Book of the Devil

252, Longyin bullet and fire fog bullet

The opportunity, Rita naturally knows what the opportunity is in Weilan's mouth. You should know that the owner of the only remaining tattoos today is an extremely powerful alchemist. It is said that the lowest level of people with grain weapons also has a nine-star level. What kind of concept is this? It can be said that most people with tattoos have ten-star strength. There are even more than ten stars, which is why tattooed rats are so famous.

But Rita couldn't help saying, "I'm afraid we won't get this opportunity, and maybe we will be completely killed by this group of bone-eating rats." I have to say that Rita is a complete pessimist. Even if it is a good situation, Rita will think from the worst. Rita really regrets being such a timid guy. Why was he also overwhelmed by interests and invited the guy Viran to the forbidden land of Nangle School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to do treasure exploration in this mysterious jungle where no one has ever successfully left?

Unexpectedly, he met a long-extinct warcraft like the tattooed mouse, but Rita was no longer allowed to retreat. Who told himself to sign a contract with this guy? The two have been tied to a warship, a life-and-death alliance. It's impossible to leave alone, this Weilan, this madman. At the same time, Vilan frowned. With a more and more green look, Weilan looked at his slightly dry lips and said slightly, "The first wave of real offensive is coming. Rita, be serious, or we will all die here!"

After saying that, Weilan looked at the countless tattooed mice in front of him with a heavy face. Then he made a gesture to the rear, which was obviously for the two twins. After Vilan made that gesture, the two twins consciously took several steps back to the rear. The two twins naturally know what Vilan's gesture means and ask them not to take action. Of course, in the face of crisis, the two must still use the secret method.

If the two parties sign the master-servant contract, if the master dies, the servant will die. But when the servant dies, the master will have nothing to do. It can be said that although slaves are the lowest existence, some servants are not even as good as slaves. Of course, this is an isolated situation. Rita said angrily, "Why did they two step back?" Weilan replied lightly, "There is no need for them to do it now, once they use the secret method. It will take some time to reply before you can use the second secret method. So now is not the time for them to take action. I will only let them take action when they are really in danger. You also said that the jungle is very dangerous, so the necessary force must be activated at an emergency.

Viran's light words made Rita unable to refute. Rita could only show an expression that was more bitter than bitter gourd, and in the middle of the conversation between Veran and Rita. The rat frenzy finally launched the real first wave of offensive. In this offensive, the number of tattooed rats is extremely rare. Compared with the previous advance troops, that is, hundreds of Burst rats. The first wave of real offensive in front of us looks much smaller.

There are less than 20 tattooed mice, but Viran and Rita dare not underestimate the less than 20 tattooed mice. The tattooed rat does not rely on their number, but on their individual strength to launch a powerful offensive. What appeared in front of them was a tattooed mouse that was only half the size of a palm, but the lines around them were earthy yellow and ice blue. There was one more color than the burst rat, but Weilan frowned.

There is not much information about the tattooed mouse recorded in the book, only a general introduction. There is not much detail, perhaps only those alchemists know best about tattoo rats. At this time, the ferocious-faced tattooed mouse walked towards Weilan step by step, and the spiritual gun in Weilan's hand was already tightly held in his right hand. For the lancet, the gun is in the man, and the gun is dead. But Viran made a gesture to Rita, and Rita nodded slightly.

At this time, the first tattooed mouse has taken the lead in launching an attack, and the earthy yellow lines on the back suddenly emitted a strong yellow light. In an instant, sharp spikes on the ground rushed directly to Weilan. Weilan said indifferently with his eyes, "The earthy yellow and ice blue lines represent the earth and ice attributes. It seems that this first wave of offensive is really a little troublesome. The sharp spikes record the thickness of the earth, and each one has at least hundreds of pounds.

