Book of the Devil

161, true and false

When the man in black summoned the huge sharp blue gear, his whole body had been dragged into the green energy sphere by the strong attraction. This green energy sphere is hollow and enters the interior of the green sphere. The man in black suddenly felt uncomfortable breathing, and the air slowly decreased when he entered.

The man in black breathed hard, and the physical injury gradually blurred his consciousness. At this time, a child with no power to bind a chicken can get rid of the man in black. Fortunately, Caputo was restrained by the huge sharp blue gear, or as long as the green sphere stimulates the green sphere to attack the man in black robe. Then this man in black has only one dead end, which is the horror of ancient magic.

Unlike today's magic, ancient magic pursues the ultimate attack power. The battle between Caputo and the man in black undoubtedly proved this, and the man in black took a small step forward with his right foot. Suddenly, strong pain hit the whole body of the man in black. The man in black felt that every nerve of his was pulled hard, but there was no one around him. As if there was a pair of invisible giant hands controlling all this, the man in black hated all this.

Just leave here and put on 10,000 sources of magic. Open that place, then the man in black will live. Otherwise, because of time, the man in black would not be so anxious at all. Massive killings are bound to attract the attention of others, and the imperial capital is the only place where magicians with more than five stars exist the most. The man in black also had to take risks because he was seriously injured. And only that thing can treat him, and that thing only exists in the imperial capital.

So the man in black began a ruthless hunting operation in this imperial capital, which was going smoothly. Unexpectedly, the man in black struggled to move his body after being ruined by Caputo and his ancestors. He said coldly, "One by one! Remember to me, if I can still survive, I will cut you thousands of knives and imprison your souls forever!" The man's tone was full of murderous intent, which made people feel that the man was joking.

The man in black is eager for this green sphere, and inexplicably feels a crisis. If we don't leave this green sphere now, the consequences will definitely be unimaginable. This premonition of the coming of life-and-death crisis, I don't know how many times I saved him in the past. However, the pain all over the body hinders me all the time. He wanted to leave but didn't have the ability. When he barely took the second step, the man in black fell directly to the ground.

The right hand stretched out of the green ball desperately, but the right hand stayed in mid-air for less than three seconds. He fell to the ground again. The man in black robe looked at the green ball desperately and couldn't help muttering, "Kill this guy. As long as you kill that guy, this magic will not be broken." At this moment, Caputo looked at the huge blue gear not far from him, spinning rapidly. The sharp serrations, coupled with the cold breath.

Enough to make Caputo afraid, "Left!" No, it's the right" and "it's the top". Caputo has rarely experienced life-and-death crises, so there is a lack of how to deal with life-and-death crises. Caputo is like a flower in a greenhouse. Once it comes to the harsh natural environment, it is completely vulnerable. In terms of actual combat experience, I'm afraid Caputo can't even compare with the underworld. But the power you have is much stronger than you have, but the actual combat experience is insufficient.

does not appear in ordinary times, once the life-and-death crisis comes, it is not enough. And it is for this reason that Caputo is in chaos! If the calm analysis can also know which blue gear is real, but once it gets panicked. Then it depends on your character. If your character is good, you will naturally avoid the attack of the gear. Caputo took a deep breath and grabbed the void with his right hand.

The fire element in the sky was forcibly grabbed by Caputo, regardless of the hot fire element. Suddenly, the fire element gradually condensed into a dark stick. At this time, Caputo did not retreat. He rushed to the round wheel on the left and rotated the flame stick with one hand. Immediately, Caputo slowly closed his eyes. He waved the flame stick with one hand, and the invisible flame turned into small snakes that were not as big as a palm.

Each little snake has an extremely ferocious expression, like a devil. Exposed with burning flame fangs, the little snake seemed to be weak. But every time Caputo waved a long stick, he could produce thousands of small snakes. Caputo danced crazily for a while. Countless little snakes have surrounded the huge blue gear, but the snake's fangs have only touched the huge blue gear. The gear disappeared in an instant, and Caputo muttered to himself, "Fake!"

