The wicked have their own wicked grinding

112 Doubt

Do you poison yourself?

Looking at Ye Qiunan, Lin Yarong didn't understand what he meant.

"You mean Ling Cailan poisoned herself?"

Ye Qiunan nodded.

"Only in this way can it seem to explain how the white poison entered the Marquis of Zhenguo, and how Ling Cailan ate it, otherwise everything would be unreasonable. Imagine, wouldn't it be better to deal with the marquis and poison you or the old lady? For the Marquis, Ling Cailan is just an outsider. The more Ye Qiunan thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. However, he thought for a moment and added, "Of course, the premise of all this is that you can find the real murderer. Like a green butterfly.

Green butterfly is a human, and Lin Yarong still believes it. If the green butterfly really poisoned Ling Cailan, I'm afraid it's also for her master. What's more, the green butterfly follows her every day. Where can the little girl get such a poisonous poison?

Ling Cailan really poisoned herself?

Lin Yarong looked up at Ye Qiunan with an unclear look.

Ye Qiunan seemed to understand what she was thinking and smiled: "You also began to have doubts in your heart, didn't you? I thought about it all day yesterday, and I think my statement is completely tenable.

"But why did Ling Cailan poison herself?" Lin Yarong couldn't figure it out, "You know, without the 'Kirin Pearl', she may not be able to survive."

"Yes, I'm also thinking about this problem." Ye Qiunan said, "Only if you realize this point, everything will not be a problem."

Lin Yarong felt that Ye Qiunan seemed to be hinting at her.

It must be admitted that what Ye Qiunan said has some truth. However, Lin Yarong still can't figure out. If the truth is as Ye Qiunan said, then Ling Cailan's bet will be bigger.

Ling Cailan is not such a fool.

Ye Qiunan saw that her eyebrows were tight and endured, and said, "No matter what the truth is, I think you'd better discuss it with the marquis."

Lin Yarong understood what he meant and nodded.

"Anan, please do something."


"Don't let Ling Cailan get well too quickly."

Ye Qiunan looked stunned. What did he say?

"Before I find out the truth, I don't want her to get well too fast. In that case, it will be very troublesome."

Looking at her for a long time, Ye Qiunan suddenly smiled: "Although I don't know what you want to do, but... Don't worry, with me, Ling Cailan will never get well too soon."

"Thank you!"

Lin Yarong wanted to see Ling Cailan, but halfway, the old lady called her away.

"You were not at home yesterday, so I want to discuss something with you." The old lady ordered all the maids in the room to leave.

"Mom, do you want to talk about Liyun and Lang Yunling?"

The old lady said, "Yes, no matter what happened between Liyun and the Wei family in the past, now that they have children, even if they don't think about adults, they should consider the children in the future. I want to find a good day for the two of them to get things done.

Lin Yarong nodded: "This is a big deal, but you have to calculate it well. You can't wrong Liyun."

I didn't want to, but the old lady sighed: "I also wanted to do it for her well, but...but..."

Seeing the old lady's embarrassed look, Lin Yarong didn't understand, but after thinking about it carefully, she understood why the old lady was so difficult to speak.

"Mom, I understand what you mean. Even if Liyun left the Wei family, her previous identity is still there. In addition, she was not clear when she followed Lang Yunling. If others know, there must be some gossip. In that case, it may have an impact not only on Liyun, but also on the marquis and the marquis of our town. However, I always feel sorry for Liyun for letting them do the marriage silently. Marriage is the most important moment in a woman's life, and I don't want Liyun to have any regrets.

The old lady sighed again: "Seeing Liyun so happy now, I also hope that Liyun can get married happily this time. But...but there are some things you don't understand."

Lin Yarong really didn't know what the old lady was thinking about. She pecked it and said, "Mom, if you don't do this, I'll discuss it with the marquis to see what Liyun will do about this matter."

The old lady nodded: "That's fine, then you and Jingbang should make a decision earlier. By the way, is Cailan better?

"When I went to see her yesterday, although she was awake, she didn't seem to be in good spirits. There is no blood color on his face, and he looks very weak. No matter how good Ling Cailan is, the poison in her is really domineering and she is really lucky to survive.

Hearing that Ling Cailan was fine, the old lady Changsu breathed: "Anyway, it's always good to save a life. These days, you should look more at Gu Cailan.


"Do you know who poisoned it?"

Lin Yarong shook her head: "I'm not sure. Anyway... Anyway, it won't be poisoned by the girl Green Butterfly." Fearing that the old lady would misunderstand, Lin Yarong put the words first.

The old lady raised her eyebrows: "No matter who it is, you must find that person. Good people can also be poisoned in the house. If this spreads, it won't make people laugh at us. Now Liyun and Duoduo live in the house. I'm not sure if I don't find that person.

Not to mention that the old lady is worried, no one in this house will be worried.

Lin Yarong said, "Mom, don't worry, we will definitely find that person. By the way, what about Liyun and Duoduo?"

