Book of the Devil

104, registration and lottery

Seeing Hors's hesitation, the blue-haired man sneered and said, "You only have one choice, just say everything you know. Otherwise, I will kill you now and then kill your sister. You have no choice. You say it so clearly. Do you know what to do? Hos sighed and was not struggling. Anyway, he was also attached to Bentel for his sister, and immediately, Hoss pondered for a while.

How he met Ming, he told the blue-haired man carefully. The blue-haired man frowned and said, "Binter calls him an adult. It seems that Bentel really has something to do with this guy. I thought this man was Bentel's subordinate, but it turned out that this Bentel was the man's subordinate. Hors looked at the blue-haired man and said, "Your Excellency, that's my sister." The blue-haired man said lightly, "You can work under me in the future. Your sister's illness is not a big problem."

Hoss said several thanks, but the blue-haired man muttered, "It seems that you have to tell the patriarch that you can't arrest Bentel directly." After saying that, the blue-haired man said lightly to Horss, "Let's go." Immediately, the two left the underworld abyss one after the other. At the same time, the whole person has come to the imperial capital. Ming did not go directly to the demon place, but looked for a place to live.

When the problem of living was solved, Ming went to the demon place. When Ming walks out of the magic place, he will find the six-pointed star badge on the Ming robe. Three of the ten small holes have brightened up. Ming is now a real three-star magician. Think about his crazy efforts to advance the two-star magician. However, he has never been able to advance, and now he has become a three-star magician.

Although a lot of things happened, Charlie was killed. Escape from the heavenly prison and burn down dozens of warehouses at the Shilan auction, but none of this showed any trace. No one will know that people have done so many earth-shaking things. Unexpectedly, he stayed in the newly bought house and has just become a Samsung magician.

A month passed quickly, and the day of enrollment at the Nangel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry finally arrived. Ming took Disi's hand and walked slowly towards the Nangel School of Magic, while the virtual spirit lay lazily on Ming's shoulder. After a while, Ming and Dith had come to the door of Nagel's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Similar to the imagination, Nangel Magic Academy is the first magic college in the imperial capital. There were almost countless people who came to sign up, and Ming was surprised to see the scene in front of him.

I didn't expect that there were so many people who met the enrollment requirements of the Nangel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Naturally, I saw the long dragon-like team, which was the place to sign up. Ming has no privilege and can only pat the team patiently. I don't know how long I have been waiting, and I finally arrived. In the eyes of the underworld are two different crystal balls, one is to test spiritual power and the other is to test magic. Without much hesitation, he input magic and spiritual power into these two crystal balls.

At this time, the woman sitting aside took a look and said faintly, "Go to the hall to draw lots." Ming frowned and said, "D draw lots? What do you mean? The woman yawned lazily and said, "There are too many applicants this year, and Namgel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry doesn't need waste. The annual enrollment quota is limited, and this time it has exceeded the usual number of people. It is almost twice as many as in previous years, so after testing your mental strength and magic, you also need to test your actual combat ability.

And at this time, Tess has also tested her spiritual power and magic, and she doesn't know how she hid it from the world. Ming didn't care, after asking the woman about the specific location of the hall. Holding Dith's little hand and going straight to the hall, he muttered in his heart, "Is it twice the number of people? That is, only half of the people can enter the Nangel School of Magic? After a while, Ming and Dith had come to the hall mentioned by the woman.

The hall has been overcrowded for a long time, and I can't believe that so many people have signed up. Are there so many three-star magicians under 18 years old? It's too surprising. When all the applicants who came to the Nangel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry arrived, the lottery began. No. 67 was drawn, and No. 112 was drawn by theming. When everyone drew lots, a cold voice sounded slightly: "Candidates, please follow me."

