Book of the Devil

83, Shadow escape and blood escape

Just as Ming discussed the specific plan with the old man, the little guy in the mask quarreled. This little guy is none other than the virtual beast in the thunder curtain. Because this little guy looks a little special, naturally he can't take this little guy to burn the warehouse together. I'm afraid it would be bad if someone saw this little guy.

When he arrived at the imperial capital, he had already let the little guy stay in the inner space where the mask specially stored things. Although the little guy looked reluctant, Ming still put the little guy into the inner space of the mask. For nothing else, I'm afraid of this just in case. If someone sees this little guy's appearance, he will be found sooner or later. At that time, Ming was not sure to die, because Ming's strength was here. Just a small two-star magician, in the face of the huge thing of the Hillant family, it is really like a dragonfly shaking a tree.

It is precisely because of this that Ming took revenge on the Hirant family. Will be careful, careful, and more careful, and carry out crazy revenge without showing any trace. When your strength rises sharply, you will not be so sneaky, but take revenge openly. Dusk is coming soon, and the night is coming. At this time, the people in the imperial capital are still moving as usual, according to the already fixed rules. Unexpectedly, an uproar was quietly opening, and Hillant's face would be slapped hard by the old man.

The cause planted in the previous life and the fruit harvest today. The Hilant family, which has been dominated for many years, will eventually get the due results because of that. Time flies, and the moonlit night comes quickly. At this time, most of the people in the imperial capital fell into dreams and had their own happy or sad dreams. At this time, Ming was most of the same as the old man, wearing a black robe and a black cloak. The warehouse where the Hilant family stores medicinal materials is not a secret, and it is almost well known.

Outside the Xuelan auction house, the underworld and the old man have quietly arrived. This Chevrolet auction is very huge. From afar, it doesn't look like an auction at all, but as large as a mountain villa. At this time, the old man said indifferently, "Shadow escape!" While talking, the whole person has been caught by the old man. However, the old man turned into a shadow and disappeared. When he came to the Xuelan Auction House, he had already told the old man where the medicinal materials warehouse was located.

The old man didn't talk nonsense and directly released the shadow escape technique. Shadow escape, as the name implies, turns into a shadow. Hidden in the dark, with a very fast speed. After a while, Ming and the old man had come to the warehouse where the medicinal materials were stored. This Chevrolet auction house has many warehouses, and each warehouse stores different things. But the only thing that is the same thing in the warehouse is that the value is extremely expensive. If everything in the warehouse of this Chevrolet auction is destroyed, the Hilant family will be hit hard.

And each warehouse has special personnel to guard, most of which are dispatched according to the rarity of the warehouse. Some warehouses even have ten-star strong men to guard, which can no longer be described as precious. Naturally, he does not intend to destroy all the warehouses. If so, it is not revenge, but looking for his own death. In an instant, the old man had seen a sleepy guy standing in the warehouse. The axe in his hand had fallen to the ground, which was the guard in the warehouse of medicinal herbs.

Eight-star warriors, the people guarding this medicinal warehouse are different every day. According to Ming, most of them are eight-star strong men. There are many people who sleep when guarding like this, and even their weapons fall to the ground. It's not that these guards don't do their duty and do their duty well. At first, these guards also conscientiously guarded the medicinal warehouse. After all, most of the people who came to guard the medicinal warehouse were people who made mistakes in the family to guard and punish them.

But with the passage of time, there has been no case of dare * since the establishment of this Chevrolet auction house. After all, the Hilant family is really too huge. The three words of Hilant alone are enough to be deterred. Because of this, most of the guards are very lax. After all, nothing has happened for so many years. How can it happen suddenly now? However, the eight-star warrior was really a little unlucky, but the unfortunate thing that had not happened in a thousand years fell on him.

There are really people who dare to move the earth on Taisui these days, and there are more than two. At this time, Ming whispered, "It seems that this guard is too lax. Can the senior kill him quietly?" The old man said indifferently, "Don't underestimate me, okay? Although I was seriously injured, I was still a ten-star strong man. What are the difficulties of a small eight-star warrior? Killing him is as easy as killing cattle and sheep. You should be optimistic about the ability of the ten-star strong man.

