Book of the Devil

237, tired and haggard

The fierce man has made a certain here, and all they have to do is wait. The whole Starlight Society acted according to the established plan and patrolled the whole huge imperial capital. As if the people of this Star Club are the guards of the imperial capital, they naturally do not play the role of guarding and protecting the imperial capital. Look for this bold guy. The murderer who stirred up the whole muddy capital.

The appearance of this person filled with the whole imperial capital only needs to provide a little bit. Even if it is a wind-catching clue, you can get a large number of amethyst coins. Such a promise also temporarily led to the whole emperor in chaos. Almost everyone's spearhead pointed to the murderer. Interests drive people to act, and even star professionals can't help but be shocked. This starlight club's handwriting is too big, just a clue to catch the wind and shadows.

The amethyst coin given is simply an astronomical figure, not to mention that if the murderer is arrested, it will get more. For more unimaginable interests, the people in the whole imperial capital seemed to search crazily. It extends from rich areas to civilian areas, and finally to slums. Almost the whole imperial capital knew the specific appearance and characteristics of the murderer, and it was not that they did not want to take advantage of the loophole during this period. I got some false information and reported it to the place where the Xingman Club lived, but it was time to face up to this complete false information.

The people of the Starlight Club also showed their iron-blooded and fierce methods, and the person who reported false information was directly killed in public. Without giving those guys time to defend, they directly killed without saying a word. This also makes the gradually boiling imperial capital slowly calm down, and the so-called reward is here. The key is that you can't get it without specific clues, and even your own life may be lost. There is something wrong with the atmosphere of the whole imperial capital. It was originally a lively atmosphere.

Gradually became a little solemn and a little depressed, and the starlight would act neatly. It's just the sound of everyone in the legion stepping on the ground, the neat sound. One by one, the cold faces emitted the blood murderous atmosphere. It made the whole emperor a little nervous and a little tense. He kept posting portraits of Ming and patrolling around. Although the atmosphere in the imperial capital is tense, these have little to do with Ming.

It can be said that the people of the whole Starlight Club have launched a carpet-like search in the imperial capital, and only a few places have not been searched. The people of the Starlight Club are not staying. Naturally, they know that they don't have the appearance characteristics of the soul magician. And what is their big search for? It's not for anything else, but to lead this person out of the imperial capital, that's all. Such a high reward is unbelievable. This so-called bounty is actually impossible to cash, because the people of the Starlight Club absolutely do not believe that the murderer, that is, the soul magician, will be so stupid.

will be caught, even if this starlight will patrol so widely to lead the man out of the imperial capital. Almost everyone in the Starlight Society knows the existence of the prediction mirror. As soon as this guy leaves, he will be as conspicuous as a firefly in the night. The people of the Starlight Club can't guarantee that the existence of the underworld can be found in such a large-scale search. After all, basically no one has seen this Ming's appearance, and even if he saw it, he was directly killed by Ming's sickle.

If Ming really wants to hide in this imperial capital for a lifetime, maybe the people of the Starlight Club can't catch Ming. After all, the obvious feature is that one is wearing a bloody mask on the face and the other is a bloody sickle. Just these two characteristics, if you really want to hide. Find anywhere where you can find it. After all, who is so stupid? It is said that he is dressed in a black robe, wearing a mask, and holding a sickle in his hand. This girl is too windy, isn't it? It's obvious that she swaggers through the market.

Obviously, it is fake, although it is symbolic to patrol. But no one is really so stupid that he can quietly kill nearly 5,000-star professionals. How can the horrible soul magician who took away their souls and then went away be a fool? It's impossible to think about it. If you really hide, it will be difficult to find the people of this starlight club even if it takes a lot of effort. Is it like the crazy guy before, Tok?

Do you order the slaughter of the city? Sorry, even Ice Star won't be so crazy. This is Ice Star's idea to launch a war when necessary, and the reason for starting a war. It's definitely grand, just an excuse. Look for an excuse, but be so bold to fight for the direct slaughter of the city. Ice Star is not so crazy, so the order given by Ice Star can be said to be very simple. Pretending to search for the whereabouts of the murderer plunged the whole emperor into a tense atmosphere.

