the cell had been opened. One by one, they rushed out of the cell crazily. At this time, the old man raised his right hand slightly and drew a circle with his fingers in the void. Suddenly, a black aperture gradually formed. After that, the black aperture spread wildly.

In an instant, the black aperture turned into countless black light and penetrated into the pregnant woman's body one by one. At this time, the old man said coldly at this time, "Soul-eating!" After saying these two words, the pregnant women who were drilled into the body by the black light fell to the ground in an instant. Falling down without any breath, the pregnant women who were just about to escape from the cell couldn't help but stop when they saw this scene. The old man was too horrible, and at this time, the old man glanced at the pregnant women coldly and said coldly, "Go back!"

After saying that, waved it casually. Suddenly, the whole cell roared like a storm, and a strong black wind blew towards the pregnant women. Those pregnant women without black light in their bodies have returned to the cell, and Trevi stepped forward to close the cell again. But there were bodies on the whole ground, and pregnant women died with resentment on their faces. And this is not the end, it's just the beginning.

At this time, the old man slowly said, "Intract the soul!" After saying that, the old man opened his mouth slightly. Countless black nails suddenly shot out of the old man's mouth, and countless black nails were injected into the bodies of the dead pregnant women. This is not over, and the old man said coldly, "Pump the soul!" At this time, a sad scream from the mouth of the soul sounded, and the soul of the pregnant woman appeared at this time.

The fierce resentment spread around, but the old man said, "Refining the soul!" Suddenly, a black silk thread in the old man's hand connected the souls one by one. Then the black silk thread disappeared into a group of black flames and burned these resentful souls crazily, and the sad sound of the souls. Many beautiful families have been destroyed by the old people, which has killed at least a thousand lives, not including the upcoming baby.

And the old man still controls the black flames to burn these souls, and countless sad sounds have no impact on the old man. The elderly don't know how many pregnant women have been killed in thousands of years. Anyway, I'm too lazy to count, but the old man doesn't feel guilty at all. The law of the jungle is the reality of this world and cannot be changed. The weak should be used. The old man did not feel guilty about killing these pregnant women, but thought that the death of these pregnant women was their glory.

These humble civilians can be used by themselves and make themselves more than ten stars. This is their glory, and they should be proud. Such a humble weak person can use their lives to be a strong man with more than ten stars. At this time, a huge black light curtain slowly appeared. The old man said faintly, "Zero!" After saying this word, the abrupt black light curtain turned into a curved moon-shaped light blade and rushed to the old man's eyebrows.

Immediately, the light blade melted into the old man's eyebrows. A piece of information slowly told the old man. At this time, the old man said to Trevi faintly, "Zero is in the shadow cave. Find him as soon as possible. It is not easy for a two-star magician to kill three five-star professionals. Don't kill it immediately after you catch it. I'd like to see what kind of treasure this guy can kill more than Samsung. Catch a group of pregnant women as soon as possible. This is not enough! Not enough!"

Trivey couldn't help laughing bitterly and said, "I guess it's a little troublesome. If you arrest pregnant women wantonly, you may be noticed something. After all, the process of arresting pregnant women has long been used by the family. If pregnant women are arrested, they may be exposed. After all, David is in Tris City. If the patriarch can kill that David, I'm afraid our arrest of pregnant women will go smoothly. It's not like now, David is coming. We have to be much more cautious in arresting pregnant women, and we used to catch pregnant women who were about to give birth, but now we don't even have a choice. All this was caused by David. If he hadn't guessed that we would have caught pregnant women much faster.

Almost everyone in the Hawking family has arrested pregnant women, but high-level people know the specific facts. Although the people at the bottom and even the middle do not know the facts, they know that the arrest of these pregnant women is very important for the family. And every family will be injected with the "black blood curse" by the old man when they are born. Once they say something about the arrest of pregnant women, these people don't have time to finish talking about it. Maybe they will die because of this "black blood curse" as soon as they open their mouth.

