Book of the Devil

250, characters and tattooed mice

At this time, Ming simply bit the finger of his right hand, and a drop of blood slowly appeared on his finger. At this time, Ming's spiritual power slightly spread around, and it was not meaningless to spread his spiritual power around. Instead, it spreads its own spiritual power slightly according to a specific law. The mutant bat wrapped in dozens of silk threads looked at the dark curiously. He seems to be wondering, "Why hasn't this guy eaten me yet?" It's been a long time."

Naturally, you can't communicate with this mutant bat, telling him that you are a potential warcraft. Since I met you and I are predestined, then sign a contract with me to become my pet. Even if Ming said this, I'm afraid this mutant bat can't understand. After all, she is just a bat, a warcraft that thinks exactly according to the thought of Warcraft. Let her think according to human ideas, and wait for her to advance to ten stars. Only with ten advanced stars can the beast body turn into a human form and have human wisdom.

And now the mutant bat level has not figured out yet, but at this time, Ming glanced at the mutant bat indifferently. Ming found a strange thing and couldn't help muttering, "Is this the horror of the mutant Warcraft? Obviously, I had suffered such a serious injury before, but how long has it been since I recovered so much? Ming couldn't help but be shocked. Obviously, he was crazy with the golden long * body of this mutant bat.

Now the previously sore body of this mutant bat has recovered, which is extremely strange. There are still a few wounds that have not recovered, and most of the remaining injuries have recovered. And Ming shook his head without thinking about this. Now the key is to sign a master-servant contract with this mutant bat. At this time, Ming's right hand suddenly shook, and the drop of bright red blood was thrown directly into the air by Ming. And at this time, the spiritual power of the underworld emitted the spiritual power around.

In an instant, all of them were taken back. Suddenly, the spiritual power turned into strange characters one by one. Floating in the air, this is just the beginning. In an instant, the magic of the underworld also radiated. At the same time, it also turns into a strange character, at the top of the dark. The sky illuminated by fire is full of characters. There are magic characters and spiritual characters. Two different characters slowly rotated in the air, and the underworld did not use an ordinary master-servant contract.

But the master-servant contract that can never be betrayed, which is known when he chatted with Di Si. Although it is very troublesome, its effect is extremely horrible. It can never be betrayed. This is what Dith said to Ming. Even if this mutant bat is strong, it is ten times or even a hundred times stronger than the underworld. With the containment of this horrible master-servant contract, this mutant bat can only obediently obey Ming's orders. This is the law, the law of the contract.

I have recalled for so long, and I have deduced it for so long for fear that something will go wrong. Even if there is only a little problem, you will be extremely tragic. Even because of the law of the contract, it is impossible for him to be seriously injured. Therefore, Ming has been scrutiny little by little before this, and no mistake can happen. At this time, Ming dispersed a little spiritual power to control a drop of blood floating in the air, and that drop of blood slowly stayed on the top of the mutant bat's head.

At this time, Ming had an extra dagger in his hand, a dagger taken out of the interior space of the blood mask. He grabbed the dagger with his sharp right hand and waved the dagger in his hand like electricity. The direction of the dagger's attack was Ming's left palm, and suddenly Ming's left palm was cut open. Blood gushed out crazily, and if someone saw Ming's expression at this time, he would be extremely surprised. Ordinary people's left palm has been scratched so big that they will definitely shout if they leave so much blood.

Strong people may only make a smile and mutter. However, Ming did not make a sound at all, and his expression was indifferent and horrible. Just like a robot, no matter how much your body is hurt, you can look at it indifferently. In fact, Ming did not feel much pain, because it was a little pain compared with the huge sea of fire. It can be regarded as a pediatrician, that's what Ming thought.

So Ming just looked at the endless blood flowing from his left palm, and Ming scattered his spiritual power at this time. The spirit controlled the blood flowing out of himself for about three minutes. A large mass of blood has floated in the air, and theming directly released a healing water at this time. The huge wound of the left palm recovered little by little, and in an instant, the huge wound disappeared completely. And the left palm is extremely smooth, and it doesn't seem to have suffered any damage at all.

