Book of the Devil

167, Elf and Werewolf

The whole sky arena seemed to have no weight, and the huge building actually suspended in the air. However, the height from the ground is not very high, just a few tens of meters. The appearance of the Sky Arena is a huge circle, which is particularly beautiful under the moonlight. Because the sky arena itself is silvery white, and every once in a while, the sky arena emits milky light.

And when the underworld slowly walked towards the sky arena, a one-high light curtain blocked in front of the underworld. Naturally, Ming also knew what the light curtain was. He slowly took out an amethyst paper from his pocket and slowly put it on the light curtain. And the amethyst paper directly integrated into the light curtain at the moment of touching the light curtain. At the same time, the Sky Arena, which originally had no entrance, appeared at this moment. Ming muttered to himself, "The ticket price of this sky arena is really high. If there is a chance, get a little money while killing people."

The ghost knows how huge a little money will be. As long as you can see the money you can take away. The underworld will not be let go, if you use a kind of warcraft to describe the underworld. Maybe it should be the sub-worm that symbolizes disaster and death. It is said that the place where the subgroup passes by will not leave anything. Everything will disappear, even those who are strong with more than ten stars are no exception.

It's not that the subworm is powerful. Just a subworm can easily kill it. But thousands, tens of thousands, millions, this sub-worm is extremely horrible. Killing is not just the point. Killing a subworm will instantly split hundreds of larvae. Because of this, the subworm is simply immortal. Once you meet a subgroup, don't think about fighting. Run quickly, or there won't even be a dead body left. The body of the subworm is pale white, and the insect group is actually not horrible when they gather, but extremely beautiful.

But behind this beauty is the death of endless life. This is the horror of subworms. At this time, layers of energy suddenly formed. He slowly stepped on the energy ladder to the entrance and entered the interior of the Sky Arena. A burst of roar suddenly sounded, and looked at everything around him. The southeast direction is different from other places. Other places are all seats for one person.

But the southeast direction is completely different, but there are suspended fields. The huge boxes stayed in the air, like high gods looking down at human beings like ants on the ground. Inside the box are gods, and outside the box are humans. Unfair? What's so unfair about this? Just because you are not strong enough, * not deep, all the people who can enter the box are * profound and strong people.

At this time, Ming casually found a vacant seat and sat down, and now he is not in a hurry to do it. Ming has already figured out the structure of the whole sky arena through the golden ring map. It would be too conspicuous to go to the place where the slaves were imprisoned at once. Isn't it obvious that you want to take action? So Ming is not in a hurry. By the way, let's see why the Sky Arena has attracted so many spectators.

Among them, Ming unexpectedly found that many ragged people were also in this sky arena. Not only that, but he also roared loudly. It seems to cheer for that person, but it's just a moment. A pale light curtain floated in the air and appeared just in front of the underworld. The content emerging on this light curtain is also extremely simple, with the information of the two slaves in the central competition of the Sky Arena. This content is to let you *, as long as it is * before the end of the two slaves competition.

You can do it at any time*. The more you get, the more you earn in the end. This is an ordinary truth. Ming directly clicked out, and naturally did not have much interest in this gambling. This is the insidiousness of the Sky Arena, as long as you sit on this seat. This light curtain will appear, and most people will subconsciously bet more or less. After all, I don't have much interest in just watching the game.

And there is no threshold for this sky arena. As long as you are alone, you can come in. Many poor people have made a lot of money. It's like gambling. If you succeed, you won't have to worry about food and clothing in your life. Even beggars want to gamble, and they can't help sighing that the Sky Arena run by the Hirant family is a profiteering industry. Not only are the tickets extremely expensive, but also the entanglement of interests driven by this gambling.

As long as you use a little sinister means, the money earned. Tut-tut, it's really not a small amount. It can definitely scare you to death. And Ming also swept the light curtain, and the battle in front of him was indeed a little interesting. It is worthy of so many audiences coming. This is a battle between two six-star professionals at the same time. Not only that, it's okay if it's just an ordinary game. The two fighting guys have had a grudge before.