After all, arresting so many pregnant women is simply a heinous crime, and it is nothing to the Hawking family if it is just killing. But if pregnant women were arrested and killed thousands of years ago, it would be a heinous thing. People in the Hawking family also know how much impact it will have on the whole family. Generally, people in these families begin to brainwash when they are young.

So few people will talk about the arrest of pregnant women. Even if there are a few kind-hearted people, they will eventually die because of the "Black Blood Curse". Hearing what Trevi said, the old man couldn't help shaking his head and said, "David is not simple, the moon night murder. Even I have heard a little about it. This matter involves so much that you won't know the people and things involved. If I kill David, I'm afraid I'll get into big trouble. Maybe the Hawking family will perish because of this. If they want to kill, they will be killed without evidence. But once the evidence is left, there will be a huge crisis for me or my family. In this case, it should be possible to speed up the arrest of pregnant women a little.

After saying that, the old man walked to the wall at will. But the old man's body blended into the wall little by little, and finally his whole body disappeared. After the old man disappeared, there came a desolate voice, "We must catch zero and seize the seeds of resentment, no matter what the price is!" Naturally, Trevi did not dare to neglect the old man's order. The whole Hawking family endured for many years. Not a year, not a decade, but a thousand years.

The millennium plan is finally coming to Trevi, and the day of the rise of the whole family is coming. Once the old man steps into more than ten stars, even the four families dare not neglect him. And the old man said that once the big seed was swallowed, he would break through ten stars. And it is also counted among the strong people with more than ten stars, although these are all read by the old people in books. But old books should not be deceptive, otherwise why did the old man endure for so many years?

Thousands of years, how many thousand years can people spend? The old man only has a thousand years to squander, but the old man's goal is more than ten stars. Although the old man does not know how much life expectancy will increase, the old man has seen it in a broken page. A strong man with more than ten stars has lived for at least tens of thousands of years, and they are real old monsters.

And because the remnant page made the old man know the way to advance to ten stars, there are two ways. The first old man didn't think about it at all, and the first method was entirely based on his own qualifications. Although he was told how to advance, the old man's qualifications were not enough for him to advance ten stars. But the second method ignited a glimmer of hope in the old man's heart, which was very vicious. The old man was shocked when he first saw this method. The old man didn't know that it was the crazy guy who came up with such a vicious method.

However, the huge ** of the final advanced level of more than ten stars made the old man gritt his teeth and decide to use this method, although it was vicious. But the old man is not a kind person, and the old man has also killed many people. This method needs to kill the souls of 100,000 newborn babies and refine their 100,000 souls into a seed of resentment. And collect the resentment born from the souls of countless newborn babies, which will devour these resentment. But the seed of resentment must be implanted into the human body every few years, otherwise the seed of resentment will completely wither.

Finally, it takes thousands of years to let the seeds of resentment grow until the resentment reaches a certain level. After that, the ten-star strong man swallowed this seed and will definitely advance to the realm of more than ten stars. Originally, the old man did not believe the method recorded in this remnant page at the beginning. However, the amazing energy fluctuations emitted by this remnant page made the old man waver. This energy fluctuation far exceeds the limit of the energy that the ten-star strong can have, which makes the old man unable to resist the ** recorded in this remnant page.

From thousands of years ago to today, the old man is a little angry about the loss of the seeds of resentment. But the old man can't find the seed of resentment, if he really can't find the seed of resentment. The old man also had to take risks, but if the Hawking family did their best, they would have captured Zero and regained the seeds of resentment.

In the open space hidden by Dith in the shadow cave, Dith asked, "Bad guy, what are you going to do with this seed!" He couldn't help frowning and said, "To be honest, it's really not easy to deal with." After saying that, he slowly stepped forward. Suddenly, endless resentment suddenly hit the underworld, and his whole body couldn't help retreating a few steps. At this time, Ming said with a wry smile, "You see, I can't get close to this seed of resentment at all. It's really horrible."

Tis raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, "Bad guy, it's too stupid. Why don't you try the mask? Maybe this mask can collect this seed of resentment. Although this seed of resentment is of little use to the bad guys, I'm afraid it will cause irreparable consequences if it is forced to go by people with bad intentions.