And Ming is saying strange language at this time, if there is someone who knows the devil's language here. It can be found that the language is actually a real devil's language. And it's very authentic, and with the time of chanting. The blood of the underworld itself turned into countless strange characters and countless bloody characters. Just like spiritual characters and magic characters, they are now blood-colored characters.

Three different characters floated in the air, taking a deep breath. Now it has reached the most critical moment and the most difficult one. That is to pull out part of his soul, take a deep breath, and slowly feel where his soul is. Time passes like running water. Finally, the quiet spiritual power turned into a sharp thorn and stabbed directly into his soul.

Some of the invisible small souls were cut down. Rao Ming couldn't help whispering, which was painful and painful to the extreme. No wonder the soul magician is hated by countless people, and the pain of the soul is indescribable. Just separating a part of your soul has suffered such pain. At this time, some souls began to separate from their bodies, only about the size of their fingers.

With the resounding of the devil's language, there is only a finger-sized part of the soul. Unexpectedly, it split crazily, and soul characters appeared in the air. At this time, there are four different characters in the void. Spiritual characters, magic characters, blood-colored characters and soul characters, but the dark face is becoming more and more solemn. At this time, the contract has reached a very critical moment. Ming had to be careful, and he was afraid that a mistake would also be strongly devoured.

Ming took a deep breath at this time, as if only in this way can he relax. At this time, he slowly closed his eyes, and his eyes, which had been closed for a long time, suddenly opened. The devil's language sounded again, and the first thing that moved was the spiritual character. The spiritual character is like a warcraft that hasn't eaten for dozens of days, crazily integrated into the body of the mutant bat. In an instant, the mutant bat felt extremely horrible pain. If anyone can see the mutant bat, he will be extremely shocked.

The spiritual character was vividly portrayed in the body of the mutant bat, just like drawing words on a tree with a dagger. And this is just the beginning for the mutant bat, after all the spiritual characters have been portrayed. It can be clearly seen that the words depicted by the spiritual character are all in the language of the devil. But the magic characters came one after another, repeating like this.

After the magic character is portrayed, it is the blood character, and finally the soul character. Four different characters, the characters, and the language formed are all the language of demons. Before it's over, there is still a drop of blood floating in the body of the mutant bat. At this time, the spiritual power spread crazily, and the drop of blood was directly like a hard stone. He abruptly pried open the mutant bat's closed mouth, and the drop of blood was directly swallowed by the mutant bat.

And after all this last night, he slightly injected his magic into the light blue gloves. The dozens of silk threads slowly loosened, and the mutant bat finally regained their freedom at this time. However, the mutant bat fell to the ground in pain, and the huge body of the mutant bat fell to the ground and emitted a huge body like thunder. Her huge body twisted wildly, as if she had suffered great pain. But Ming fell to the ground in vain and muttered, "It's finally over, and it will take another half an hour. If you have a loyal pet that can't betray me, it will belong to me.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but get excited. Ming successfully signed a master-servant contract with this mutant warcraft, the mutant dark-blood bat. And at Weilan's place, big trouble finally came at this time. It was nothing else that introduced Weilan's eyes, but the countless blood rays. At this time, Rita beside Viran couldn't help swallowing the saliva in her mouth and said unbelievably, "This already extinct rat beast unexpectedly appeared."

After the blood light, a mouse only the size of a palm appeared outside the dozens of circles of fire. They have countless nail-sized spikes and dark all over their bodies. But their eyes are bloody pupils, and their eyes are extremely fierce. Not only that, the little mouse actually has a pair of tiny blue wings behind it. Weilan took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and slowly said, "The tattooed rat! Damn, it's really a tattooed mouse!"

If anyone knows about this mouse, I'm afraid they will be extremely surprised. This kind of fierce mouse has not been extinct, and there is no reason. When it comes to rat warcraft, which is the most frightening, this rat is at least in the top ten.