Book of the Devil

285, simulation and fusion

Doron felt that the temperature was still rising, "900 degrees! 1000 degrees! 1200 degrees!" In the blink of an eye, the temperature had risen to 1200 degrees, and the clothes around Doron had already disappeared. The clothes that Doron wears are made of extremely rare silk wool and various rare materials, and have more or less resistance and absorption to various energy damage.

Needless to say, the heat resistance is extremely horrible, but such strong heat resistance can't stand the continuous rise of temperature. When the temperature rose to 700 degrees Celsius, Dorn's clothes made of silk grass cotton as the main raw material had begun to melt. When the temperature reached 1000 degrees Celsius, Doron was already naked**. How has Doron been so insulted in public? Although there are not many people, except for themselves, there are only three Warcraft, McCar, Ming and mysterious women.

But it is still an indelible shame for Doron, but in the short time that Doron's clothes were melted. He took a deep breath and said indifferently, "Blood Armor!" When the four words were just spit out of Doron's mouth, you could see them starting from below his head. Countless laws of blood in the whole fire cage suddenly wrapped Doron's body, and blood-colored armor appeared on Doron's body.

However, Doron's face became more and more pale, and he had been seriously injured by the fat pig wing monster. In addition, he is very reluctant to use the law of blood, and it is no exaggeration to say that this is a wound. At this time, Doron is already the end of the crossbow. If a child with no power to bind a chicken has a dagger, he can easily get rid of Doron. But Doron had to do this, and the dog was in a hurry and had to jump over the wall. At this juncture of life and death, Duolun also tried his best.

The armor condensed by this blood law is more resistant to heat than the clothes made of grass cotton. However, Doron thought carefully for a while, gritted his teeth and said anxiously, "At most, it is the limit to hold on to 12,000 degrees Celsius. At that time, I would be evaporated in the blink of an eye without blood armor." After saying this, Doron obviously felt that the temperature was still rising rapidly.

And at this time, the battle has reached a critical moment, and Ming leisurely fell into sleep. If you hit you, I'll sleep with mine." That's it. McCa has an extremely solemn expression. Crazyly pulled out the spiritual power as vast and horrible as the sea in his mind, and the spiritual power surged like a tide. The temporary McCar was barely able to compete with the other two winged monsters, and McCar couldn't help saying, "Quick! I can't hold on for too long."

Hearing McCa's so anxious tone, the mysterious woman naturally dared not waste time. Taking back the endless spiritual power she spread outside little by little, the mysterious woman knew that the more she could not be anxious at this time. It is easy to release this spiritual power from the inside out, but it is difficult to recover it inside. You must be very cautious. Obviously, Doron is already at the end of the crossbow. But the more you do this, the less anxious you are. The key is to recover all your spiritual strength at ease.

Once you are devoured by spiritual power, the only opportunity to rescue Doren will also be lost by yourself. At this time, the more calm the mysterious woman is. She knew that she could not make any mistakes when she carefully withdrew her mental strength. McCa's spiritual strength can only resist the attack of the two-winged warcraft and fight back? It's not easy to fucking defend it. Still fighting back, looking for death? Naturally, McCa didn't have the courage to fight back at this time.

But the two-winged Warcraft is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and they naturally see McCar's intention. Use one person to resist the offensive of the two of us, and then let the woman rescue the trapped man. But how could they let McCar's good calculation succeed? Suddenly, their spiritual power spread wildly. The spiritual offensive is becoming more and more fierce, which is completely different from before. Like a storm, waves of crazy and fierce attacks.

At this time of emergency, McCa can't control so much. It has been involved for so long, how can it be given up at this critical moment? All the remaining spiritual power in her mind was pulled out, and McCa knew that when she was doing so. The two winged monsters must be solved as soon as possible, not in the sense of killing them. Instead, they completely stopped their spiritual offensive and quickly recovered the spiritual power they pulled out after stopping it.

It can be said that McCa is a crazy move, or he will fail and fall into a coma. Either you succeed and win the most critical moment for yourself and your partner in a sense. Forced, this McCa was also forced. The two winged monsters wanted to get that McCa was so crazy that he pulled out all the spiritual power in his mind at this time.

It's crazy and horrible. The spiritual power extracted by their two-winged warcraft has only lost a small part of it. There, he thought that McCar would do this and caught them off guard. The two beasts looked at each other, and then showed a ferocious expression! But when they want to take out the spiritual power in their minds and completely kill McCart. As you can imagine, Macka's offensive has been completed. Mecca's spiritual power is like a tsunami, with waves of madness coming one after another.

