The wicked have their own wicked grinding

062 come and no return, kill


Lin Qingwei was really happy to see her sister, but she also knew that this was the gate of Sun's mansion. She just shouted softly and stopped talking. People who didn't know it thought she was a little lady.

Looking at Lin Qingwei's hand quietly, Lin Yarong recruited her younger siblings to enter the door and went back to Qingyuan to clean up a little. Lin Yarong led people to Qinyuan to greet the old lady.

The old lady was a little unhappy. She said a few words and asked Shihua to take two purses and handed them to Lin Shaoteng and Lin Qingwei to send them out.

"How are you these days?" Back in the Qingyuan, Lin Yarong asked the girl to go down to prepare for feeding.

"My mother is fine. I haven't been sick these days."

Lin Shaoteng answered smoothly. Lin Yarong didn't ask how they knew that she went back to Liang today and pulled her little sister. Lin Yarong looked at her hand and asked, "What's going on?"

Lin Qingwei made a face, but refused to speak.

As soon as she saw her twisted look, Lin Yarong said angrily, "Is it a fight with the children in the village or a wound from climbing a tree?"

Lin Shaoteng laughed a few times: "It fell while climbing the tree with several hairy children in Shangcun, but it just scratched the skin, and nothing else. My mother has already scolded her."

Lin Yarong also had a headache with her little sister. She was as wild as a boy. When she heard that the wound on Lin Qingwei's hand was accidentally scratched while playing, Lin Yarong was not sad at all.

"Yes, sister, how is Liu Xiaoer recently?"

Let the green butterfly bring some cakes, and Lin Yarong took a piece of steak and stuffed it to Lin Qingwei.

"I met a doctor on Siming Mountain. Liu Ping took a few pairs of medicine, and his body and bones are much better than before. By the beginning of next spring, he will definitely be fine."

Hearing that Liu Ping was fine, Lin Shaoteng also looked happy: "That's great. My mother must be happy to hear this news. My mother has been worried about Liu Xiaoer these days." Seeing Lvdie out of the room, Lin Shaoteng came over and whispered, "Sister, my family has not been peaceful recently."

"What's wrong?" Lin Yarong saw that Lin Shaoteng looked mysterious.

"I was robbed at home."

Lin Yarong was shocked and was about to ask if she had lost something, but when she saw Lin Shaoteng's look, Lin Yarong vaguely felt that this was not what Lin Shaoteng wanted to say.

Looking at Lin Shaoteng carefully, Lin Yarong suddenly said, "I haven't lost anything at home, right? But there are indeed thieves who have come.

Lin Shaoteng hummed, and Lin Yarong's heart tightened. Sure enough, those people still knew about Liu Ping.

Lin Shaoteng said, "My mother is fine. In my opinion, my mother didn't detect it at all."

"Are you afraid?" Lin Yarong asked, looking at Lin Shaoteng's words, this boy was not timid at all.

After a pause, Lin Shaoteng said, "I was a little scared at first, but after thinking about it, the people we should be afraid of are not those thieves, so there is nothing to worry about."

This is a little reasonable. The so-called righteousness is not afraid of evil, and evil is better than righteousness.

"Sister, my mother and I will leave for Beijing after the Spring Festival. You should take good care of yourself in Tiliang City alone." As the Spring Festival approached, the village was buster than usual. Lin Shaoteng was not afraid of thieves coming to the door again. He faintly noticed something. After seeing Sun Jingbang's demeanor, Lin Shaoteng also began to think about problems like a man.

raised his hand and touched Lin Shaoteng's head. Lin Yarong sighed, "Going to Beijing is no better than at home. You should be careful. Think more about everything and don't be impulsive. No matter what happens, no matter how hard it is, as long as you still have a breath, you will be able to stand up again. I'll leave it to you, mother and little sister. You can take good care of them.

Lin Shaoteng nodded. He planned to go to Beijing on the first day of the New Year. On the one hand, there were few people on the road, and on the other hand, he didn't want Lin Yarong to remember.

Lin Shaoteng and his little sister had dinner, and Lin Yarong sent someone to send them back to Lin'an Village.

At night, sleeping in a familiar **, holding a warm quilt, but thinking of a person in his heart. I don't know what Sun Jingbang is doing at this time, at Ling Cailan or Sun Jingsong?

After thinking nonsense for most of the night, he fell asleep in a daze, but the genius was bright and immediately opened his eyes.

However, as the New Year approaches, Lin Yarong has no spare time to miss Sun Jingbang. After all, the two sons are not in sight, and the only thing the old lady can toss with is her daughter-in-law.

On the 28th day, when she got up, Lin Yarong found that her eyelids couldn't help jumping, and there was a place in her heart that was empty and there was no place to live. But before she opened her mouth to ask the maids to come in, she heard Green Lan say happily outside the door, "Madam, are you up? The master is back.

Lin Yarong was stunned for a long time before she reacted suddenly. She jumped out of bed and dressed up at the fastest speed, but as soon as she put her hand on the door bolt, she was inexplicably afraid, as if everything was untrue. Green Lan's words were just her hallucination.

Slowly opened the door and saw a figure coming towards her in the morning light. The high-hanging heart suddenly fell down without any wavering.

