The wicked have their own wicked grinding

074 Ah, why?

Before dawn, Sun Jingbang dressed neatly and prepared to go to court.

Looking at Lin Yarong and the maids busy, he sighed, "It's still good to mention Liangcheng, at least you can sleep until dawn." It made the green butterfly laugh secretly.

In recent years, Sun Jingbang has been far away from the imperial court. It is indeed a little uncomfortable to get up and enter the palace these three days.

Help him sort out his imperial uniform, Lin Yarong suppressed her smile: "Okay, okay, I know you have worked hard, just go out quickly if you eat something. On the first day of the court, you can't go too late.

Sun Jingbang sighed helplessly, but he still listened to her and took Xu Ming into the palace in a sedan chair after drinking some hot porridge.

"Madam, it's still early. Go back and sleep for a while." At this time, the sky is not yet bright, and the night dew in early spring is slightly cool.

Lin Yarong shook his head: "I can't sleep. Go get some hot water. I want to take a bath."

I was going to take a bath early in the morning. Although Green Butterfly felt strange, she didn't ask anything. She hurriedly arranged for the little maid to go to the kitchen for hot water.

"Where's the old lady?" Let the maid hold the screen, Lin Yarong asked.

"I just sent someone to have a look, but the old lady hasn't got up yet. However, I heard from the mother of the vigil that the old lady didn't sleep well last night. Green Lan sprinkled some refreshing dew into the basin and reached out to test the water temperature. "Madam, the water is ready."

Hearing that the old lady didn't sleep well, Lin Yarong couldn't help worrying: "Is there something wrong with the old lady?" Yesterday, the old lady didn't let them and his wife accompany them to dinner. From yesterday to this morning, Lin Yarong had not seen the old lady.

Green Butterfly shook her head: "I don't think so. Yesterday afternoon, the old lady changed her clothes and went out. When she came back, she didn't see anything wrong with the old lady. In the eyes of the maidservant, I'm afraid it's a bed.

When she is old, it is inevitable that she will recognize her bed. In fact, she didn't sleep well last night.

After thinking about it, Lin Yarong also felt that she might be a little too worried and asked Lvdie to send someone to the old lady's yard again. She took off her clothes and soaked herself in the water. Then she breathed a long breath.

I don't know why I'm back to Beijing for no reason. It always feels tired, as if every step I take, I have to work harder, more carefully and more carefully than usual. But this is only the first day. Not only is Sun Jingbang uncomfortable, but also Lin Yarong feels that she is a little wrong.

And it's more disturbing that you can't see the way forward.

Lin Yarong couldn't help sighing. This life is really annoying.

In the near, Lin Yarong went to see the old lady.

"Mom, are you all right?" Looking at the old lady's look, it doesn't seem uncomfortable.

He asked if he was fine. The old lady was very surprised: "I'm fine. What do you mean by this?"

"I heard from the mother of the vigil that you didn't sleep well last night. I'm worried that you are not feeling well. Would you like to ask a doctor to have a look?"

The old lady said, "It's okay. I just recognize the bed. Hasn't Jingbang come back yet?"

"It's still early. Besides, today is his first day to go to court. Your Majesty may leave him alone."

In the past, the old lady must have been happy to hear such words, but today the old lady frowned abnormally and looked worried.

Lin Yarong looked at it carefully for a while and boldly asked, "Mom, do you have something on your mind?"

After a while, the old lady shook her head: "It's nothing. I've been away from the capital for a long time. Yesterday, I went to see an old sister and talked about some gossip. It's okay."

Lin Yarong, the old lady's character, has always understood that the more she says nothing, the more things will happen.

Lin Yarong's heart moved. Did the old lady want to be young for Sun Jingbang again?

Most of the people who have friends with old ladies are wives from large families in Beijing. Now they are all old and their families are also full of children and grandchildren. People like Lin Yarong and Sun Jingbang who are not young and have children basically can't find a second family. Even if others don't say anything, I'm afraid that the old lady will more or less mind when she sees that other people's families are three generations of grandparents and grandchildren.

Lin Yarong dares not take this stubble at this time. If she makes the old lady unhappy, she will definitely be scolded again.

I was about to find some excuse to say this, but I didn't want the old lady to suddenly ask her, "by the way, is my mother-in-law coming to see you today? I heard from my servants yesterday that Jingbang sent someone to Pingcangfang to see your brother and said that his family was fine. When your mother-in-law comes, you should say hello. I have an appointment today, and I may come back home later. I'll visit your mother another day."

The old lady came back to Beijing, but she was busier than the couple. Lin Yarong asked, "Mom, where are you going later?"

"It's just to see the old sisters, and I don't go anywhere."

When Lin Yarong saw that the old lady's words seemed to cover something, she couldn't help but have some doubts. Shouldn't the old lady cause any trouble again?

smiled, but Lin Yarong said nothing. After sitting for a while, the old lady sent her away.

When she came out of the old lady's room, Lin Yarong wanted to see Ling Cailan, but after thinking about it, she finally returned to her yard.

