Book of the Devil

299, Taro and Cotter

The night gradually came, and the whole Tianluo City was illuminated by countless magic lights. The little light emitted seems to contain energy called warmth. There is no doubt that this is a great city. Tianluo City, which has been peaceful for many years, will be accompanied by blood and killing. On the way to Chaisrowi, Ming looked up slightly at the stars in the sky. He always felt a little upset and shook his head and didn't care about the feeling in his heart.

Time flies, and everyone's speed is very fast. When they came to the vicinity of Chaisrowi, everyone was frightened by the scene in front of them. People, people all over the world. All gathered together, but these people seem to have a tacit understanding. He always maintained a hundred meters away from the Chaisrowe family and did not dare to go over it at all. When Ming saw this scene, he couldn't help saying, "What's going on? Is this news difficult for everyone to know? Gard, get out of here."

Gard came to Ming's face tremblingly, staring at Gard viciously, holding Gard's collar tightly with his right hand, and his head was still a little far away from hitting Gard's head. Ming said word by word with anger, "Is this the information you found? I think I need a satisfactory answer. Garde slowly pushed away Ming's right hand, sorted out the clothes messed up by Ming, and then said, "Actually, it's not my fault. I was not familiar with the situation in Tianluo City. It took me a lot of effort to find an acquaintance a few years ago. I also got the information that I told you before, and the original information is already known to passers-by.

The anger in Ming's heart gradually subsided, and all this was really not to blame Gard's head. Perhaps it was the inexplicable irritability in my heart that led to such behavior. After calming down, he looked at everything around him and found a place that was incompatible with his surroundings. An iron tower towering into the sky appeared less than ten meters away from Ming. After careful counting, the tower had 15 floors in total. However, the distance between the layers is at least 10 meters, that is to say, the iron tower is about 150 meters.

There was a trace of curiosity in his eyes, and he slowly opened his mouth and said to Gard, "Gard!" Hearing Ming shouting his name, Gard made a funny move. He put his right hand on his left chest and bent down slightly and said respectfully, "Your Excellency, what can I do for you?" Gard's action is like the etiquette of knights in ancient times, an extremely ancient etiquette. I'm afraid that the person with the so-called knight title has forgotten this ancient etiquette for a long time.

The sea of knights who have abandoned their vows has gone. The former knights have noble character and glory that they will surely protect. But now, anyone can be called a knight. Ming Ze lightly ordered, "Go and investigate what's going on with this tower? I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer." Garde slowly got up, lifted his chest and said slowly, "Yes." After Garde left, he stood still.

But Ming suddenly felt an atmosphere, and an extremely solemn atmosphere slowly formed here. Ming also heard waves of discussion and saw the dense crowd shaking his head slightly. But he said to himself, "A group of lifeless guys, this bustle is something to see. I'm afraid it's going to kill you." However, Ming knew the psychology of these people who wanted to watch good actors. After getting the news that the Chaslawi family was about to be exterminated by the other two families, the whole Tianluo City was shocked.

How can such a big event not attract the attention of so many people? I don't know how many years these three families have been in Tianluo City, and they have existed since the beginning of Tianluo City. The three families are entangled, but none of them has ever perished. The three families are constantly restrained, and one of the three families has declined, but after the decline, it has risen strongly. This also led to the existence of the three families in Tianluo City like the earth emperor, but now the Cheslowi family is determined to destroy the clan.

A major event that has been difficult to happen in a hundred years or even a thousand years, how can it not attract a large number of people to stop and watch? And just as he was thinking about something, Gard's efficiency was still very fast, and he suddenly came to Ming. When Ming saw Gard's arrival, he asked directly, "How's the question you asked?" Fortunately, it's not humiliating!" Gard said lightly. After saying that, Gard slowly said to himself: "The construction of this iron tower began a month ago and was completed the day before yesterday. I don't know who built this tower. I guess it was a month ago that the two families were going to attack the Chaslowi prisoners. Because this tower is divided by money, the more money you pay. The higher the number of layers of your tower, you should know that it is the best place to watch at the highest level. And because of the beginning of the spiritual competition, the preliminaries were held in 64 cities. And this Tianluo City is one of them. It is also because of this that it attracted a large number of people to stop. So the tower attracted a large number of people yesterday. Hey hey, I don't know how much money the people who built the tower made.

He narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "Can the tower still enter now?" Garde slowly said, "I'm full, I'm afraid I can't get in." Ming said faintly, "Forget it. I don't want things to be too big, keep a low profile, and keep a low profile." Gard couldn't help saying in his heart, "Anyone can keep a low profile, but you can't say it." As Gard said in his heart, it was really too high-profile to come to the port of Tianluo City from the beginning.

