Book of the Devil

241, Black Domain and Sacrifice

The northernmost place of the whole continent is very vast. But no one dares to set foot. I don't know how many years it has been called the most dangerous place on the mainland. There are many names there, but two names are the most widely circulated. It is called "dead land" and "black field", and the whole place is unknown for many miles. It's like a virgin land that has not been mined. No one dares to get involved and wants to step into the black domain.

First of all, you have to get a huge natural barrier out of an entrance, but whether it is a star professional, an alchemist or a magician. Once you come to the huge natural barrier, you will feel a natural terror. For example, it is good for a six-star strongman to only give full play to 50% of his strength. It is really difficult for the general strong to break this huge barrier. Countless strong men once united and successfully entered the dark realm.

However, no one came out alive, most of whom are strong in the third realm of more than ten stars. The side clearly reflects the power and horror of this black domain, and the people of the Starlight Society also know the existence of this black domain. It can be said that when the soul magicians disappear, almost all parts of the continent will be trampled by them. But there is still no trace, as if these soul magicians have evaporated from the world.

But the people of the Black Domain Star Club did not step on it, and they didn't even break the barrier. I don't know how many years ago, the Starlight Society organized a large-scale exploration operation. A large number of strong people flocked to this black field, but no one came out alive. And the Starlight Club was also greatly injured by this action, and the people of the Starlight Club did not think that the soul magician had hidden in this dark realm. But this possibility is too small. Does this soul magician have a way to survive in this dark realm?

Even the starlight was almost destroyed by this, and how can the soul magicians who are comparable to their strength have such great ability? It can be said that none of the people of Xingman Club will believe this ridiculous speculation. Even if someone initiates this idea, I'm afraid no one will agree. Joke, last time because of this inexplicable detection operation, the whole starlight would be greatly damaged. Thanks to his great fortune, he survived. It was not successfully swallowed up by other forces, but that time was really dangerous.

Black domain is one of the most dangerous places in the whole continent. If the ice star knew what had happened in this black field, it would have been shocked. The soul magician that Xingman has been looking for is actually in this most dangerous place, the dark field. With the intelligence of the ice star, many things can be inferred from this news. Who is the so-called soul magician? I'm afraid that Ice Star will never think of it, even if he catches Ming himself.

I'm afraid that after using all means, I can't force out the real traces of the soul magicians. Nothing else, because I don't know at all, and I can't say it even if I want to. However, Ice Star did not know all this, and foolishly sent a lot of power to the imperial capital. But who would have thought that the soul magician was in this dark realm. However, it's not the Ice Star. Who would have thought that those soul magicians could survive in the dark realm.

North of the mainland, the northernmost place. There is a huge natural barrier here, which is like a rainbow. It has colorful colors and mesh energy as a natural barrier. I don't know how many miles it has lasted, and the energy emanating from it fluctuates. It is enough to deter people. If you cross this huge natural barrier, can you really see what this black domain is like? No one in the whole continent knows what the black domain looks like, even if it is like breaking into the black realm.

I saw what the black domain looked like and couldn't leave. It's not a futility. Over the years, countless strong people have broken into the black domain, but no one came out alive. This also leads to the loading of the entire black domain. Most of the countless books are recorded a little. From those books, we can only know how many strong people have broken into the black domain, how many strong people have fallen as a result, and how horrible it is in this black domain.

But it is a record about the black domain. Sorry, there is no record in the book. Unless someone successfully comes out of the black domain, it is possible to know a little bit. But the key is that no one comes out, and the soul magicians live in this black field. What a strange place after the colorful natural barrier. The earth under my feet is painted black. But this black is a little different, just like wildfire burning countless forests.

The hot flame burned the earth, and the earth was burned by the fire. That is the land of this black field, as if it had been burned by endless flames. Looking around, the earth is all dark. But the sky is even more strange, with three bright moons. The three bright moons are in different directions, but the most shocking thing is that the color of the bright moon is also dark. Three rounds of black moon, boundless black earth.

And there is no life in this black domain, and there is no living creature that stretches for thousands of miles. Desolation is no longer enough to describe this strange place. And south of the Black Region, 50,000 miles away, there is a special city. There are human beings living there, and the soul magicians who starlight will hate the most. This is a huge city that can accommodate millions of people. Above the gate, there is a dragon-like font.

This city is called "Black Domain City", which is completely named after this black domain. It's not much special, but it's incredible to build a city in this horrible black field. Today, Blackland City is a little special. The noisy scenes of the past no longer exist, and there is no day but night in the black area. But there are countless magic lights in this black city, and all the magic lights are fueled by the soul.

The ferocious little people roared crazily. It seems that only in this way can we vent the pain in our hearts, but the strange thing is that these villains roar no matter how much they roar. There was no sound around, as if these souls were mute. In this originally silent atmosphere, the ferocious expressions of countless soul villains make the atmosphere here a little dignified.

If the ice star comes to this black city, it will definitely be extremely shocked. Are these guys crazy? Unexpectedly, it is luxurious to use the soul as fuel to illuminate the whole dark city with the fire of the soul. Are their souls endless, can they still profligate? Ice Star doesn't understand, but today it is a special place in Blackfield City. Almost all the soul magicians living in the whole city went to one place.

In the middle of the whole Black Domain City, it is an altar. A huge altar that even the chin would fall off, and countless soul magicians stood around the altar. One by one, they looked at the huge altar respectfully, but there was only one person standing on the altar. This is an old man with dense wrinkles on his face. It's like a stream, with pale hair. Both eyebrows and beards are all white.

And the old man has a respectful expression, not only that. The old man's face is like an ordinary old man, very kind. And no one would think that this is the person who integrates all soul magicians. It's such an old man who can't be found in a pile of people. The old man stood in the center of the altar, with three black crystal crystal pillars around him. These three crystal beads faintly emitted an earth-shaking powerful fluctuation, but then quickly withdrew.

Like a sleeping dragon, he moved his body slightly and yawned. It emits such a terrible and powerful fluctuation, which may be even more horrible if you wake up. The old man then looked respectfully at the countless soul magicians below, and his hoarse voice slowly opened his mouth. The old man was like using a loudspeaker, and the whole black city could hear the old man's extremely old voice.

"The annual sacrifice day has come again, which is the time to prove whether you have worked hard in the past year. Those who sacrifice the most souls will receive rich rewards. Over the years, I have also been selected by those three adults. This is like a carp leaping over the dragon gate. Let's start sacrificing. After saying that, the old man took a deep breath and said indifferently, "No. 1." The soul magician below is very familiar with the process of this sacrifice.

Everyone is ready the day before this sacrifice day. They all have their own numbers, and at this time, after the old man shouted the first number. A steady-faced man took a big step forward and respectfully walked to the altar. Every time he took a step on the altar, his heartbeat beat like fire and beat fast. The big man tried to calm himself down, but when he looked up and saw the three huge black crystal pillars, his heartbeat was beating faster than before.

Just as the big man walked to the center of the altar, the three black crystal pillars that emitted light tacitly extinguished. And it was not the first time for the big man to participate in this sacrifice and bent down skillfully. He muttered something devoutly, and soon followed the mumble in the big man's mouth. The three black crystal pillars that had been extinguished, and the one on the far right actually glowed again. However, the other two black crystal columns are still dim and look extremely strange.