The wicked have their own wicked grinding

032 Things are difficult

The couple discussed all night. The next morning, Sun Jingbang went to find the man, and Lin Yarong went to Qinyuan to see the old lady.

It's definitely not easy to convince the old lady. Although Lin Yarong doesn't mind pretending to be a villain, it's not a good thing to blindly match her mother-in-law. However, she also knows that it is even more difficult for Sun Jingbang to persuade her mother-in-law, so she can only pretend to be this evil woman.

The old lady got up early. When Lin Yarong entered the house, the old lady had just had breakfast. As soon as she saw her, the old lady thought she had come up with something good and hurriedly sent out the servants in the room. The old lady asked urgently, "What good methods have you thought of?"

In fact, there are many ways for a woman to get rid of the child in her stomach, but those methods are unruly tricks, which often damage the mother's body, and some tiger and wolf strong drugs can kill people if they are not careful. Mrs. Sun's idea of Lin Yarong is nothing more than thinking that she has seen a lot in the palace, or there is any good way to remove the child without hurting Sun Liyun's body.

With a smile on her face, Lin Yarong approached and whispered, "I knew a woman in the palace, but she also had some means. Just a few years ago, she returned to her hometown, and the woman lived near Tiliang City. I also have some friendship with that woman. As long as I give enough money, I will definitely get Liyun through this matter. It's just..." She paused slightly and looked at the old lady and asked again, "Mom, can you figure out whether the child in Liyun's belly will remain or not?"

staring at her, the old lady said firmly, "Of course, that evil seed can't be left. Not to mention Liyun's women's morality, even the face of the Sun family can't be damaged by this matter. Is that woman reliable and her mouth is firm?

"The person I introduced is naturally credible and reliable. Don't worry, if the woman's mouth is not tight, she will not be able to leave the palace safely because of the things she used to do in the palace."

Seeing Lin Yarong's repeatedly promise, the old lady did not doubt much. After thinking about it for a while, the old lady said, "This matter should be done quickly, otherwise in a few days, Liyun's stomach will not be hidden."

Lin Yarong nodded quickly: "Originally, my husband and I meant to let Liyun go back to Moxi after a while. Now that this happened, I think it's better to let Liyun go to the countryside first to live in a day or two, to avoid the sight of the crowd, and secondly, to let the woman see the situation first and set a date to solve the matter earlier."

The old lady hummed, but her face was a little bad. In the final analysis, the old lady still cared about her daughter, but it was unreasonable to say that Sun Liyun and Hongxing came out of the wall.

Seeing that the old lady's face was pale and pale, she couldn't help wandering in hesitation. Lin Yarong was afraid that the old lady would come up with some strange way and said quickly, "Mom, I'll go to see Liyun first. Yesterday, I saw that her look was a little bad, and I also persuaded her." Yesterday's situation, even if there was no need to ask, Lin Yarong also knew that before she went to Baiyuan, the old lady and Sun Liyun had already quarreled.

Hearing that she was going to Baiyuan, the old lady said a little tiredly, "Go and talk to Liyun. Although I'm sorry for her, it's also for her good. Her life still has a long way to go. One day, she will understand."

For a moment, Lin Yarong didn't say anything and sat for a while and silently withdrew from Qinyuan.

When I went to Baiyuan, I happened to see a girl holding a bowl of medicine to enter the room. Lin Yarong asked, "What is this?"

"If you go back to Madam, this is a soup to refresh your mind and invigorate your qi."

Lin Yarong reached out and picked up the medicine bowl and smelled it. Then she frowned and asked, "What's in it?"

The little girl blinked and nodded quickly: "Yes, madam also knows pharmacologicals?"

Lin Yarong didn't say anything, and her face looked thoughtful. She followed the green butterfly behind her and took the plate from the little girl's hand and whispered, "Sister, I'll do it." Although the little girl felt unright, when she saw Lin Yarong's face, she obediently handed the plate to the green butterfly.

Wait for the little girl to go far away, Lin Yarong whispered, "Find a place to deal with this bowl."

The green butterfly gave a sound and walked around the backyard with the medicine. After a while, the green butterfly turned back and nodded gently to Lin Yarong, and the latter smiled with satisfaction and lifted the curtain into Sun Liyun's room.

As soon as she entered the room, Lin Yarong felt dark and stuffy. Looking up, the windows on both sides were closed to death, while Sun Liyun seemed to be still sleeping, and the mantle in front of the bed was all put down.


Lin Yarong called softly and motioned Green Butterfly to open the window first. She felt that she was almost out of breath.

After a long time, I heard a weak voice coming from behind the mantle: "Is it... sister-in-law?"

Hearing that Sun Liyun's voice was weak, Lin Yarong's heart moved and suddenly came forward to lift the mantle vigorously. She saw Sun Liyun curled up in ** in thin clothes, her hair scattered and her face turned white.