"How are you today, Miss Ling?"

Green Butterfly answered, "It's already ready to walk around, but the girl waiting in the room said that Miss Ling has a bad appetite these days and basically doesn't eat anything."

Lin Yarong knows about this. It seems that Ling Cailan has been worried since Sun Jingbang said that he wanted to recognize Ling Cailan as her sister.

With a gentle sigh, Lin Yarong ordered, "Let the kitchen pay more attention. Miss Ling's leg injury hasn't healed yet, so she can't get sick anymore." That's all Lin Yarong can do. In fact, it is necessary to untie the bell. I'm afraid only Sun Jingbang can solve Ling Cailan's mind.


Qin came after noon.

"Sister, this marquis's mansion is really big." Lin Shaoteng held Lin Qingwei, and it seemed that both of them could not see enough.

Lin Yarong supported the Qin family and said with a smile, "If you like it, stay here for a few days. You can see it no matter what you want."

Lin Qingwei put her arms around Lin Shaoteng's neck and couldn't help shaking her head: "Sister, I can't. If we stay, people will laugh at you.

Lin Yarong was stunned. What did the little sister say?

Qin laughed: "Don't be angry. This child doesn't know where to hear some messy things. He only knows how to play all day."

Hearing this, Lin Yarong was still unhappy. Looking at Lin Qingwei, she said with a serious look, "Little sister, didn't you go to the college to study? Is that how the doctor taught you? If you don't study serious things well, you will only listen to other people's nonsense.

Lin Qingwei smiled and made a grimace at Lin Yarong, looking like a little ghost.

Lin Shaoteng put Lin Qingwei on the ground: "Sister, my little sister is more naughty now than before. You have to deal with her well."

Lin Shaoteng didn't say it's okay. Lin Qingwei looked even more proud and clenched her fist to compare with Lin Shaoteng.

Lin Yarong looked at it, and her face gradually became uneasy.

When the family entered the house, Lin Yarong asked the maid to bring hot tea and desserts, and then sent out the unaffaired people.

"Mom, is it convenient for you to live in the warehouse?"

In fact, Pingcangfang is not too far from Pingjingfang, and it only takes half an hour to get there by horse-drawn carriage.

Qin ate a piece of almond crisp: "It's good. The yard you arranged is not only clean but also quiet. Not only me, but also my little sister really likes it. I have inquired about it. There are white houses around the yard, and the neighbors are also warm-hearted. Don't worry.

Lin Yarong smiled and said, "Although there are no rich and noble families in Pingcangfang, they are all local people. Everyone knows the root of it, but nothing will happen. Earlier, my husband meant to ask you to move to the marquis's house first, but it was not appropriate, so I also refused at that time. Now that I have moved to Beijing, you and Shaoteng will move in and live with us, so that we can take care of each other.

But Qin shook his head: "No, no, this won't work. What's the matter with the three of us living in your mother-in-law's house?


It's hard for Lin Yarong to say clearly. At present, the situation in Beijing is unknown. Lin Yarong still hopes that her mother can live with her. In case something really happens, she can also take care of her family.

But Qin's attitude was very persistent, and even Lin Shaoteng said aside, "Yes, sister, I know it's good for your family. But this is not suitable after all. My brother-in-law will definitely not say anything, but the question is what do people outside think of you? Say you took advantage of your mother's family?"

Lin Yarong was dumb for a moment.

"Sister, I heard that you went to the palace yesterday?" Lin Shaoteng suddenly asked.

Lin Yarong raised his eyebrows: "Where did you hear about it?"

Lin Shaoteng laughed and said, "Sister, don't care where I heard it. Have you really seen Your Majesty?"

Seeing that Qin was also curious, Lin Yarong nodded helplessly: "As soon as I arrived at the gate yesterday, I was summoned into the palace by the queen."

"What can I do for you?" Qin suddenly became very worried again.

"It's nothing, that is to say, you miss me a little. After all, I also served the queen in the palace for several years.

"It seems that the Empress is also a nostalgic person." When Qin heard this, he felt a little emotion.

Lin Yarong smiled and said, "Isn't it? I just said a few words to the queen and came back. What she said is not painful or itchy, but if she doesn't say so, I'm afraid Qin will be worried again.

Asked Lin Shaoteng how he was doing recently, Lin Shaoteng said, "I went to the school and posted a post. Learning made me study hard and told me not to worry too much."

Lin Yarong nodded: "You can read at ease. By the way, if anyone wants you to worship as a teacher these days, you should pay attention. It's better not to agree.


Lin Shaoteng obviously didn't understand what Lin Yarong meant and looked surprised.

In fact, the students who come to Beijing every year hope to worship the senior officials of the dynasty as teachers, which is also a guarantee. After all, if you call a teacher, you always have to give some affection. The most obvious example is Guan Sheng.

Lin Shaoteng immediately reacted after asking. He laughed and said, "With my brother-in-law here, you really don't have to be a teacher."

Lin Yarong stared at him: "I mean, it's better not to let people think that you have anything to do with the marquis."

"Ah, why?"