Book of the Devil

113, Jess and Big Brother

At this time, Ming had already come to the location of another team, but at the same time, Ming looked at the person in the cover but couldn't help sneering. The person in the cover is thin and pale. At first glance, he was the kind of person who was over drunk. At this time, the man kicked his companion beside him with his right foot. That is, his team partner, and Ming is hiding and observing the actions of the two.

At this time, the man smiled and said, "Your excellency, what's wrong with what the villain did?" The man known as "adult" snorted coldly, "You are also a loser. I have spent so much effort to suppress your strength to the level of a three-star magician. Not only that, but also adjust your face and roots to 18 years old. But what are you doing? Are you rubbish? It's been so long to get more than 300 Shuiyan crystals. Let me tell you, I'm determined to get this magic liquid!"

Speaking of this, the man paused and said, "If I get the magic liquid, my Hilant family will have 4 drops of magic liquid. In addition to the two drops of magic liquid paid by me and my eldest brother, you can also exchange these two drops of magic liquid for many good treasures in the family. This college used magic liquid as a reward, but my father finally got the news. Otherwise, how can you follow me? You are a five-star magician. Now there is no monitoring here. You can release all your strength, do you understand?"

The man knelt on the ground and said repeatedly, "Yes, yes, Lord Jess." Immediately, Jess said coldly, "If we get these four drops of magic liquid, not only the owner will appreciate us. The identity of my father and my eldest brother will also be improved a lot, not to mention the entanglement of interests contained in it. As long as you do well, you will naturally have enough benefits. At this time, Ming, who was hiding in the dark, sneered secretly and said, "It's really a coincidence. Unfortunately, your strength is a four-star magician. The so-called five-star magician is just abruptly raised, and there is no fear at all. The road for enemies is narrow, and the road for enemies is narrow.

Thinking of this, Ming's sneer gradually increased. At this time, Ming muttered in his heart, "I thought of a good idea, and my brothers killed each other, hahaha. What a wonderful event, enough to cause a sensation. I'm afraid not many people have seen the righteous brother killing. Interesting, interesting! Wow ha ha!" Thinking of this, Ming became more and more excited. The purpose of Ming's life is not much, and revenge is one of the few purposes to support Ming's survival.

Whenever the Shirant family is hurt, the satisfaction in their hearts increases crazily. Excited and happy, I felt that it was the most pleasant thing in body and mind at that time. Ming has no grudge against this man, but the Bauhinia badge on his chest. His identity as the Hilant family is enough to kill the underworld. He is not wrong, and Ming has no hatred with him. What's wrong is that his surname is Hillant, and the patriarch of the Hillant family is named Faro! That's all!"

At this moment, Jess turned his head and said coldly, "Who is it? What a bold man, why don't you get out of here?" At this time, he slowly walked out of the hidden place. At this time, Jess shouted in surprise, "Devil, you, you are the demon!" I'm from the Hilant family, and I have no grudge against you. If you want Shui Yanjing, I'll give it to you. Others don't know the identity of Aobo, but how could he not know the Hirant family?

Although there is still a big gap between that force and the Hilant family. But despite this, he can't change his face and kill Obo like this. This man is either crazy or has a large enough power behind him. It would be bad if this person was unhappy and killed himself. Therefore, Jess is also a decisive person. Of course, Shui Yanjing is more important than her own life. So Jess reported his * first to make this guy afraid.

Then he said that he would give Shuiyanjing to him, so that he could save his life. Unless this man is really a murderous man, Jess hurriedly handed over more than 300 water crystals in his pocket. Ming did not look at the light curtain, and the name of Ming's team, Night Blood Team, has climbed to the third place. The first is the slaughter team, a team with only one person, and the team where the mysterious Field is located. And the second team, guess and you will know.

Naturally, it's Jess's eldest brother, who is in the team. He didn't look at the bag in his hand, but looked at Jess with great interest. At this time, Jess asked in horror and puzzledly, "I'll give you all the water crystals. What else do you want to do?" Ming shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity. In fact, I'm not as cruel as you think, really, really." As soon as he finished saying this, Jess couldn't help scolding in his heart, "You are not cruel. It's not cruel to torture Obo so much, so who in the world is cruel?"