The desperate counterattack, the counterattack of the sinking boat. The different mentality of the two determines that the balance of victory and defeat is to fall there. I have to say that these two winged warcrafts despised McCar a little, where it was so horrible that they wanted to get McCar's attacks one after another. The two could only defend themselves, and in the end, McCa's spiritual power had been exhausted. The other two winged monsters suffered a big loss, and they paid the due price for their contempt.

The two-winged Warcraft suddenly spit out a tacit mouthful of blood, slowly withdrawing its spiritual strength. The two-winged warcraft still suffered a lot of counterattack, but McCa's face was pale like a dead man. If Maika's spiritual power is as vast as the sea at this time, the spiritual power left in Maika's mind is probably as much as a small puddle. And it is a small puddle, about the size of a basin.

It can be said that the mental strength is very little. McCar barely tore the void with his right hand, and a crack in the space suddenly appeared. McCa quickly took out a pale green pill from the space crack and threw it directly into his mouth. Then he directly smashed the pale green pill and swallowed it all. Maika's spiritual power recovered crazily, but the spirit that had dried up was recovering crazily.

And when McCa recovered, he gasped heavily. He said viciously, "It's almost a little bit if I hesitate. I'm afraid I've been put into a coma by these two guys for a long time. Fortunately, fortunately. Just when McCa was able to resist and let the two-winged Warcraft suffer a big loss. The mysterious woman has taken back all her spiritual strength and showed a solemn expression. The right wrist suddenly moved, and the light blue umbrella rotated slightly.

A light green beam shone on the mysterious woman, and the mysterious woman stepped forward. However, the whole person has appeared in a place less than five meters from the fire line cage, and the fat pig wing warcraft thought that such a situation would happen. Originally, I wanted to torture Duolun well, but I wanted to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway. Fat Pig Wing Warcraft knew that there was no extra time to waste, and Fat Pig Wing Warcraft, which had been manipulating the law of fire, suddenly exerted his strength.

If the fat pig-winged Warcraft really wanted to kill Doron, Doron would have died long ago. This fat pig wing warcraft only wants to torture Doron to death little by little, so the temperature growth is increasing at a fixed time. Fat Pig Wing Warcraft is crazy about controlling the law of fire at this moment, and the temperature of the fire cage is rising at a very fast speed. Fat Pig Wing Warcraft is not an idiot. Doron's reinforcements can't slowly torture Doron at all. He must make Doron disappear in this world in a short time.

Originally, the temperature of the fire cage was 7500 degrees Celsius, but the fat pig wing Warcraft manipulated the fire cage crazily. The temperature rose sharply and rose directly to 10,000 degrees Celsius. At the critical moment! At this time, the mysterious woman took action. If the mysterious woman took action little by little at night, Doron's whole body would evaporate directly. At this time, the mysterious woman directly threw the light blue umbrella high in the air and said indifferently, "The law of simulation! The law of rain! Let's begin!"

As soon as the mysterious woman's words fell, except for McCadolan, the other three-winged Warcraft showed an extremely shocked expression. What is the law of simulation? This can be said to be an extremely horrible law. The law that can simulate everything, that's right, it's the law of everything. Although it has such an unnatural effect, it can only exert about 30% of the ability to simulate the law. And although the simulation law has such an anti-sky effect, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to advance the virtual reality of the second realm.

It is no exaggeration to say that 10,000 people who understand the simulation law can have an advanced second realm of virtual reality. But in the same realm, people who understand the laws of simulation have strong strength. Let's not talk so much, the law of rain in the void is beginning to move. The power of the law of heaven and earth is so horrible that countless raindrops hovered in the air in the void. At this time, the small light blue umbrella in the sky rotates at an incredible angle, with the rotation of the light blue umbrella.

Countless raindrops suddenly turned into fierce tentacles, and the tentacles of the rain rushed to the fire cage. At the most critical moment, countless rain tentacles rushed to the cage of fire. Countless fire cages condensed by the law of fire have been eroded little by little. However, this is only the beginning, and the mysterious woman said coldly, "The law of simulation!" The law of water! Let's begin!"

Although the law of rain reduces the law of fire, it is not obvious. At this time, in the void, the simulation law began to simulate the law of water. In an instant, a huge water dragon suddenly appeared in the air. Silently, there was no sign of a day. But the mysterious woman said coldly, "Swallow it!" And because of the erosion of the tentacles of the rain, the temperature inside the fire cage continues to cool down!

