Book of the Devil

153, Light Man and Star Sand

While the man in black left, Ming hurriedly shouted as if thinking of something, "Don't, don't walk so fast. I haven't told you how to leave the cloud world, people... What about people?" Speechless, very speechless. When Ming shouted this sentence, the man in black had already left. He shook his head helplessly and muttered, "You can't waste time. The effect of the medicine is gradually weakening. I kind of want to sleep, but I have to go to the Nebula Hall first.

At this time, Ming looked at the students gasping for breath and asked faintly, "Do you know how to leave the cloud world?" A pale student with a trace of blood replied, "In the center of the third area of the whole cloud world, there is a huge white whirlpool. From there, I can go back to that huge classroom. That's all I know. At this time, Ming looked at the students in twos and muttered, "There were more than 200 students when they came, and now, there are only these left."

After saying that, Ming casually released a wind technique for himself and rushed forward with the severe pain on his body. At this time, Dith shouted, "Bad guy, you don't want to die!" But Ming said loudly, "Tis, the fat man followed!" Anyway, he has been seriously injured, and soon he will fall into a deep sleep. Speeding up and buying some time is the right way. It didn't take long for him to slowly walk into the huge white whirlpool.

His right foot slowly stepped into the white whirlpool, while Tiss and the fat man followed closely behind Ming. After a brief darkness, Ming and the other three have returned to the classroom. Ming looked at the huge classroom and came to the classroom through the traction of a magic array. Then, the way to leave this huge classroom should be the same. Immediately, the spiritual power of the underworld suddenly spread. Looking for the magic array that left, Ming's spiritual power is very huge.

Almost three breaths, the existence of the magic array was found in this empty classroom. His right hand trembled above the magic array, and immediately a traction led the three back to the place where they had come before. Ming didn't stay much and left the huge tower directly. As soon as he left the tower, Ming turned around and said, "Fatty, you and Dith will be in the tower first. I'll go to the Nebula Hall first, and then meet you.

Tisi looked worriedly and waved her hand to indicate that she didn't have to worry about herself. At this time, he slowly took out the token in his pocket. Slowly injecting his own magic, a huge light curtain suddenly appeared. Various icons appeared in the light curtain, and the triangular icon with the word "map" was gently touched with his right hand. At the same time, all the locations of the whole Nangel College were marked on the map, and then he noticed that the Nangel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was much larger than himself.

It's shocking, but the classroom where they are. That is, the area occupied by the huge tower is unbelievable. Ming then looked carefully at the huge map and soon found that he was in a small red dot. Obviously, a square icon attracted the attention of the underworld, not because of anything else. Just because of the three words written on it, "Star Cloud Hall!" After determining the destination, Ming did not delay to speed up his speed.

Unexpectedly, a stormy wave was about to begin. At this time, students came to the exit of Nangel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Needless to say, they are all students who are going to leave the Nangar Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is extremely easy to study at the Nangel Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After the course, you can leave the Nangle Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry at any time. This is already a well-known thing, and no one will know. When some students leave the Nangel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, one thing will turn into rumors and spread throughout the imperial capital.

This is like a recent scandal, where the brothers of the Hirant family killed each other. And Mingyue defeated Bellastow, the proud son of heaven, in two levels. And the matter of dismembering Blake will also spread rapidly. But Ming didn't know all this, even if he knew it. This is the same as what Ming expected. Ming used that special ability to guide the two to kill each other. Not for anything else, just let the whole imperial capital know about this.

It is also good for the Hilant family to lose face, and at the same time, they have come to the Nebula Hall. The appearance of this Nebula Hall is very strange. Why is it strange? That's because Ming didn't see what the Nebula Hall looked like at all. This should not be strange, because what appears in the eyes of the underworld is a bridge formed by an infinite extension of starlight to the sky. The bridge formed by the gathering of stars can be seen clearly from afar. When the underworld approached the bridge of starlight, the gorgeous starlight looked very beautiful.

At that moment, he seemed to feel like he was in the huge starry sky and unconsciously stepped on the ladder formed by the starlight. When Ming's feet were all placed on the starlight ladder, Ming's body did not move. But strangely, it seems that there is an invisible force pushing itself. This force is very soft, but it makes the whole person speed. This one feels great, great.

