Book of the Devil

205, target and barrier

The short man's eyes were red, giving people an extremely strange feeling. The short man's eyes are like an irrational beast. The short man shouted unbelievably, "My, my vitality!" But just after saying this sentence, you can clearly see that there are hundreds of long and sharp spikes behind the short man, scattered behind the short man like a peacock opening a screen.

These hundreds of sharp spikes are dark green, if they emit the smell of warcraft. A more incredible scene was still happening, at which time Aubert's face was pale. But he still looked very calmly at the strange changes that had taken place on the little man in front of him, when Ming was about to set out to kill the little man. Aubert suddenly said, "Your Excellency, wait!" He turned around doubtfully and looked at Aubert and asked puzzledly, "What's the matter? It's better to do it now."

Obert sighed, "This vice president has a vicious heart, but I have to say that this vice president is very cunning and fierce!" Ming immediately asked, "What does this mean? Does it have anything to do with stopping him from killing? Aubert nodded and said, "If I guess correctly, this thing is one of the famous banned drugs! The whole pill is dark and emitting a strong stench. However, it can allow professionals below six stars to directly improve the strength of two stars. For example, five-star professionals can directly be members of seven-star professionals! But once this beast pill is paid, it can immediately gain the ability of a warcraft, but the price is to pay for the life of the drug and the loss of reason. Any creature with flesh and blood, those who pay magic pills will attack!"

Ming suddenly raised his head and raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "Why stop my attack? There must be something else. And the vice president is indeed cunning. He must have used some means to change the original shape and breath of the magic pills. It turned pale yellow and emitted a faint fragrance. It's really not easy. But Aubert nodded and said, "It is indeed related to this magic pill, after paying the magic pill. It will slowly be demonized, and it will take about five minutes to fully demonize. Become a human-like monster that only knows how to kill, but before it is completely demonized. Never launch an attack, once an attack is launched. The monster that smells blood will explode directly! Therefore, I boldly stopped the action of adults.

Ming immediately frowned and said, "This vice president is really not simple. If people don't know how to turn magic pills, they will definitely attack rashly. Then you can imagine the end, and you will definitely die because of this self-explosion. What a vicious heart, thanks to you, Albert, otherwise I would have suffered a big loss. Although it won't be life-threatening, it's inevitable to get hurt!" Albert smiled slightly and said, "It's what I should do to help adults solve their problems!"

Ming did not attack rashly, but quietly observed all the changes of the little man. Soon the change in his back was over, and the little man's teeth began to change. This is the second mutation of the short man, and suddenly the teeth of the short man rushed out of his mouth. It turned into sharp teeth about three meters long, and the man's fair skin also began to change strangely. This skin is the third time that has changed, and the originally fair skin has turned cyan.

Ming was stunned by the scene in front of him, and his cyan face and sharp teeth were like a devil. If you use a word to describe the man in front of you, the word "blue-faced fangs" is really appropriate! The fourth variant is the short man's hands, and ten human fingers turned into wolf claws. And the short man's surroundings emitted thick green gas, which was extremely strange.

Five minutes passed quickly for Ming, when the little man who was still shaking his head like a devil. The eyes were full of madness. Suddenly, the short man bent down directly, and hundreds of spikes behind him began to stretch out. The sharp thorn, which was originally only one meter long, suddenly became more than ten meters long. At this time, the little man showed a sneer and did not speak. The short man who lost his mind even lost his reason to speak.

At this moment, the short man only has instinct, the instinct to fight! For a moment, the short man made an unexpected move. He actually put his right hand behind his back and grabbed one of the spikes with his right hand. Then, he abruptly uprooted this sharp spike from his back! At the same time, the moment when the spike was pulled out. Blood gushed out like a fountain, but the little man looked at him indifferently.

There is no trace of pain, as if the person who has just been pulled out is not himself, but someone else's! At this time, Ming frowned slightly and said quickly, "Obert, step back! Back up! This guy is really not simple, good boy! I thought it could be solved easily, but it seems a little interesting! Hahaha!" The blood of the underworld is boiling, and the crisis of life and death can greatly enhance its own strength. Ming is the kind of person who will not be timid when he meets a strong man, but will ignite his fighting spirit!

