Book of the Devil

208, Thunder Cloud and Thunder Gun

In an instant, the golden cage trapped in the first layer of the evil-eyed demon tiger disappeared little by little. With the attack of thunder, it disappeared little by little. This golden cage was originally constructed by the ancient thunder text, and the thunder is the foundation of this cage. Countless thunders were absorbed by the cyan one-horn of this evil-eyed demon tiger and turned into the power of the evil-eyed demon tiger! This also led to the first golden cage to burst! This broken sound is even louder than the roar of the evil-eyed demon tiger, and even Ming is a little dizzy!

In contrast, the evil-eyed demon tiger has a comfortable face, and it feels that its own power is gradually increasing. In particular, the power to manipulate the thunder is growing rapidly, which is really very helpful to the evil-eyed demon tiger. If someone closes and observes the two cyan unicorns of the evil-eyed tiger, they will find that the cyan unicorn is completely different from before. After the baptism of thunder, there was a faint circle of cyan ripples on the cyan unicorn.

You can't see the ripples clearly without looking carefully, but only the faint cyan ripples give people an extremely horrible feeling! Suddenly, the evil-eyed demon tiger has launched an attack on the second cage, repeating this, but the speed of the evil-eyed demon tiger gradually became faster. Ming looked at the evil-eyed demon tiger's every move indifferently, as if he carefully observed Ming's body. You will find that Ming's body is slightly bent and his heels are slightly off the ground.

The whole state is ready to go! It seems to be waiting for a time, or an opportunity! At the moment of the opportunity, theming will take action! Albert looked at the scene in front of him nervously and wanted to dissuade Ming from leaving quickly. But when I saw such a move, I didn't dare to speak at all! Aubert knows that his adult has always been single-handed! Aubert suddenly thought to himself, "Your excellency, you should be more sure!" Otherwise, it won't have acted like this. I hope there will really be no danger!"

A loud noise sounded, and the slums were far and far away from the civilian and rich areas. Although many people in the slums heard this loud noise, they did not dare to mind their own business at all. It is not easy for people in the slum to survive, and there is spare time to take care of this matter. Being able to have a full meal is the happiest thing for slum residents. Even if they are curious, they dare not rush to explore. If you can't do it well, your life will be gone, so people in the slums live to live, just like instinct.

Only if you have a mouthful of food, in fact, self-esteem can be easily abandoned! This is the current situation of the whole slum, gradually caused by strict hierarchy. I have to say that this is a little sad. Everything in the slums has nothing to do with it. There is only one enemy in front of Ming, that is the evil-eyed tiger in front of him. Ming looked at the evil-eyed demon tiger in front of him indifferently, and the evil-eyed demon tiger absorbed the thunder extremely quickly. After a long time, the golden cage has been destroyed.

In the blink of an eye, the golden cage facing is already the last one. But it is also the largest pentagonal golden cage and the golden cage with the most thunder. As long as this last golden cage is destroyed, the evil-eyed tiger can get out of the cage and regain its freedom. Maybe this evil-eyed demon tiger still hopes to spend more time in this cage. After all, who doesn't like to give you power for no reason? Even the evil-eyed demon tiger will not refuse this sudden power, but the evil-eyed demon tiger madly attacks the huge pentagonal golden cage with its claws.

Every attack of the claws can find a huge light blue thunder. And a tiger roar suddenly sounded, and the huge light blue thunder changed its direction and directly integrated into the cyan unicorn of the evil-eyed tiger. The cyan unicorn is undergoing strange changes, and the original cyan unicorn is tightly covered with a layer of stone film. The cyan is no longer visible, but despite this, the cyan one-horn still crazily devours the huge light blue thunder.

With the attack of the evil-eyed demon tiger, the thunder falling in the sky gradually changed. From the original light blue to dark blue, which indicates that the power of thunder is growing rapidly. And the evil-eyed demon tiger also barely supported it, although he was a thunder warcraft, and his ability to resist thunder was very abnormal. But this dark blue thunder is no longer an ordinary thunder, and it has a faint feeling of the law of heaven and earth.

This is no longer an ordinary thunder, but contains a trace of law. Although it is only a trace, it should not be underestimated. This Gulei boundary can be said to be strong or not strong! To put it simply, if you are strong, you will be strong, and if you are weak, you will be weak! To be more detailed, that is, if you don't resist the Gulei boundary, stay there obediently. This ancient thunder boundary can only last for an hour, and an hour has passed.