What Ming did has long been collected by the intelligence network of the major forces in Tianluo City. I'm afraid that the major forces are investigating the true identities of Ming and others, not just the major forces in Tianluo City. Ming's high-profile behavior also attracted the attention of the rest of the forces who came to participate in the spiritual competition. After all, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy is invincible, and the voice of discussion gradually lowered at this time. Almost everyone looked at the Chezrovi family, waiting for the curtain to open.

Time passed quietly like running water, and it was less than five minutes before the two families prepared to attack. The long wait did not make everyone, including Ming, feel anxious, but very looking forward to it. The fifteen-storey iron tower, the fifteenth floor, is also the top of the tower. There are only two people on this floor, a teenager, and an old man with a black cloak covering his face. The teenager's pale face, thin and weak appearance, was just like a sick man.

The teenager looked afraid and said tremblingly, "Why are you, why..." Before he finished speaking, he swallowed the saliva in his throat. A hoarse voice came from the man in the cloak: "Waste, the magnificent Tolos family has had such a sick man + waste. What's wrong with this?" The teenager seemed to be dissatisfied with the words of the man in the cloak and raised his head vigorously, as if he could show his pride.

said, "My father said that I am the descendant of the family with the strongest concentration of ancestors, and I will lead the family to the peak." The man in the cloak seemed to hear some joke, and his whole body bent down with a smile. The man didn't care about the teenager's angry look and laughed for a long time before stopping. He continued, "If your family hadn't kept the old regulations there, you wouldn't have any value at all. It's funny that a person with the highest blood concentration can be the next patriarch. It's funny that a waste like you can also be a patriarch.

The teenager was angry and very angry, and said with anger, "What's your purpose?" The man in the cloak said slowly, "What else can I do? I need your pass, that's all. With you here as my hostage, the guys in your family dare not do anything. Originally, I thought it would take a lot of effort to catch you, but I didn't expect to catch you so easily. I have to say that waste is waste.

This person has a waste on the left and a waste on the right. Although the teenager did not have much strength, he was really insulted and was extremely angry. Almost all the nails of both hands have been embedded in the palms of their palms, and the blood instantly dyed the teenager's nails red. The teenager took several deep breaths, as if only in this way could vent his anger, and said coldly, "When I wake up my bloodline, you must pay for it, you must!"

Suddenly, the man in the cloak sighed slightly and said in a very desolate tone, "Maybe I have gone to hell at that time, and there is no need for you to do it. I would like to know what a guy called a waste by so many people will do after awakening his bloodline. The teenager snorted coldly, "When I wake up the bloodline, those people will go to hell to give me devout repentance." The man in the cloak shook his head slightly. Of course, the teenager did not see the man in the cloak shaking his head.

At this time, the man in the cloak stretched out his right hand and slowly opened the iron window next to the iron tower. And if you observe the palm of the man in the cloak, you can see that the palm has only a thin layer of skin. If you don't look carefully, you will think that the palm has only bones and no meat at all. From this guy's palm, it can be seen that the man's skin and bones are definitely thin. The teenager has long noticed the man's strange palm, but every time he sees this man's palm, he can't help feeling a gloomy coldness.

This guy is definitely not as simple as it looks, because he knows how terrible his strength is. Take yourself away in front of the three guards. However, he put himself in a cellar, but his own people disappeared. When he came back, he found that there was an extra red card in his thin palm. There is no text on the card, only a sign, a sign of a three-headed crow. The moment the teenager saw the card, he recognized that it was a necessary pass to participate in the spiritual competition.

When the man in the cloak pushed open the iron window, a roaring wind swept in. Blowing the teenager's hair, the teenager slowly walked to the iron window. I only looked at the teenager but took several steps back. Suddenly, the teenager felt a feeling of dizziness. After that, he actually vomited. When the man in the cloak saw the teenager's condition, he sneered and said, "Waste is waste, and he is afraid of heights. It's okay to be afraid of heights. Isn't it asking for such a strong curiosity?

The teenager said angrily, "Why do you have to bring me to this place?" Humph!" The man in the cloak said faintly, "I want to figure out what kind of law the strong men in these two families have. There are many people like me, and 64 cities started the preliminaries of the spirit competition at the same time. In each city, only two forces can enter the second round of preliminaries. I roughly calculated that it was just the local power of Tianluo City and the forces that rushed here from other cities. Big and small, there are at least dozens of forces. However, there should not be many top strong people. I have investigated almost all of them. The number of strong people coming from Luo City is very small. I really want to thank your father for drawing a good lottery. Tianluo City was selected as 64 host cities, and your father drew Tianluo City, which is not bad for me.

