Book of the Devil

306, ball and gun

The only way he can think of is to escape. There is nothing wrong, and it is not a shameful way. Escape and take advantage of this complicated terrain to start a real battle against this trust. Thinking of this, Ming didn't care about the endless whip in front of him. The body suddenly burst out, and in an instant, it appeared in the place full of jungle. His breathing gradually slowed down, and his footsteps slowly came to a towering tree.

With extremely good climbing skills, he soon came to the trunk of this towering tree. However, the trust had an angry expression, and the cooked duck flew, which best explained the trust's state of mind at this time. Trust took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. With a long light blue whip in his hand, his feet suddenly exerted strength, and his body was like a cannonball out of the barrel. The trust soon came to the jungle, but Ming looked at the place not far away and had a plan.

I don't know when Ming's hands were tightly wrapped in the palms of a pair of light blue gloves. The corners of Ming's mouth were slightly raised, revealing an inexplicable sneer. His body suddenly exerted his strength and deliberately stepped on the leaves under his feet. The sound of stepping on the leaves is very small, but I can guarantee that the guy can definitely detect it. As expected, although the sound was small, it was still detected by the trust. The trust sneered and rushed straight to the place where the noise was made.

In the hearts of trusts, this is bound to die. Now it's just lingering, and the trust is like cat and mouse at this time. There is no pressure at all, but sometimes it is not impossible for mice to rise up and resist, which can seriously injure the cat and even irreparable damage. Even the cat is likely to die. Don't underestimate anyone. This is the first truth that the underworld has understood for so long.

At this time, Ming showed an extremely bloodthirsty light like a beast. Ming kept moving forward, but his speed was very strange and he ran at a constant speed. It is precisely because of the continuous indentation of the trust that the trust has shown the exclusive expression of the winner. Seeing that the underworld is getting closer and closer to him, he knows that the underworld will definitely die. However, this is all disguised, all of which are disguised.

Speed, the speed of the underworld is naturally not like this. In order to let this guy follow behind him, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and muttered, "It's time to start." At this moment, the speed of the underworld suddenly accelerated. The speed is unbelievable. Even the trust did not see Ming's movements clearly. When he reacted, Ming had already turned into a virtual shadow. At most, I can't see Ming's hair, and I can't even see his body.

"Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!" The first word that the trust can think of is nothing else, but this. But how can the trust allow the prey to run away? The trust desperately exerts its potential, and its speed is getting faster and faster. However, there is still a big gap from Ming, and Ming has arrived at his destination safely. Suddenly, Ming's hands suddenly shook away. Countless transparent silk threads are all wrapped in this gravel pile, which is extremely strange.

Every piece of gravel is almost as big as ten watermelons, which is frightening. At this time, the trust has already arrived. Trust looked at the embarrassed look and snorted coldly, "Don't survive." But Ming raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said in a slightly indifferent tone, "Then let's start." In an instant, a huge gravel pile in a state of equilibrium. However, at this time, the balance was destroyed by the underworld, and countless gravel seemed to be controlled.

Crazy rushing towards the trust, as if you look carefully. Each piece of gravel has a silk thread inserted into the rock, and this sudden attack caught the trust very unprepared. Only the rocks that can try their best to solve these problems, but the number of these rocks is too many. It can't be completely destroyed in a short time, and the annoyed trust is finally going to use their own cards.

He snorted coldly and bit his fingers. The blood stuck directly to your long light blue whip, and at this time, the light blue whip in the trust's hand seems to be alive. Dancing in the void out of thin air, an unbelievable scene appeared. A two-horned and ferocious-faced python monster appeared in front of everyone. The long light blue whip disappeared without knowing anything. To be precise, the long light blue whip turned into this ferocious-faced python monster.

The monster roared, and the whole jungle seemed to be silent. Ming looked at the scene in front of him with a cold sweat on his forehead, and Ming felt that he was forced to a dead end. The bloody sickle is not in his hand, and the only thing he can rely on is the light blue gloves in his hand. Ming took a deep breath, but at this time, the monster was moving his big head. After carefully observing the monster, he found the two horns on his head.

One yellow, one blue. There is no doubt that this monster is a real ice rock python. However, this ice rock python is really a little unusual, and it can be observed by careful observation. Both the body shape and the depth of the double-angle color are much larger and deeper than ordinary icestone pythons. At this time, the ice rock python spit out a huge ice ball at will. The ice hockey is extremely huge and gallops towards the underworld at a very fast speed.

He took a deep breath and had no intention of retreating at all. The whole person suddenly rushed forward, and Ming's behavior caused the audience to look extremely surprised. This guy is crazy!" Looking for a short circuit!" Crazy! Definitely a madman!" Ordinary people naturally want to leave when they encounter such a big hockey. There, like the underworld, the whole person rushed up directly, ready to have a close contact with this huge ice hockey. What is this crazy person?

And he is not crazy, at this time when the ice hockey is about to be in close contact with him. Ming's hands clung to the huge ice hockey, and a strange scene happened. The size of the ice hockey gradually became smaller, and soon the ice ball had disappeared. However, there was a sneer at the corner of Ming's mouth, and there was a light blue long gun in Ming's right hand. And this long gun is full of endless ice elements, which is condensed by the power of the ice ball.

No nonsense, just take a deep breath. Bend over and stretch your right hand back to accumulate strength! After a long period of power accumulation, the last light blue spear was suddenly thrown out by Ming's right hand. The light blue gun rotated rapidly and could even hear a harsh sound of rubbing through the air.