The wicked have their own wicked grinding

120 not dead

The green butterfly looked up at the old lady.

The old lady's face was gloomy, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and there was a light in her eyes that people couldn't understand.

After half a day, the green butterfly whispered, "I don't know."

The old lady didn't say anything. I don't know how long it took before she whispered, "That child won't do such a stupid thing. I don't believe it."

Sun Jingbang doesn't believe it either.

At this time, he stood in the study and calmly looking at the portrait of Mu Yunyan hanging on the wall.

Xu Ming came in several times and saw Sun Jingbang standing there in the same posture, silent, like a statue, which made Xu Ming worried and puzzled.

There was a slight noise at the gate of the courtyard. Xu Ming turned his head and looked at it. It was Sun Liyun, and Xu Ming hurried to greet him.


Sun Liyun took a look in the study and asked worriedly, "Has the marquis eaten yet?"

Xu Ming shook his head and sighed: "From morning to now, the marquis, not to mention eating, he didn't even take a sip of water."

Sun Liyun listened to this and frowned more tightly. Sun Jingbang can't eat or drink. If it takes a long time, something big will happen. But...

Sun Liyun knows that no matter how much she says, it is useless to persuade those who listen to it if they don't pay attention to it. It's like asking Sun Jingbang not to think about anything else and Lin Yarong now. It's completely impossible.

Sun Jingbang is sad, and everyone knows that no matter how sad he is, no matter how sad he is, the living person will continue to live, and the deceased will only survive in the memory, and then wait for one day to bury everything.

Sun Liyun thought for a moment, whispered Xu Ming a few words, and turned out of the yard.

In a while, the maid brought a bowl of ginseng soup, and Xu Ming carefully sent it into the study.

"Marquis, this ginseng soup was specially cooked by the old lady in the kitchen. Please drink some. If you don't eat or drink anything, what should you do tomorrow? Madam...Madam, tomorrow is the first seven. Anyway, you are indispensable both inside and outside of this house.

I don't know how long it took before Sun Jingbang moved.

He turned his head and looked at the small table beside him. In addition to a bowl of ginseng soup, there was also a plate of dessert - almond crisp, which was Lin Yarong's favorite food.

Sun Jingbang's eyes couldn't help but gloomy.

He walked over slowly, picked up a bowl and drank the right ginseng soup, and then waved his hand to let Xu Ming go out.

The door was gently closed, and the light in the room could not help but dim a little.

Sun Jingbang grabbed a piece of almond crisp and sent it to his mouth, took a bite and chewed it finely. He couldn't help thinking of Lin Yarong's first time entering the study, as if it was yesterday that she told him with a smile that the almonds were sweet and crispy, no matter what they were served. But why is today's almond crisp so bitter?

There was a dull pain in his heart, tearing him away from making him restless. Closing his eyes in pain, the same problem appeared in Sun Jingbang's mind again.

If he insisted on that day, and if he believed in her more that day, maybe Lin Yarong would not have been taken away by King An.

If he doesn't wait until the next day to enter the palace, if his tone is softer in front of His Majesty, maybe he can take Lin Yarong home from the prison before dark.

However, when he pushed open Ling Cailan's door and saw Lin Yarong standing in the pool of blood with scissors in his hand, he hesitated and even doubted. Therefore, he didn't insist any more and trust her any more. When King An took Lin Yarong out of the town, he knew it was unreasonable, but he didn't say anything. At that moment, the uneasiness in his heart made him start to be cowardly, and he didn't even want to look into Lin Yarong's eyes.

However, one step is wrong, but one step is wrong.

Sun Jingbang never expected it, but he hesitated at that moment, but in two days, he and Lin Yarong said goodbye forever.

If he insists on more...

Opening his eyes, Sun Jingbang sighed.

Now everything is false. If there is no repeating, he can't go back to seven days ago or that night. Those things that made him regret devoured his heart over and over again, as if someone took a sharp knife and pierced his heart. The wound was bleeding, but it was not seen by anyone. Only he struggled repeatedly in the silent pain and was never relieved.

Sun Jingbang looked up and saw that Mu Yunyan in the portrait was so beautiful, and the smile at the corners of his mouth seemed to mock him as a fool, and it was his hesitation that hurt the person beside the pillow.

Sun Jingbang couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Yunyan, I'm not only sorry for you, but also for Lin Yarong. If there is still a next life, let me be a cow and a horse to repay your kindness in this life."

A tear slipped from the corner of his eyes and fell to the ground silently.

If there is a future.


The next day, before dawn, just after Yin Zheng, Lin Shaoteng followed Qin into the Zhenguohou Mansion with Lin Qingwei in his arms.

Sun Jingbang came out and shouted with grief: "Mom!"

Qin looked at him for a long time, and then nodded gently: "I want to see Yarong."

Sun Jingbang hesitated and said, "Mom, Yarong's whole body is seriously injured, you..."

"I want to see it." Qin pulled the package in her arms tighter, which contained the dress she had prepared for Lin Yarong overnight. She wanted her daughter to finish the last journey in the skirt she made.

After a pause, Qin said firmly, "No matter how the child was burned, she... she is my daughter."

Speaking later, Qin squeezed his mouth and endured the tears in his eyes. Qin repeatedly said in his heart that he could not cry, and he must not cry today. Although as long as he closed his eyes every few days and nights, he seemed to see Lin Yarong coming back, when he opened his eyes, he realized that it was just a dream, so Qin did not know how many times he cried and how many tears he had shed. But no matter how sad she is, she can't cry today. Today is Lin Yarong's first seven. She can't make her big girl leave uneasy.