The teenager didn't seem to see the happy appearance of the man in the cloak, and said sarcastically, "There may be hidden strong men. At that time, your thinking will be disrupted." The man in the cloak said, "Well, what we should pay attention to is the strong men of the two families in Tianluo City, and the rest are not afraid at all. Originally, the Chesrowe family was also a trouble, but these two big families rose up to attack it. I'm afraid there is no need for the Chesrowe family to exist.

Just as the teenager communicated with the man in the cloak, the curtain that everyone was looking forward to finally slowly opened. The first to come is the Guise family, which is one of the three top families. They are dressed in black. In this dark night, it was particularly conspicuous, but the leader had a resolute expression. Behind him were hundreds of guys in the same black costume, and at this time. Another team of top family slowly appeared, which was different from the Guise family, which was all in black.

The Rowe family is dressed in golden clothes, which is even more eye-catching in the dark night. The leader was dressed in golden and extremely hard armor, and his indifferent eyes burst out with cold eyes and swept around. Hundreds of people were also behind them, and they were all dressed in extremely eye-catching golden armor. The number of people brought by these two families is roughly the same. There are not many people, but almost all of them are elites.

The leader in golden armor said faintly, "Taro, I didn't expect you to lead the team. Is the old man not coming today? The man called Tarot is naturally the man in black. The man responded slowly, "He said, the two of us are enough to deal with it. In addition to the dead men of our two families, Cotter, how powerful a decayed family can be. The name of this golden armored man is Cott.

Cotter shook his head and said, "The lion has to do his best in the face of the rabbit. I won't look down on anyone. But that's right, the dead men of our two families, plus the two of us, contain this Chesrowe

The only strong man in the family in the realm of law, but you can't underestimate anyone. Tarot nodded and said, "Be careful is also the right thing to do." At this time, Taro waved his right hand and said coldly, "Guys, attack!"

Countless people in black clothes are also the most powerful force in the hands of the Taro family. The most powerful and loyal person is also the dead man of the Taro family. As soon as Taro's words fell, the hundreds of dead men picked up the black dagger around his waist and suddenly cut his right arm. Blood gushed out crazily, and everyone seemed to be thinking about something. After thinking for a long time, everyone slowly raised their right palm. A black ball slowly formed, and the blood flowing from everyone's right arm poured into the black ball crazily.

After that, hundreds of blood allies bent down very tacitly and waved their right arm vigorously. Hundreds of black balls mixed with blood were thrown into the sky, and then hundreds of balls slowly merged together. Suddenly, hundreds of balls formed a huge cloud. A strange scene happened, and an invisible force suddenly came to the Chaslowi family. But Cotter said lightly, "It was serious at the beginning. I don't know how many times the gravity was added to this first wave of offensive."

Tarot raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "Not much, just 50 times the gravity." Curt couldn't help taking a cold breath, but he didn't say anything. But he said in his heart, "It's really a cruel person." And Taro narrowed his eyes and said faintly, "The good show has just begun, but it's not just gravity." At this time, on the void, the huge cloud was releasing the first wave of attacks, invisible power, turning the whole Chesrowe family mansion into a place with 50 times the gravity space.

Its second wave of offensive also slowly unfolded, and the dark clouds seemed to have been invaded by countless mud and sands, suddenly turning into turf. Then, ten watermelon-sized rocks fell directly from the sky. But just as the rock was about to enter the Chaslowi family mansion, a huge hexagonal boundary slowly appeared. At this time, Cote and Taro looked at each other, and the first one who spoke was Cote: "It seems that the Chasrowe family has no intention to capture it, and they are going to fight to the death."

Taro said lightly, "This is natural, and I have expected it for a long time." At this time, a person appeared directly through the boundary with a huge fire-colored hammer in his hand. This man has short red hair, and each hair stands up directly like a steel needle. The man's voice was thundering: "My Chesrowe family, even if the extermination of the clan will make you pay enough, enough!"

At this time, Cotter curled his lips and said, "I didn't expect that the only controller of the Chaisrowe family was also the strongest one, but such a brainless guy. If I were in power, I would definitely bow down." Taro sneered, "If you were him and surrendered, would your family and I let him go?" The answer must be no!"