Book of the Devil

170, life and fierce

At this time, Toss looked at the werewolf indifferently, and his indifferent eyes seemed to look at the dead. He didn't pay attention to the werewolf at all, but Toth muttered at this time, "The third talent Nirvana is not only healing his body, but also has extremely horrible power." This is how Toth felt after awakening the third talent nirvana, which seemed to destroy everything.

But the price paid is its own life. Which previous arrow has consumed nearly one-fifth of Toth's life. But to kill the werewolf, he still had to use the arrow of Nirvana, while Ming on the stand yawned. At this time, Ming recalled the secret place leading to guarding the slaves, and then slowly stood up. Walking towards the toilet in the southwest of the Sky Arena, it is naturally impossible for the huge Sky Arena to have only one toilet.

As soon as you enter the southwest toilet, the secret entrance is also the southwest toilet. However, few people know about it. It should be said that no one knows it at all. This secret entrance is clearly marked within the light blue area of the "Sky Arena", and there is even a detailed introduction. I didn't know that the information from there was so detailed.

Originally, he planned to take a lot of effort to enter the cell where the slaves were imprisoned, but what was introduced on this map made this problem immediately solved. Ming was really shocked when he saw the introduction at that time. This man was too fierce. About a year ago, a fierce man was just caught in this "sky arena". Unlike the rest of the slaves, he gave up running away when he was caught in the "Sky Arena", because even if he escaped, there was only one way to die.

But this fierce man is different from others. At first, he was very low-key. No one noticed this man at all. After all, there are too many prisoners in the cage of this "Sky Arena" to be counted. And the fierce man didn't know what method he used to dig a passage from the cage. The place where this passage leads to is officially the southwest toilet, but the most incredible thing is that the man was found to escape from the cage half a year later.

And I don't know how he escaped, because I don't know what method he dug out to hide it perfectly. In the end, the Hilant family couldn't find any reason for a long time, so they had to give up the inspection. It is not worth wasting so much human and material resources for a lowly slave. Anyway, after being found to have escaped. The detonator has been pressed, and the escaped slave has only one way to die.

But the people of the Hillant family could imagine that someone knew where this hidden passage was located. And there is also a big killing ring, as soon as you walk into the southwest toilet. There is no one in the toilet, and it's right to meditate. After all, the battle outside has become white-hot, and the winner will be divided soon. It is also the most critical time for the whole life-and-death duel, so not many people have to go to the toilet. He couldn't help smiling and immediately changed into the usual black robe in the toilet.

Put on the blood-red mask that had accompanied him for a lot of time, and immediately injected magic into the golden ring again. Immediately, a huge light curtain suddenly appeared. It would be extremely surprising if someone enters the toilet, because this map shows the detailed map of this "Sky Arena". Every place of the Sky Arena is so accurate that it is unbelievable, but it stopped when he took about a dozen steps forward at this time.

Then he slowly put his right hand on the ground and stopped in front of an inconspicuous floor. After that, he slowly injected his magic into the floor. Then, an unbelievable scene happened. The original closeness unexpectedly loosened strangely, and Ming couldn't help but say admiring: 'This man is really smart and came up with such a way to escape. Unfortunately, he was killed by the detonator in the end. But you have completed me. Don't waste too much of my time."

But at this time, a tall and thin man came in. There were also two small followers behind him, and one of them said, "Young master, yesterday's woman is not bad. Tut-tut, it's really cool to follow the young master. The tall and thin man yawned and said, "It's natural. I naturally eat and drink spicy food with the young master. You two are fine, very good." One of the followers said in his heart, "This young master is really fooled and flattered him. It's really great to follow this young master, play with women and drink wine every day.

These two follower are also in the light of this young master and do all kinds of evil. But no one dares to care about him, not because of anything else. It is because the young master's identity is very prominent, although the young master is very dage. But his identity is very prominent and noble. At the same time, one of his followers asked puzzledly, "Young master, why did you come to this broken toilet? The toilet in the box is much better than this dirty place."

In fact, the toilet in the southwest is not dirty at all, but compared with the toilet in the box. It's simply a world of difference. No wonder one of them said so. At this time, the young master said, "Tut, I got a lot of good things from that place. But I can't suck these things in the box. If I are found by those two black-faced guys, I will be unlucky. This young master is indeed fearless, but he is only afraid of the two black faces.

