Book of the Devil

258, green circle and barb

Speaking of this, Dith's voice paused slightly and then said, "The blood of each demon determines his growth, but there are also special methods to evolve from the blood of the lower demon to the blood of the upper demon, but it is very difficult. Demon blood is divided into four types, from low to high, lower demon blood, middle demon blood, upper demon blood, and royal demon blood. The difference in bloodlines determines their growth. So the lower demons want to be the upper demons by any means, royal demons? That is a destined bloodline, standing at the peak of all demons' bloodlines.

Hearing Tiss's explanation in such detail, Ming naturally understood a lot. Another question was asked in my heart: "Then these tattooed rats also seem to contain the blood of demons, if I guess correctly." But Tess replied slowly in her heart, "Just like you, there is a demon in it. It seems that he has just devoured the blood of other demons and made his own blood evolve. It's not easy, it's not simple. It seems that the upper demon, who is also the leader of this group of tattooed rats, smelled Vilan's blood. Therefore, wanting to devour his blood makes his upper demon blood more pure. I told you that there are many ways to advance the devil's bloodline. The most common is killing, devouring the blood of other demons, thus increasing the concentration of their own blood.

Tis has said a lot, and Ming is not a fool who roughly understands it. Finally, I understood why these tattooed rats attacked Weilan. This also makes Ming have some doubts about how this group of tattooed rats with demon blood came here. And Ming said almost subconsciously, "Why don't those tattooed rats chase you and me?" Butdi said, "He dared not. The little pressure from the royal demons was enough to make him flee in a panic, let alone attack us."

Speaking of this, Tiston paused and continued, "I guess these three-headed rat is already the last card of the upper demon. If it fails again, I'm afraid this dispute will end." Ming Ze said again, "Why doesn't the most powerful tattooed mouse attack? It should be easy to deal with Weilan with his strength." Tess said with a little fear: "Somewhere in the jungle, there is a royal demon. Although it is the lowest royal demon, if I guess correctly, it is the real leader of all the tattooed rats in this jungle. It seems that this royal demon-patterned mouse is sleeping, and this upper demon-patterned mouse is acting without authorization. Absolutely act without authorization, and it is absolutely impossible for this upper demon-patterned rat to do it by himself. If the three-headed tattooed mouse fails, the upper demon tattooed mouse has to leave.

He said faintly in his heart, "So it will be over soon. It seems that Weilan still has a few cards. There should be no big problem in defeating these three-headed tattooed mice. After saying that, Ming's indifferent eyes slowly swept over the battlefield. If anyone hears the conversation between Ming and Dith, he will be extremely shocked. These frightening tattooed rats are also a kind of demon. The shape of demons is not fixed. Only the appearance of royal demons is similar, and there is not much difference.

Demons under the royal demons have different shapes. The division of demon strength is not based on real strength. Instead, it is completely divided according to the level of blood. Since the existence of the demon plane, the rule of this division has never changed. Although he didn't say anything to Dith in his heart, he was already very surprised. This jungle is so mysterious that it is really underestimated. Unexpectedly, even the royal demons existed, and there were bursts of fear in his heart.

"Can you leave this mysterious jungle safely?" There was such a question in Ming's heart, but Ming said slowly, "What level of demon is Di Si's three-headed rat? It should be the middle demon, right? Dith directly retorted, "The median demon? Absolutely impossible, the middle demon is not so weak. The previous tattooed rats did not even reach the level of the lower demons. It's just some demons that rely on instinct and have no level. These three-headed tattooed rat is only about the peak of the lower demon. There is still a line away from the middle demon. Although there is only a line, there is an endless gap between heaven and earth.

And the next question quietly asked, "Then why doesn't the upper demon send a middle-ranking demon?" Although the level of demons is divided according to blood, blood can be said to refer to how far you can grow, that is, your potential. A lower demon has the blood of the lower demon. If there is no accident, he can only have the strength of the lower demon. However, the potential of royal demons is the most terrible, for example, a newly born royal demon. So the blood is at the peak, but the actual strength is only the appearance of the lower demon. Blood refers to his potential, not his real strength. At this time, what Diss said surprised Ming.