After taking a deep breath, Qin said, "Take me to see her!"

I don't know when Ye Hongqi also entered the Marquis's Mansion. She came forward to support the Qin family, and then repeatedly assured Sun Jingbang, "I will accompany Mrs. Lin. If I am there, Mrs. Lin will be fine."

Sun Jingbang sighed. He didn't want Qin to see Lin Yarong for the last time. He was just afraid. If Qin saw Lin Yarong, who could hardly see her original appearance, he didn't know if Qin could hold on.

Ye Hongqi helped Qin to go to the back hall. Sun Jingbang turned his head and looked at Lin Shaoteng: "I'll take my little sister to sleep in the room for a while. It's not dawn yet. Let the child have a good rest."

Lin Shaoteng hummed and then handed Lin Qingwei in his arms to Sun Jingbang.

Waiting to coax Lin Qingwei to fall asleep, Sun Jingbang went out of the house and saw Lin Shaoteng standing in the porch, as if he had something to say to him.


Before Sun Jingbang could speak, Lin Shaoteng shouted first: "Marquis, why did my sister die? I don't believe my sister was burned to death."

Sun Jingbang didn't say anything. At the beginning, he had the same mind as Lin Shaoteng. The heavenly prison, which had always been fine, had a big fire that day, and he also secretly investigated afterwards. The result said that it was not an accident, and someone instructed everything behind his back.

But Sun Jingbang can't tell Lin Shaoteng these words.

After thinking about it, Sun Jingbang said, "These days, the sky is dry and dry, and the guards on the other side of the prison are a little careless at night. The sky is strong and there is only one way out. Yarong is in the innermost, so..."

No matter how reasonable it is, Lin Shaoteng still doesn't believe it.

After a moment of silence, Lin Shaoteng whispered, "Marquis, do you think it's King An..."

Before Lin Shaoteng finished speaking, Sun Jingbang drank him angrily: "You can't say such words indiscriminately. Even if you are unintentionally, if you are heard by someone with intentions, you will not only be punished, but also involve your family. Do you understand?"

Lin Shaoteng was extremely wronged, but he knew that Sun Jingbang was doing it for his own good. Since he knew that Lin Yarong had an accident, Lin Shaoteng had always had an idea in his heart. He firmly believed that Lin Yarong's accident was not an accident. Someone deliberately did it, and the biggest suspect was An Wang. Lin Shaoteng did not forget what King An had done to Lin Yarong. After thinking about it, Lin Shaoteng could only think of King An, because Lin Yarong only had such an enemy as King An.

However, Sun Jingbang's words are not unreasonable. Lin Shaoteng knows that he can't say anything indiscriminately. That's King An, the prince, and the most powerful person in the imperial dynasty. No matter how much he hates it, Lin Shaoteng also knows how much responsibility he has now. The eldest sister is gone. For the sake of the Qin family and the sake of the little sister, he must hold on.

Bite his lips tightly until there was a faint smell of blood in his mouth, and Lin Shaoteng took a long breath.

"Marquis, I know!"

Sun Jingbang looked at Lin Shaoteng with heartache. He knew that Lin Shaoteng was not easy.

The sky was almost dawn, and the intersection of heaven and earth had begun to turn white, but at dawn before the sun was about to rise, the night was so dark and cold. Sun Jingbang looked at the distance, and his heart was boundless cold.

As long as you close your eyes, you can see the figure of the man, so clear and vivid.

He sighed in his heart.

The housekeeper suddenly walked into the yard and walked straight towards him.

Sun Jingbang turned his head and looked.

The housekeeper took a step forward and whispered in his ear, "Marquis, Mr. Ye asked you to go there quickly."

Sun Jingbang couldn't help frowning. Did something happen to the Qin family?

When he came to the wing room on the edge of the back hall and opened the door, he saw Qin sitting in the middle with a stunned expression. However, Ye Hongqi couldn't help walking around the room.

Seeing that Qin did not cry or make trouble or faint, Sun Jingbang was relieved. But he vaguely felt something wrong: "Sir, what's the matter with calling me urgently?"

Ye Hongqi first turned his head to look at Qin, and then whispered, "Marquis, please step back."

Sun Jingbang waved his hand, and all the maids in the room retreated.

Qin looked up at Lin Shaoteng and said, "Shaoteng, you also go out!"

Lin Shaoteng had a worried look on his face. He could see that he wanted to stay, but he just hesitated for a moment and said nothing. He turned out of the room and didn't forget to close the door.

After there were only Qin, Ye Hongqi and Sun Jingbang in the room, Ye Hongqi looked at Qin again, and then said hesitantly, "What should I say... This matter... This matter may be a little complicated and may be unbelievable, but...but..."

Sun Jingbang heard it in the fog, but what?

"If you have something to say, you might as well speak frankly." What on earth makes Ye Hongqi so difficult?

Ye Hongqi suddenly felt a little hard work and squeezed her mouth. Then she looked up at Sun Jingbang and said quickly, "Marquis, you may think it's ridiculous what I'm going to say later, but I have to say that I didn't believe it at the beginning."

Sun Jingbang was also anxious: "Sir, what on earth are you going to say?"

"Marquis, Lin Yarong is not dead!"