Book of the Devil

106, confidant and cat claw

The thin man said indifferently, "I'm afraid you don't have this chance." After saying that, the thin man snapped his fingers confidently. Suddenly, countless ice flowers. It looks like a snowflake, but it is a three-star magic, ice flower art condensed from thin ice. With the beginning of the thin man's finger, countless ice flowers suddenly burst out shocking energy fluctuations.

When countless ice flowers fall, you can feel the piercing cold. After a while, the fat man's body was already wrapped in thin layers of ice. The thin man sighed and said, "Fatty, fat man. It is said that I will abstain early so as not to hurt you. Don't worry, you and I are a confidant, and I won't kill you. It's better to admit defeat as soon as possible. It's not easy to meet a confidant. I believe you understand. The fat man said with trembling lips, "I know, understand, you, your sister."

After saying that, the fat man shouted, "Emylitis!" Suddenly, spherical flames fell from the sky. The most surprising thing is that these spherical flames attacked not the thin man, but himself. In a moment, all the ice on my body had been melted by the flames. But the fat man quickly fell to the ground and rolled around. When the flames on his body were extinguished, the fat man was already ragged and tattered.

The original clothes no longer exist, and the fat man now looks like a beggar on the street. Not only that, but you can also smell some barbecue from the fat man. It seems that the flame has burned on the fat man's body, and the fat man's bloated meat is already like barbecue. At this time, the thin man laughed and said, "Fat, you are awesome. He is really cruel to himself and is not afraid of becoming a roast suckling pig. The fat man spit and shouted, "Bastard, I haven't heard a word. Men should be cruel to themselves, which they don't understand.

Immediately, the fat man muttered in a low voice: "Wind art!" Suddenly, the fat man's body had come to the side of the thin man. When the thin man saw the fat man coming. But he said in amazedly, "What are you going to do, fat man?" The fat man smiled cunningly and said, "Wasn't your ice art very cool just now? Let me also show you how powerful I am!" The fat man fell high from the air like a giant bird.

It turned out that the fat man suddenly jumped up from the sky when his body was about to meet the thin man. At the moment of jumping, the onlookers and even the examiners were surprised. The examiner muttered, "How can this fat man jump so high? Is it my eyes?" But the thin man closest to the fat man is the clearest, when the thin man raises his head. I can't see anything, and there is darkness in front of me. It was as if the fat man's body was like a huge shield, covering all the light.

The thin man muttered, "This is an illusion, yes, this is an illusion." The thin man was stunned by the scene in front of him and didn't even have time to release the magic. At the same time, the bodies of the fat and the thin man received a close intimacy. There is nothing wrong with fat people. There are lean men as meat pads. Although the lean man doesn't have much meat, the lean man is miserable. His eyes were black and he didn't know anything. At the moment when the thin man fell into a coma, the paper marked with No. 31 in the thin man's pocket.

is slowly floating in the air, not just the flames from where. Burn the paper little by little, when all the paper burns out. The thin man's body seemed to be pulled by something, and his body flew straight into the light door. The fat man saw the thin man leave, but said, "Goodbye, brother. I believe we will meet again next year, confidant. At this time, the examiner looked at the fat man and said, "Please go back to your stone platform. The next assessment is about to begin."

The fat man said with a sad face, "That will take a long time. The examiner will give me a ride." The examiner said directly, "Just input the magic into that paper." The fat man is an honest man, and this is how the fat man evaluates himself. The fat man is like a good baby and listens to the examiner. Injecting his magic into the paper, the fat man could feel his body slowly floating. A surprising scene happened, with such a fat body.

Unexpectedly, he slowly floated in the air, and soon the fat man returned to his stone platform. When the fat man returned to the stone platform, the stone bridge suddenly cracked and turned into gravel and fell into the magma. At this time, the examiner was doing the same action as before. Suddenly, the numbers on the light curtain beat rapidly again. In a while, two numbers reappeared, and two stone bridges reappeared. At this time, she saw that Dith made a gesture in the shape of a V and smiled indifferently.