"These three lower demon-patterned mice have grown to the limit. That is to say, the potential of the lower demon blood has been exhausted, unless they obtain the blood of the median demon and swallow it, so that they can continue to rely on the potential of the median demon blood to grow to the extent of the median demon. Tell you carefully to exert the blood of the lower demon to the limit and grow into a demon with the strength of the lower demon. It is equivalent to the seven-star professional in your world, and this is the internal push. Demons with the strength of the middle demon are equivalent to the ten-star peak of your world. The demon that grows into the power of the upper demon is equivalent to the ten-star third strongest in your world. And exert the blood of the royal demon to the limit and truly have the power of the royal demon, not just the demon with the title of royal. Their strength is equivalent to, it can't be equivalent. Because your world has no division of the above levels, and it is not far from here. There is a superior demon, not just a superior demon with the blood of the superior demon. Instead, the upper demon that has exerted the blood of the upper demon in his body to the limit, a tattooed mouse with the real upper demon strength. In fact, it is about the peak of human beings in your world.

Dith said a lot in one breath, and Ming was quickly digesting what Dith said. The surprise in my heart is self-evident. It's amazing that a middle demon has ten-star strength. Ming also understood why he didn't send this middle demon to deal with Weilan. That's simply useless. This also makes it clear that this jungle is simply horrible. The strong man in the third realm above ten stars is also the upper demon.

There is even a powerful guy who surpasses the power of the upper demons and really has the strength of the royal demons. Ming's body trembled and couldn't help asking, "What if this royal demon wakes up?" Ming had to imagine the worst situation, but Dith said calmly, "Don't worry, the royal demon is in isolation. It will take at least ten years to wake up. Or die like this, shut up, shut up. It is to exchange your own life for powerful power.

At the same time, the war has reached a white-hot stage. Above the void, countless white** have appeared. And this white ** is like lightning, rapidly integrating into those patterned mice with light green lines. In an instant, the light green lines on those tattooed mice disappeared in an instant. It seemed that there was no existence at all, and Ming also clearly felt that the breath emitted by the three-headed rat was crazily reduced. Before long, the breath emitted by the three-headed rat was not even as good as a one-star monster.

And those green lines turned into three huge circles, and the three huge circles came to Weilan in an instant. Falling from the sky! Three giant circles directly trapped Weilan's body, and then the three giant circles shrank rapidly. Zilan's body was directly trapped and could not break free at all. Then, one by one, the inverted thorn suddenly pierced Vilan's body. Vilan's mouth screamed sadly, and in the silent jungle, the scream was extremely harsh.

It's not that Vilan is not strong enough, but that the inverted thorn is too horrible. The inverted thorn actually sucked the blood, spirit, spiritual power, and even bone marrow in the body crazily! As if everything can be sucked, these countless inverted thorns are allowed crazily. Powerful! It's so powerful!" The strength of the three-headed tattooed mouse is so horrible, which is greatly beyond Weilan's expectation. Vilan clearly felt that in less than a minute, he would turn into a mummified corpse.

But he doesn't have the ability to resist, and a minute is like tens of thousands of years have passed for Vilan. Pain, incomparable pain. A minute passed quickly, and most of the blood in Weilan's body was almost drained. Then a rapid cry rose from a distance and heard it.

The three-headed rat came directly to the ground, but the three green circles turned into three streamers and integrated into the three-headed mouse. In an instant, the three-headed rat has disappeared in the silent jungle. The short cry was undoubtedly made by the upper demon-patterned mouse, and it seemed that something urgent had happened. Ming looked at everything in front of him indifferently and muttered, "This guy is really lucky. It seems that the upper demon-patterned mouse seems to have encountered something urgent. Lian Weilan's blood was not drawn, so he ordered the three lower demon-patterned mice to leave. This luck!"

I have to say that Weilan is very lucky, but Weilan doesn't think so. Willan doesn't want to experience that kind of pain even if he dies.