Book of the Devil

212, Bubble and Oath

The cold meaning of this sentence is self-evident, as if this poisonous trade union knows it. Ming may forget it, but if it provokes Ming. Ming is not a good person. Do you still care about these people after killing so many people? Just as Ming turned around and was about to leave, Albert stopped him and said, "Your Excellency, wait, there is still something left!"

Ming lowered his head and looked at the pale blue egg in his hand and asked, "What's wrong? What else hasn't been taken away?" Aubert replied faintly, "That evil-eyed demon tiger corpse! Both the eyes and the two mutant unicorns should have the necessary help for the upcoming warcraft in the hands of adults. Although I don't know what kind of warcraft will be born, there is no doubt that it must have thunder attributes. The source of the thunder power of this evil-eyed demon tiger is the two mutant unicorns, which will definitely greatly enhance the ability of the Warcraft.

nodded and immediately urged the blood-red mask on his face. Suddenly, the body of the evil-eyed demon tiger has been ingested into the interior space of the blood-red mask. At this time, Ming looked at the sky and muttered, "Night is coming soon. I hope I can succeed." Soon Ming and Aubert returned to the broken house and indifferently ingested the animal egg into the inner space of the blood-red mask.

Then, he slowly took off the bloody mask. Raising his head slightly as if thinking about something, Aubert stood beside him without saying a word. Ming and Aubert are relatively silent people in such a quiet environment. There was no sound at all, and Ming and Albert did not talk. Like two strangers, minute by minute passed in such a quiet environment. Ming and Aubert didn't feel strange at all. Generally speaking, even if they were silent, they would say a few words casually.

After all, the environment that is too quiet has obvious psychological pressure for people, but Ming and Aubert don't feel used to it at all. Because they have long been used to such a quiet environment and alone. Time passed like running water, and Ming and Albert thought about their own thoughts. The night gradually came, and the lazy night resting against the wall. Aubert's heart was already full of curiosity, but Aubert still didn't ask.

Because Aubert gradually understood what kind of person Ming was, he would say it when he should say it. I asked myself, but I couldn't ask a little answer. Waiting is what he should do. Aubert shook his head hard to try to calm himself down. Partner, for Aubert, these two words are his most curious. At this time, Ming, who had been taking a nap, suddenly stood up. Ming, who had closed his eyes tightly, suddenly opened his eyes. There was a trace of fine light in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

When Abert saw Ming's movements, his breathing gradually became rapid. The heart is also burning like being burned by fire, beating fast and fast. Aubert almost thought that his heart was going to jump out of his body, and his strong curiosity led to Aubert's current appearance. Aubert tried to calm himself down, but his body still trembled slightly. Holding his hands tightly, the sharp part of his nails actually sank into the palm of his hand.

At this time, Aubert couldn't help taking a deep breath, and his heart's violent beating gradually slowed down. The sound of breathing gradually calmed down. Seeing such a situation, Albert said faintly, "It's not calm enough, but you still have room to grow. But your curiosity will soon be satisfied, and your partner is about to appear. It's just that I don't know whether your partner can survive. Albert frowned and said puzzledly, "Can you survive? What do you mean, my lord?"

Ming smiled and did not explain much, but slowly took the bleeding mask from the middle of his eyebrows. Then, he slowly controlled his huge spiritual power to the extreme. Suddenly, Silin, who had been sleeping inside the bloody mask. He suddenly opened his eyes and couldn't help but raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Finally, I must live until this day! Live! Destroy the whole Hilant family, the whole!" Silin was no less angry with the Hirant family, and no one understood Silin's mood at that time.

Everything is a scam, everything is fake, fake! From beginning to end, I am a chess piece, a chess piece that can be abandoned at any time. When your use value is gone, you will be abandoned cleanly! In the end, I didn't even have a chance to resist, and everything was planned. All glory, everything is always like a bubble, can't be caught! It's all illusory! Silin is grateful to Ming, which is the kind of gratitude from the bottom of her heart.

