Book of the Devil

216, deprivation and endowment

Silin did not hesitate to rush to the soul gate, and the whole soul body turned into a dark shadow. At the same time, the soul gate was when Silin arrived. The soul gate had been fully opened, and at this time, ferocious soul beasts gushed out of the door crazily. But at this time, a lion-headed bird monster raised its ferocious lion's hair and roared. Those soul beasts who originally wanted to leave the soul gate retreated behind the monster one by one, and the monster walked out of the soul gate step by step.

When the monster walked out of the soul gate, the soul gate disappeared in an instant. As if it doesn't exist at all, the soul gate is still missing, but there is one more soul beast! The soul beast doesn't care about the three people at all, not two people, a soul body. The soul beast stepped on the void, as if carefully observing its body. When she found that her body was wrapped in brown scales, Silin suddenly asked nervously, "Your Excellency, how to devour this guy! But this guy should not be a soul beast. How can he have an entity!"

He said indifferently, "In the soul world, the soul beast is the soul state. But I summoned this soul beast by forcibly passing through the soul gate! The body of the soul beast will turn into an entity when it leaves the soul gate! Don't worry, this soul beast can't attack you now! Because it hasn't started yet, and then you will know how to do it yourself!" Hearing what Ming said, Silin could only wait silently. But Silin can wait, but the soul beast can't wait.

This soul beast suddenly jumped high when it jumped. There was a continuous sound explosion behind him, and he carefully observed the movement of the soul beast. But Ming was not worried at all, because Ming knew that the soul beast was just asking for trouble. But Ming is a little curious about how fast this soul beast moves, and what is the sound of the sound explosion? What Ming didn't expect was that his questions soon had an answer.

It turned out that the dark tail behind the monster was like a long black whip. Every time the dark tail shaking behind him made a violent explosion. The energy generated by the explosion produces a huge driving force. It greatly increased the speed of the soul beast. At this time, the soul beast had already come to Silin. At the same time, the soul beast opened its mouth slightly. This soul beast has no wisdom, only instinct!

The instinct to devour the soul, Silin felt a strong attraction in an instant. This attraction seems to involve everything, which makes Silin's heart have bursts of fear. But when Silin's body came to the mouth of the soul beast, the change suddenly emerged. Between heaven and earth, an indescribable force suddenly fell from the sky. The soul beast suddenly fell from the sky, as if there was invisible gravity, or an invisible mountain fell from the sky and hit his body.

unexpectedly fell directly to the ground, "Bang!" A sound! There was a huge pit of more than ten feet on the ground, and the lion-headed bird-body monster was in the huge pit. The soul beast moved its body, but felt severe pain. Just when I was about to prop up my body with my claws to devour the soul of Silin. However, he found an invisible but extremely huge force suppressing himself. His claws can't move a penny, and its head can move!

But it can't get out of the scope of this huge pit, especially its claws can't move at all! Ming couldn't help taking a cold breath: "This is the power of the law of heaven and earth. It's too horrible. Although I heard Grandpa Kewei talk about it, I knew it was so different from what I thought when I saw it with my own eyes!" Ming was also very surprised. He didn't feel how the power of the law of heaven and earth appeared at all.

It seems to appear silently, and you can only feel the power of the law of the day and earth! But it can't find its existence at all. At this time, Ming looked at the soul beast suppressed by the power of the law of heaven and earth and muttered, "It's about to begin, deprivation and grant!" This is the horror of this taboo magic, although it is very difficult to achieve the conditions. After all, it is very difficult to condense the soul fire or get the soul gate out.

That is, this madman, who feels so hard! A careless, spiritual counterattack is extremely horrible. It is also extremely normal to turn into a dementia because of the reverse phagocy. However, once the soul gate was pulled out, the soul beast came out of the soul gate. The anti-sky place of this taboo soul magic is shown, once the soul beast comes from the soul world to this time.

