Book of the Devil

262, past and present

Ming's right foot has been slightly suspended in the air, just a little bit. As long as he slowly dropped his right foot, Di Si suddenly said, "Bad guy, don't take another step forward. Get out of this place, get out of here. Take a step forward and you will die! Dead!" Ming raised his head slightly and glanced at everything around him with cold eyes. A spontaneous sense of familiarity spread in Ming's heart and looked at everything around him. Look at Dith and the sculpture in front of her.

It seems that this scene has experienced countless times, what is the decision you make every time. Listen to Dith's persuasion and don't take this step! No mistake, a shadow suddenly flashed in Ming's head. In the dark mind, this person's image is vague. She looks down on her face at all, but it can be seen from her long hair that she is a woman! Ming read it correctly, and said in surprise, "Alice! That's right, this person is Alice!"

Ming's head seemed to burst, and his right foot suddenly took a big step forward! At that moment, the originally static sculpture suddenly moved. The seemingly stone sculpture turned into a royal demon with flesh and blood! The most unbelievable scene happened, and the royal demon knelt down on one knee and said, "Master!" At that moment, Ming's whole body trembled again, and in his mind, everything sealed in his mind exploded in an instant!

He roared in his heart and said, "Aris! Alice! You are so bold! What a calculation! Good calculation! I am Ming, the ruler of the whole demon world! Damn guy, damn guy!" Ming's voice trembled and said this sentence with anger. Tess fell to the ground and said slowly, "Bad guy, bad guy, what's wrong with you?" Dith only saw Ming raising his head with a ferocious face. But he didn't hear what Ming said in his heart, and Ming touched Di Si's head and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Dis pouted her lips and said, "What the hell is going on? Why did that guy call you master? That's a royal demon." Ming made a gesture slightly, but the royal demon respectfully turned into a streamer. The whole person was directly integrated into the book of demons on Ming's neck. He sighed slightly, but he didn't know how to explain it to Dith.

And Ming's memories seem to return to a terrible building on the top of the void of the demon world many years ago. But Ming was dressed in a black cloak, with endless fierceness in his eyes. And the person next to the underworld is none other than Narris. Ning looked at Alice indifferently and said, "Really, can you really bring my mother back to life? It is against the law to resurrect the dead. Even if I stand at the peak of the whole plane. Can you really resurrect my mother according to what you said? It's also because of you that I can get here today.

And this Alice has three thousand green silks, which is extremely beautiful in appearance. Alice smiled and said, "Of course I won't deceive you. We haven't known each other for many years, and I won't deceive you." Ming frowned and said, "You are the usurer!" When talking about the three words of the usurer, Alice's body couldn't help trembling slightly. Ming didn't notice, but Alice said slowly, "What's the matter? You will definitely resurrect your mother according to my method."

Alys's language is full of **, and Ming raised her head slightly and said slowly, "Mother... Countercurrent time, right? I'll give it a try, but how can I change the future direction? Are you sure enough?" Alice nodded slightly and said, "You should know that I am the only usurer in the whole demon world and the strongest of all generations of usurers!" Usurman, this is a special profession.

only exists in the demon world, and its harsh conditions are outrageous. The usurper must be a royal demon, and this condition alone is enough to deter people. The conditions behind are more harsh, and all the people who can become usurers are outstanding. The usurer can change his own fate and the fate of others through special means, and even see the future. Every generation of usurper is an extremely noble existence.

And what Alice said to Ming, the plane in front of Paidis was looking for Ming. It is also because he sees the future of Ming, and Ming will become the top figure in the world. So I gave a little help to Ming, hoping that she could live safely when she reached the peak. However, Ming did not doubt this, and it was indeed difficult for the usurer to comfort him to live. Although the usurper can change his fate, there is a special organization, and almost every generation of usurper is killed by this mysterious organization.