Even if your soul is controlled, you may die at any time! But all this openly told herself that I would take advantage of you, and I would abandon it at any time without the value of use. You are just a pawn of mine, that's all. But that's how Silin has been very grateful for so many years in the Hilant family. I have always lived in an illusory world, a woven false world.

What do you belong to? It belongs to the kind of person who is sold by others and stupidly counts money for others. If it hadn't been for Ming's action, his soul would have dissipated within half an hour. Without leaving a trace, it will disappear forever in this world. Someone may remember a magical genius like you, but as time goes by, you may be forgotten by everyone.

And this so-called magic genius is also fucking fake. Silin really thinks it's ridiculous. It's not herself. But her own life is ridiculous, and she is like a puppet manipulated by the thread. Everything is an established ending, and she is not allowed to resist even a little! This kind of hatred, at the moment when you are killed! It burned like a flame, which was a flame of hatred.

The flame that nothing can put out, and Silin tried to calm herself down. At this time, Silin felt that her soul and body were attached to the spiritual power, and Silin immediately smiled. With a fairy-like face, it's not too much to smile. Although this scourge-like face is not as good as Dith, it is also one of the best. In those years, the people who chased Silin could form a group, but Silin was not interested in anyone who chased him.

Because of the people who chase him, no one is stronger than him. Silin will not like people who are weaker than herself, and the former Silin wants to be strong. The kind of strong man who stands on the top of the world and wants to bring the Hirant family to the peak. But all this is like a passing cloud, like a beautiful bubble that has been broken. Now Silin only has hatred and endless hatred in her heart.

It can be said that Silin will be an avenger, a real avenger. Ming is also an avenger, except for revenge. There is still a person in Ming's heart, a little devil named Tess. The biggest reverse scale now is either someone else, or Dith. If Dith is hurt by even a hair, she may run away immediately! Because Tess is the only person who wants to protect with her life, no one can hurt Tess, and Ning has made this vow in his heart.

So Silin's revenge is pureer than Ming. At this time, Silin's soul body has emerged in the air. At this time, Aubert couldn't help showing a trace of surprise: "Miss Hilant's second daughter, how can this be possible!" Aubert didn't dare to find the scene in front of her, and Silin was very weak. It seemed that the wind would be blown away gently. At this time, Ming frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Obert said with a wry smile, "It is said that the second lady of the Hilant family has disappeared, and then the Hilant family made a lot of momentum to look for her. So most people in the imperial capital know about the disappearance of the second Miss of the Hilant family, even I am no exception! So now when you see the soul villain at this time, you also know the special ability of the source of my magic, and you will never forget it. The moment I saw the face of the soul villain, I remembered that the face was exactly the same as the face of the second lady of the Hilant family.

At this time, Silin coughed several times and said coldly, "Bastard, shameless! Shameless!" Ming shook his head and said, "Silin, don't be angry! You are not mature enough. It's just the usual practice of the big family. Hypocrisy is their habit, a bad habit that can't be changed. Aubert suddenly said puzzledly, "Your Excellency, what the hell is going on? Why is the second lady of the Hilant family here? Did the adult kill her?"

Silin snorted coldly, "How can this be? Of course, it's those hypocritical guys. What the Hillant family did, hahaha, I'm really a fool and a fool. Silin couldn't help smiling self-deprecatingly, and the bitterness on her face was not concealed at all. Aubert covered his mouth in surprise. This information was too shocking for Aubert. Albert immediately looked at Ming and said, "Your Excellency, the partner you mentioned!?"

said lightly, "If she lives next, she will be your partner in the future." After saying this, Ming paused and said to Silin, "Silin, if you succeed in surviving. This little guy will give it to you and train him well. Practice hard, no need to show mercy. My men don't need the weak, that's all."

Silin couldn't help smiling and said, "If I can live, I will naturally do what you said." Ming took a deep breath and said indifferently, "Well, the preparation is about to begin. Taboo magic, soul magic! Although a lot of time is wasted, the soul is almost enough. Among them, you will suffer severe pain. I hope you can endure it! If you put up with it, you can be reborn. If you can't stand it, your soul will be extinguished!"