As he spoke, I pointed his right hand and said coldly in his mouth, "Blood explosion!" In an instant, a trace of red light turned into countless red bugs and silently penetrated into the eight-star warrior's body. The strange thing is that when the countless insects penetrated into the body of the eight-star warrior, the eight-star warrior did not feel anything wrong. As if nothing had happened, the old man said lightly, "After melting blood, it will explode!"

asked puzzledly, "Blood explosion? And what does it mean to explode after the blood melted? The old man slowly explained, "It's very simple. This red bug is not attacking his body. Instead, it integrates into this person's bloodline, and when these countless insects integrate into this person's blood, they will follow the flow of his blood. It seems that this red bug is the blood of this person, and there is no difference at all. Then, take good care of it."

At this time, the old man's eyes flashed, and he shouted, "Bang!" Immediately, the little worm that had been integrated into the blood of the eight-star warrior seemed to hear an order. One by one, the red light has turned into the man's blood. So from this human body, you will find that it is not the countless red insects that shine, but this person's blood. Immediately, the man's blood began to burst like an explosion.

In an instant, the eight-star warrior's face was covered with blood. If you look forward, you will find that the eight-star warrior has no breathed at all. And the eight-star warrior had a smile on his face when he died, as if he were dreaming. Unexpectedly, he had been killed and killed an eight-star warrior silently. It's like walking in the court, and it's destroyed at will. However, there are silk cracks on the body of the eight-star warrior, which looks extremely horrible. At this time, Ming looked at the old man in surprise and said, "Is this the ten-star strongman?" It's too strong."

This is such a close observation of the attack of the ten-star strong man. I didn't expect that the more careful I observe, the more I can feel the strength of the ten-star strong man. I can also feel the difference between the ten-star strongman and myself, but he said to himself secretly, "Sooner or later, I will become so strong, even surpass ten stars and more than ten stars. I believe in myself, and I will stand at the peak of the world one day!" But the old man waved his hand and said, "This blood explosion is much weaker than before. After all, he was seriously injured, and the ten-star strongman has more than a little strength. After you advance to ten stars, you will find that there are ants below ten stars. This is the mentality after I advanced to ten stars. Ten stars is the first step and the beginning of becoming a strong man.

After listening to what the old man said, he couldn't help muttering, "Are there ants below ten stars? Maybe I will understand this sentence in the future. After a while, Ming took a deep breath and asked the old man, "Senior, is that shadow escape the fastest escape magic you can use?" The old man shook his head and replied, "That's not true. What do you do with this?" Ming said with a ferocious face, "Senior, how boring it is to destroy these medicinal herbs quietly like this. I want everyone in the imperial capital to know that this medicinal herbs have been destroyed, and I want to slap the Hilant family in the face."

The old man said, "It's true. What do you think?" Ming said, "It's very simple. The bigger the momentum, the better. It's just a question of how to escape quickly. The old man waved his hand and said, "There is no problem, a blood escape, unless the ten-star strongman catches it for the first time. Otherwise, no one can catch up with it, and I don't think the ten-star strongman will appear so casually. There is no big problem with safe escape.

The momentum that the Ming Dynasty is going to make will be very powerful, and the three life-saving methods have been used once. The following is the second time, but this second time is not used to escape but to attack. Although this supreme thunder can only be used three times now, its usage is different. Naturally, the most effective way to use supreme thunder is to save your life. After all, a teleportation of hundreds of thousands of meters is too unbelievable. At this time, the supreme power of thunder was extracted in an instant, and the horrible thunder filled the body of the body.

If it had not been controlled by the blood-red mask, it would have been split into pieces by this horrible thunder. At this time, Ming looked at the huge warehouse indifferently, and his whole body had risen to mid-air. Immediately, Ming's silver-white hair had been erected. The hair is also full of the power of thunder, which is more horrible than the three forces of anger, destruction and killing. After all, the thunder swallowed by the mask is not an ordinary thunder, but the endless thunder curtain that has existed for many years.

At this time, Ming said coldly, "Senior, you can use any magic power later. Anyway, the stronger the sound, the better. When those strong men come, they will immediately use blood escape to escape from the scene!" Standing in the air, it is like a killing god! It's just that under the cover of the cloak, you can't see the appearance of the underworld or the hair that has been erected!