So it is not an ordinary challenge, but an ordinary challenge that you can end if you admit defeat. However, the two on the court launched an endless life-and-death battle, and the game could only end if one side died. There is no doubt that blood will be splashed everywhere. And this battle really attracted a lot of people*. Because this is not only a life-and-death battle, but also a battle between two different races.

The whole continent is not just a human race, but also in places where some people are nowhere to go. There are various races, such as dwarves, Caucasians, elves, werewolves, Naga, giants, etc. Once there is a fight between different races. The whole sky arena will be particularly lively, but in fact, what I don't know is. It is precisely because today is a life-and-death duel, and it is also a struggle between different races.

So today's ticket price is soaring, even in the middle of the night. Many people came to watch the game, but most of the people in the box were the dranny of some families. There is no cultivation talent, but there is a senior*. He had nothing to do all day, but at this time, he muttered, "The confrontation between the elf and the werewolf is a little interesting. I want to know how this elf and the werewolf sprouted hatred. After all, the two races are too far away."

Most of the elves live in the forest and are in the deepest part of the forest. Most of the werewolves lived in the dilapidate wilderness, and the game did not start at this time. And that cheering sound was just because they each made their own notes. Naturally, if you want to win, you will naturally start to refuel. And in the huge circular central area, there is one person standing on each side. And they all showed fierce eyes, and there was no doubt that there was hatred.

As for how two people living so far away have hatred, perhaps only the two of them know. There are less than five minutes before the official game. The host at the scene was ready to warm up for the game, but the host was located above the big field in the center. You can clearly see every move underground, and you can only see the host holding a magic microphone in his hand.

said slowly, "Well, there are less than five minutes left. The much-anticipated battle is about to begin, and one side is the six-star archer, the most suitable race for archers, the elves. The other side is the six-star warrior werewolf family, which will greatly increase its combat effectiveness under the moonlight. I believe that this battle will satisfy all the audience and make it absolutely worth the money!" The host's voice is not loud, but through the role of the magic microphone.

People in or outside the box can clearly hear what the host is saying, but at this time the host is just saying something polite. There is no connotation, good value for money? It is estimated that most of the people's money is in the hands of your Hilant family. The more attractive the game is, the more tricks there will be. Five minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the host's voice sounded again: "The high-profile competition is about to begin. Will the elves who are good at bows and arrows win, or will the werewolves who double their strength win under the moon night? Please wait and see." As soon as the host finished his words, the werewolf said with a smile, "Toth, you are really unlucky. However, the game started at night, and my strength was twice as strong as usual. If the game starts during the day, I will never be your opponent, but now it's night! You are dead!"

Natos sneered and said, "You wolf-hearted guy, you were seriously injured in the forest. If my sister hadn't saved you, would you have survived? However, as soon as you woke up, you actually took my sister, my sister. Then Tos couldn't say any more, as if he would think of something he didn't want to recall. The werewolf said indifferently, "Well, don't you know that the price of elves is the highest in the human family? Especially beautiful elves like your sister, which is more in line with human needs.

It turned out that after the werewolf was rescued, he did not return at all. Instead, he directly took Natos' sister and sold it at an extremely high price. Speaking of this, the werewolf spat on the ground and said, "Isn't it just grabbing your sister? What about you? There are so many elves, it doesn't matter if there is one less. You actually chased me, if we hadn't been seriously injured because of the fight. Will you be caught by the slave hunter and * go to this damn place? It's not yours!"

Toth's whole body trembled angrily. This guy was too bastard, too despicable and too shameless. Obviously, it was his fault that he still said so. My sister kindly saved you, but you did this to her. Toth's hatred for the werewolf naturally reached its peak, and Toss vowed to smash the dead werewolf into ten thousand pieces!