Book of the Devil

234, gas and tracking

At this time, the six strange flowers lined up in a row. Vilan didn't see how these flowers moved at all, as if they were not growing in the soil. Instead, it grows in rivers and lakes without any obstacles to move. Perhaps this is also the magic of the six strange flowers, but at this time, the six strange flowers sprayed countless lavender **.

The two twins subconsciously lay on the ground and stared at the ** ejected from the center of the flower. Then react through the direction that ** is going to shoot. Roll your body so that you can avoid this ** attack. But the two twins didn't expect it, Rita didn't think of it, and even Naviland didn't think of it. However, it was the first to understand the darkness of the four of them under a towering tree.

To be precise, when the ** squirted out, Ming reacted in an instant. The two twins reacted wrongly at the beginning and should not lie on the ground. Instead, you should hold your breath, as if you observe carefully. It can be found that those ** have no direction at all, some with high jets and some with low jets. But the real attack is hidden behind, just when ** meets the air. Gradually ** did not rush towards the two twins, but strangely turned into lavender gas.

What's more strange is that the lavender ** quickly drilled into the nostrils of the two twins like lightning. Although the twins saw it, the lavender gas did not have time to react with them. In one breath, it all poured into the gas of the two twins, but Ming sighed slightly. I asked myself, "If I don't stand here, but really face these flowers and these strange **. Can I make a decision so quickly and hold my breath directly to avoid the attack of the purple gas?

For a long time, he used a voice that only he could hear as if he were talking to himself. Answering the question raised in my heart, "Even if I am only 30% likely to avoid the attack of this purple gas, 70% will be hit. It seems that the jungle is not as simple as I thought, but there are so many rare things there. Even if it is dangerous and risky, it is worth it. The risk is as big as the risk, and the risk is always proportional to the benefit.

Except for a few, at this time, the two twins had inhaled all the lavender gas. And Weilan is not an idiot. He saw these two twins like this. Naturally, it was clear what was going on. Weilan said to Rita concisely, "This purple ** will instantly turn into purple gas when it encounters air. No, it is purple tracking gas to attack. Be careful, the next wave of ** is coming. It's not someone else who attacked, but both of us.

Rita said, "Tracking, this gas actually has a tracking effect. The world is really omnisive, which is really troublesome. There is no doubt that this purple gas is poisonous. Vilan nodded repeatedly, but his attention was all on the six strange flowers. But strange things really happened one after another, after the six strange flowers spewed out the first wave of **. The color of the flowers has also changed, the original pure white.

seems to be contaminated with ink and is rapidly eroded. In an instant, the color of the flower suddenly changed to lavender. At this time, Rita said, "Why wait? It will soon be enough to destroy these flowers directly by thunder. Why wait for the second wave of ** attacks of these flowers? Isn't this troublesome? Vilan did not answer, but quickly picked up a small stone from the ground. Then it was thrown directly into the six flowers, but at this time.

Countless vines gushed out of the ground almost in an instant, and after a while, the countless vines actually woven a huge net of vines. The strangest thing is that the color of these vines has also changed from the previous green to the intentional ** color, lavender. And as soon as the stone touched the purple net, it turned into ashes. The huge purple net emitted a terrible high temperature, and Rita said in horror, "Is this incredible? It's unreasonable for plants to emit such a high temperature.

But Naweilan said, "You are not stupid. You should know why I didn't let you launch an attack. Now launching an attack is simply consuming your magic and spiritual power. Rita thought carefully and replied directly, "In a short time, even if I use seven-star magic. It is difficult to destroy this huge net of purple vines. Instead of wasting magic, it is better to wait for the second wave of ** attacks of the flower. Weilan also nodded and did not speak, looking solemnly at the purple flowers in front of him.

The twins lying on the ground are like two cold bodies, motion-free. But Vilan could hear bursts of breathing, which meant that the two twins were not dead. Weilan looked at the two and muttered, "Why do you always feel panic and feel something is staring at me? Is it my hallucination? Ale of these, that ** must have the effect of paralysis. Otherwise, these two people will not be able to move. This paralysis effect is so strong that even six-star professionals can't resist.

And Weilan knows better that the twins are not ordinary six-star strong men, and their strength is already at the peak of six-star. Weilan admitted that he underestimated these plants at the beginning and thought that the plant only had five-star strength. It turned out that Viran's speculation was wrong, but this also made Viran realize it. The jungle is extremely dangerous. If you don't pay attention, it will turn into a cold body. But Vilan did not regret it. If it hadn't been for his life, he would have been swallowed up by the devil in a few years.

But Veran's panic is not a hallucination, but real. There are indeed people who stare coldly at Weilan and the other four people like a cold poisonous snake. That man is Ming at the top of the towering tree, but Ming raised the corners of his mouth slightly and muttered, "I hope these guys don't die so easily, otherwise I, a fisherman, can't do it." The clams haven't competed yet, so how can the fisherman benefit?

Ming has been waiting for the time when the clams compete. Even if you are seriously injured, you still have to get those things, because those things are really rare. It is also very useful for the underworld, even if there are some things that can't be used by the underworld. Ming can also put these things in the auction house for auction to get a lot of start-up capital. With this large amount of start-up capital, the plan can also be slowly launched.

It's too slow to revenge by yourself. You have to build a power. There is a huge force in the dark and a huge power in the dark. The day when the light and dark forces were built is the day of the death of the Hilant family. At this time, Naweilan looked solemnly at the purple net in front of him. At this time, the huge purple vine net retreated to the ground little by little. And when all the purple vines retreated to the ground, countless purple ** gushed out crazily from the center of the six flowers in an instant.

The purple ** encounters air and directly turns into a purple tracking gas in a short time. Once it turns into a purple gas, the purple gas begins to have a tracking effect. But Rita shouted in horror, "This purple ** color is much darker than just now." At this time, the dark purple tracking gas rushed towards them like lightning. Rita and Viran knew that the toxicity of the gas must be more horrible than the previous gas.

held their breath, and the two blocked all the holes in their bodies. Nose, mouth, ear holes, but Rita and Viran did this. Those dark purple gas was so horrible that a small amount of dark purple gas was drilled into the skin hole. In fact, Weilan and others did not know that the first lavender gas could only pour in through the nostrils, mouth, ear holes and other places, and could not emerge from the skin at all. The dark purple gas this time is more horrible than the first gas.

Rita and Viran almost subconsciously took a few steps back. At this time, Rita and Viran looked at each other. With a bitter smile, Naweilan was the first to say, "Fuck, this gas not only has the effect of paralysis, but also can devour your spiritual power and magic. Fight, it seems that we can only make a quick decision. Rita also gritted her teeth and said, "I understand. You step back first, and I will launch the attack first."

Vylan did not refute, and the whole person retreated directly behind Rita. At this time, Rita shouted coldly, "The Lava Road!" After saying these four words, Rita desperately arranged the hot fire elements in the air with her spiritual power. These fire elements are arranged in an extremely complex sequence, while Rita's body is tightly wrapped in hot magma. Those purple gases could not break through the magma defense at all, and Naviland saw this scene.

But she couldn't help saying in surprise, "Lava Road, Rita is really desperate." Lava Road, this is a magic without stars. It depends on how much mental strength you have, the more you have, the more fire elements you control. The more powerful this lava road is, for example, a one-star magician uses the lava road. The weak spiritual power, the magic of this lava road, is not even as good as a fireball. Rita is different. Although she was swallowed up a little magic and spiritual power by the purple gas, it was not much.

It's enough to release this horrible magic, the lava road!