Book of the Devil

174, minced meat and castle

Slowly raised his right hand, when the blood-red sickle was parallel to the whole ground. At this time, hundreds of red lights suddenly appeared. Each red light is only the size of the index finger, but these red light does not attack the bodies of slaves. Instead, their mouths, countless red rays penetrated into the mouths of the slaves almost at the same time.

Every slave showed an almost unbelievable expression, and most of the slaves had the dirty food in their mouths before they died. After that, all the slaves disappeared little by little. Ming increasingly felt the horror of the blood-red sickle in his hand, especially killing professionals under five stars. There is no need to use your own magic or mask at all. The source of magic is not simple. Not only the special ability attached to it, but what's more incredible is that the source of magic itself seems to contain incredible power.

It is not difficult to kill these slaves. What's more unbelievable is that the bodies of those slaves are broken little by little. Like glass, the wind blew slightly at this time. The minced meat in the air was smashed by the breeze, and the teenager resisted the nausea in his heart. He knows that he can't vomit, no matter how disgusting he is! If you have no use value, this person will not look at himself at all.

Just like a slave turned into minced meat in the cell, he killed him! Although he felt that Ming only had the strength of a four-star professional, he did this move of the teenager Ming. The teenager could only describe Ming as "unfathomable" in his heart. At this time, Ming smiled and said, "I haven't asked your name yet?" The teenager replied slowly, "Your Excellency, can you just call me Aubert?"

Ming said lightly at this time, "The troublesome guys have also been solved, and you can rest assured. But to be brief, I don't waste so much time." With that, he muttered, "The soul is noble and low, and the soul is the most mysterious power." The soul is the most mysterious force." This is what Grandpa Cosway said to Ming when he taught him. And Grandpa Coxway said this sentence three times in a row, which was enough to make Ming attach great importance to it.

At this time, Ming took out a restraining bottle from the inside of the mask. Slowly opening the bottle stopper, the invisible soul began to gradually form a substance. Just as those souls were about to shout, the invisible attraction suddenly sucked nearly a hundred souls in the air into the spirit bottle. In the transparent spiritual bottle, nearly a hundred soul villains screamed sadly. Naturally, these soul villains are the souls of those slaves. At this time, no matter how stupid these slaves are, they know whose hands they have fallen on.

Originally, people die, as long as their souls don't fall into other people's hands. Generally, the human soul will dissipate after an hour of death. But once you are imprisoned in a detention bottle, it's not that simple. The soul will not dissipate, but can be extended for a long time. It doesn't matter if it falls into the hands of others, but it's not so easy to fall into the hands of the soul magician. The soul magician is an evil magician who exchanges power through the pain of the soul. At this time, the slave souls in the bottle show a ferocious expression.

It seems that they all want to rush out of this small bottle, but once the soul is caught in this spiritual bottle, it is not so easy to escape! At this time, Aubert took a deep breath and said slowly, "I was also sold to this sky arena three days ago, but in fact, I can leave the sky arena in four days without accident." Ming suddenly asked doubtfully, "What do you mean by this? Are you here to travel?"

Albert said with a wry smile, "It's hard to say. It's simply that the young master of a medium-sized family in the imperial capital took a fancy to my sister. If this young master is just a young master of a medium family, it is fine, but the medium family is also unclearly involved with the Carol family, that is, the second family of the imperial capital. After that, it's very simple. I was caught as a slave in this sky arena, and the young master didn't know what went crazy. He actually said he wanted to marry my sister, but my sister disagreed at first. Finally, he got me into this sky arena and gave my sister a week to think about it. Will you marry him, let me go, or let me be a slave for the rest of my life?

I can't help shaking my head and said, "You are just a person without *. I guess that the young master will be strong against your sister. How can it be so twists and turns? It's strange. Aubert couldn't help replying with a wry smile, "This is the strange thing about the young master. He insisted on falling in love with my sister at first sight. I want to cultivate a good relationship with my sister, but then I was brought to the Sky Arena.