Forced the murderer to leave the imperial capital timidly, as long as he left the imperial capital. There is a predictive mirror, although it can only be used once. But having the position to confirm the murderer can be said to be extremely useful. Once the murderer's position is locked, just catch this guy. It is not difficult to take out the main base of the soul magicians from the murderer's mouth, and so many soul magicians have disappeared. It's impossible to say that there is nothing wrong with it.

And it is absolutely impossible to be the behavior of a single soul magician. There must be a person behind it who controls the whole world and controls everything. Just like controlling the starlight club, the person who controls the whole starlight club is none other than the ice star. The disappearance of so many soul magicians is certainly not a single act. A single person can't have such a tacit understanding, and there must be a manipulator behind it. Manipulating the soul magicians' actions, every time the Ice Star thinks of this, he always has a chilling feeling.

How can the people who can control so many soul magicians exist? Soul magicians can be different from the stars. Starlight has formed its own system a long time ago, which can be said to be difficult to change. But these soul magicians are different. Most of the soul magicians are alone, and the word Lone Ranger is the most suitable for them. They are all arrogant, and they don't obey anyone. It is unimaginable to make these arrogant and arrogant soul magicians obey one person's orders.

So Ice Star is extremely curious about this person and can order so many soul magicians on its own. Ice Star is very curious about this and is also very afraid. Such an opponent, if a friend is okay, the enemy is really a little trouble. A single soul magician, the people of the Starlight Club can be said to be extremely difficult. And these soul magicians don't have much human nature. It's common to take away the soul and flash people directly.

It can be said that it is extremely difficult to track these cunning guys like loach. A single soul magician alone is so difficult to deal with, not to mention the integrated soul magician. Even if it is the current Starlight Club, I'm afraid that I dare to fight against these crazy soul magicians. In the hearts of all the stars, the soul magician is crazy and lifeless.

All the members of the Starlight Club who fight against the soul magicians can be said to have an extremely understanding of how trembling this group of guys is. There are endless means and taboo magic. Powerful and not afraid of death, it's just like the death squad. I'm afraid that there is really no such power except the Starlight Club. I dare to fight against the soul magicians. I would rather provoke a powerful person than a guy who is a little strong but desperate.

It can be said that no one wants to provoke such a guy, and it doesn't even matter his own life. Don't talk about other people's lives, it can be said that the soul magician is moody. Sometimes there is no need for a reason to kill, even the soul is not collected, and it is directly killed. For such a big trouble, this ice star naturally does not want to give up. As the saying goes, you should know yourself and know your enemy. Now you can't even find the shadow of the enemy. How can you fight?

So Ice Star attaches great importance to whether it can find the soul magician, that is, the underworld. Time has passed like running water, and Ice Star can be said to be extremely busy these days. His head thought crazily, thinking about what was wrong with his plan. Thinking about everything without consideration, he is busy in the life of the ice star. Constantly thinking, Ice Star's face was a little tired and haggard.

I don't know how long the whole person has been in the study, and there is a lot of information on the desk. If someone looks through these materials, it can be said to be extremely surprised. All the information, even the information thrown on the ground, can be said to be extremely important. Extremely secret, all kinds of secret things are placed casually like garbage. It can be said that any piece of paper here can cause a violent sensation, but the ice star doesn't care at all.

He pinched his temple slightly, but muttered to himself, "If nothing unexpected happens, everything will go according to the plan. My starlight will definitely stand at the peak of the world, even at the peak of many planes. But the variable is beyond my control. The smaller the variable, the better for my plan. The larger the variable, the more unfavorable it is for my plan. First of all, the biggest variable of this plan can be said to be the soul magician. They have been hiding for so long, what is their purpose? I'm eager to know who the person behind them is.

Thinking of this, Ice Star's face can be said to be getting worse and worse. The face, which was a little haggard, looked more haggard.