Ming knew that it was Tim's turn to appear, but Ming was not worried at all. There are not many people who can make Dith suffer, but Dith jumped to the stone bridge. It seemed that he didn't care about the width of the stone bridge at all and ran lightly. After a while, Dith had come to the round table. At the same time, a short man has come to the round table. The man looked coldly at Dith and said slowly, "Hurry up and give up. I don't want to kill people."

But Dith didn't say anything and didn't know where she found a pair of black gloves. When Dith put on the black gloves, Dith's hands changed. The glove turned into something like a cat's claw, and the color of the cat's claws was dark. At this time, Dith gently waved her hands gracefully, and suddenly a black light blade rushed to the man. A surprising scene happened, and those black light blades did not touch the man's body at all.

Instead, he rushed forward and stopped knowing that he had touched the stone wall. The stone wall made a sound, as if it were the damage caused by those black blades. But at this time, the man laughed and said, "It's ridiculous. It's really rubbish to dare to register for the Nangel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." But Dith did not say anything, but said indifferently, "3, 2, 1!" When he said "1", the man showed an unbelievable expression.

There was countless blood on the ground, and he carefully observed the man's body. However, he found that there were thousands of small wounds on the man's body, and the blood couldn't stop flowing down. Diss shook her head and said, "Now it's clear who is rubbish." Originally, Diss was only going to hurt the man a little bit, and it was enough for him to abstain. But the waste in the man's mouth made Dith angry. The devil's pride cannot be insulted. He is not talking about Tiss anymore.

But speaking of the demon waste of the whole royal family, the pride of demons is deeply rooted. As a royal demon, the pride in his heart is even deeper. So Tess taught the man a lesson, and the black light blades obviously increased in an instant. The real attack is not those black light blades, but when the black light blade rushes through the man's body. At that moment, the black light blade instantly made the air around the man fluctuate. The space turns into a silk thread, ruthlessly cutting the man's body.

This made the man look like this, although the man seemed to have many wounds on his body. But it is not very fatal, and it can still be cured after a few months of recuperation. At the same time, the man's body was pulled into the light door. But Tiss also returned to the stone platform, and the battle began and ended quickly. It ended in less than three minutes, which was a sharp contrast to the previous battle. The examiner muttered, "If only every battle were like this, and it would end so soon."

Most of the candidates around took a cold breath. This person is too strong! The body did not move at all, just relying on the cat's paw-like gloves. The battle ended, and the man ended the battle without even room for resistance. But Dith yawned and looked sleepy. Ming smiled bitterly and muttered, "When did Dith become so strong?" At this time, Ming looked at the virtual spirit on his shoulder.

Xu Ling looked at Ming and said slowly, "Brother, what's the matter? Why are you staring at me?" Ming shook his head and said, "It's nothing. I just saw that Dith has become so strong. Why are you still like a pig? Eat and sleep every day. The virtual spirit snorted, "Hon't you heard of it? What's my name?" Yes, yes, if you don't sing, it will be amazing, wow. He said slowly, "What I can't figure out most is when I first saw you. That egg is extremely big, but."

While talking, Ming poked the virtual spirit with his hand and said, "But why are you so small?" The virtual spirit quibbled, "This is a secret, so I won't tell you." Ming said in his heart, "I'm afraid you don't even know." At this time, Ming saw that Dith was staring at herself with a small mouth. As if to say again, "I'm so powerful, bad guy, you don't praise me." He couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

Then, his lips moved. Tess, you are so awesome that you are much better than me. Diss didn't stare at herself, and time passed like running water. The duels passed, and some of them were indeed what the examiners expected. Someone died and was killed because he insisted on not admitting defeat. Some people immediately released a wind magic as soon as they came on the field. There was no hesitation, as if he had done many exercises.

Samsung wind magic was released and directly blew people into the magma. They are all desperate for the quota of the Nangel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There were also many battles, which also shocked the dark. But none of the people who really care about Ming have seen it. Not including masks and gloves, just those three cards. The three abilities attached to the source of magic have no pressure at all in the face of these three-star magicians, and even four-star magicians have no problem.