Book of the Devil

198, discussion and change

The black-faced man saw the young master's hesitant look and grabbed the young master's body and quickly flew to the exit. Another black-faced man followed, but the two little men also followed the crowd. At this time, the young man didn't care about everyone's departure and looked at Rogge and the old man indifferently. At this time, the onlookers walked towards the exit in an orderly manner, but each audience's thoughts were probably different.

However, it is foreseeable that the face of the Hilant family will be greatly lost, and most of the audience will see not only the general portrait of the underworld. It is foreseeable that there will be many comments about the underworld. After all, some people are so bold. However, as long as people have a little insight, they will know that the future emperors will no longer be calm. The five words of soul magician alone are enough to turn the whole emperor upside down.

Not to mention that so many guards have died in this sky arena, which can be said to be fierce! It is bound that Ming's reputation will resound throughout the imperial capital, and he dares to do such a bold thing. This can be said to be the beginning of Taisui. Maybe the people in the imperial capital will gradually forget this matter as time goes by. But because of the intervention of Xingman, this matter will always be remembered in the hearts of the people of the imperial capital and can never be forgotten.

The arrival of the Starlight Club also makes all the people of the imperial capital realize what the soul magician represents? After all, man is a forgetful animal, and as soul magicians gradually withdraw from the stage of the mainland. Dissipated in people's eyes, many people may forget the existence of soul magicians. However, when the people of the Starlight Club came, those who had forgotten the fierceness of the soul magician in the imperial capital knew that the soul magician would never be provoked!

And there is vivid evidence that the lives of nearly 5,000 guards in the Sky Arena are in front of everyone! Sky Arena, such a big place. You can hear the clear walking sound, and I don't know how long it has been. Knowing that the whole sky arena was completely quiet, the teacher beside Rogge said indifferently, "Please!" The young man didn't care and followed the old man closely. Time passed like running water, although the whole imperial capital was talking about it.

Above the bustling imperial capital is full of voices of discussion. What is discussed is actually the same thing, which is the tragedy of the Sky Arena! Five thousand lives are alive, but most of them are gloating. Most of them are waiting to see the jokes of the Hirant family, especially the other three families besides the Hirant family! How happy it is to see the Hilant family's defeating. There is a saying that heaven's evil is forgiven, and people's evil is unbearable!

If the other three families had not been like this in the past, there would have been no strong or weak in the past. But with the emergence of the Hilant family and the Carroll family, there is a difference between the strong and the weak. It's okay if it's just divided into strengths and weaknesses, but the people of the Hirant family are too proud! A man came out and looked high, and he didn't pay attention to everyone at all. I'm a little in awe of the royal family, but only a little bit.

It can be said that it is a good posture for the other three families. Let the people of the other three families want to come forward and slap them directly. Now they are so happy to see the Hillant family suffer losses. I guess when the people in the Hilant family come out, I'm afraid that the people of the other three families will have to make fun of them. However, this is just the beginning. It is the time to turn upside down when the people of the stars arrive!

The name of the "madman" of the Star Club was also remembered by the people of the imperial capital. At this time, the people of the imperial capital did not notice a young man coming out of the sky arena without panic. He walked quickly towards the city gate, and the young man suddenly poured into the bustling crowd. No one noticed the young man's pale face, as if he had seen something he shouldn't have seen. Fear and fear appeared on the young man's face.

I don't know how long it took, but the hotel fell asleep peacefully without knowing that he had caused great trouble. Time passed like running water, and the whole emperor's sleep spread all over the deeds about the underworld. That bold deeds have spread all over the imperial capital. As the saying goes, good things don't go out and do bad things thousands of miles. This scandal spread like a plague, and the whole Hilant family was pushed to the forefront of the storm again!

It also reminded people who gradually forgot the other two scandals that the face of the Hirant family was lost this time. More than 5,000 people were slaughtered silently, also known as the first family of the imperial capital! This first place is now a big joke, but Ming fell into a deep sleep without knowing anything about these. This operation in the Sky Arena wasted too much energy. Ming was very tired and just wanted to have a good rest.