"Liyun, you...what are you?" Sun Liyun's appearance scared Lin Yarong. She quickly reached forward to explore Sun Liyun's forehead. After a while, Lin Yarong took a long breath. Fortunately, she didn't have a cold, fever and illness. It seemed that she was just in a bad mood, which caused her to look uneasy.

Let Ludie go outside the house to guard. Lin Yarong poured hot water and carefully helped Sun Liyun up and fed a few mouthfuls of water. Then she sighed, "Liyun, even if it's not for yourself, you have to think about the child in your belly."

Two lines of tears slowly slipped from the corners of Sun Liyun's eyes. After a while, Sun Liyun choked and said, "Sister-in-law, mother won't let me give birth to the child. Now that I'm like this, I can't go anywhere. Since you can't protect this child, it's better to die."

Lin Yarong couldn't help but feel sad. She thought that if Sun Liyun hadn't had been too hard in Moxi, she wouldn't have escaped, let alone met the scar man on the road and ruined her innocence.

Pulling up the quilt for Sun Liyun, Lin Yarong comforted him, "My mother disagrees, but this child is yours. Only you can decide whether to keep the child or not. Let me ask you, do you want this child?"

Sun Liyun was stunned and looked up at Lin Yarong with an unclear look.

Lin Yarong asked again, "To be honest with me, if you want this child, I have my own way to keep your mother and son safe."

This time, Sun Liyun finally understood Lin Yarong's words. Sun Liyun's eyes lit up, grabbed Lin Yarong's hand tightly, and couldn't help asking, "Sister-in-law, is that true? Can I really keep my child?"

Lin Yarong nodded vigorously and waited for Sun Liyun to calm down. She asked in a low voice, "Liyun, does the scar-faced man know that you are pregnant with a child?"

Ah? Sister-in-law,"

Seeing Sun Liyun's face was shocked, her face was sweet, resentful and more uneasy. After a long time, Sun Liyun suddenly said, "Sister-in-law, this is none of his business. I just want the child to be safe."

Hearing this, Lin Yarong was angry and funny: "This hasn't led the door yet. Is it protected like this? Liyun, don't hide it from me. Since I know about the scar-faced man, I'm afraid your eldest brother has found the man by now.

As soon as Sun Jingbang learned about it, Sun Liyun couldn't help panicking. She was afraid that Sun Liyun would be too excited to hurt the fetus. Lin Yarong hurriedly said, "Don't worry. Although your eldest brother is angry with you, he won't do anything to that man. Your eldest brother just wants to help you get justice. If you and him are truly in love, your eldest brother will naturally make the decision to let you finally get married. If that man just wants to play, your eldest brother, the town general, is not in vain.

"Brother-in-law, call my eldest brother back quickly. He... Yunling... Well, it's actually me. I don't want to make Yunling embarrassed."

Yunling? Lin Yarong finally knows the name of the scar-faced man. Seeing Sun Liyun's anxious and shocked look, Lin Yarong probably guessed what was going on. With a slight smile on the corners of her mouth, Lin Yarong said, "Stupid girl, don't worry, Yun Ling will definitely pick you up."

How could Sun Liyun not be in a hurry, but she didn't panic at all when she saw Lin Yarong. Thinking of Lin Yarong's previous promise, Sun Liyun had to sigh gently and said nothing more.

Lin Yarong couldn't bear to make Sun Liyun worry too much, so she told Sun Liyun what she discussed with Sun Jingbang last night.

Finally, Lin Yarong said, "You absolutely can't go back to Moxi. Wei Anjie can't protect himself now. If the Wei family knows that you have a child, even if they know it's not Wei Anjie's seed, they will definitely bite to death and believe that you are the children of the Wei family. What happened a few days ago, I think you also know what's going on, and now Only that scar face can protect your safety.

Sun Liyun's eyes darkened and said with some regret, "I caused trouble for my eldest brother. Now I... What face do I have to face the eldest brother again?"

Gently patted her hand, and Lin Yarong comforted him, "Don't say these words. Your eldest brother just wants you to live a good life. Your mother and those trivial things outside will be handed over to us. You should relax and take good care of yourself."

Sun Liyun nodded.

Lin Yarong couldn't help asking again, "By the way, who is Yunling?" Isn't it awesome?"

Sun Liyun's face turned red and whispered for a long time, "I only know that his martial arts are very high, and dozens of men can't get close to him. I heard that he has a nickname called 'Bailixue' on the world, and I don't know what it means."


Lin Yarong's expression couldn't help but change when she heard that the scar-faced man was called "Bailixue". As early as when she heard Sun Liyun mention the word "Yunling", she should have thought that Yunling Langyunling, the first person in the underworld, is not "Bailixue" but "hundred-mile blood".

How did Sun Liyun provoke that devil? Looking at Sun Liyun with a strange look, Lin Yarong couldn't help sighing that Sun Jingbang would not give Sun Liyun to a murderous demon.

It's really difficult.