And one second before the tentacles of the rain attached to the fire cage, the internal temperature of the fire cage was 11,000 degrees Celsius. In one second at night, the temperature will reach 12,000 or even higher. Hey, Doron doesn't exist anymore. The huge dragon formed by the rules of water roared to the fire cage. Open your huge mouth and reveal your sharp teeth! Bite it!" With just one bite, he directly bit off most of the fire cage.

The fire cage was swallowed directly. The confrontation between water and fire obviously has a great advantage in the law of water. Soon, the fire cage had been swallowed up clean. He didn't leave at all, but Doron's face turned pale. Barely stayed in the void, and the mysterious woman's offensive did not slow down. The indifferent sentence came out of her mouth again, "The law of simulation! The law of medicine! Let's begin!"

After saying that, the pale light mass rushed to Doron. The injury suffered by Doron's body healed quickly. In about half a minute, Doron's injury had recovered. But Doron said, "It doesn't matter! I'm afraid I can't stand using the simulation rule three times in a row. The mysterious woman nodded slightly and said, "You can use the simulation law twice at most, and you must make a quick decision!" So far, we can only use that law.

Doron said solemnly, "Is the success rate of using that law a little low? The number of five five!" However, the mysterious woman shook her head slightly and said, "I always feel uneasy and rush to the middle of the Yanyu as soon as possible, otherwise none of us can escape." As soon as the mysterious woman finished speaking, Doron seemed to think of something: "Is that guy from the winged demon coming?" The mysterious woman said solemnly, "That's the only reason that can make me feel restless. Fight!"

Hearing the word "spin", Doron already knew that it was the critical moment! The fat pig winged warcraft has retreated to the side of the other two winged warcrafts. Two to one, the fat pig winged warcraft is not a fool. And Maika's spiritual strength was almost recovered at this time, and her body suddenly retreated! In an instant, he came to Doron and the mysterious woman. McCa said calmly, "Do you want to use that one? That's a terrible thing. And it's really difficult to make three at once. In the past, it was not easy to make one. This time, I will make three, really..."

McCa didn't know what to say, but the mysterious woman slowly said, "If you succeed, you can kill these three guys directly. After all, that thing can compete with the strong in the virtual reality. Let's start quickly!" Hearing the firm tone of the mysterious woman, Mike also shrugged her shoulders and said faintly, "Since you want to do this, I have nothing to say. Just fight."

Doron also nodded without retorting, and the atmosphere was a little solemn at this time. At this time, the mysterious woman took a deep breath and said with extreme indifference, "The law of simulation! The law of integration! Let's begin!" After saying that, Doron was the first to manipulate the law of blood in the void. And bring together countless huge laws of blood and then compress them into one point. It is extremely horrible to compress so many laws of blood to one point.

In an instant, three bloody light spheres appeared in the void. Although these three blood-colored photospheres are very small, each of these blood-colored photospheres has countless laws of blood, which is extremely horrible. But the corners of Macka's mouth raised slightly and said indifferently, "The law of darkness!" As soon as the words fell, the law of darkness suddenly fluctuated. As Doron did, countless dark laws gathered together and then compressed into three black light spheres.

And McCa and Doron's actions naturally attracted the attention of the three-headed Warcraft, just when the three-headed Warcraft was about to launch an attack. The mysterious woman's cold voice slowly sounded: "Doron, McCart's defense! Fight for me for a while!" McCa and Doron both nodded solemnly, and the two of them naturally knew that this had reached an extremely critical moment. The law of integration can be described as an extremely horrible law. It can combine two or even three different laws and burst out extremely horrible power.

What the mysterious woman has to do is to combine the law of darkness and the law of blood. One law is already very horrible, and it will be even more horrible if the two are combined. This is the most terrible thing about mysterious women, but the success rate is not high. This is already a desperate means, and even strong people who encounter virtual reality have the power to fight. And if you really work hard, the mysterious woman will simulate two rules. One law of fusion, another different law.

makes the law of darkness, the law of blood and another law merge through the law of fusion, that is to say, the three laws are integrated. Even the mysterious woman has never done this, if she really does. The possibility of integration success is no more than 20% at most. At this time, it was a little difficult for the mysterious woman to fuse the law of darkness and the law of blood, and at this time, McCa controlled the law of darkness.

In a moment, a black shield nearly 100 feet tall appeared in front of the three people. Doron controls the law of blood, and countless laws of blood turn into filaments tightly wrapped around the black shield. Suddenly, there was something on the black shield. On the pure black shield, on the black shield condensed by countless dark laws. One more rose, a rose as beautiful as a ruby.

This is a rose of blood condensed by countless laws of blood into fine silk.