Slowly close your eyes and enjoy this invisible power to push yourself. After a while, the Ming Dynasty has come to an end. When Ming opened his eyes, he was stunned by everything in front of him. Everything around is a world composed of starry sky and endless starlight. This! This is the Nebula Hall! In this mysterious world, you can see many students coming and going.

At this time, a virtual light man suddenly appeared in front of the underworld. Ming looked at the virtual light man in front of him in surprise. The most strange thing about this light man was that it was completely condensed by starlight. However, I feel that a fireball can destroy this light man. This man's strength is very weak, and he understands very well.

Ming looked at the light man curiously and asked, "You... Are you?" The light man smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm just a guide. I know it's your first time to visit the Nebula Hall, right? Ming nodded and said, "Indeed, it's my first time to come to this Nebula Hall." The light man said slowly, "Are you surprised? Are you stunned by everything in front of you? My duty is to tell you the matters to pay attention to in this Nebula Hall. If you don't understand, you can ask me at any time. This is my duty.

Ming asked directly, "What is this Nebula Hall?" I only heard that credits can be exchanged for all kinds of things, and I don't know the rest. The light man said, "Actually, this nebula Hall is an extremely mysterious existence. It is also known as the "gold rush" because it is the fastest place to make money. There are some things that can't be told to you, but the most basic things can be told to you and must be told to you.

Speaking of this, the light man snapped his fingers. In a moment, the light on the bare body emitted a scorching light. At the same time, Ming and Guangren came to a unique room, which was very small and could accommodate four or five people at most. At this time, Guangren said, "This is a routine. Every time a newcomer comes to the Nebula Hall for the first time, it is like this." Ming smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Hurry up and say it. I'm very interested."

Guangren smiled and said, "I know that people who come to the Nebula Hall for the first time are like this. Next, I will briefly tell you. After staying in this Nebula Hall for a long time, you will understand a lot of things. Immediately, Guangren paused and began to say, "The credits mentioned are not only one way to get them. For example, activities organized by the cloud world and the college, and you only need to have 1,000 credits. You can earn enough credits in this Nebula Hall in exchange for all kinds of treasures. Ming immediately interrupted the light man's narrative and asked directly, "How to solve this? What does 1,000 credits mean?

The man couldn't help shaking his head and said, "You are really impatient. This thousand credits are used in exchange for ten star sand. This Nebula Hall is an extremely special place, and the star sand is a special item that enters the door of dimension!" He couldn't help covering his head and said, "Why are there so many professional terms? What is the gate of Yuan this time?" Guangren couldn't help saying with a wry smile, "People who come here for the first time are like this. This time, Yuanzhimen is not an ordinary thing. It can cross the barrier of space and transmit you to a designated place in an instant. And the destination of the hundreds of dimensional gates of this Nebula Hall is the forbidden land of the mainland, which is transmitted to the forbidden place in an instant.

I couldn't help smiling and said, "Forbidden place? Is this special? What's so strange?" The light man said, "I knew you would say that, so I said that this star sand is extremely important. As long as you have a grain of star sand, even if you are in the forbidden place, as long as you crush the star sand, you can directly transmit it to the Nebula Hall. So you should understand what this represents and can safely go back and forth between different forbidden places and nebula temples. But a grain of star sand can only be maintained once, that is, a round-trip transmission. After use, the star sand will break directly.

Speaking of this, the light man paused for a while and continued: "And this Nebula Hall has different tasks, and these tasks are all about forbidden places. You can earn enough credits by completing these tasks in exchange for the treasures you want to exchange. You can come to me in exchange for treasures. No, you should find my companion. We are all over the Nebula Hall and are on call. Ming suddenly thought of something and asked directly, "So, what about what you got in the forbidden place?"

The light man said with a smile, "Of course it's yours, so how can I say that this nebula hall is called "gold panning field!" "No wonder!" No wonder this Nangel School of Magic has such a status. Absolutely, absolutely, it has nothing to do with this Nebula Hall. Ming now has only one question in his heart. Ning slowly asked, "What are the treasures that can be exchanged for credits in this Nebula Hall?"

Guangren replied faintly, "Too much, too much." After saying that, a starlight condensed sphere suddenly gathered above the right hand of the light man. Immediately, the light man casually threw the sphere in the air, and then an incredible scene happened.