Book of the Devil

280, Bragging and Bone Mountain

The first person to speak was not someone else, but the mysterious woman. The mysterious woman raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said slowly, "Your life has been saved, but what can you do to prove that you have been to the Yanyu!" The mysterious woman's tone was like ice that would not melt for ten thousand years, making the atmosphere around her suddenly tense. However, the mysterious woman's eyes stared at the dark, trying to detect the clue through the change of the dark expression.

But the movie emperor is the movie emperor, whether you are a man or a woman, whether you are strong or weak, whether you are beautiful or ugly. I don't move, which is the first task of the movie emperor. The dark face was very calm and didn't care at all about the aggressive eyes of the mysterious woman. Instead, he said faintly, "You should be the first time to come to Yanyu. I'm not afraid to tell you that I have been here for a long time. In terms of the familiarity of Yanyu, I say the second, and no one dares to say the first.

What is the first policy to save your life? Blow! Blow to death! Bragging is the best way to guarantee your life. Give them whatever they want most. Of course, what they need is not materials or things, such as intelligence, which they will certainly attach great importance to. Just blow here. The more you want, the more I will give you. Anyway, bragging doesn't have to pay taxes. For Ming, who has experienced hundreds of battles, bragging can be said casually without drafting.

And bragging should also be level. How to say this? It's easy to explain. You don't have the ability to brag. Sorry, in the end, bragging didn't kill yourself. However, Ming did come to the middle and inside of the Yanyu before. Although I am not very familiar with it, I still know a lot about it. The so-called "virtual fire" does exist, and I can't believe that I really encountered this thing so unlucky.

Ming still believes in his luck, but he has never been to that place. It was just that the soul drifted to the mysterious place and ran away after seeing a group of perverts. Pervert, so perverted. Even if Ming stands at the peak, he is a little afraid of those perverts. Although Ming could destroy them at that time, he had to pay a huge price. And he had no grudge against them. He was not interested in it and wasted time to destroy them at a big price.

That's why they said to Doron that it was just to make them afraid. The way to make Hou Ming is very simple, and he began to blow to the sea. With a little information they knew in Yanyu as the capital of bragging, hey, they have to believe it if they don't believe it. Take a step back and say that even if they don't believe it, they should do it to themselves. I still have the cards given by the spirit of the shadow. At worst, let the split of the spirit of the shadow kill them.

If you are lucky enough to fool these guys with your mouth, and finally let these guys be their bodyguards and you can smoothly go inside the Yanyu and get Yanling to become the demon of the royal family. The fate of becoming a royal demon also has a foothold in this world, and the transformation plan can also begin to be a fact. While bragging, Doron sneered and said, "You are really arrogant. Is there any evidence that can make us believe you? Yes, it's indeed the first time we have come to Yanyu!"

Hearing the three words "first time", I couldn't help sneering and said, "I'm afraid that you have been to Yanyu. Since you haven't been here, let me fool you, children." In Ming's eyes, these guys are indeed real children. According to Ming's age at that time, they were much older than these three guys. At this time, Ming straightened his chest, and his eyes showed wisdom like a scholar. It seems that what is in front of him is not a demon, but an extremely knowledgeable scholar.

Ming pretended to cough and attracted the attention of the three people. Then he opened his mouth slightly and said slowly, "Is there evidence? Naturally, I have. Since this is your first time to come to Yanyu, you naturally don't know the situation in the middle of Yanyu. But I know a shortcut to the inside of Yanyu, and I know more about the situation in the middle of Yanyu than anyone else. It's not too late to find out that I'm lying and kill me. After Ming said this, the three of them obviously looked hesitant.

Finally, the mysterious woman slowly said, "Let's trust you for the time being. We should go to the middle of the Yanyu quickly. We have wasted too much time halfway. Ming, since you know the situation here, you naturally know how to get to the middle of Yanyu from here. Ming had no pressure at all. He had already learned from Ling Wu's mouth how to leave the village and lead to the middle of the Yanyu.

Ming nodded directly and said, "I naturally know how to go to the middle of the Yanyu. Just follow me." Ming stood behind the three at this time, and the three of them were discussing for a while. He left the horrible mine that almost drove them to a dead end, and not long after they came out of the mine. I saw Ling Wu looking around anxiously, waiting to see Ming come out of the mine. Suddenly, he looked excited and quickly came to Ming.

The corners of Ming's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, and he still appreciated the child. At least this child does some things better than adults. An adult does some things that are not even as good as a child, which makes people sigh. But Doron urged, "Go quickly. Don't be stunned here. We don't have much time to waste." Ming suddenly frowned. In the past, Doron dared to speak to himself like this.