"I went out early in the morning." The old lady paused and said, "The child's father came, and Liyun went out with Duoduo and Yunling."

"Then why don't you go out for a walk together?"

The old lady waved her hand and looked unentered: "On this hot day, I don't want to go out to squeeze people. I'm fine. Go and do something."

Lin Yarong nodded, got up and saluted, and exited the old lady's room.

I wanted to go to the account room to check the accounts, but I just walked out of a short distance. Lin Yarong asked, "Where's the marquis?" I didn't see him this morning.

Today, Sun Jingbang can not go to court.

"I went to see the second lady." Green Lan looked around and saw that there was no one around, and then approached Lin Yarong and whispered, "I heard that the second lady has been crying in the room all night recently."

Lin Yarong frowned. What's going on?

Just woke up and cried all night?

"What's going on?"

Green Lan shook her head: "I don't know, no one knows why the second lady cried. The girl who kept vigil asked, but the second lady shook her head in addition to shaking her head. Therefore, early this morning, the housekeeper came to see the marquis. I guess the marquis also went to see the second lady because of this.

Is that so?

What does Ling Cailan cry about?

"Madam, do you want to see Miss 2?" Green Lan asked curiously.

After a while, Lin Yarong shook her head: "No."

Since Sun Jingbang has gone, she doesn't want to get together again. Presumably Ling Cailan would rather see Sun Jingbang than her.

About half an hour later, Sun Jingbang came to the accounting room to find her.

Waving his hand, the green butterfly retreated with all the people.

Looking at Sun Jingbang's face carefully, Lin Yarong asked carefully, "How's Cailan?"

"Not very good."

"I heard that she cried all night last night. Who made her angry again?"

Sun Jingbang looked up at her.

Lin Yarong is puzzled, but...

She suddenly said, "Is it because of me?" Impossible?

Sun Jingbang shook his head: "I'm not sure either. Anyway... she has something on her mind."

Lin Yarong didn't say anything, and she vaguely realized something.

"But there is also good news." Sun Jingbang poured a cup of hot tea and took a sip. "Mr. Ye just came and brought medicine. He said that the poison in Cailan's body had gone away, and he could be fine after careful recuperation."

This is indeed good news.

However, she still said the previous sentence. She doesn't want Ling Cailan to get well too soon.

especially at this time.

After thinking about it, Lin Yarong still asked, "Have you asked her who poisoned her?"

"I asked, but she didn't say anything. I feel..." Sun Jingbang hesitated, "I feel that Cailan is very scared."

Afraid? What are you afraid of? Lin Yarong couldn't figure it out.

She asked, "I cried all night because I was scared?"

"Maybe, after all, she almost died."

Yes, it can be said that it is not saved if it is poisoned like that. Otherwise, if she asks for "Kirin Pearl", I'm afraid Ling Cailan will really die.

She remembered Ye Qiunan's words before.

Lin Yarong is hesitant to talk to Sun Jingbang or not?

After not seeing her talk for a long time, Sun Jingbang looked at her curiously: "You don't look well. What's wrong?"

Looking up at him, um... Has Sun Jingbang lost weight recently?

She decided to tell Sun Jingbang.

Lin Yarong squeezed her mouth: "Will it...will it be that poison... That poison was actually her own?" Lin Yarong hoped that her words did not cause too much trouble to Sun Jingbang. After all, she was just guessing.


But Sun Jingbang was still obviously shocked. He looked at her and said, "Yarong, do you know what you just said?"

It's really hard to say, but she has to say it, and the more she thinks about it, the more she feels that Ye Qiunan is reasonable.

She nodded, and she knew what she was talking about.

She looked at Sun Jingbang and asked, "I just want to know who will poison her, and this is not an ordinary poison. I asked Mr. Ye that the cold poison on Cailan's body is not only difficult to solve, but the preparation is also quite complicated. Such a poison should be very rare, but Cailan was just an orphan girl before entering Beijing. Who will have no right? What about the poisoned orphan girl? Obviously, it doesn't make sense.

"So, do you think she poisoned herself?" Sun Jingbang suddenly laughed.

And Lin Yarong looks solemn.

"Yes, I think so. I think..."

"Is she a fool?" Sun Jingbang interrupted her angrily, "A fool won't talk about his own life, will he?" You also said that it was a deadly poison. What did Cailan do to poison herself? What does she want? Also, how could she, an orphan girl, have such poison? Why don't you think about it?"

Looking at him, Lin Yarong knew that Sun Jingbang was very angry at this time. However, the existence of these problems does not mean that Ling Cailan can't give herself medicine.

Because at present, there is no reason for anyone to poison her except Ling Cailan herself.

However, Lin Yarong decided not to say anything more.

The couple were silent. Lin Yarong didn't want to talk, but Sun Jingbang didn't want to say anything to Lin Yarong.

Fortunately, the housekeeper came in.

"Marquis, madam." Housekeeper, please say hello.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yarong asked.

"The carriage of the eldest prince of Wei Moguo has arrived outside the house. Does the marquis want to see him?"