Although the short man in front of him only forcibly improved his strength, the breath he exuded was extremely strong. Aubert retreated far away and looked at Ming's mouth from afar, but muttered, "After this guy paid the magic pill, his strength really increased greatly. The Warcraft that arrived immediately by this person is not simple. It seems to be enhanced speed and strength. Very difficult enemy, I don't know if adults can deal with it safely!"

The next attack method of the little man was not only surprised by Albert, but also very afraid. It was not far from where the short man was, but at this time, the little man suddenly threw with his right hand. The ten-meter-long spike rushed towards the underworld like a meteor, and even heard a clear sound of breaking through the air. The sound of breaking the sky proved the horror of the short man's attack, but the short man did not stop.

Unexpectedly, he pulled out a ten-meter-long spike from behind again, and then the short man threw the spike again at a very fast speed. Such a repeated attack, a sharp thorn was thrown out by the little man in less than three seconds. Crazy, the people who pay for the magic pills are all crazy! Launch the attack crazily without regard to the blood flowing behind him! In less than ten seconds, three spikes have rushed towards the underworld one by one.

Although Ming's hearing, smell and vision have reached an inhuman level, the same is true of the short man in front of him. As a Warcraft, Warcraft's hearing, smell, vision, power and speed are much stronger than human beings, and suddenly opened their eyes. The heart is extremely peaceful, and the heart is like water. Face it calmly! At this time, Ming had already seen the direction of the attack of the first spike, and his eyes condensed: "Left!"

The direction of the attack of the first spike was Ming's left shoulder, and Ming's body suddenly moved to the right. At the same time, he handed over the bloody sickle to the control of his left hand and suddenly waved the bloody sickle. But an unbelievable scene happened, and it was empty. The bloody sickle failed for the first time, and the sharp thorn actually passed through Ming's left shoulder. Suddenly, a layer of skin was directly cut. Although there was not much blood, Ming was still attacked by this first spike.

If this spike is a little closer to the left shoulder of the underworld, it must be directly pierced into the left shoulder of the underworld. That's not the only injury. I'm afraid the whole left shoulder will be ruined. Originally, Ming had avoided the attack of the spike, but the spike suddenly changed its direction. This also let Ming know that the spike was not so simple, and the spike was not manipulated by the spirit of the little man.

It's like a short man who sees a creature with flesh and blood has no reason to attack. At the moment of throwing the spike, the spike will also track the flesh and blood. Therefore, the escape of the Ming Dynasty was successful, but he did not expect that the sharp thorn would move by itself to cause harm to the Ming Dynasty. At this time, there is no room to think about it at all, and the second spike has quietly arrived. At this time, Ming gritted his teeth and suddenly raised his right hand slightly. At this time, the bloody sickle was manipulated by Ming's right hand, revealing a light.

The right hand began to slowly turn the bloody sickle, turning rapidly. Suddenly, the rotating bloody sickle turned into a circular barrier. Ming's right hand is the center of this circular barrier, which is like an axis. Unexpectedly, the second spike that originally attacked Ming's right shoulder. Suddenly, he rushed to the center of the round blood-colored barrier. The flesh and blood of Ming's right hand forced the second spike to change the strangeness of the attack.

At this time, there was an imperceptible sneer at the corners of Ming's mouth, and he took a deep breath. The closed eyes suddenly opened, when the second sharp thorn was about to attack Ming's right hand. He waved the bloody sickle quickly, and suddenly the sharp thorn more than ten meters long was cut off! Ming's coping method can be said to be extremely simple. Ming's right hand rotates a bloody sickle on the axis. And this sharp thorn has a special attraction to the breath of flesh and blood, which makes Ming's right hand like a target.

Once the attack method of the spike is determined, as long as the sharp spike of more than ten meters calmly attacks the right hand, swinging the bloody sickle can cut off the spike attack. It's easy to say, but it's not that easy to do. May I ask who has the courage to attack at that moment? As long as you are careless, or timid in your heart, your right hand will be penetrated by the spike!