As long as the soul beast dares to attack, the power of the laws of heaven and earth will fall from the sky. And within ten minutes, deprive the soul beast of its power. Make the soul beast have the same energy as Silin, when the soul beast is deprived of its power. Silin will be given a special power to fight against the soul beast! Because even if it deprives the soul beast of its power, the strong body of the soul beast is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Because of the soul beast that left the soul world and came here, the physical strength of the body is almost the same as that of ordinary warcraft. For the so-called "fairness", there is deprivation and giving! Time passed minute by, and Silin was waiting! Waiting! Aubert is also waiting, and the wind blows gently! In this dark night, the sound of the wind is particularly harsh. At this time, the soul beast suddenly let out a sad scream.

Its power is being deprived, as if it were needle extraction**. The power of the soul beast was extracted little by little, and the soul beast showed an extremely ferocious expression. A minute, two minutes, half an hour passed with a continuous low roaring scream. What was shocking was that the soul beast was still roaring crazily, but its voice was much smaller than at the beginning.

His eyes couldn't help but condense: "It seems that the power of this soul beast is very strong, and the power contained in its body for such a long time has not been deprived! If Silin successfully devours this soul beast, the power she has must be extremely horrible!" But Ming knows better that devouring the soul beast is the most difficult time! That kind of pain can't be described in words, and it can't help but shake just by listening to Grandpa Cosway's description.

I'm afraid it's more horrible than the side effects of the "you abyss". It has survived the side effects of the use of the bloody mask, but it can't survive the side effects of the "you abyss"! The side effect almost made Ming think that he was dead. The horror of this soul-devouring beast and merging the soul beast may be more horrible than the side effects of the "you abyss"! Although it's only possible, he couldn't help but make Ming's whole body shiver. Seriously, Ming really doesn't want to recall the side effects brought by the "you abyss". What an unforgettable memory!

Shake your head vigorously without recalling the "unforgettable" memories! Immediately, he looked solemnly at the soul beast in front of him! Still depriving the power contained in this soul beast is too horrible. Standing so far away, you can feel the power of the law of the day and earth. The power extracted every second is simply unimaginable. So much power was extracted in a second, and it took 30 minutes. What kind of concept is this? It is still being extracted.

After about ten minutes, the soul beast gasped for breath! Finally, all the power in this soul beast was deprived! All that's left is the power of her own body, although the power of the soul beast is not what Silin can fight against! Although the soul beast is now materialized, the attack of the soul beast can touch the soul!

So after deprivation at this time, it is given! Suddenly, he stood in the air and stared at Silin, the soul beast's every move. Suddenly, I felt a very soft force, and Silin's body was changing little by little. In three minutes, Silin is no longer like a soul villain. But it's exactly the same as before she had a body, and her height, weight and clothes are exactly the same!

Silin looked at the scene in front of her incredulously, except that her body looked a little illusory, as if it didn't exist. It's exactly the same as before being killed! Unreal is because Silin did not have her body again at this time and is still in a state of soul! But the change did not stop, and Silin felt a special force in her body! At this moment, a light green light suddenly appeared in front of Silin.

The light green light wandered around, and the sudden light green light turned into a small green dot and directly fell into Silin's eyebrows. Silin was surprised to see the green dot melt into her eyebrows, but there was no resistance at all! Because Silin felt that the green dot exuded an extremely soft force and had no malice to herself! At this time, Silin suddenly felt a slight pain in her right wrist, which was like being gently poked by a toothpick.

Silin looked at her right wrist curiously, but found that there was something more on her right wrist! That's a green bracelet. Silin touched it curiously and found that she could touch the green bracelet! The soul can't touch the entity, and only a few strong people can materialize their souls! But there are few such strong people! It's not that Silin's strength has reached the level of a strong man, but just because the bracelet is extraordinary!

Ming also looked at Silin curiously, but said in his heart, "Even if the power given is fused with the soul beast, it will not disappear, but how can the green dot turn into a bracelet! And it's incredible that the soul can be touched! It seems that Silin really picked up a big bargain this time. Maybe it's not possible to defeat the soul beast!"

After saying this sentence in his heart, Ming shook his head repeatedly and muttered to himself, "Defeating this soul beast is only the first step. Whether you can integrate the soul beast is the second step. The third step is whether you have integrated the soul beast or the soul beast has integrated your consciousness!" Finally, the battle of consciousness, whether Silin retained human wisdom to survive, or the beast-like consciousness of the soul beast integrated Silin's wisdom, which is the key!"