The day passed quickly, and at this time, Albert waited anxiously outside the door. Although Albert knew that Ming's strength was very strong, that duffian was not easy to provoke! Albert now only wants to save his sister as soon as possible. After all, Albert and his sister have been together for so many years. The feelings are not enough for outsiders, although it is only less than five o'clock in the morning. This Aubert had waited quietly outside the door of Ming's room, but he did not dare to disturb Ming's rest at all.

After all, the only hope of saving his sister was on Ming, who stood for more than three hours without feeling hard at all. It was not until after nine o'clock that he slowly opened the door. At this time, Ming turned around and said indifferently to the virtual spirit, "The virtual spirit takes good care of Diss. I still have something to deal with and can't take you there!" The virtual spirit said, "It's wrapped on my virtual spirit. Who dares to touch the eldest sister's head? I'll let him know how powerful my virtual spirit is!"

Ming immediately made a "Come" gesture to Aubert, and Aubert was very excited but did not put it on his face. Instead, she took a deep breath and followed him tightly. It seemed that she was very tired. Tess has been sleeping until now and there is no sign of sobriety. Ming and Albert left the hotel under the leadership of Ming. To be precise, under the leadership of that huge map, he appeared in an empty secret place.

At this time, Ming casually threw a black robe to Aubert, and Ming skillfully put on the black robe. Aubert seemed to be wearing this black robe for the first time, but it took a lot of time. Ming then put the bloody mask on his face and immediately meditated for a moment. He muttered, "It seems that my appearance characteristics are clearly seen by that guy. It's better to be cautious." After putting on the mask, Ming took out another black hat from the space inside the mask.

Slowly put the black bucket hat on his face, and the black bucket hat tightly covered Ming's face clearly. The black veil made it impossible to see Ming wearing a bloody mask. Ming slowly lifted the veil with his right hand and took out the sound change agent of the two test tubes. Without any hesitation, he skillfully paid the sound-changing potion! Generally, the sound-changing medicine can last for about a day after paying the sound-changing medicine. Mingxuan immediately threw another black hat to Aubert, and Aubert nervously put the black hat on his head.

At this time, he slowly put the sound-changing agent of a test tube in Aubert's hand. At this time, Aubert trembledly took the sound-changing agent from Ming's hand. At this time, he looked at Aubert indifferently and said faintly, "Do you have anything to ask? I'm a little disappointed in your appearance." Aubert took a deep breath and quickly returned to his original appearance. Aubert is not a fool, but very smart.

Judging from Ming's words and deeds, as long as you have no use value. It is a chess piece that can be abandoned at any time, and the chess pieces should be useful. Aubert clearly knew that it was not his talent, but his fierceness! The trembling just now disappointed Ming and returned to the old Aubert. He said slowly, "I'm sorry, my lord! I was a little scared when I heard the comments of the people in the imperial capital just now. I want to prove whether it was you who killed nearly 5,000 people in the Sky Arena?

Ming smiled indifferently and said, "Don't say more, you already have the answer in your heart. Yes, I am the one who is extremely guilty. The Heroant family lost face and the bold murderer! Do you have anything to say?" Aubert said with a smile, "I was a little scared at first, but now it has calmed down!" Killing one person is killing, killing ten thousand is also killing! It's all the same, just the difference between more and less. My life is saved by adults. No matter how evil it is, I, Aubert, will always stand behind adults! Even if the enemy is the whole empire, I, Albert, will fight with my life!"

At this time, Ming nodded and said faintly, "What I see is the fierceness of your young age, if you retreat. I will kill you immediately, because you have no use value. Your purpose of living is to work for me, that's all. Even if the whole imperial capital dies, what does it matter to me?" Aubert became more and more aware of the adult he wanted to serve and what kind of person he was.

In Aubert's heart, Ming is cruel and unscrupulous. Even if countless people are sacrificed, there is no such thing as cold-blooded people, but I don't know why there is no fear in his heart. Fear is a little fear in my heart when I heard the people of the imperial capital before. But now Aubert has no fear in his heart. On the contrary, there is a trace of excitement in his heart. Aubert knows that as long as he follows this adult.

You will experience the opposite life of the previous 16 years, and your life trajectory will change at this moment!!!