Book of the Devil

131, Ice and Wind Blade

After saying that, Ming slowly put his right hand on Blake's shoulder. He didn't say anything, but most of the people around closed their eyes. But there are also a few people who don't believe that it is really as cruel as Ming said, and at this time, the ice elements in the air suddenly fluctuate, ice, piercing cold. The ice element gradually revealed its original shape in the whole huge classroom. Blue particles slowly floated down from the sky, but at this time, they showed a habitual sneer.

The sneer was mixed with cruelty and disdain, but at this time, the whole person stood behind Blake. His left hand grabbed the back of Blake's skull and stabbed Blake's lower lip with a dagger. Then Blake screamed violently, and Blake's mouth became bigger and bigger. At the same time, Ming's spiritual power began to control the ice elements in the air. Countless light blue particles poured into Blake's mouth crazily, and at this time, Ming casually threw the bloody dagger on the ground.

At this time, Ming said faintly, "This is just the beginning..." After saying that, Blake curled up. The ice element was freezing the blood flowing in his body little by little, and the cold and piercing cold invaded Blake's body. I wanted to scream, but I found that my teeth were all frozen. Even the blood from the wound caused by the dagger was frozen. It hurts, but I can't shout.

This situation lasted for more than two minutes, and Blake's face became paler and paler. At this time, Ming's right hand was slowly placed no more than ten centimeters away from Blake's mouth. "I can't let you die so soon. It's just the beginning. According to time, more than half of your blood is frozen... You shouldn't die in this way." After saying that, the ice elements in Blake's body gushed out of his mouth crazily, just as they had poured into Blake's mouth before.

What has not changed is the hysterical madness, when countless ice elements gradually form a sphere. He threw the puck out carelessly, the moment when the puck was thrown away. The ice ball gradually burst, and the cold breath gradually froze everything in dozens of feet into ice. At this time, Ming said pitifully, "Do you know what kind of magic is most suitable for you?" Blake shivered and couldn't say a word.

Although the ice element has been suddenly taken away, the inside of the mouth has already been frozen by ice, and it can't open its mouth to speak at all. But Ming said to himself, "Wind Blade, have you heard of this magic? Isn't it fun to cut your body little by little with a wind blade? But it starts from the upper body or the lower body. Ming showed an extremely crazy expression and a sick look. It has been integrated into the pleasure of killing and torturing people.

But Blake's eyes revealed fear and endless fear. The body moved forward slightly, although the whole body was very stiff. The cold can't move at all, but the instinct of survival makes his body move little by little. Blake knew that he was wrong and was really wrong. I provoked a person I shouldn't provoke at all, regret, and my heart is full of endless regret. If I could go back to the past, I would definitely not have done such a stupid thing.

This lets Blake know that some people can't provoke themselves all their lives. But there is no medicine for regret in this world, and there is no chance for him to repent. The voice of the underworld, like death, spread to Blake's two kinds. Blake suddenly turned around and looked at Ming in disbelief. There was a voice in his mouth, "Don't, don't, don't do this, I'm wrong, wrong!" At this time, Ming said indifferently, "Wind Blade!"

The wind elements gathered crazily to form countless wind blades. Those wind blades were fixed there, but did not attack Blake. And the instinct of survival prompted Blake's body to move. Immediately, Blake's body began to become flexible. Then his body rushed to the exit like a cunning rabbit. After a while, the survival instinct gave Blake a huge amount of energy. It is less than one meter away from the exit, and you can get out of here with just one step.

Leaving the devil's claws, Ming's voice said faintly at this time, "Do you know when people die the most painfully? That is, when I thought I had finally escaped and didn't die, I would send you to hell in an instant. Let you fall directly from heaven to hell, just as I'm about to do this!" After saying that, the first blade ruthlessly cut Blake's back. Blood stained Blake's clothes into blood red, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Blake's face had become very ferocious, and his right hand stretched out to the exit. However, the second wind blade came quietly, and Blake's right hand was cut off directly by the sharp wind blade in an instant. One right hand rolled a few times and slowly stopped. Next, the whole classroom is like hell. The originally sacred classroom has turned into hell, with blood, limbs and screams. Despair, unwillingness, regret, this place has become a purgatory on earth.

