The wicked have their own wicked grinding

116 She is going to die

Lin Yarong didn't know when she fell asleep. When she woke up, she found that her nose was blocked by something, and she couldn't breathe.

Isn't it cold last night?

She tightened her fur coat and just remembered, but found that half of her body was numb. Last night, I had been curled up in the corner of the cell, with my hands and feet bent. No wonder I felt uncomfortable.

She slowly unfolded her hands and feet until she felt less uncomfortable, and slowly stood up from the ground holding the wall.

What time is it now?

Looking up, I could only see the sparse sunlight coming in from the small window, but I felt much better when I saw the clear sky.

Shouldn't you be able to go out?

Speaking of this, she has no idea at all. It was not a big deal, but she also knew that it was not as simple as she thought. But in any case, she doesn't want to stay in this damn place.

She drank some water, moistened her throat, and then walked around the cell boredly.

A kind of inexplicable irritation was slowly getting pregnant. Lin Yarong could clearly feel the uneasiness, but she didn't pay attention to it and even deliberately didn't want to restrain it. It seems that only in this way can she feel some comfort.

But why is it so quiet in the prison? It was so quiet that there was no sound.

She suddenly walked to the prison door and shouted, "Is there anyone? Come on, come on!" Her voice was a little hoarse and spread far away in the dark prison, and then a slow aftertling sound came back.

I don't know how long it took she to hear footsteps from a distance, and she felt her heart pounding.

Who is coming?

At this time, she desperately wants to see someone, and she desperately and almost crazily wants to see Sun Jingbang.

The light and heavy footsteps sounded like her heartbeat, again and again.

Will it be Sun Jingbang?

She hopes it's him.

However, when she saw the plain brocade robe embroidered with cloud patterns and dragon ornaments, she frowned and looked extremely unhappy.

"It seems that you are very unhappy to see me." An Wang walked to the prison door with a smile and looked at Lin Yarong with a happy face.

It's not "seems". Lin Yarong is very, very unhappy to see King An.

"Why did the prince come?"

"I came to see you. Lin Yarong, did you sleep well last night? Although it is a little simple here, it is better to live in a large place. It should be very comfortable for you to live alone, right?

looking at the false smile on King An's face, Lin Yarong smiled without anger: "The prince must have fantasized about such a situation many times, right? Lord, do you feel very happy to see me suffer misfortune and be imprisoned? Then, do you think that I should cry and beg you painfully? Please let me go. Please be merciful and don't care about a little woman like me. Lord, do you think so?

The smile on King An's face was a little stiff, and his eyebrows raised slightly. King An smiled and said, "Are you going to ask me now? Unfortunately, it's late. Unless..."

"You dream!"

Before he finished speaking, An Wang's face couldn't help sinking, but when he heard the three words Lin Yarong said, An Wang's gloomy face was covered with dark clouds, staring at Lin Yarong fiercely, looking like he was going to kill people.

"Let me beg you? I would rather die than open my mouth. Looking at King An, Lin Yarong whispered, "Didn't you have known it long ago? How could I be begging you?"

"But..." King An frowned, "A few days, you weren't..."

"What, last time I went to the An Palace, did the prince think I was going to beg you? Lord, you look up to yourself too much. Unlike King An, the smile on Lin Yarong's face has not diminished.

An Wang looked at her and said nothing.

Leaving the prison door, Lin Yarong walked aside. She looked at King An with an unfathomable look on her face.

At this jux, the person who came to see her was not Ye Qiunan or Sun Jingbang, but it was King An. She subconsciously felt uneasy. Didn't things change?

It's really hard to wait for an unknown ending in such a place, but at this time, Lin Yarong can't panic or hurry. She can't let King An see jokes.

"Your Majesty, you are really idle. Don't you have to go to court today?"

An Wang still didn't say anything.

Lin Yarong asked again, "What time is it now?"

"It's almost noon." An Wang Youyou opened his mouth.

Why is it so late? Sun Jingbang should have gone to the palace early in the morning, but why hasn't there been any news? What's going on?

Lin Yarong looked up at King An.

King An's eyes have been staring at her. After a long time, King An narrowed his eyes and said, "Lin Yarong, are you strange why the Marquis of Zhenguo hasn't come yet? Or why hasn't Ye Qiunan come yet? Do you think that you will be fine with the prince and His Majesty here?

Yes, she does think so. Why can't you think so? She didn't kill or commit any crime. Why can't she think about it?

"Oh, it turns out that the prince came to see a good play. But, prince, don't you think you came too early? Or, my lord, do you think I must be fine? The prince is here to fall into the well, isn't he?

Lin Yarong has always been unwilling to be polite to King An. The more King An doesn't like to hear anything, the more she wants to say. Even if she is imprisoned in prison, she can't lose her momentum and let King An laugh.

"Whatever you say, anyway..."