Ming said indifferently, "Do you want me to kill him for you?" Aubert couldn't help taking a cold breath, but then said, "It's not necessary. The young master didn't do anything to my sister. It's just that I have been harassing my sister with words. If I dare to touch my sister a little bit, I will fight with him!" Ming said slowly, "Now you can talk about the specific configuration of the Hilant family in this cell."

Aubert took a deep breath and said slowly, "There are about 3,000 professionals from one star to three stars, most of whom are engaged in delivering food to low-class cells. Then there are 1,000 four-star professionals, 500 five-star professionals, and 300 six-star professionals. After listening to Aubert's description, he couldn't help saying, "Why, why are there so many people?" Ming still underestimated the number of guards in the cells of the Sky Arena, which was simply too much.

But Aubert said, "As far as I know, there were not so many people in the sky arena at the beginning. But the Shellland auction warehouse was burned, so every industry under the name of the Shirant family has more or less strengthened the number of guards. Ming suddenly frowned and muttered to himself, "My goal is only one-star and three-star professionals, although four-star professionals can still deal with it. But if it attracts the attention of five-star professionals, it will be bad.

Immediately, he slowly said to Aubert, "When I finish the matter here, I have something to tell you." After saying that, he slowly put his hand on Aubert's shoulder. Suddenly, a huge attraction suddenly emerged. Albert's body was dragged into the inner space of the blood-red mask little by little, and he naturally couldn't take others to kill people.

Killing himself, and Albert is just a burden to be around him. At this time, Ming waved the huge sickle in his hand, and suddenly the steel-like cell had broken apart. At this time, Ming remembered that he forgot to ask Aubert where the guards lived. Suddenly, the spiritual power suddenly invaded the space in the blood-red mask.

At this time, he asked indifferently, "Obert, where do the guards live?" At this time, Aubert replied, "Your Excellency, go straight ahead and you can see the place where the guards live. Like a castle, you should be careful. In fact, just kill a guard and put on his clothes and sneak into the castle. Because each guard lives in a room, and the castle is divided into three floors. The first floor is inhabited by one to three-star professionals, and the second floor is four-star to six-star professionals. The third floor is the only seven-star professional in the whole castle, that's all.

Ming asked doubtfully, "A separate layer has been built for a seven-star professional. The plane is so unbelievable." But Aubert said, "I don't know much. I just know that the identity of the person on the seventh floor is very simple. Because he wanted to practice in a quiet environment, he was sent to this sky arena and built a full floor for him.

Ming shook his head and muttered, "How deep he is* is none of my business, so my goal is the first floor of the castle. If possible, you can go to the second floor. But it's a little dangerous. Maybe it's not that dangerous." Ming suddenly thought of something and used his third special ability. It is enough to turn the second floor upside down, the first thing is to control a five-star professional. Let him slaughter all the four-star professionals on the second floor for me, and the gap between one star is irresistible.

At this time, in a secret corner of the toilet, because the battle between Toss and the werewolf has ended. Some people came to the toilet one after another, but at this time, the horse-faced man said, "Bastard, why hasn't that guy come back yet?" One of the follower said, " boss, let's shout." Now there are people in the toilet. Is it possible to stay here for a day?

At this time, the horse-faced man said directly, "You forgot the horror of the evil star and cut off your tongue directly. There is no hesitation at all. I'm afraid that the ** paid for me is also highly poisonous. If only he really tells him that he has an antidote, then I won't be a tragedy. But he said with a bitter face, "This, the taste here is so uncomfortable. It's really disgusting. The young master waited to leave here, hum."

The horse-faced man also said with a ferocious face, "Hum, once you leave here. Even if I dig three feet of the ground, I will find that guy, asshole! How dare you do this to me! How long has it been? I want him to live worse than die! Life is better than death!" What the horse-faced man was unhappy about was not because he was imprisoned in this corner, but because he was afraid when he faced it. Fear, which has not been seen for many years, has reappeared.

This is the most unpleasant and hateful reason for horse-faced men. But the horse-faced man didn't know when he disappeared. The two black faces in the box finally began to feel something wrong, because this time the horse-faced man seemed to have disappeared for a long time.