Book of the Devil

219, arrangement and lock flame

Time passes quickly like running water, raising his head solemnly! He took a deep breath and said indifferently, "Waiting for three hours, if it hasn't been successfully integrated yet!" So..." Ming didn't finish his words, but Albert next to Ming continued to say, "Then we have to kill her. After all, it's been a long time!" It's getting brighter, although it's inaccessible! But there is no need to take risks. Accidents are always inevitable!"

He nodded admiringly and quietly looked at Silin in the void! Two hours later, Silin stood motionally in the void. Her body retreated slightly to the void, and Silin opened her eyes slightly! Only fear appeared in her eyes, and Silin didn't want to recall this unbearable memory! Pain, it's really too painful! The pain deep into the bone marrow is a little light! Finally, especially at the moment of the final integration!

The soul beast eroded its consciousness crazily, and it was almost swallowed up by the soul beast! But Silin rose up at the last moment and swallowed up the consciousness of the soul beast directly! Destroying and rotten, it doesn't give the soul beast consciousness a little time to breathe! If the soul beast has a breather, it will not be Silin who stands here and maintains her consciousness now! It's the ferocious soul beast with only instinctive consciousness!

When he saw the fear in Silin's beautiful eyes, the corners of his mouth couldn't help rising slightly! With his hands clapping, bursts of applause sounded! This applause is particularly harsh in this quiet environment! Silin smiled and walked down like a flat ground in the void. Step by step in the void, like a fairy falling from the sky! If you carefully observe Silin, you will be shocked to find Silin, who was originally in a state of soul!

Unexpectedly, he has a human body, which is strange and extremely strange! But this is expected that Silin, who devours the soul beast, will be able to have her own body! It's exactly the same as before, no more powerful than the previous body! By this time, Silin had already come to the ground. Ming and Silin looked at each other and smiled at each other! It seems to be like an old friend who has known for more than ten years, but only Ming and Silin know that he and she have only known each other for a short time!

Ming said slightly, "Silin, what's your strength now?" Silin replied with a smile, "Kill the eight-star professional and destroy it at will! If you can fight with nine-star professionals, you can successfully escape even if you are undefeated! In the face of ten-star professionals, there is a half chance of escaping!" Ming took a breath of cold air and was really surprised! But Ming was not an ordinary person and soon calmed down. The corners of his mouth raised slightly and said, "It's almost dawn. Go to the hotel and tell everything, and you and Albert can leave the imperial capital!"

Immediately, Ming turned around and galloped forward! Obert also released a wind technique for himself, and the speed suddenly accelerated! Following Ming closely, Na Silin is even more horrible! Just a small step forward appeared ten meters away! In order to take care of the two people behind him, he also slowed down! Soon, the three of them came out of the silent boundary! At this time, Ming took a deep breath!

A sound burst of sombre sounded, and Ming's fist quickly hit the mute boundary. Suddenly, the mute boundary turned into powder and disappeared with the wind! The underworld will not move in the direction of the hotel, and the sky is hazy. Like a child who didn't wake up, the imperial capital was very quiet at this time! The street was empty, and the sound of "squeaking" pushing the door slowly sounded! Ming did not return to his room, but went straight to Aubert's room and opened the door without hesitation!

At the round table, behind the round table is a big bed! Ming lay on the big bed tiredly and closed his eyes a little tiredly. But it doesn't mean that she is sleeping. Sileen and Aubert sit at both ends of the round table. For a long time, lying in **'s mouth and slowly said, "Tonight, you can leave the imperial capital!" The place I want to go is Tris City. Develop your power there for me! I won't say much about the rest. I'll wait for your good news!"

Silin raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, "Is it Tris City? It's a little interesting!" Silin naturally knows what this city represents, and the two words "chaos" are enough to describe! Ming then said indifferently, "I also stayed in Tris City for a while and caused a lot of trouble! I won't give you any specific orders or plans in Tris City! It's enough for me to say a few words. I believe that Sileen and Aubert can understand!"