In the bright light, Sun Jingbang seemed to have a layer of gold powder on his head. He looked so tall and unreal. I don't know how long it took, Lin Yarong gently called out, "Father."

Response to her deep and hoarse voice: "Yarong, I'm back."

Something wanted to flow out of her eyes and squeezed her mouth. After a while, she timidly stretched out her hand. The real touch from her fingertips made her sigh gently: "Just come back."

Entering the room, the two looked at each other for a while, and then Lin Yarong asked, "How is Brother Song?"

"When I came back, I asked Mr. Ye, saying that as long as you take care of it carefully and don't get contaminated with that thing, you will definitely be fine."

Since Ye Hongqi said that Sun Jingsong was fine, Lin Yarong could finally feel relieved. After a pause, she asked again, "What about the master?" Shouldn't it be all right?"

Sun Jingbang laughed and said, "With Mr. Ye here, can the master be bad?"

Yes, Master Daoyi was injured. The most nervous person is Ye Hongqi. Ye Hongqi's medical skills are first-class. Even if Master Daoyi has only one breath, Ye Hongqi will definitely be saved.

After talking for a while, Lin Yarong still couldn't help saying, "Miss Ling, how is she?" She looked into Sun Jingbang's eyes and did not let go of any expression on his face.

"When I came back, I sent someone to see her. Although I can't walk on the ground yet, it's already good. After a while, I can move freely." Seeing that Lin Yarong was skeptical, Sun Jingbang held her hand on the table. "The second day you went down the mountain, I sent someone to send Miss Ling back to Wufeng Village and hired a mother to take care of her. I haven't seen Miss Ling for more than ten days. If you don't believe it, just ask. Jing Song can testify for me."

Lin Yarong saw that he spoke slowly and smiled calmly: "We are all a family. I don't believe who else can you trust? After two days on the road, you must be tired. I asked someone to bring some hot water. You can wash it first.

After Sun Jingbang returned home, everyone in the house looked happy. Although the old lady was the mistress, the backbone of the family was Sun Jingbang. Only he seemed to have vitality and vitality in the family.

In fact, Sun Jingbang should have returned to Tiliang City the day before yesterday. I don't know why he arrived two days late. Is there something delayed on the road?

After Sun Jingbang took a comfortable bath, the freshly cooked hot porridge was also brought up, but she had not seen him for more than ten days, but Lin Yarong felt that Sun Jingbang had lost a lot of weight, which was inevitably a little distressed.

Waiting for him to eat something, Qinyuan also sent someone to send a message, saying that the old lady had got up and had just had breakfast.

Wipe your mouth and rinse your mouth and clean your hands. Sun Jingbang and Lin Yarong went to Qinyuan to greet the old lady. Entering the room, he saw Sun Jingsong. Lin Yarong looked carefully. Although he was thin, his spirit was much better than before, and his eyes looked brighter than before.

But the old lady didn't think so, but after more than ten days, when she saw that Sun Jingsong had lost a lot of weight, the old lady felt sorry for her little son and thought that Sun Jingbang abused Sun Jingsong on Siming Mountain while she was away.

"A good brother follows you, not to mention big fish and meat. In less than a month, people have almost lost their shape. Jingbang, how do you take care of your brother?" The old lady's tone is not good, and all she said is accusing Sun Jingbang.

Sun Jingbang seemed to have expected such a scene and whispered, "Mom, I didn't dare to abuse Jing Song. This is not following me for a few days, and then my body was weak and diarrhea. If you don't believe it, ask Jing Song whether I didn't give him meat or water to drink?

Sun Jingsong hurriedly answered and said, "Mom, I don't want to go home to see you early. Yesterday, I urged my eldest brother all the way home. At noon, I casually dealt with a few bites at the tea stall. Maybe the tea was not clean. Last night, I went to the toilet several times. It is inevitable that I look a little bad today. It's none of my brother's business."

Seeing that the two brothers sang together, the old lady didn't believe it, but Sun Jingbang's words were all in front, and Sun Jingsong repeatedly assured that if the old lady just didn't let go, she would be embarrassed.

Sun Jingbang said a few words lightly, and the old lady waved her hand impatiently and sent Sun Jingbang back to her yard to rest.

Lin Yarong sat aside and didn't say anything, but she could see clearly that the old lady was obviously cursing, but this was secretly... Who said that the old lady didn't want her son?

Out of Qinyuan, Lin Yarong quickly stopped him when he saw that Sun Jingbang was going to Yunyan Pavilion again.

"What's wrong?" Sun Jingbang asked.

"The person who poisoned Liu Ping went to my house." Lin Yarong said calmly, but every time she thought about it, she was still a little afraid. No matter how righteous Lin Shaoteng said, those people in black don't care about you. If they are really cruel, the old and young of this family will not be slaughtered by others.

Seeing that Sun Jingbang's face changed greatly, Lin Yarong said in a low voice, "I can't see Liu Ping in my house. Those people in black will definitely come to Sun's mansion. I always feel that the people who poisoned Liu Ping are not ordinary thieves. Husband, you should be more careful."

Sun Jingbang snorted coldly: "I know this. You don't have to worry. I have my own plans."

"husband, what are you going to do?"

"Isn't there a saying? Dare to move the earth on Taisui's head and let you come back. Kill."