The Gulei boundary will dissipate, but once you launch an attack on the Gulei boundary. Hey hey, that's fun. The more cages you destroy, the stronger the thunder will be. This evil-eyed demon tiger is also a powerful thunder warcraft. It unexpectedly resisted the attack of Thunder and absorbed the power of Thunder and turned it into its own power. It can't be said that it is not strong, but the last thunder of Gulei's boundary is extraordinary, and it contains a trace of incredible power.

This is the most horrible place in the Gulei boundary. Some strong people even used the Gulei boundary to imprison a strong man of the same level for thousands of years. With the growth of strength, the time of Gulei's boundary will also increase. But it is very reluctant that Ming can only trap the enemy for an hour. Suddenly, Ming heard a huge earth-shaking sound. The huge golden cage in front of him shattered and turned into golden tadpole-like words again.

The most incredible thing is that the series of golden tadpole words gathered again, forming no longer a golden cage. But a cloud, a thunder cloud! The thunder cloud is dark blue, and there are thunder snakes swimming inside the cloud. You can even hear bursts of thunder. At this time, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised and his body is moving forward little by little.

When it was less than a few tens of meters away from the evil-eyed demon tiger, it suddenly stopped. There was a trace of light in his eyes, but he said secretly in his heart, "Well, the more greedy you are, the better!" How can so much thunder be absorbed at once? When you finish absorbing the last thunder, I will do it! That's the best time to kill you directly without giving any power to refine thunder!"

What is used is the greed of this evil-eyed demon tiger, such a powerful thunder. The evil-eyed demon tiger will never let go of the opportunity to improve its strength, precisely because of its greed. He did not refine the power of the thunder at all, but relied on his own special cyan unicorn to swallow the thunder crazily! However, there is an amount of energy! Once it exceeds a quantity, it will be fun. If it is refined, it will be tragic without refining iron!

Once the last thunder is integrated into the one-horn of the evil-eyed demon tiger, it will definitely exceed the amount that the evil-eyed demon tiger can hold! In order to prevent the power of the thunder from leaking out, the evil-eyed tiger can only suppress the power of the thunder. Ming only needs to attack the two cyan unicorns of the evil-eyed demon tiger, and then all the absorbed thunder will be vented from the cyan unicorns. Without the cyan one-horn, there is no ability to control the thunder.

This evil-eyed demon tiger can only release the thunder attack through the cyan one-horn. Once there is no unicorn, it is no different from an ordinary tiger. And Ming is not a magician majoring in the dark department, or other star professionals. His precious eyes are useless at all! Waiting for the moment of a blow. Suddenly, Ming suddenly raised his head.

The thunder cloud above his head expanded little by little, and suddenly a huge thunder gun about ten feet long suddenly appeared in the air. One, two, three, Ming muttered, "There are a total of 77 thunder guns, maybe I don't have to do it!" Whether this evil beast can avoid the sanctions of the thunder gun is still good. Even if it is avoided, my thunder blow is enough to destroy the evil beast's unicorn. At that time, an ordinary tiger will be effortless.

Even if there is any accident, you can escape at a crazy speed! So at this time, standing dozens of meters away, it was very relaxed and not a little nervous. At this time, the seventy-seven thunder guns leaned tightly together. Suddenly, the seven thunder guns gathered together moved. Like a loaded bullet, the blink of an eye has come to the body of the evil-eyed demon tiger.

Although the evil-eyed demon tiger was afraid, he raised his head and raised his mouth unwillingly to show weakness and roared. The huge sound of tiger roar sounded, and even the seventy-seven thunder guns were abruptly changed because of the sound of tiger roar. They all rushed to the two unicorns covered by stone membranes and couldn't help saying, "It's incredible that such a terrible thunder can also be affected by the roar of the tiger."

This also makes me vaguely feel that this evil-eyed demon tiger is not as simple as I thought, but now there is no reason and time to retreat! The first thunder gun was successfully integrated into the one-horn of the evil-eyed demon tiger, followed by the second and third, but the thunder gun was stronger than the power contained in a shot, just like the cage. The more the cage outside contains the more power of thunder, and gradually the evil-eyed demon tiger that was originally easy to face is also a little difficult.

Nevertheless, the evil-eyed demon tiger did not give up. With so much power, the evil-eyed tiger is reluctant to give up! Greed, greed fills the heart of the evil-eyed demon tiger. Time flies, and the evil-eyed demon tiger has integrated 76 thunder guns in a short time. At this moment, there is only the last thunder gun left. Even this evil-eyed demon tiger can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. As long as it integrates into this last thunder gun, the power of the evil-eyed demon tiger will grow to an incredible extent.