Speaking of this, he paused and said, "Silin practiced and practiced this Aubert, which is too weak to have a foothold in the world at all! I'll just say it once, you all listen! Development, expansion, unscrupulous and cruel!" After listening to everything Ming said, Silin smiled and said, "When will the offensive be launched!" Ming coughed twice and said slowly, "Two years or five years!" To launch the first wave of offensive, you must know that the necessary patience is necessary! I will make time to go to Tris City. I hope you two don't die too soon!"

Silin snorted coldly, "Your excellency, you look down on me too much!" Ming smiled and didn't make a sound, after a rest for a while! Ming got up and sat down on ** and said faintly, "Remember that the power I let you develop is secretly and unknown! Low-key, hidden, this is a must! Don't attract the attention of others. You are the dark chess I played, and you are also my dark forces! If you use an animal to describe the strength that I let you develop, it is a poisonous snake! Hidden in the dark, but launched a deadly attack at the most critical moment! Do you understand?"

The last three words silently amplified the sound. Silin muttered a few words and looked at Ming with solemn eyes. He said firmly, "I see! Develop a huge force without others knowing! It's very difficult, but especially!" At this time, there was a flower-shaped black flame on his right index finger, and the flame emitted a scorching temperature! The flower-shaped flame rose on Ming's right index finger, and Aubert saw the rising black flower-like flame on Ming's finger.

I couldn't help asking curiously, "Your excellency, is this flame...?" Ming smiled and was very skillfully controlling the black flame emitting hot temperature on his index finger! After a while, the flame turned into a tiger, and after a while, the flame turned into a bird, and the black flame kept changing! Suddenly, the black flame turned into a fireball! The fireball was compressed crazily, and soon the fireball could no longer be counted as a fireball.

This black flame is only the size of a fingernail. At this time, Ming looked at Aubert's mouth and said indifferently, "Obert, open your mouth! Swallow it!" Albert showed a puzzled look, but still opened his mouth. There is no doubt or hesitation. Because his life is saved, he should not be unfavorable to himself! The moment Obert opened his mouth, he bounced casually! The black flame the size of a nail suddenly turned into a black stream light and rushed into Aubert's mouth.

Originally, Albert thought that the flame would emit a high temperature, but it did not emit any high temperature at all. Even a trace of imperceptible coldness, Ming said at this time, "Don't be nervous, this is called lock flame!" Explain it carefully, it is the locked flame! For example, Silin has a lock flame, and Albert also has a lock flame! But Silin is in Tris City, but you are in the imperial capital! But as long as you start from the imperial capital to Tris City, you and Silin are within a thousand miles! It will lock the other party's position in an instant. Silin knows where you are, and Aubert also knows Silin's location. Do you understand me explaining this way?

Obert nodded and motioned himself to understand! Suddenly, there was a small black fireball on Ming's right index finger. Silin also opened her cherry mouth slightly and swallowed the moment of the lock flame! Sileen and Aubert looked at each other in surprise, and Silin felt a huge black flame burning! This lock flame is not huge, it can be said to be very small! But two people with lock flames can clearly feel each other's existence!

It's like a bright lamp in the dark, very eye-catching! Ming said lightly, "Maybe I will send a lot of people to Tris City to confirm whether the other party is the person I sent. It's very simple, as long as the man is within a thousand miles from you! Even if it is 9999 miles, you can feel the lock flame in his body! At that time, you can secretly send someone to pick him up! Or he will find the location of the two of you through the lock flame!"

Silin nodded and said, "This lock flame is really a good thing. Are you leaving tonight? Seriously, I'm a little excited, Tris City, hum!" Silin is very confident in herself now, but Aubert asked doubtfully, "Your Excellency, we can determine the whereabouts of our companions through the flame lock. But, what about you, my lord? Ming waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about me. It's enough for me to feel where you are!" I don't want to swallow the lock flame, because if something happens to me! I'm actually a hope, after swallowing the lock flame! Once a person dies, the lock flame will disappear! Because I am your hope, once I die, you will be hit hard!"

Silin smiled and said, "Indeed, you are our leader!" Although the number of people is not very large now, if the leader dies, it will be a great blow! And in the formation of this hidden force, Aubert and I said that we are not the real leaders. In this way, you will have more mystery, which is also very good!"