Book of the Devil

182, ruthless and sickle

At this time, he stood in the air and slowly lowered his head and looked down at the more than 2,000 star professionals on the ground. However, the disdain in Ming's eyes was unconcealed, and at this time, his whole body rushed down. Almost in the blink of an eye, the whole person has already appeared on the ground. Ming moved his body at this time, but muttered, "It's so light that I can't feel my weight. How fast can this speed be if, if I add my first special ability teleportation? No, how fast will my speed be based on my current body alone?

At the thought of this Ming body suddenly moved, his right foot suddenly started. A large pit about five meters in diameter appeared on the whole ground due to the force of the right foot. And Ming's whole body rushed out of hundreds of meters, and no one saw Ming's movement. This speed is simply too fast in the eyes of all the guards. I only saw Ming's right foot suddenly pedaling to the ground, and then I saw that Ming's whole body evaporated from the world. It's weird, it's extremely weird.

The wolf rushed into the sheep again. Sadly, the sheep have not seen how the wolf rushed in. The lives have disappeared, and so have these guards. Although Ming is ready to experiment with how light his body has become, he will not let go of the crazy attack on these guards when he uses his body to become light. What is ruthless? What is unscrupulous? Taking advantage of others is only part of it. It is ruthless to be able to use yourself ruthlessly. This is unscrupulous.

And Ming happened to be like this. At this time, the place where Ming rushed to was the place with the most guards. It is also the gathering point of all two-star professionals, rushing into the place where the two-star professionals are located. But the guards looked around in a panic, looking carefully for something. It's not someone else who is searching, it's Ming! There was only one big pit left in the place where Ming was before, which was extremely strange. The pit is still there, but the person has disappeared.

The Ming who rushed into the crowd were still the eyes without a trace of emotion. Among them, there was a two-star professional, who was the first to discover the existence of the underworld. At the moment he saw Ming, he couldn't say loudly that Ming was here. Unexpectedly, he stood there in a daze without moving, and he was scared. If there is a little emotion in Ming's eyes, he may still be able to calm down. He dealt with everything calmly, but the key is that his eyes are not mixed with a little emotion.

The meaning of those eyes seems to be: "It's just a bunch of scum. Killing is like killing a warcraft. There is no need for sympathy at all. It's your honor to be killed by me!" Although Ming didn't say a word, his cold and emotionless eyes scared the man. He was so scared that he didn't dare to move, just when he tried to calm himself down and shouted loudly here. But it was too late, and Ming's right hand had waved the blood-red sickle.

waved violently from top to bottom. Suddenly, the cold and sharp blood-red sickle mixed with blood abruptly cut off the man's head. And there is no blood flowing out, and the body that has lost its head can be seen that it has been cut very neatly. The man died without even making a scream. Ming looked at everything indifferently, and his right hand waved casually but violently. The heads were cut off one by one, but they didn't make a sound.

In a quiet environment, heads fell to the ground. But there was no sound, which may be even more horrible. However, Ming did not hesitate at all, and still harvested the lives of the guards like death. The people killed by the blood-colored arrows were indeed killed by the underworld. But it can't be said that it was killed, because it didn't feel how these people died. More than 600 people died at once, although a lot died.

But Ming didn't realize at all that he killed these people, but now! Ming rushed into the crowd and slowly killed him. Slowly harvested the lives of the guards with cold sickle, and they were killed by themselves. The expression of unwillingness and fear actually made his heart tremble slightly. Ming's hand trembled unconsciously, and then Ming really realized that he had killed many people. In less than a minute, more than 100 people have been killed.

More than 100 heads lay cold on the ground without a drop of blood left. This is even more weird, and the most weird thing is the silent killing. And whether it is smell, hearing, or vision, it has increased significantly when holding the blood-red sickle. When you kill a person and are noticed. Ming's body instinctively rushed to the front of the person who noticed his existence, and then waved the sickle neatly.

Kill the man without any hesitation. This also caused more than 100 people to die in a minute, but no one noticed it! Every caretaker was looking for the existence of the underworld, but no caretaker found that more than 100 people had died in this short minute. But when Ming killed more than a hundred people, his heart trembled slightly. But the flaw was found, and the caretaker saw hundreds of heads on the ground.

