Book of the Devil

314, don't allow

Gradually, he felt that the use of the power in his body was becoming more and more familiar, as if he had this power, and it was not the power forcibly given to him by the remnant soul at all. The scarlet balls were ruthlessly smashed into pieces with a sickle, and the man gradually felt a little uneasy. Suddenly, he took a deep breath. The right palm was wrapped in a thin light blue mist, and it came behind Ming almost instantly like lightning.

The pace is like a ghost, and the speed is amazing. Not only the speed, but also its pace is silent. He instinctively retreated and escaped this guy's fatal blow. And the man's attack had already taken action, and the light blue mist of his right palm suddenly turned into a wave blade and rushed to the underworld. Ming snorted coldly and did not retreat but made progress. The sickle was as if alive, fighting with the countless light blue wave blades. Underworld, embarrassed, the man is as indifferent as nature.

The whirlpool, the light blue mist of the man's right palm formed a small whirlpool. This whirlpool is like a whirlpool of countless stars in the starry sky. At a glance, people are reluctant to take back their eyes. Ming was also attracted when he saw the light blue whirlpool, and at this time, the voice of the remnant soul sounded like thunder: "Be careful, it's an illusion. You must fight quickly, otherwise you will have to die. Gather all the forces together and fight with this guy, and maybe there will be a glimmer of life.

The guy snorted coldly: "It's just a dying struggle." After saying that, the light blue misty whirlpool of his right hand spread rapidly. The scope of the whirlpool is getting wider and wider, and an unbelievable scene appeared. The whirlpool actually covered the whole dark sky, which was amazing. In a short period of time, it is impossible to determine how large the whirlpool is. But Ming only felt his heart tremble violently. Is it an illusion? Think so.

Knowing that there was no time to delay himself, he slowly pulled out the mysterious power in his body. This power is pale and pure and frightening. Ming did not use this bloody sickle and directly put the bloody sickle in his mind. Because he knew that the decisive battle began at this time. Without a trace of reservation, he crazily extracted the mysterious power in his body. The pale white power slowly appeared in Ming's right hand, initially in the shape of pale white **.

What's strange is that this pale white** has just appeared. The inexplicable fear disappeared at a very fast speed, as if the fear had never existed at all. Strange, extremely weird. At this time, with a muffled hum, the pale ** condensed together almost instantly. A white sword about one person's height was held tightly in his hand, like the wind. All the forces, all the forces are gathered at a point.

He rushed straight to the guy, the guy who regarded himself as a chess piece. There has never been such a peak in the mind, and the pale white sword seems to contain terrible energy fluctuations. The man looked at the approaching Ming in front of him in disbelief, when he looked at the sword. He said unbelievablily, "Impossible, impossible. You actually integrated this thing and handed it over to him, you madman, madman. Do you want to die together? Bastard!"

The remnant soul sneered and roared loudly, "The reason you planted has berries at this time. Even if I die, how happy I am to die with you." After saying that, Ming was surprised to find that the pale white sword in his hand shook slightly. Suddenly, the blood-red ripples filled the whole sword body. The most incredible scene was found, and the bloody ripples were like a hot soldering iron. It emitted a strange red light, but the remnant soul was integrated into the sword like the wind.

The body of the remnant soul was burned by the iron-like blood ripples, and the body disappeared little by little. There is no pain on the face of this remnant soul, but only infinite pleasure, the pleasure generated after revenge. At this time, Ming's right hand waved the sword in his hand uncontrollably. The long sword was thrown out like a meteor, with a straight flight route. The whole space fluctuated, like the end of the world, and the earth shook, which was so horrible.

The sword flashes and is coming. That high-ranking guy has only decadent and fear. I can't avoid it. I can't avoid it at all. This sword has locked itself, no accident! The sword pierced the guy's heart directly, and the man did not even scream and the whole person turned into ashes. But the sword exploded after killing this guy.

At this time, the whole spiritual realm shook violently. The landslide and the earth are cracked, which can only be described by these four words. The whole space was disappearing at a very fast speed, but Ming suddenly found that the long sword had burst. Countless things poured into my mind. Because of these miscellaneous things, I fell into a coma.

For a long time, when Ming woke up from a coma. With his hands clenched into fists, the whole person stood straight in place, looking at the sky indifferently. He muttered, "The last thing was finally settled, and there was only one thing left. Go to the famous world, and the virtual world will bring my mother back to life. Finally, we have reached this point. My mother, even if God wants to take your life, I won't let you! Don't let it! Don't let it!"

The last two words sound like echoes in the whole quiet space. The spiritual realm has long been dilapidated, full of magma, gravel, and cracks. And those miscellaneous things in the dark mind and other things are not important. The most important thing is how to go to the virtual world and how to resurrect your mother. The remnant soul is also a good person, giving all the most important things to his memory.

When Ming knew that he could still resurrect his mother, his whole heart was full of excitement. However, Ming looked at the sky and muttered, "This time I want to touch your bones, my mother, but I will definitely succeed and will definitely wake you up from your long sleep. If the sky blocks me, I will kill the sky. If people stop me, I will kill people.

At this time, Dith didn't know where she got out. With lemon-flavored candy in his mouth, he tilted his cute little head and asked, "Bad guy, where shall we go next?" The corners of Ming's mouth raised slightly and said, "My birthplace is Hitling City. Really, I haven't been back for a long time. He said this sentence as if he was sentimental and sighing.