It's really a long-lived birthday star. If Ming had killed this Duolun directly before, he would not be strong enough. Ming suppressed the anger in his heart and said faintly, "Give me three minutes, okay?"

Doron wanted to say something else, but was stopped by the mysterious woman's eyes. Just snorted coldly and didn't say anything more. But Ming muttered in his heart, "Doron, Doron, you are really not simple. The seemingly reckless move is the most correct decision. But it's not that easy to get rid of me."

Ming said directly to Ling Wu, "What's the matter?" The tone is very soft, just like the elders talking to the juniors. Ling Wu showed trembling, but quickly took a deep breath and said slowly, "I want my uncle to take me out of here. I don't want to stay here. I just asked my uncle to take me out, and even I would survive later. There is no hesitation in the tone, only firmness.

Ming said directly, "Wait for a while, I still have something to do. If you believe that I will stay in this village for a while, I will leave you. Where are your relatives?" Ling Wu nodded and said, "I know, I will wait. Relatives? He died a long time ago. In less than three minutes, Ming had already dealt with Ling Wu. Although Ming is very curious about the winged demon god, the most important thing today is to go to the middle of the Yanyu.

Ming has a good memory and is extremely familiar with how to get from this medium-sized village to the middle of Yanyu. Ming took a step forward and said slowly, "It's done. Follow me. By the way, I forgot to say that there are many winged warcrafts stationed in the middle of the Yanyu. After saying that, Ming ignored what the three were trying to write and leading the way. It's been about half an hour, and it's already dawn. At this time, Ming led the three and had left the scope of this medium-sized village.

An extremely winding path, running fast without any concern. If someone carefully observes the way of running, they will be extremely surprised. Every time you run, the distance you run is the same. And without any deviation, this way of running is seen in a book. Ming read too many books and is too miscellaneous, which is also the reason why Ming just remembered it now. This way of running is extremely strange, controlling the muscles of your own legs.

The first is the starting action, with your hands behind your back, your head slightly raised, and your feet are exerting your strength. When running, control the muscles of your legs. The power burst out when the running muscles shrank one by one, and make a judgment at that moment. So that every time you shrink, every little control of the muscle is exactly the same. And I have to say that Ming is a true genius in this respect. He can be integrated just by recalling his time.

And what matters is not the way of running, but the control of the muscles. Ming kept thinking about how to better control his muscles while running, and the other three didn't care much about Ming's behavior. But he followed Ming closely, and I don't know how long he ran on this winding path. Finally, he stopped on a hard rock and said faintly, "Do you see the huge canyon in front of you? Through the huge canyon, you can go to the middle of Yanyu!"

With the direction of the right hand, you can see an extremely huge canyon. The steep rock walls on the two slopes of the canyon give people a feeling of being extremely cold. The riverbed under the canyon has dried up for a long time. At this time, the mysterious woman nodded slightly and said solemnly, "Go ahead!" Ming shrugged his shoulders slightly and marched again in that strange running way. In a short time, it has come to the huge riverbed. Follow the dry riverbed and move forward little by little.

The progress of the four people is not slow, but it is not fast. No one knows what is hidden in the canyon. While running, the mysterious woman asked, "Where are those winged monsters?" Ming said slowly, "At the edge of the outside of the inflammatory domain, we are still a long distance away from the edge." At this time, the mysterious woman said with a frosty face and an extremely cold mouth, "If you encounter a winged warcraft, you don't need mercy to kill them all."

It's strange to say decisive words in a woman's mouth that looks very soft. But none of the other three objected and nodded. But Mecca ordered, "The winged warcraft below nine stars will be handed over to you, and we will deal with the rest." The corners of Ming's mouth raised slightly and said, "I know!" At this time, Doron sighed slightly, "It's really troublesome. I feel an annoying and powerful breath. Unexpectedly, there is a ten-star-winged warcraft. According to this, the winged demon god should have the strength of the realm of law. The strength of the ten-star-winged Warcraft is equivalent to the realm of law. It's really troublesome.

The transformation of Warcraft from quantity to quality is the beginning of becoming a ten-star Warcraft. Although the nine-star Warcraft is strong, it still cannot fight beyond one star. But the ten-star Warcraft is different, and it can fight beyond one realm. Although it is very powerful, the number of ten-star warcrafts is extremely rare. While running, McCart said coldly, "There is no time to delay. How can there be so many winged warcrafts on the farthest outside the flameland? The guard force is really strong. Ming, is there only such a road to the middle of the Yanyu?