If there was no trembling in his heart at that time, he shouted cleanly. He had already discovered the existence of this man and killed him ruthlessly. But because of the tremor in his heart, he lost the opportunity to kill the man! With the shout of the caretaker, all the caretaker's eyes paid attention to this side. He also noticed the fate waving the blood-colored cold sickle at the moment he saw hundreds of heads on the ground. All the guards seemed to retreat a few steps with tacit understanding and looked at the underworld with great fear.

The underworld, which was originally in the crowd, was suddenly empty. The guards around are surrounded by a circle, while the underworld is in the center of the circle. And the guards are very far away from Ming. After all, no one wants to be close to him with such a horrible killer. This also made the circle very huge. At this time, I don't know who shouted loudly: "Do it, let's do it together!"

People are such an animal, and they always need the first person to stand up, or the first person to lead them. It is difficult to change the habit of following the trend, and the moment this person said this sentence. All the guards launched their own attack almost in an instant. There are four types of star professionals surrounded by the underworld. Thieves, spirit archers, spirit shooters and magicians suddenly rushed to the underworld with all kinds of attacks.

It is not too much to describe it as overwhelming. There are ice-colored arrows, silver-white bullets, fiery red light blades, and fire snakes, etc. All star professionals have shown their own skills. Launch a crazy attack, when a magic or an arrow shoots, then launch the next attack. There is no pause. It seems that this is the only way to relieve the fear in my heart.

But Ming gritted his teeth and then took a deep breath. But Ming cursed himself in his heart: "I hesitated, what am I trembling about!" All I have to do is kill! Kill! Kill! That's what I have to do!" Still the same as before, Ming's body moved sideways. But some attacks can't be avoided by side shifting, because there are too many attacks. And it has increased for a long time, with the discovery of the dark. The guards all gathered and launched more and more attacks.

In less than a minute, all the guards gathered together. The circle became bigger, surrounded by more than 2,000 people. The big one can't be described in words, and more than 2,000 people besieged one person. But that person has the upper hand, and I'm afraid no one will believe it! But what happened in front of him is a fact, although he was attacked by countless attacks. But Ming relies on his light body and quickly avoids all attacks.

This is not the speed that a four-star professional can have at all, but grasping the blood-red sickle is also the source of magic itself. However, he deeply felt his own strength, but Ming believed that he was the only one who put down the blood-red sickle. Whether it is speed, strength, hearing, vision or smell, it will reduce the original situation, but although Ming's body has been so horribly improved. However, a few attacks touched Ming's clothes, and soon Ming's black robe gradually broke.

Ming fought with more than 2,000 star professionals for nearly seven minutes, and Ming was very tired. But through this source of magic, he didn't want to rush directly to the crowd. However, as long as Ming's body took even a small step, the overwhelming attack rushed to theming. I didn't give a little rest at all, just at this time. Intentionally, the flame arrow touched his body.

The scorching flame burned his back, and blood kept flowing. Although the black robe still exists, the back of the black robe has turned into ashes. Suddenly, a mouthful of blood suddenly spit out. He is a magician, not a warrior. After suffering such a fierce attack, I really can't stand it. I don't know who shouted, "That killer is dying. Let's attack together and attack his back."

Because of this sentence, the archer reacted first. A cold arrow suddenly turned to the back of the words. It's too despicable! After the scorching heat, it is ruthlessly cold. The wound behind Ming became bigger and bigger, and suddenly Ming's robe had disappeared. The upper body is **, and the lower body is wearing a pair of black trousers. And because of the cover of the black robe, it was not burned. Ming's mouthful of blood seemed to spit out for free, and his back kept bleeding.

The wound is extremely huge, and you can see the wriggling of meat and buds. At this time, Ming suddenly raised his head, and his eyes showed bloodthirsty brilliance. At this time, Ming actually laughed and said coldly, "You guys! Very good! Very good! So you all die! Go to hell! Hahahaha!" This sentence is cold without any emotion, and at this time, the whole person has fallen into madness because of serious injury!