An Wang didn't finish his words and looked at Lin Yarong carefully. He slowly turned away with a smile on the corners of his mouth.

Anyway? Anyway, what?

Even if King An didn't say everything, Lin Yarong can generally guess whether King An wants to say that she will die anyway.

That's what King An should want to say.


Ling Cailan died, but she didn't want to die. No matter who killed Ling Cailan, Lin Yarong had no reason to hand over her life under a trumped-up charge.

Therefore, she can't panic or show weakness. She should calm down and Sun Jingbang will come.

He will definitely come.

However, watching the sunlight leaking in from the small window dim little by little, until the candle was lit in the prison, she still didn't wait for Sun Jingbang to come.

Why didn't you come? Is there something wrong?

The irritation in her heart became heavier and heavier. Lin Yarong frowned uneasily and looked at the other side of the prison door again and again.

What's going on outside now?

Lin Yarong urgently wanted to know everything, but no one told her and no one came to see her.

She took a long breath. What time is it now? Why is this day so hard? In this silent prison, Lin Yarong will always have an inexplicable panic.

Now, she generally understands that she is locked up there. She should be imprisoned in the patriarchal mansion and an internal bodyguard. It's not that there is no one here. In fact, many people are locked up here, but they can't speak.

In the past, when she was a messenger in the palace, Lin Yarong had heard others mention that Dafan made a mistake and entered the eunuch who entered the empress in the patriarch's mansion. The first thing she came in was that her tongue was cut off and her hands were blinded. It was obvious that someone did not want the prisoner to speak and write or even see something that he should not see.

That's why it's so quiet and horrible here.

Lin Yarong felt cold again, and the cold seemed to be cold to the bone and engraved a deep imprint.

She really doesn't like it.

She is going out, and she is leaving here.

There has never been a moment when she was so eager that she could not describe her inner fear and uneasiness at this time. She just wants to leave this cannibal quiet.

Suddenly, a slight sound broke into her ear.

Listeningly, someone came from a distance, and the footsteps were very light, but they were extremely clear in this quiet cell.

It's not Sun Jingbang.

Yes, this is not Sun Jingbang's footsteps. Because Sun Jingbang is lame on one leg, the sound of his walking will be heavier and lighter. At this time, the footsteps Lin Yarong heard were light and thin, like a woman.

Who will come?

She looked up.

"Jiang...Jiang Mei, why is it you?"

I thought about thousands of possibilities, but Lin Yarong never thought that Jiang Mei would come.

Jiang Mei looked at Lin Yarong and didn't say anything, but the look on her face looked uneasy.

Lin Yarong felt something was wrong.

Before she asked the second sentence, a figure suddenly rushed out of the darkness behind Jiang Mei and stretched out her hand. Jiang Mei's eyes turned up and fell softly.

Lin Yarong couldn't help shouting.

"Who are you?"

She looked nervously and uneasily at the man in black outside the prison door. Except for those eyes, the man was covered in a black robe, and could only be seen as a man from her figure.

Lin Yarong stepped back two steps and stared at the man in black.

Is she going to die?

Quiet, restless silence permeates this dead prison.

The man in black looked at Lin Yarong through the prison door and did not move.

And Lin Yarong could only lean against the wall and look at the man in black uneasily. Which immortal did she provoke?

She couldn't help saying, "Who sent you?"

But the response to her was still quiet.

"Are you going to kill me?"

This is the third time she asks. Her inner uneasiness is devouring her whole body. She has a faint feeling, a very bad feeling.

- Shh.

The man in black made a gesture to her.

Lin Yarong couldn't help frowning and her hands were tightly twisted under her sleeves. Looking at Jiang Mei on the ground, she wanted to ask Jiang Mei if she would die, but she didn't dare. And it seems that Jiang Mei seems to know something. No matter what kind of secret Jiang Mei hides, Lin Yarong only knows that Jiang Mei was coerced into entering the prison.

She now understands why Jiang Mei's face has just shown such a panic and hopeless look.

She raised her head.

She has something to ask, but she also knows that the man in black won't tell her anything.

In the distance, there was a noise, and it seemed that someone was shouting something.

The man in black didn't seem to come to kill her.

Through a prison door, she and the man in black have big eyes. Lin Yarong thought that if he wanted to kill her, he would have killed her earlier, but what's the situation now?

No, something is completely wrong.

The sound in the distance gradually became louder and louder, and Lin Yarong finally heard what was shouting outside.

"The water has gone... The water has gone..."

She looked at the man in black.

A silver light suddenly shot out of the hand of the man in black. Lin Yarong only felt a pain in her shoulder, and then she fell down. Before the darkness hit her, the corner of her eyes saw a dazzling red light burning at the other end of the prison.

She finally knew where the fire broke out.

But the darkness has rushed to her.

She is dying!