Immediately, Caputo turned around for a moment. Five huge blue gears were less than ten centimeters away from him, and there was no time to resist. The speed of this blue gear is too fast! Too fast! Quickly, Caputo has just solved a gear. These gears have rushed over, and he has no time to react. Caputo instinctively waved a long stick around, and suddenly countless flaming snakes launched a fierce attack on the five gears crazily.

It seems to be endlessly crazy, but at this time, the man in black in the green ball showed hateful eyes. He said, "Idiot, you are really unlucky. At the beginning, you predicted mistakes. Five of the six gears are true. One of them is fake. Unfortunately, what you attacked at the beginning was fake. So you must now think that four of these five gears are fake, but you guessed wrong!"

As the man in black expected, Caputo guessed wrong. And when Caputo saw that the five gears were all real, he must have subconsciously thought that these were all hallucinations, which were all false. Because ordinary people will not easily overturn the answers they have long decided, Caputo is no exception. I don't know how many times the flame stick has been waved, and it didn't stop until the fear in my heart was gone.

But Caputo couldn't believe the scene in front of him. He thought that four gears would disappear. However, the number of gears in front of you. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, still five. Caputo shook his head repeatedly and said, "No, no, this is absolutely impossible. It's all fake, fake, illusion! Illusion!" And the countless flame snakes only stopped the gears for less than three seconds, and the five gears had touched Caputo's body little by little.

The body was attacked in five different directions, and the bones were broken! Minced meat flying! Blood splashed everywhere! Caputo's body suddenly split apart, and Caputo's stomach was torn apart. A series of slender pink intestines fell from the air to the ground. The pink intestines are still stained with bright red blood, and Caputo's head floats strangely in the air. His eyes were not closed, but opened wide in horror. This should be the case!

The most disgusting thing is that Caputo split into various parts floating in the air. Caputo's stomach was bleeding crazily, and different blood-stained organs fell from the air one by one. Such a bloody scene is like purgatory on earth. And Ming and Dith were no different, and the fat man almost spit it out. Disgusting feeling, the blood-stained organ. The visual stimulation almost made the fat man spit it out.

But the fat man can't vomit. If he vomits, he will humiliate the boss. The fat man resisted abruptly. Although his face was pale, he still resisted. However, there was a trace of imperceptible appreciation, but it flashed away and was not noticed by anyone. Even if you want to detect it, there is nothing you can do, because Ming's face has already been covered by a mask. But at the moment of Caputo's death, the spirit of the ancestors snorted coldly, "Waste, what a waste! Even my soul was destroyed, which really humiliated my Hilant family.

After saying that, the spiritual power turned into an invisible needle and stabbed Caputo's organ. In a breath, Caputo's body has completely disappeared. Even the organs scattered on the ground have been destroyed. What to do with useless waste is the discipline of the Hilant family. No matter who it is, as long as there is no value of use and power, then get out of the Hilant family!

Don't say that the Shirant family is ruthless, the world is the law of the jungle. The bigger the family, the more so. At this time, the man in black roared, "If I defeated him, he won't let me go and let me go!" The ancestors said indifferently, "If you dare to talk to me in this tone, there is no need to exist. I happen to be in a bad mood, so go to hell." The indifferent voice of the ancestors was as loud as thunder.

But the voice condensed by spiritual power is only known by the man in black. The man in black looked bitter and had nothing to do with being killed, but he was killed by a man whose name didn't know his name. I'm afraid he would die. At this time, the spiritual power of the ancestors suddenly emanated. The green ball seemed to feel the fluctuation of its mental strength. Suddenly, the interior of the green ball began to twist little by little.

Then, a series of "bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! "Oh!" The sound suddenly sounded, and the whole interior of the green ball began to burst little by little. I don't know how many explosions, tens of thousands or even more. I'm afraid that no one can survive this extremely horrible attack, and the man in black showed a grim expression before the explosion. He muttered, "Okay! OK! OK! Unexpectedly, I was forced to use that trick. Although there is only less than a chance of survival, once I survive, I will smash you into ten thousand pieces! Ten thousand pieces of corpses!"