Brack's body was cut little by little by the wind blade, but Blake did not die immediately. Because Ming delicately controls the countless wind blades in the sky with delicate spiritual power, and does not let all the wind blades attack Blake's body together. Instead, the wind blades attacked Blake's body slowly. At first, Blake could still scream, but gradually he was tortured by the wind blade. Blake's voice gradually decreased until he couldn't make any sound.

Pain, boundless pain. If there is anything else in Blake's heart now, it is to give him a pleasure and kill him directly. This is Blake's biggest wish now. I don't know how long it has been. Blake's body has turned into a meat-like existence, cut little by the ruthless blade of the wind. Blake couldn't die any more. Immediately, Ming casually released a few fireballs. Burn the minced meat into ashes, and then control the wind element.

Let the wind element turn into a breeze and blow up the blood on the ground. The invisible breeze slowly held up the endless blood, and the window was suddenly blown through. Blood fell like raindrops and fell on the clouds outside the window. After finishing all this, he moved his body as if nothing had happened, with an indifferent expression on his face. And those students who did not listen to Ming's advice squatted down and began to vomit.

The bloody smell has not dissipated, and you can smell the strong smell of blood. At the same time, Ming slowly sat in his original seat. At this time, the second lady and Caputo had disappeared, as if they had never existed. Ming looked meaningfully at the place where Miss Er and Caputo left, and the whole classroom was the same as usual. There is no difference in appearance, but the lingering smell of blood still permeates the air.

But Ming still sat quietly in his seat as if nothing had happened. He also asked, "Can this teacher start the class?" By the way, can you leave the classroom after teaching the magic array? The woman couldn't help taking a cold breath and thought to herself, "This man thought nothing had happened, or did he have been used to killing people?" Thinking of the woman's body, she couldn't help shivering, and then the woman took a deep breath and said, "After the magic array is finished teaching, it's pharmacy. After pharmacy, take a lunch break. Gather in this classroom in the afternoon and then go to practice.

After saying that, the woman tried to calm down her shock. Then, continue to start the class. And all the students also sat quietly in their seats, although there was no shocking expression on their faces. But I don't know what to think, but there is no doubt that what Ming did will soon be known to the whole college. Not only that, the incident of beating Latos with a dead dog will also spread throughout the college.

Ming did not look out of the window, but was thinking about what happened to the world outside the window? The boundless white clouds. It seems to be isolated from the whole world, just like a unique world. It is the endless white clouds that exist in the tower, or the tower is in the endless white clouds. I'm afraid not many people can know it, and they have a great interest in the actual practice in the woman's mouth.

The actual combat practice in the woman's mouth is definitely not a battle between students, so who will be the enemy faced in this actual combat? Warcraft or other creatures. This is the most interesting point. Everything will be revealed in the afternoon after the end of the pharmacy course. Time passed like running water, and the woman's explanation of the teleportation magic array is coming to an end. Immediately, the woman left the classroom quickly.

About 15 minutes, an old man with a white beard walked into the classroom. There is no doubt that this old man should be the teacher of pharmacy teaching students. There was no greeting, and it went straight to the topic. And as if I were giving a lecture, I didn't care about the feelings of the students at all. It seems that there is no one in this classroom, and the old man just gives himself a general feeling. At this time, Ming was interested, but he listened to the old man's lecture.

And the rest of the students seemed to have known the old man's temper for a long time, and they lay on the table and began to sleep. Or in twos and threes gathered together to start chatting, and most of the content of the chat started around the underworld. After all, the most shocking thing today is what Ming has done. At most, there will be no more than 30 people listening to the old man's lecture, but there are hundreds of people in the whole classroom. These students know what they do no matter what.

This old man will not ask, let alone deduct their credits. So the students' favorite class is the old man's class, because the old man's class is very relaxed, and the old man is like talking to the air. Even if someone is going to ask questions about pharmacy, the old man will definitely ignore it directly and continue his lecture alone.