When Ming heard this voice, he couldn't help laughing bitterly and said, "It turns out that it's just a candidate. It's really troublesome. After passing the examination, you can enter the Nangle Magic Academy. Oh, it's a coincidence that I came here. At the same time, following the crowd, everyone stopped in an empty place. Almost for a moment, all the candidates looked at the leader. The leader stopped at this time and said indifferently, "I am the examiner of your first round of assessment, to be honest. The timing of your arrival is really unfortunate. I would like to remind you once. This is the least enrollment of candidates since the establishment of the Nangar Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

After saying that, the man paused and continued, "In previous years, as long as you are under 18 years old and a Samsung magician, you can enter the Nagel Magic Academy. Generally speaking, about 100 candidates can be recruited at a time, but this time it is different. Only 50 candidates will be recruited this time, and there are more than 300 candidates here. According to the number of candidates, three rounds of assessment will be carried out. Those who pass three rounds of assessment can enter the Nangeal School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and perhaps the number of people will not reach 50 in the end. I would like to remind you that if you want to quit, quit now. Otherwise, no one will collect the body for you. No matter what you have*, you will be treated equally.

Just as the man was talking, a slightly fat man said dissatisfiedly, "Why, why? It was so easy in previous years, but why is it so troublesome this year? Are you kidding about the three rounds of assessment? Dear examiner. At this time, the examiner looked at the man indifferently and said faintly, "Get out if you don't want to participate. It's that simple. If you want to question, I'm sorry that even the patriarchs of today's four major families have no right to question.

The man spit and shouted, "What a broken college, one by one. Bah, I don't want to go yet." At this time, the examiner shook his head and said indifferently, "Are you insulting the Nagel School of Witchcraft and Magic?" There are some doubts in this sentence, but more of them are unscrupulous killing intentions. Ming, who was far away, actually felt the extremely indifferent murderous intention. At this time, Ming shook his head and muttered, "If this guy says another wrong word, I'm afraid he will die here. I hope he will be smarter. This person is very strong. An examiner is so strong. This college is a little interesting.

The man still said arrogantly, "Damn, what's wrong? I insulted. How, garbage college, garbage examiner. Do you want to do it, huh?" The examiner said with a smile, "It's unfortunate that's what I mean." At this time, the examiner walked slowly towards the man, and the candidates almost subconsciously gave way. At this time, the man said in surprise, "What are you doing, my father is." Unfortunately, the man hasn't said how powerful his father is. You can't touch me or anything like that.

The examiner snapped his fingers and said indifferently, "Burning!" After saying that, there was a severe high temperature from around the examiner. For a moment, a surprising scene happened. From the examiner's feet, two chains locked the man's feet in an instant. The chain is not an ordinary chain, but completely condensed by flames. Immediately, the sound of birds suddenly sounded. At the same time, the originally arrogant man could not even make a scream.

The whole body was swallowed up by the ruthless flame in an instant, and there was no ashes left. At this time, the examiner still had an indifferent expression, as if it was not him who killed the murder just now. The examiner said lightly, "There is only one way to die for those who dare to insult Nangal Magic Academy. By the way, no matter who you are or your*, I will not show mercy. I didn't lie to them. Well, those who want to leave now should leave as soon as possible. Wait a minute, don't say give up."

But the examiner just finished this sentence, but no one quit. Seeing this, the examiner seemed to have expected it. Immediately, the examiner said indifferently, "Is the paper with the numbers still on it?"

The examiner just asked this question, and the answers "in" sounded one after another. Immediately, the examiner said lightly, "The first round of assessment is very simple. The battle between the two. Either make the other party admit defeat or kill the other party. Those who win can enter the second round of assessment, that's all. Finally, those who want to quit should quit as soon as possible. When you die, no one will care about you."

But no one left, and the examiner seemed to meditate for a moment. Immediately, the examiner took out a light silver key from his pocket. Immediately, the examiner didn't know what to say. An intelligible language came out of the examiner's mouth, and then a surprising scene appeared. A 100-meter-high white light door slowly appeared in front of everyone, and the examiner slowly inserted the light silver key into the obvious keyhole in the light door.

At this time, the sound of the door opening slowly sounded. The examiner's voice came again, "One by one, enter this door in the order of the numbers you draw, and remember to follow the order." After saying that, the examiner was the first to step into the light gate. Ming raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "It looks very interesting."