The weight also indicates the power of terror, but Vilan is not nervous at all. If the first wave of offensives can't survive, let alone the storm-like offensive. At this time, a sharp spike had rushed towards Weilan, but when the sharp earth thorn was about to pierce into Weilan's body. Weilan's body moved, and at this critical moment, Weilan's body moved. Lean back slightly, raise your wrist and pull the trigger.

Three movements, almost in one go. For the lancet, these movements are like eating and drinking water, and they have been used to it for a long time. It can also be said that this is equivalent to a general launch. At the critical moment, every spearman will choose the most effective way to avoid the crisis. But although you will choose the most effective way to avoid it, it depends on whether you have the ability to avoid it in the most effective way. At this time, a lavender bullet had gushed out of the muzzle, and Vilan frantically injected spiritual power into the spiritual pistol.

Bullets seemed to gushe emerge from the muzzle at the same time, and bullets containing strong spiritual power spewed out of this one. And no one saw when Vilan filled the lavender bullet, as if it were at the moment of leaning back. I don't know how many lavender bullets were directly stuffed into the spiritual pistol, as if they were stuffed into the spiritual pistol in an instant. At this time, a dragon sounded in an instant.

But Rita's mouth behind Weilan muttered, "Is the dragon singing? I see what you mean." Although Rita knows the meaning of Viran's gesture, she still doesn't know the specific meaning. When the dragon bullet appeared, Rita understood at this moment. The sound of dragon singing resounded throughout the sky, and the countless earth thorns unexpectedly collapsed in this instant. And the last earth thorn that pierced Weilan was less than a centimeter away from Weilan.

But Weilan still had an indifferent expression, as if all this was expected by Weilan. At this time, Rita said indifferently, "Cage cut!" The wind moved, and the invisible wind moved at this time. At this time, the five-star wind turned into a huge cage and fell directly from the sky. All the tattooed rats were imprisoned in the cage, and countless wind blades were formed in an instant. A sad scream sounded at this time, and several tattooed mice turned into powder-like existence at this time.

This is the power of the dragon bullet, which can make the enemy unconscious in a short time. And it bursts out a strong attack power, and the sound wave doesn't seem to have much power. However, it contains extremely horrible attack power, and Weilan Tieqing's face has not changed. At this time, Weilan loaded countless bullets into the spirit gun again in an instant. Suddenly pulling the trigger again, the pale bullets rushed towards the tattooed mouse with a beautiful parabola.

And the white bullet at this moment is nothing else, it is *. The war situation has changed strangely again, and countless * enveloped the whole jungle. Rita said puzzledly, "Vilan, you don't have much meaning. After all, these tattooed mice can see everything clearly even in the dark." Weilan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "This is not an ordinary*, but a fire mist!" Just watch it here and see how I can solve this group of animals.

At this time, Weilan's expression looked very ferocious, while Rita had a cold expression. At this time, a tattooed mouse came again, and the second wave of offensive came again. And beside the lake, the bat still twisted its body. Looking very ferocious, the mutant bat finally stopped twisting its body for a long time. Ming looked at the bat indifferently, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

He looked deep at the void and muttered, "When will all this end?" I'm so tired. I'm so tired." At this moment, the sound of the soles of feet stepping on the leaves slowly sounded. Subconsciously turned around, a wolf-like beast slowly appeared. At this time, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a cold smile. The light blue gloves were put on in his hand again, and he crazily injected his magic into the light blue gloves.

The killing began again, and this wolf-like guy is only four stars. After a while, the beast turned into a cold body. Ming casually took the magic crystal of the jackal and burned the beast's forehead to ashes.

At this time, Ming sighed slightly and slowly said, "Killing, does my life exist for killing? Sometimes I really put down my hatred and Dith together. He is an uninhabited place, living a simple and very ordinary life, but it is difficult, really difficult. You can't avenge it, you can't." I was a little shaken, but I knew that this hatred could never be let go anyway.

If Ming doesn't have the opportunity to revenge, but Ming, who has power and has the opportunity to revenge, will never give up revenge. At this time, Ming muttered, "Faro, you old bastard, wait and wait!"