Jace naturally dares not say this in front of Ming. Maybe this guy will kill himself if he is unhappy. Although he did have a five-star magician under him, Jess didn't know why he still wanted to ask for mercy. The decision seems to be made instinctively, instinctively telling himself that this person is incapable of the enemy, and it is better to give up fighting against him. This is a human instinctive judgment on the prediction of danger, although Jess also wants to get the magic liquid.

Compared with your own life, magic liquid is nothing. At this time, Jess pretended to smile and said, "Yes, yes. You are not that cruel, absolutely, absolutely not." At this time, Ming shook his head and said, "I heard everything you said just now. The guy kneeling on the ground seems to be a five-star magician. Why are you so afraid of me? I'm just a three-star magician." Jess frowned tightly and couldn't stop sweating.

Jess didn't know why Mingyue asked such an urgent question. But his heart became more and more nervous. At this time, Jess took a deep breath and said, "Your excellency, how can this waste be your opponent?" Jess's tension can be seen from the name. First, it is called "you", then "you", and finally it becomes "adult". This Jess is not only nervous, but also tightly wrapped in fear. How can a three-star magician be the opponent of a five-star magician? It's impossible to think about it.

The gap between one star has become very obvious, not to mention two stars. However, despite this, Jess did not dare to resist. To say that Jess is cowardly, or should I say that Jess is very prescient. Moreover, the reason why Jess is most afraid to do it is that this guy already knows that he has a five-star magician under him. He dared to appear in front of him, isn't this just saying to him, "Five-star magician, it's nothing to me?"

And Ming said with a smile after half a minute of silence, "I won't kill you." As soon as he finished saying this, Jess collapsed on the ground. Somehow, the tension in Jess's heart disappeared in an instant after saying this. Is this guy really just a three-star magician? Jess really wants to ask. But the next sentence made Jess nervous again. But I didn't say I would let you go."

Jston stood up nervously and asked in a trembling voice, "Your Excellency, what do you mean? Don't kill me, and don't let me go." The underworld voice became extremely cold and said, "I didn't say I would kill you, because others will kill you. An unexpected person, maybe you are lucky enough not to be killed, but then you will cut yourself off. Jeston roared wildly, "What on earth do you mean? I have no grudge against you. Why do you torture me like this? At worst, I don't think you will be an opponent of a five-star magician's full attack.

Ming said lightly, "It's not a coincidence, it's not a coincidence. Your last name is Hillant, and it happens that this Hillant is my sworn enemy. If you don't have this surname, I will definitely let you go. I can only blame you for your bad luck. You should understand that if I tell you this so openly, you will definitely end up dead. At this time, Jess shouted directly, "Do it for me. I don't believe that a five-star magician will not be your opponent!"

At the same time, Ming moved his body. He muttered, "Now you can use those three abilities. Unfortunately, if this guy is a four-star magician, I can control it. Five stars, although I'm not afraid, it's really a little troublesome. Immediately, Ming used his first ability. Teleportation. Almost in an instant, Ming's body came to the man's side.

And he had put the blood-red mask on his face, and suddenly used the special ability that had not been used for a long time. That improves the horror ability of the star, but after the next three stars. The upgraded star rating is still the same as before, rising to five stars. From the original upgrade to three stars, it has been reduced to two stars. Meditation is the same, if you keep improving Samsung, although it only takes 30 seconds. But it's too unbelievable, which is also good.

Now Mingke is different from before, not only has it advanced to Samsung. The so-called side effects are like tickling for the current Ming Dynasty. At this time, Ming showed a sneer, and his hands turned into fists. He punched the man's body fiercely. He was a magician. Naturally, there is no powerful body of a warrior, and it is like a storm-like attack. It lasted for 30 seconds, and then 30 seconds passed. This man was killed with his fist without releasing a magic.

He died silently, and Jess also looked at the underworld in surprise and shouted, "How can this be? How can you be so strong? Are you still a magician? This, the attack launched by this fist is much more powerful than that of ordinary soldiers. However, Ming released a water balloon technique and washed the blood stains of his hands clean. Then a fireball skill burned the body of the five-star magician.