However, each generation of usurper passes its inheritance to the next generation of usurers through special methods. According to Alice, Alice was right because she saw the fate of Ming. Although Ming can reach the peak, there are too many things to lose. So Aris sent Dith to help Ming and help Ming avoid some detours. What Alice wants is to kill all the people of that organization so that she can live safely.

Although Ming also asked Alice why she didn't save her mother. According to Alice, "She has tried her best to make the road to the peak smooth, and there is really no way to save Ming's mother." And meditation should be doubtful, but Ming knows nothing about this usurer. Forced by force? Ming's strength at that time could indeed kill Alice easily, but Alice knew how to resurrect her mother.

The usurper is not invincible. The fate of the living can be changed, but the fate of the dead cannot be changed. At that time, when Ming stepped on the peak of the demon world. He also helped Alice kill the people of the mysterious organization, and after that, Ming and Alice also met for a long time. But just a day ago, Alice said to Ming, "I thought about it for a long time and finally came up with a way to resurrect your mother." At that time, Ming couldn't control his mood. Ming also said so casually. Unexpectedly, Alice really found a way.

Back to the current, go back to the past and change everything. This is what Alice came up with, but the specific method is very cumbersome. Ming also thought for a long time, but could not refuse Alice's proposal. Except fortis, the most important person is his mother. Being able to resurrect his mother, he can never refuse Alice's proposal.

Ming finally chose the countercurrent time, but what Ning didn't know was that all this was laid by Alice. From the beginning, he fell into Alice's trap, and all the usurper was the strongest. Alice's usurpation ability is horrible. Alice saw the future and did not see the future at the peak. It's the future where you step on the peak, but the process is too troublesome.

But Alice doesn't mind the existence of all plane peaks. Alice can't resist this**. It can be said that Alice first saw the fate of the underworld. I saw Ming reach the peak, and then saw my own fate from the fate of Ming. It's complicated but actually very simple. What Alice has to do is also very simple.

Because Alice saw her fate, Alice didn't want to die! It can be said that it is such a simple truth, but with her strength, she can't fight against that mysterious organization at all. But when Alice saw the fate, she finally found her own way to live! Kill the organization with the help of Ming's hand and ask for the fate of death. At first, Alice's idea was really simple, because every usurper was killed by the people in the mysterious organization.

Alyth didn't want to die and saw the hope of life. Alice didn't want to give up. So Alice successfully sent Dith to Ming's side, and then everything developed as Alice expected. She survived, but Alice saw a real turning point in her fate after surviving. Becoming the peak of all planes, Alice can't resist this**. Alice is an extremely suspicious person. She is afraid that she will kill her.

After all, according to the strength at that time, it can be said that it may be destroyed. Although her fate is not like this, Alice is still afraid. To ask for her fear, Alice has been infering her fate for a long time. Finally, I came up with a solution, during which Alice and Ming also talked happily. Ming regards Alice as a friend, but Alice always wants to replace Ming! Become the peak of the plane, the so-called countercurrent time, go back to the past, change everything, there are true and false.

If you let Ming go back alone, according to the method given by Alice, Ming's mother can be resurrected. But Alice was not so kind. She let Ming go back to the past just for herself. Repeat!" The keyword is these two words. "Repeat" Alice's inference that the fate is very simple, let Ming and Dith go back to the past together. Only in this way can Alice's goal be achieved.

After 10,000 repetitions, when the ghost has experienced 10,000 times. The fate that Alice saw was when she replaced the underworld and became the peak of all planes. These 9999 times were actually fake, and only the last time was true. It is also the past and present that Alice needs to use the incomparable magic of countercurrent time in the dark. Even if it is dark, the peak existence can only be used once.

When Ming used the countercurrent time, Alice sent Ming and Dith all into the mirror of the past. The mirror of the past can make people go back to the past. But the past is false and illusory. And the fate that Alice saw was to let Ming experience 9999 fake pasts in the mirror of the past. After that, the last past and the first time, that is, when Alice became the peak.

The current Ming and Dith are in the mirror of the past. If Ming does not take that step, Ming will end the penultimate past. The next past is the real past.