These two black faces are the young master's bodyguards, protecting his safety. And report his situation at any time. His identity is extremely special in the whole family. He is the only child left by the brother of the ruler of the family. It is said that his brother is very good. This ruler does not refer to the patriarch of a family, but to the most powerful person. At that time, the life of the ruler was saved by his brother. Therefore, the ruler was very guilty about his brother's death, if it hadn't been for his brother's life to save him.

I'm afraid he can't live until now, but his brother's wife was nowhere to be found at that time. With his pregnancy nowhere to be found, the ruler step by step from the weak to the peak of the whole world. However, he is still very guilty about his brother's death, and he hopes to find his brother's children. Take good care of his brother's children and give him whatever he wants. Let him enjoy everything in the world, and his brother should be at ease underground.

The ruler didn't know how long it took him to find his brother's children. It is this tall and thin man who has a high status that ordinary people can't imagine. And in the past, this man was just a beggar and was insulted. So when he gained power and strength, he tortured all those who insulted him. The cruelty of its means is unimaginable, and it is a little light to describe it as horror.

With the identity of the ruler there, the man doesn't know how many bad things he has done. How many girls have been harmed, but no one dares to say anything. Joke! The ruler not only reached the peak of the whole world, but also protected his shortcomings. If you touch this man, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it. After all, the ruler is very guilty about his brother's death, so he has to compensate his brother for everything he owes to this horse-faced man.

In spite of this, horse-faced men can't do too much. The two bodyguards stared at him at any time. In fact, the three had just pushed open the door of the toilet. And while chatting, I didn't find the existence of the underworld at all. Because only after a few steps can you find the figure of the underworld. At this time, one of the followers asked curiously, "Young master, this is strange. The two bodyguards didn't stay with the young master step by step. Why didn't they follow him this time?

The horse-faced man laughed and said, "Well, they dare not follow. If you follow me, I will deal with them with what my grandfather gave me. That's what I told them. According to my grandfather, this thing is very powerful and used to save my life. Even those two black faces are definitely not the enemies of that thing, so I have no choice but to stay in the box. At this time, another follower said, "Young master, take out that good thing quickly. I'm afraid this method can only be used once. Next time, those two black faces will definitely report.

The horse-faced man also sighed helplessly and said, "Yes, yes. This thing was also given to me by my grandfather a few days ago. I don't know those two black faces yet. So I can be at the mercy of a little, but I guess I will talk to my grandfather as soon as I get home. Maybe this thing will be confiscated, but it really took me a lot of time to make it. Even if it is confiscated, it is worth it. Naturally, the grandfather in the mouth of this horse-faced man is not someone else.

It was the ruler of the huge family, who asked the horse-faced man to call his grandfather. I also want to think that my grandfather loves this horse-faced man like his grandson. After all, this horse-faced man is the only child of his brother. And before that, he turned out to be a beggar. Naturally, he knew how much he had suffered. So as long as it is not too much, the ruler will not stop the horse-faced man.

But Ming swallowed his saliva and muttered, "This is not good. It seems that this guy is not an ordinary person. Do you want to kill people? It's really abominable. How can there be people at this time? Ming didn't expect that these three people would appear in the empty toilet. One of them seems to have a big *, and Ming had already restrained his magic when the three entered the toilet.

Although these three are dung belliants, they are also star professionals, and their stars are not low. Fortunately, these three people did not walk forward, otherwise they would definitely find someone in front of them. Ming stood here at this time, but was thinking about how to deal with this extremely embarrassing situation. At this time, the horse-faced man took out a small cloth bag and opened the cloth bag and found that it was full of white powder. At this time, one of the follower couldn't help but say, "Young master, you got this thing."

But at this time, another follower shouted, "Young master, is there anyone!?" Unexpectedly, the follower had already found Ming when he was walking around at will, but Ming turned around and said gently, "I'm just coming to the toilet. Don't be so nervous." I'm speechless, really speechless. Ming, who paid the sound-changing potion, said such words and dressed so sneaky that he didn't believe that he came to the toilet.