He said to himself, "If I really knew it, I wouldn't choose this road, but I only know this road. Anyway, the big one is supported by you, and I can be in charge of the back of the palace. The situation is not right. It's good to watch the fire across the shore, haha." He said so, but Ming said, "According to what I know, there is only one road to the middle of the Yanyu. There are other roads, but all of them have been destroyed for unknown reasons. In the past, there were not so many winged warcrafts stationed here. It can be said that there is no winged warcraft, but recently there are many more winged warcrafts. The reason? I'm not sure either."

Naturally, it's nonsense, but even if it's nonsense, these three people will believe it. I have to say that the underworld's acting skills are really too strong. Whether it is the tone or the expression, there is no fake at all, as if what Ming said was the truth. Hearing what Ming said, McCar suddenly said helplessly, "Accelerate the march, don't waste time. It's really troublesome to kill the ten-star-winged warcraft directly.

With McCart's sentence, the speed of the other three suddenly accelerated. Although Ming's speed is comparable to theirs, he is not an idiot. How can he easily expose his strength like this? Ming slowed down his speed, and it seemed that Ming followed the three of them reluctantly. This huge canyon is really big and horrible, although the three of them want to take care of the speed of the underworld. It slows down its own speed, but this speed is not what ordinary people can achieve.

But at this speed, it has been fast for an hour. I just rushed to the end of the canyon through the long dry riverbed, which shows that the canyon is simply terrible. When the four walked out of the canyon, they were stunned by the scene in front of them. The sky is full of dense nests. Those black nests stay strangely in the void, and according to the horrible vision of non-human beings, it can be seen at a glance that the dense nests are full of eggs.

The eggs of Winged Warcraft, Doron couldn't help pinching his face and scolding, "Damn, this should be the nest of Winged Warcraft. Maybe we don't have to do it ourselves. According to the thinking of Warcraft, if we break into here, we will automatically identify it as an invader. Look 450 meters ahead, it should be the end of breaking into the nest. Ming, what the hell is going on?" Ming slightly touched the cold sweat on his forehead and muttered to himself, "Damn, I'm so lucky. The only way I know actually broke into the nest of Winged Warcraft.

But the dark face was still very calm and said calmly, "It has been said that the migration of these winged warcrafts is no sign. We now have only two choices, either to break through. We will definitely be treated as invaders, and war is inevitable. Or turn around and leave the inflammatory area. In fact, there is another option, which is to try those destroyed roads. However, many people have tried it, and it is already a real dead end. It can be said that we are really lucky."

Everyone knows that the last sentence is the opposite. This luck is really "good" and has a small chance to come to this village, but Ming and other four people have encountered this small chance. The only road known to the Ming Dynasty is the most dangerous one. It is said that this winged beast is really the same as what Ming casually said. The nest has just migrated here. And this is only part of the entire winged warcraft group, accounting for about 40% of the total number of winged monsters.

The other 60% of the winged monsters are also migrating quickly, but at this time, McCa said, "The winged demon god should not be here. If the winged demon god is also here, I'm afraid we will really be doomed." But the mysterious woman frowned and said, "Although the wing demon god is not here, the combat effectiveness here is really not low at all. There are three ten-star warcrafts, and I feel the breath of the ten-star warcraft. I can guarantee that if we move a little forward five meters, the winged warcraft will attack. Those black nests are not only filled with the eggs of winged beasts, but also inhabited by other winged beasts.

After saying that, the mysterious woman couldn't help looking at the 450 meters ahead. It was a bone mountain of thousands of meters when Winged Warcraft migrated here. The first thing is nothing else, but crazy slaughter. All the creatures that exist tens of thousands of meters around here have been killed cleanly by these crazy winged monsters. This bone mountain is made up of the bones of those monsters, giving people a chilling feeling.

But Ming urged, "It's not good. We must fight quickly. Winged Warcraft has arrived, and the number is increasing. The battle must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise we can't go to the middle of the Yanyu at all. If there is any other way, I don't want to fight hard. But now this situation has to be tough, embarrassing and very embarrassing. Because these black nests are dense and blocked the only road to the middle of the Yanyu.

This can be said to force the four of them to fight, and once they are ready to fight, the calmest one is not others but McCar. McCar said indifferently without any personal feelings, "Kill all the nine-star monsters first. You are the demon of the royal family. The combat effectiveness should be very strong, and you are responsible for circling with winged beasts below nine stars. We can't take care of you during the battle with the three-headed ten-winged Warcraft.

But Ming sneered and said, "If it had been before, I might not have been able to fight with several eight-star-winged monsters. But I already know how to use Type 7 and Type 3 in that mine. Although it can only be barely used, it is enough to deal with these eight-star-winged monsters. Ming has great confidence in this death seven type. The larger the number of death, the more frightening the combat effectiveness it is.